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A Vegetarian Dragon…?

In-Fur-Nation - Sun 30 Sep 2018 - 01:53

Another cool thing from San Diego Comic Con. After a successful Kickstarter campaign, the artist Brian Kesinger has released a new art portfolio book called Penned Dragons. “Brian Kesinger’s charming collection of pen-and-ink dragon portraits obliterates winged-serpent stereotypes with its fun and fantastic portrayal of these magnificent creatures at their informal best. There are no cookie-cutter fantasy clichés to be found here… just candid studies of dozens of the world’s most wonderful dragons with their individual personalities on display. An authentic and insightful glimpse into the little-known realities of being a dragon. Characters like Fynlar the Daring, Gorüng the Skittish, and So’kee the Vegetarian will delight readers of all ages.” It’s available now in hardcover from Baby Tattoo Books. (Oh by the way: Brian has a book of mermaid art too!)

image c. 2018 Baby Tattoo Books

Categories: News

Beauty and the Beast King

In-Fur-Nation - Sat 29 Sep 2018 - 01:52

Now from Yen Press we find a new black & white manga series with the descriptive title of Sacrificial Princess & The King of Beasts, written and illustrated by Yu Tomofuji. “A young girl has resigned herself to being he next sacrificial meal for the Beast King…but the king is no mere monster! Love is more than skin-deep in this gorgeous fantasy manga.” Which is available at Amazon.

image c. 2018 Yen Press

Categories: News

Anthem of Our Dying Day

Furry.Today - Fri 28 Sep 2018 - 18:50

Here is a new CheetahSpots music video for #FursuitFriday!
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Golden Boy of the Water World

In-Fur-Nation - Fri 28 Sep 2018 - 01:56

Here’s something else we missed.  Goldfisch is a new-ish black & white manga from TokyoPop. “Say hi to Morrey Gibbs! A fisher-boy in a flooded world overrun with mutated animals known as “anomals”, he’s got more problems than just giant fish to deal with. Namely, how everything he touches turns to gold! Sure it sounds great, but gold underpants aren’t exactly stylish… or comfortable. Together with his otter buddy Otta and new inventor friend Shelly, Morrey’s on a quest to rid himself of his blessing-turned-curse, and try to find a solution for the tragedy he unwittingly caused…” Hardly a complicated plot is it?  Here’s an interesting fact: The artist and writer, Nana Yaa, is from Germany.

image c. 2018 TokyoPop

Categories: News

205 - Snake Football - Patreon: www.drag…

The Dragget Show - Thu 27 Sep 2018 - 22:58

Patreon: Be sure to check our website for all Things Dragget Show! Podcasts, videos, merch and more! Also, don't forget we stream the D&D sessions Sunday at 7pm Central on YouTube! YouTube: 205 - Snake Football - Patreon: www.drag…
Categories: Podcasts

Werewolf Pups

Furry.Today - Thu 27 Sep 2018 - 22:02

Who knew there was a market for Werewolf babies? "What would a werewolf look like… as a baby? That’s the question SFX artist Asia Eriksen has sought to answer in creating a line of life-sized baby werewolves, which she calls WerePups. Each hyper-realistic silicone doll -- 18 inches long at birth -- is handmade in a long and detailed process, coming home clothed and diapered with its own baby blanket and certificate of adoption."
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MAD Magazine and the “Lighter” (?) Side of Furries – guest post by Joe Strike

Dogpatch Press - Thu 27 Sep 2018 - 10:00

Here’s news from Joe Strike – you may have seen his recent piece for Flayrah about “stealth fur.” Joe’s Furry Nation book got a lot of love here. He seems to have a sequel in the works (not sure how much I’m supposed to say, but there may be a chapter from a certain dog’s paw!) Joe saw an article making fun of furs in MAD magazine, and sent this piece. With so much going on in the news, I think it’s a bit refreshing to get gentle joking. Honestly, I want outsiders to just laugh a little while we can be like this… (- Patch)

From graphic designer Chris Piascik (I don’t think he’s a furry… yet. The outfit got us right though.)

