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To Protect the Forest

In-Fur-Nation - Fri 20 Sep 2013 - 00:50

RedSilver: Nature’s Evolutions is a new anthropomorphic fantasy novel written by Steve Alford. It’s available now at “When Red Sunset, an ordinary vixen from Devon, is chosen by Mother Gaia to defend the Heart Forest from attack, she can hardly believe what is happening to her. As one of the legendary Animentals, she can command powers she could only ever have dreamed of. But this is a far from idyllic situation. The Heart Forest is under attack by strange creatures unlike anything she has ever seen before. And if the Animentals fail, the consequences run far further than she could ever imagine…” The book is illustrated in black & white by the artist known as Silent Ravyn, who has also uploaded a collage of illustrations to their Fur Affinity page.

image c. 2013 by Silent Ravyn

Categories: News

Animal backpacks?

Furry Reddit - Fri 20 Sep 2013 - 00:37

I've seen a lot of fursuiters that will have like wolf or husky backpacks, some even of themselves! Where do you buy/commission these? I've been looking everywhere and have only found some really crappy ones on ebay.


submitted by Adezu
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Categories: News

A Couples Swing - Paper Child

Furry Reddit - Thu 19 Sep 2013 - 23:11
Categories: News

Nu Ru by Ruaidri (before deleting it)

Furry Reddit - Thu 19 Sep 2013 - 23:01
Categories: News

Ready to join the fandom, not sure where to start

Furry Reddit - Thu 19 Sep 2013 - 13:25

And by ready to join, I mean that I am more and more starting to identify with what I think is furry lifestyle (whatever that actually means).

I've been trying to give some thought to my fursona, but not sure how to come to that conclusion. I've looked at a few of the novelty quizzes out there, but wasn't really happy with the results (apparently I'm a skunk).

I'd love to hear advice on how to transition myself into this brave new world.


submitted by Kirean
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Categories: News

Disarm Nasty Relatives by Giving Them No Weapons to Start With

Ask Papabear - Thu 19 Sep 2013 - 12:40
Howdy PapaBear,

I'd like to know how to perform damage control in the (extremely) likely event that my identity as a furry leaks out into my extended family's grasp.

The Long-Winded Explanation:

I've always been seen as a "good" kid by my family and extended family. It's mainly because I haven't crossed any of those Conservative Texan family boundaries (drugs, getting girlfriend pregnant, etc.)

It is extremely likely that my extended family members are looking for dirty laundry on us good kids in order to drag my parents through the dirt.

My mom considered a girl wearing one of the cat-eared hairbands in public a "bizarre" sight, and I can't say my dad would like the idea of his son being a bisexual furry in a world most known for its relatively small content of yiff art. I probably should tell them that I have feelings for men, but I haven't yet.


My sister recently discovered me writing a fairly detailed (but clean) letter to a new contact on a furry forum, and I think she'll tell mom. Although mom has been understanding of my privacy needs, and she probably knows I am "up to something", I think the humiliation will commence once she confronts me. I'm not so much worried about the hell she'll put me through, but I am worried that my sister will use this new discovery as blackmail (e.g. threaten to tell the extended family). 

It feels like I've loaded five out of six cartridges into a revolver, and I'm watching the cylinder spin. I've been as lucky as a coyote can be, but I'm anticipating a "bang" at the end of this game of Russian/Sixgun Roulette.

Thanks for Listening,
Skyote (age 25)

(I'm writing this at night so hopefully I have made sense.)

* * *

Dear Skyote,

Pardon my saying so, but your family sounds awfully nasty. If they are as you say they are, you’ve got an extended family that can’t wait to find dirty laundry so they can “drag your parents through the dirt”; then you have a sister who seems to be more than willing to help these nasty people, or, barring that, to blackmail you; and then you have a mother who will put you through hell once you’re discovered to be a furry. I’m sure all these people consider themselves to be “good Christians.” Small wonder you fear them.

I’m guessing that your fear may be based on your still living with your parents? If you’re doing so because of a financial issue or physical disability, I can understand how uncomfortable this can be. Once your furry side (or your bisexual side) is outed, you face the real possibility of your family trying to control your behavior or, worse, “cure” you by sending you to some camp. So you feel trapped.

