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How old/long are you you in the fandom before being considered a greymuzzle?
Been in the fandom for over 12 years, my site of choice was MSN Chat. I feel like furry has evolved exponentially since then. My question is, how long are you in the fandom, or how old are you, before you're considered a greymuzzle?
submitted by lokilullaby[link] [14 comments]
Getting a Lot of Hate for Posting Furry Ad on Facebook
My Fursona rule 64'd
I got this sketch from someone I met via Second-Life who basically saw my Avatar in the game and say "I really wanna draw you" The sketching was done, then I passed it to a friend of mine to color, I love the way the color came out. Below I'll post the sketch version with a link to the person who drew it, they are super awesome and did this free of charge for me! .^
Artist's FA: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/dontamure
submitted by Phoxxy[link] [1 comment]
A cyberpunk world I have created.
Figured I'd share this :P
Tumblr link where you can read about it It contains Music, info, and drawings, for now, Mainly of the character Damaris.(Note that yes, there are a few NSFW things pertaining to certain characters): http://damariskitten.tumblr.com/
submitted by DamarisKitten[link] [12 comments]
The Lion Man of the Hohlenstein-Stadel. Oldest known anthropomorphic art in the world, carbon dated to approximately 30,000 BC.
I'm not sure how to feel.
I was browsing WTF fursuits on tumbler, trying to figure out what NOT to do, when I see my suit. I have very mixed feelings about this. I agree that it's not spectacular. But it's the best I can do. I ripped it up and redid it completely last week, with professional eyes that I bought online. I am supposed to get a nose and a lower jaw in soon.
BEFORE : http://imgur.com/oFKkGjm AFTER : http://imgur.com/0w2z99E (Havent gotten time to make ears yet, so she looks kinda duckish :P)
submitted by FERRET_TESTICLES[link] [15 comments]
What is available in this fandom?
Hello everyone! I have had a question about what people do. I know art is a huge part of it, and I honestly... Really want to join! But I'm absolutely terrible at drawing. I'm an okay writer, and I guess I could role play online or something, but is there anything else?
submitted by TripleG100[link] [29 comments]
Ylvis totally mentions us in a video
I know we're ALL tired of "The Fox." But I was checking in to some of the other videos about Ylvis, mostly some of the other interviews they've done - and they totally know about us. O.o
It's just an itty bitty little reference, but I thought it was cool. Sorry if it's already been posted.
submitted by levibevi[link] [14 comments]
Not much of a drawer but I quite like this one
Getting a Lot of Hate for Posting Furry Ad on Facebook
I'm a college student who's going to join the new environment and feel the experience of first year in college this October. I'm also a traditional artist who has a deep passion on Furry. I'm going to open a small commission on my FurAffinity account, starting with a small one I made for testing on Facebook. Turned out, I was wrong to advertise my commission offer on FB. Many haters who don't like Furry or my draws said lots of bad things to me and even report me because they think our furries are sick.
I was so disappointed and sad because of being treated and thought like that, so I have closed it and blocked all those haters. The thing is, there are many more who have my account have been trying to say bad things to me and my girlfriends through messages, making us feel depressed. I just want to ask you this: Is there any way I can do to make them stop looking at me as some kind of sick beastiality bastard and make them leave us alone? I'm going to college next month, but these days me and my girlfriend can't talk privately on Facebook due to their harassment on our Walls. It's too late to wish to go back to the time I posted the advertisement now, so please, Papabear, please help me find a way to end this. I don't want to end up with her closing our accounts at all.
* * *
Aww, James,
Papabear shares your weariness over all the haters out there and gives you a big bear hug ... (((((HUUUGGG)))))
There are a couple things you can do, if you haven’t done so already. One being to report these people to the FB admins for harassing you. Another is to close your account and open a new one under a different name and start over. A third is to leave Facebook completely and do your commission work and socializing through other, preferably furry sites. I know that FB has become a huge force in social media, but they are not the only way to socialize and to get the word out about your art, not by any means. There are a plethora of furry social sites where you can hang out with your friends and sell your art, as you likely know.
The above, of course, are all avoidance strategies. Sadly, you cannot make haters stop hating. There is a large (exasperatingly large) segment of human society that hates all people who are not like them. They judge you for being different. They accuse you of being evil or sinners or perverts or communists or fascists or whatever words come to mind that they feel will hurt you.
Why do they do this? Because they fear what is different. Because they don’t want their own beliefs challenged because it might force them to rethink their philosophy of life or their religion. Mostly, though, it is because they have a deep-seated lack of self-worth and tearing down other people makes them feel better about themselves. “Oh, I’m not so bad because I’m not a freak like those furverts.”
If you are really really really patient, sometimes you can reeducate people like this to not be haters. But it takes a LOT of time and effort just to convert one, let alone the slew of haters that fill this planet. Most people don’t have that much time or energy to spare.
So, the best response is no response at all. You can either completely ignore them, knowing that their opinions have no value because the source is corrupt and because you have a solid sense of your own self-worth, OR you can try to avoid them completely, as I outlined above.
Sorry you are learning this lesson about human beings, but you have to learn sometime. Buck up and be proud of who you are. Don’t get depressed about yourself for being hated on; instead, pity the haters. Their lives are the ones that are pathetic.
More hugs,
Ep. 82 - Titpunch! The Movie - What's this? Another great ep! Just a warning, this one is pretty offensive, just keep in mind ...
Ep. 82 - Titpunch! The Movie - What's this? Another great ep! Just a warning, this one is pretty offensive, just keep in mind ...
Episode 57 – Witty Title About Game Achievements - BLEEP BLOOP! Achievement unlocked: Started listening to Furballd Episode 57! Are you daring enough to listen to the cast and special guests Tinycat and Agronski as they talk about completionism and achiev
BLEEP BLOOP! Achievement unlocked: Started listening to Furballd Episode 57! Are you daring enough to listen to the cast and special guests Tinycat and Agronski as they talk about completionism and achievements! You get another acheieeeeeeveeeeemneeeennnnnt!!!
This week in the news: Sherbert gets dangerous during a GTA V launch, Pokemon X and Y, Joss Whedon fixes up the new Thor movie script, Valve cock teases its fans yet again, a cat in Russia who wears a bow tie and is also a librarian, and finally Microsoft buys Xbone.com in this weeks Xbonus.
Tune in next week when the cast grabs their security blankets and cowers in fear as they tackle the topic of fears! Want to join in on the discussion? Ask us about our fears? Then just send along a sexy e-mail to us at furballdletters@gmail.com!
Bye for now, but not forever!
This week’s song was “Hilltop Heaven” by Jayson Litrio. You can find the entire album on OCRemix.
Also, have a link to Backloggery. Because why not.
Episode 57 – Witty Title About Game Achievements - BLEEP BLOOP! Achievement unlocked: Started listening to Furballd Episode 57! Are you daring enough to listen to the cast and special guests Tinycat and Agronski as they talk about completionism and achievements!