MAD Magazine and the “Lighter” (?) Side of Furries

By Joe Strike

NOTE: This article contains a spoiler, if you worry about that sort of thing…

It only took three issues, but the re-launched MAD magazine took note of us in the final chapter of “Boonies Burbs and Burgs,” a short-lived feature charting the travels of three young cousins. If you thought MTV’s Sex 2K or CSI gave us a hard time…hoo boy, you’ve got another fershlugginer thing coming!

MAD articles always begin with an imaginary department heading. If you needed a tip-off, this installment came from the “Let the Fur Fly Department.” The story begins with a mystery: why is one cousin’s surly dad so eager to take the trio to the “Pop-Con” convention? (“A dad can’t do something nice for his rotten kid and his rotten kid’s even rottener cousins?”)* At the bottom of the first page the threesome come face to face with a blobby guy wearing a cow-themed leather get-up, complete with black leather udder. (“This the line for the Leashes ‘n’ Lashes confurence?”) Sure enough, top of the next page shows a female chicken and donkey pair asking, “this the confurence?” and being told by an overweight Darth Vader “Hall F, as in furvert.”

Trouble’s afoot, judging from the animal noises (“MOO…OINK…SQUEE”) coming from Hall F. Finally the wall gives way and an avalanche of fursuiters—giraffes, dragons, kangaroos and more, oh my!—tumble into view. (“Furry orgy tsunami!” a fleeing spectator shouts.) In the final panel a rat in the middle of the furpile removes his head, revealing himself as (SPOILER DEAD AHEAD!) surly dad—the furtive furry is a grumpy greymuzzle! “Today was frickin’ awesome!” he exclaims, wrapping up the tale. Way to go, dad!

It wasn’t hard to track down Bob Fingerman, the story’s artist and writer and give him a piece of my furry mind…

On behalf of all the furries in the world…thanx a lot buddy! (As if CSI wasn’t bad enough.)

We’re coming for you with an adorable pink French poodle suit (with EXTRA sph’s) and a giant size tube of Krazy Glue. Once we suit you up and seal you in we’re gonna drop you in the middle of the skankiest furpile we can find and post all the videos on YouTube for your friends and relatives to enjoy…

Seriously, I laughed my tail off at the comicthanx much for the “kind” attention. BTW not sure if you’re aware that ConFurence was a real thing, the very first furry convention that began in 1989 and ran for a goodly number of years. You can read the “hole” story in my book Furry Nation: The True Story of America’s Most Misunderstood [because of creeps like you] Subculture. Wish I could send you a copy but they go for $18 a pop—cheap!


Bob was cool enough to write back:

Hey Joe.

Thanks for reaching out. I definitely find humor in the Furry phenomenon, but in the MAD strip I think they come off far more lovable than the comic con attendees. They’re just trying to have a good time (and succeeding). Hell, it’s the only time the dad is happy in the strip…thanks for having a sense of humor. Those seem in shorter and shorter supply these days. When we need them most. -Best, Bob

PS: I can look forward, now, to my Facebook wall being inundated with Furry links from looking up your book on Amazon, so consider your “revenge” achieved. Ha ha.

I took another look at Bob’s website – – and saw something I’d overlooked, which necessitated a follow-up email to the guy:

I just noticed the first thing on your website is a cartoon of you…as a rat! Representing yourself as an anthropomorphic animal character makes you a furry, you do realize that? Thanks for making Dad a furry in the strip too, nice to know he and I have something in common.

Unfortunately, in my eagerness to see the world through furry-colored lenses I had misinterpreted the image…

The character on the homepage of my website isn’t me, it’s a character for a graphic novel I didn’t get to do. Probably won’t get to do anytime soon. But follow your bliss, sir.

To which I could only apply by way of apology…

Sorry ’bout that. (I guess the resemblance confused me. ????)

( * All words in bold type are reproduced as they appeared in the magazine.)