One good solution would be for you to get out of the house, if possible. At 25, I hope it would be possible. If not, the other option is to downplay the importance of your being a furry. You say you are a “good kid” who never gets involved in drugs and sex and you keep your nose clean. Do you go to church with your family? Are you involved in sports or other hobbies? If so, that’s good. If your sister “outs” you as a furry, just shrug your shoulders and nonchalantly say, “Oh, yeah, I’ve talked to some furries and stuff. No big deal. I do lots of things and that’s just one of them.” If you don’t act like it is a live-or-die situation, your parents will also sense that it’s not a big deal and may just shrug it off as well.

Eventually, though, Skyote, although you can play this game for a while, you will have to come out as yourself, both as a furry and as a bisexual man. You’re in your twenties, and at some point you’re going to need to stand up for yourself, and that means facing your family. They will, of course, try and take the high ground and say you’re not a good Christian. Let them spout off. Both you and I know already that you are a better person than any of them will ever be.

You are who you are because God made you that way. Sounds to me He did a pretty good job in your case. Sounds like the mold might have been damaged in your family’s case by (imitating The Church Lady from SNL), oh, I don’t know..... SATAN? No offense :-P

Rather than worry about what your small-minded family thinks, what you should be working on is a way to improve your own living situation so you can live independently of them. That’s the best course for you.

And, if you do at some point have to face that “big bang” when your mother or some other holier-than-thou person tells you what an awful person you are for liking furries, turn the other cheek and say, “Well, I know I’m not perfect, but nobody is perfect, right, Mom [or Whoever]? Anyway, I don’t recall any passage in the Bible saying ‘Thou shalt not be a furry.’ I think Jesus will understand if I think anthropomorphic cartoons are kinda cool.”

When you’re not embarrassed or ashamed of who you are, derps like your sister have no weapons to harm you. It’s like with me. If one of my relatives or even a stranger pointed at me and accused me of being gay or a furry, I’d be like, “Pfft! So? Big deal. That and five bucks gets you a cup of coffee at Starbucks.” It’s all in the attitude.



Hey guys, I'm writing a story about furry culture. Would anyone be willing to be interviewed by me by phone?

Furry Reddit - Thu 19 Sep 2013 - 12:32

So, I'm writing a story about furry culture for my school's lgtbq magazine at syracuse university. I need to interview someone who is a furry and who is immersed in the culture and knowledgeable about it. There is a lot of misunderstanding about the culture and I seek to write a truthful story, educating people about what it is and what it is not. This interview would need to be done by phone. So, if you want to help me out that would be sooooo great!

EDIT: You CAN be anonymous!! And this is to put furries in a good light. I take my subject matter very sensitively so anything you tell me won't be judged or turned around and be used negatively. I can even send you a draft before it is published.

submitted by melock16
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Categories: News

Fursona Hopping Is Driving Her a Little Crazy

Furry News Network - Thu 19 Sep 2013 - 07:56
Author: Dear Papabear, I have a problem with fursona-hopping. I have been a furry for at least four years and I’ve gone through at least four different fursonas in the last year trying to find one that fits me. Every fursona I pick in the beginning seems to be a great choice because I love […]
Categories: News

Smartphones - Today we talk about the advantages of having a phone that can do almost everything, and also discuss some of the negative ramifications of excessive smartphone use.

WagzTail - Thu 19 Sep 2013 - 06:00

How many of our listeners have smartphones? Today we talk about the advantages of having a phone that can do almost everything, and also discuss some of the negative ramifications of excessive smartphone use. But mostly, Wolfin and Levi gush about their phones.


Metadata and Credits WagzTail Podcast 2.0 Episode 96

Runtime: 30m

Cast: Crimson X, Levi, Wolfin

Editor: Levi

Format: 128kbps ABR split-stereo MP3 Copyright: © 2013 Some Rights Reserved. This podcast is released by as CC BY-ND 3.0. If distributed with a facility that has an existing agreement in place with a Professional Rights Organisation (PRO), file a cue sheet for 26:00 to Fabien Renoult (BMI) 1.67%, Josquin des Pres (BMI) 1.67%, 96.67%. Rights have been acquired to all content for national and international broadcast and web release with no royalties due. Podcast image belongs to Tim Malabuyo, used with permission. Smartphones - Today we talk about the advantages of having a phone that can do almost everything, and also discuss some of the negative ramifications of excessive smartphone use.

Categories: Podcasts