Like it says above, Joe Strike is the author of Furry Nation: The True Story of America’s Most Misunderstood [because of creeps like Bob Fingerman!] Subculture. Find out more about this great book at:

Categories: News


In-Fur-Nation - Thu 27 Sep 2018 - 01:57

Okay, follow us here — this has several layers. Stacy Hinojosa is a well-known YouTube personality who has created a popular series of fantasy Minecraft videos called “Dogcraft”, under the name Stacy Plays. Well now, under that same name, she has spun off one of those Minecraft stories into a new fantasy book series, Wild Rescuers, written under the same name. The first book in the series, Guardians of the Taiga, goes like this: “Stacy was raised by wolves. She’s never needed humans to survive and, from what she sees of humans, they’re dangerous and unpredictable. For as long as she can remember, Stacy’s pack of six powerful, playful wolves — Addison, Basil, Everest, Noah, Tucker and Wink — have been her only family.  Together, Stacy’s pack patrols the forest to keep other animals safe, relying on her wits and each wolf’s unique abilities to accomplish risky rescue missions. But as the forest changes and new dangers begin lurking, are Stacy and the wolves prepared for the perils that await them?” The book is available in hardcover now. Harper Collins has more information, as well as an interview video with the author.

image c. 2018 Harper Collins

Categories: News

Petite Faim

Furry.Today - Wed 26 Sep 2018 - 19:54

Ok, this eco-system in these shorts raise so many questions that I just don't know where to begin.
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Don’t Let The General Get You!

In-Fur-Nation - Wed 26 Sep 2018 - 01:54

Lo and behold, it looks as if one of the original anthropomorphic role-playing games is digging into making a come-back. Frog God Games have opened a new Kickstarter campaign to try and bring about the 3rd Edition of the venerable game Bunnies & Burrows. We’ll let them tell you about it: “It’s not easy being a rabbit. Dangers abound in a hostile world of forests, fields, and farms. You and your woodland companions — rabbits and friends of rabbits — are a tough band of protectors and explorers, ready to take on the challenge. This tactical role-playing game views the world from a unique angle, with different goals and approaches than any kind of traditional role-playing game. Rich and complex mechanisms allow you to cover any angle of rabbit life — including war-gaming — if you choose to expand the game beyond the basics of role-playing woodland animals in a world where nature is red in tooth and claw. Frog God Games has partnered with Dr. B. Dennis Sustare and Dr. Scott R. Robinson to return a venerable and influential piece of tabletop role-playing games to print. This tactical role-playing game weighs in at approximately 200 pages of full color adventure in the style of Redwall and Watership Down.” With just under a month to go (as of this writing), they’ve nearly reached their funding goal.

image c. 2018 Frog God Games

Categories: News

204 - Draggets Having Fun??? - Patreon: www.drag…

The Dragget Show - Tue 25 Sep 2018 - 23:30

Patreon: Be sure to check our website for all Things Dragget Show! Podcasts, videos, merch and more! Also, don't forget we stream the D&D sessions Sunday at 7pm Central on YouTube! YouTube: 204 - Draggets Having Fun??? - Patreon: www.drag…
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Trailer: Moosebox

Furry.Today - Tue 25 Sep 2018 - 16:59

This original showed up about 4 years ago [1] looking more pixel art video game than TV show has finally turned up. Now looking more like a tv show and produced for the brand new Nickelodeon South Africa. Here is more direct info including a full animatic here [2]. [1] [2]
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Saturday Night

Furry.Today - Mon 24 Sep 2018 - 22:22

Music video by @mmmatches [1] that does make me wish I went to Furry Migration. "Shot at Furry Migration 2018. A cover of "Say Amen (Saturday Night)" by Panic! At The Disco." [1]
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TigerTails Radio Season 11 Episode 22

TigerTails Radio - Mon 24 Sep 2018 - 16:18
Categories: Podcasts

Zoosadism leaks: possibly the worst story to ever hit fandom.

Dogpatch Press - Mon 24 Sep 2018 - 09:00

Content warning: extreme animal abuse

Since 2010, US states have begun trying to implement registries for abusers. Take action here.

With no fanfare, public attention was riveted by a leak of private data spread by a Twitter account linking to a Telegram channel. It held compiled .rars hosted on Mega, containing chat logs, images and videos exposing years of activity. It was sourced from secretive chat groups connected to furry fandom.

The data implicated a ring of users sharing fetish material of unspeakably sadistic animal abuse. It was graphic evidence of rape, torture and murder of animals for enjoyment. The briefest skim of the Telegram channel was gut-wrenching. Among plain text chats and links, there was a thumbnail of a tied-up dog being raped with a baseball bat. The public response was tremendous shock and disgust.

There’s a list of some of those videos.

I have never once vomited from READING about something, not once has a trigger warning bothered me but this.......this has me crying and gagging among other emotions.....How can people do this and sleep at night????!!!!

????☕Mocha Puppé☕???? (@McBittypaws) September 20, 2018

Most furry stuff is harmless creativity, and Dogpatch Press shares positive news about it. But the site also has an established presence for exposing hidden stories, so I was tagged with some highly followed furry accounts and asked to spread the leak. Essentially I was a “first responder” on the scene. Tips came in immediately before the public was even aware, and people were scared about this coming out. It was the focus of an intense smokescreen and I saw it coming from the start.

As it developed, denial and conspiracy built up a highly sensitive and conflicted story. Evidence came out in pieces, got swiss-cheesed by deletions, then pushed back by dishonesty. Of course anyone personally involved would lie their asses off. But then there were ambulance-chasers and hucksters cashing in on fake “debunking”, and deluded fools manipulated by misplaced loyalty.

The task for anyone looking at this is to try to figure out just what the heck is going on; the size and shape of the network, who was complicit but not inside, who did content sharing but not creation, who was directly responsible for uploading toxic files, and who committed crimes.


If you have information on the Zoosadism Ring, please forward it to myself or @DogpatchPress. Avoid making it public. At this point, posting more leads just reveals more of what we know and gives them time to tie up loose ends! Let the FBI, etc. work!

— Yago Xiten (@YagoXiten) September 24, 2018

Bullshit for views

It’s easy to expose a story when evidence is easily found, but fame and attention totally distorted it in this case. Public awareness went FUBAR when everyone focused on one implicated party, because they were the one with a huge following: Kero the Wolf, with over 100,000 Youtube subscribers. Many others in the leaks got little notice because they had few followers.

Those followers were the base for emotionally-fueled defenses and “stand with Kero” efforts. They focus on a supposed conspiracy by mystery hackers with no discernable motive and extremely convenient timing for what would take magically astronomical labor to pull off.

The most popular defense I looked at reached no insight more profound than “HTML is editable”, missing the fact that evidence of messaging exists server-side inside Telegram, not client-side. Then there was absurd garbage-takes about screenshots having usual .jpg compression as if that showed “editing”. Others tried to shoot down decontextualized fragments – such as how a single video attributed to one person wasn’t him (it actually came from sharing, but not being in all videos wouldn’t clear someone of deep complicity.) These were such reaches, they made things look worse.

There's YouTubers defending Kero who don't even know what HTML log files are...

They're analyzing screenshots of logs instead of the log files themselves.

If you see misinformation, call it out and don't let it spread confusion.

— Chip Foxx ???? (@chipfoxx) September 21, 2018

The story was muddied by defenders having just enough knowledge to be dangerous, and an audience of passionate and impressionable young people. Let’s be clear: the instant contrarian reactions are full of shit, and people are milking them for views and money. If they don’t focus on the animal victims and an undeniable ring of guilt, a decent course is to shut up and perhaps expect those accused to get lawyers instead. And definitely not gain from the attention.

A proper investigation also should avoid depicting any single participant as the number one guy, and explore the other people caught up in it to establish the existence of a network. That would build the tightest story. The bleak alternative is seeing all the bogus denial prevail, fueling fake news and slimy Youtube careerism built on sexually tortured puppies. You couldn’t write satire as pathetic as this cheap, debased idolatry.

Supposedly, someone invented a giant ring to frame one guy? Let’s cut the crap. Attempts to retcon this into a conspiracy are refuted by the breadth and depth of the evidence. The preponderance of it says there isn’t one – just people who got exposed and want it covered up. The heinous things they did must not be denied.

Vid dates PM's discussing meeting in person to 2 years/9months ago. Multiple chat relationships. Other chats line up with tweets, and the chats were made before the tweeted content (using a time machine, or just same owner using Telegram and Twitter? Those werent hacked tweets.)

— Dogpatch Press (@DogpatchPress) September 19, 2018

Issues for investigation

The “real animal” zoophilia line has long blurred the edges of subculture. Stuff like role-play, costuming with consenting adults, rubber fantasy dongs, or enjoying plain TV documentary seem like someone else’s business. I’ve usually left it distinct and needing case-by-case pro handling. I’m not a pro, a cop, a prude, or an outsider. Being an insider to fandom is why I’ve been asked to weigh in with perspective that won’t come from pros.

I’m also not a techie, but spent years of membership with a hackerspace. I sat in the audience at a federal trial and saw how network use hidden by VPN proved a case of hacking with no direct evidence. It’s far-fetched to believe conveniently-timed hacking claims, but you don’t need direct evidence for circumstantially overwhelming proof of participation in a network.

The more time you spend online, the more familiar you may be with the catalog of Nasty Internet Shit, from shock and gore to illegal CP.  I’ve previously covered animal abuse by “RL vore”, plus some meta-narrative about how this stuff circulates:

This story makes a new wrinkle. Necro-zoo and zoosadism/”hardzoo” are words I’d never imagined using in years of writing. (Yeah, it makes me barf, how about you?) I wouldn’t be surprised to see new laws made about legality of such files, like when crush fetish files were outlawed in 2010. It’s that unprecedentedly bad.

But so far sharing files that leaked appears to be legal. I’ll bet last century’s laws haven’t caught up to networks connecting individual abuse cases in scattered jurisdictions. They will get hidden. These networks might also have a lot of passive viewers who may not know of the extreme abuse, and some may be many peoples’ friends, causing conflict of interest about info sharing. So, suppose professional investigation happens, but given the nature of the material and how it came out, it gets stymied by the disinformation, geographic dislocation and inadequate laws. What should happen short of findings by cops and courts?

The prospect of all of this getting brushed under the rug is, of course, the reason why it may have been spread in public in the first place. That’s a solid reason to dismiss denials based on it not being handled by law enforcement first (it was reported) while sources duck backlash.

“Innocent until proven guilty” is a standard for court, not life. It’s a legal construct for if you’re charged with an offense by the State. Courts aren’t perfect and let people off on technicality all the time; and employment, public opinion or politics (like do you believe this candidate?) are some of many situations where judgement lands in between getting off completely unscathed, and being convicted of crime and sentenced to prison. Documenting and seeking change can help.

Ignoring the evidence is part of the story, so is the fact that laws don't cover many of the events in it as crimes, yet. That requires actively updating the laws. Until that happens it's beyond the capacity or responsibility of police. #metoo is a similar movement

— Dogpatch Press (@DogpatchPress) September 24, 2018

This is crucial: Animals can’t talk, so their abuse may never come out (especially if evidence is disposed or untraceable). Authorities may consider this too low level for followup that would go to human abuse. But we all know this is horrible beyond words. And for people who did it, it’s part of a spectrum that can eventually lead to much worse, the “dark triad” of behavior. If that sounds like a slippery-slope or thoughtcrime type argument, ask yourself if you would let people into this stuff babysit your pet. No? Then we have an issue beyond a crime issue. It’s not a disagreement, this stuff is universally scarybad. So this isn’t just for cops. It’s a social issue.

How this fandom handles members remorselessly raping animals to death – or gives them a pass – will be a test beyond any other that has ever happened here.

I am not in the business of pulling punches, Kero the Wolf is not an isolated incident he is part of a grander problem with the image of the furry YouTube community that needs to be addressed.

— The Hunt for Reh October (@GrapeNutHero) September 20, 2018

Instead of the usual link to Patreon that goes at the bottom of these articles, please share the story and don’t let it die.

Categories: News

Kung Fu Fighting. Well, Not Exactly.

In-Fur-Nation - Mon 24 Sep 2018 - 01:58

Somehow we missed this when it came around last year. Team Taekwondo is a black & white graphic novel series for younger readers, published by Rodale Kids. The first volume is called Ara’s Rocky Road to White BeltIt goes like this: “Ara is the odd turtle out in his family, preferring his rock collection to new or wild adventures—until he meets Baeoh, a confident tiger who practices martial arts. Unsure if he has what it takes to join Baeoh’s taekwondo team, Ara must learn how to come out of his shell, persist through failure, and accept the help of his new friends to complete the Tiger Fitness Challenge.” They go on further to say, “The Team Taekwondo series combines the appeal of graphic novels and martial arts to deliver action-filled, character-building stories. Each book also includes one free lesson at any participating licensed ATA Martial Arts location.” Each book in the series is written by Master Taekwon Lee and Jeffrey Nodelman, and illustrated by Ethen Beavers. Now the second volume, Baeoh and the Bully, was just released to stores as well.

image c. 2018 Rodale Kids

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206 - Viking Funeral - Patreon: www.drag…

The Dragget Show - Sun 23 Sep 2018 - 20:31

Patreon: Be sure to check our website for all Things Dragget Show! Podcasts, videos, merch and more! Also, don't forget we stream the D&D sessions Sunday at 7pm Central on YouTube! YouTube: 206 - Viking Funeral - Patreon: www.drag…
Categories: Podcasts

A Wasteful Death, by Sylvain St-Pierre

Furry Book Review - Sun 23 Sep 2018 - 16:14
A Wasteful Death is a cross between a murder mystery and a love story set in a city populated entirely by anthropomorphic animals. While the main characters are two Registered Investigators, sort of like police, this story is nothing like Zootopia. Instincts remain, and everyone in this world is acutely aware of the distinction between predator and prey.The main characters are Marlot Blackclaw, a wolf, and Trembor Goldenmane, a lion. Both are Registered Investigators who, unusually for their territorial profession, work together. What exactly is a Registered Investigator? Their job is to investigate unclaimed kills and track down the person responsible. Unclaimed being the key word here.In the world of A Wasteful Death, predation is legal and, with a few exceptions such as students or anyone in a hospital, everyone is a potential target. Once someone is killed, there is a tax that the hunter must pay which is scaled according the value the kill had to society. The tax on a homeless drunk would be low but the tax on a wealthy CEO like Aiden Spottedfur is massive, and it falls on Marlot and Trembor to find out who killed her.Most of the investigation is fairly routine and would be familiar to anyone that has watched an episode of CSI or any of the many similar series. Parts of the investigation are interesting—though as it's a mystery I will not reveal anything here—but I found it was let down by Marlot and Trembor not being particularly good at their job. There were many clues that they should’ve paid attention to and many people that they should’ve focused on more. Luckily, there is also a subplot.Marlot and Trembor are not only partners in investigating unclaimed kills, but they are also romantic partners. The only problem is that Marlot has issues with his sexuality. Homosexuality is legal in their world, but that is a fairly recent development and homophobia still exists. There is a lot of tension, both internal and interpersonal, as Marlot wrestles with trying to reconcile his love for Trembor and his fear of people knowing the real him.The romance and fear of discovery allow Sylvain a lot of room to explore the characters, something he does really well. During their investigation, time spent together and time alone, we get to understand the way they think and what drives them. Because of all this, their romance and insecurities came to the fore for me, and the investigation faded into the background.Beyond the storylines, there is something else I want to mention: world building. Honestly, I would recommend this book for that alone. Sylvain does it perfectly. Nothing felt forced as, bit-by-bit, he introduced us to the world. We learn a bit of its history, some of its politics, day-to-day life and catch glimpses of the way technology is adapted for anthros, all of which makes you want to know more. The way it is introduced, usually without explicit explanation, could be confusing, but he manages to put in enough information that you can come to the conclusions yourself and then get the confirmation later.A key feature of the world is the reality of predation. This could’ve perhaps been explored more philosophically, but instead we are shown the world as it is and left to ponder it at our leisure. We know there is a political movement to end predation and that fake meat is available, but they are mentioned only in passing, teasing the expanse of the world. The reality of predation means that species matters here in a way that is often neglected in furry fiction. Scents matter. Body size matters. The taste of flesh matters. A Wasteful Death moves beyond just using ear and tail movements to emphasise emotion to truly using the animal aspect of the characters in a meaningful way.A Wasteful Death is a novella, only lasting about 100 pages, but it will leave a long-lasting impression. The murder mystery aspect of it is average, but Sylvain St-Pierre’s ability to take us into the minds of his characters in their romantic struggles is engrossing, and the way he built the world and used the animal aspects of his characters should probably set the standard for future furry fiction.
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