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CODA4 - Scales - **This is Episode 43 of the entire Fuzzy Notes catalogue! CRAZY!** 'Coda' is a the super-smart...

Fuzzy Notes - Fri 4 Oct 2013 - 12:59
**This is Episode 43 of the entire Fuzzy Notes catalogue! CRAZY!** 'Coda' is a the super-smart and talkative member of the Fuzzy Notes family of podcasts about the music made by furries. Where Fuzzy Notes features music, and B-Sides showcases additional tracks by previously featured artists, Coda is an interview show where Roo chats with furry songwriters, producers and musicians about their recent projects, their musical life, and everything in between! In 'Coda4' Roo talks to the Scales, a composer who again takes us into a different realm of music creation, where instrumentation, orchestration, notation and theory interact with creativity to create some amazing music. His amazing comparisons to other art forms and passion for composition makes for some great conversation, from Rush to Hip Hop to his process and his experiences. SCALES ONLINE: Bandcamp: FA: MUSIC: Opening Coda Theme: The Grass Is Soothing (R.D.L.G. Remix) Scales - Mars Scales - Fuzzy Notes FIND FUZZY NOTES ONLINE: Twitter: Facebook: iTunes: Email: PLEASE RATE AND REVIEW FUZZY NOTES! Your (hopefully good!) review will help Fuzzy Notes find a wider audience and is VER appreciated! Here, have a <3 CODA4 - Scales - **This is Episode 43 of the entire Fuzzy Notes catalogue! CRAZY!** 'Coda' is a the super-smart...
Categories: Podcasts

Furry Frets That Nobody Draws Gift Art for Him

Ask Papabear - Fri 4 Oct 2013 - 12:04
Hi there, I need some more advice.

I started drawing after AC, but life got busy for me all summer and have finally started doing trades with people, though I am unsure if I am being too impatient with wanting to do art trades, as it took a few hours to get a few response, or if people still en masse are ignoring me.

A part of me wants to do trades because not everyone has time to do commissions nor get art for free (I know because in the 7 years in the fandom no one has ever drawn me gift art besides my birthday, which makes me jealous because it seems everyone gets gift art except me no matter how nice or helpful I am to people), but it also seems no one wants to give me a chance, either. The fandom is the only social outlet I have and I feel I don't have anything. Local furs are busy and won't return texts; online furs just seem to ignore me. I want to write a vent journal on FA but I know I'll regret it or end up removing the journal or something.


* * *

Greetings, Hypr,

I think your name is apt in this case. Thinking that “it took a few hours to get a few responses” is a long time is a bit spastic, is it not? Good for you for restraining yourself from writing a “vent” on FurAffinity. You’re right that that would cause people to see you more negatively and would do nothing to help you. So, yeah, don’t do it.

You are getting overly concerned about getting comments and feedback and such from furries. It’s not just furries who do this sort of thing—ignoring people, not replying etc. Unfortunately, it’s become a very modern thing to ignore people, both in social contexts and in business. 

The thing you have to remember, though, is whose feedback are you really concerned about? Are you just talking about not getting feedback from mere acquaintances, random people online? Or are these people you consider to be your friends?

The point here is to focus on what really matters: making friends, real friends is much more important that worrying about whether or not people will draw a picture of your fursona. I mean, really, who cares if some random artist you don’t even know doesn’t draw your picture, even on a trade?

Draw your art because you enjoy drawing, not because you want to do trades or want some kind of validation for your work or, indeed, for your very existence. And don’t be nice to people because you want something in exchange. Be nice to people because you are a nice person and care about other people. Art should be created for art’s sake.

In short, don’t seek out others’ opinions and feedback for validation and a sense of self-worth. That can only be truly found from within. If you love drawing, then draw. Don’t worry about other people’s opinions. Some of the greatest artists never got much validation until after their deaths. And if you want to make friends, do so in the real world. Cyberland is a place where there is too much insincerity, fraudulence, trolls, and shallowness to navigate in most cases. If you want friends, real friends, meet them in the real world. Use the Internet to stay in touch, sure, but having a real life means going out into the real world.



Any leads on custom shirts and pants/shorts?

Furry Reddit - Fri 4 Oct 2013 - 11:52

I am looking for someone to create a long sleeve and short sleeve shirt that is printed with my fursonas fur color/pattern. In a sense, it will be like a suit as far as the custom design goes, but just a simple shirt. I was also looking for someone that would make the same thing for pants/shorts.

If anyone has any leads, please let me know. It is greatly appreciated!

submitted by TophLion
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Categories: News

Cowboys of moo mesa

Furry Reddit - Fri 4 Oct 2013 - 05:15
Categories: News

A Beastly Tarot Deck

In-Fur-Nation - Fri 4 Oct 2013 - 00:13

Victoria Gannon is a self-taught artist who creates works under the name of Leptailurus. For a long time she has toyed with the idea of creating her very own Tarot deck, and now she has begun work on that very project. Savage Divination is its name, and it’s “a full 78-card tarot deck inspired by myth, lore, and legend focusing on the profound spiritual connection between man and beast”. For a little more than one week from now, Leptailurus is running a Kickstarter campaign to finance the creation of the final product, including the rendering of the art and the printing of the cards — with lots of perks for contributors, including original sketches and prints of the various cards themselves. There’s a video at the Kickstarter page explaining it all, and showing many more examples in completed and work-in-progress form.

image c. 2013 Leptailurus

Categories: News


Fursday - Links - Thu 3 Oct 2013 - 17:45
In their wordsWeasyl is a social gallery website designed for artists, writers, musicians, and more to share their work with other artists and fans. We seek to bring the creative world together in one easy to use, friendly, community website.Rating

By default visitors without accounts and visitors with newly created accounts can view artwork suitable for all ages.

Account holders can configure their settings to see content that has graphic violence, mature themes, and/or nudity and adult situations.

Additional linksNews blogTwitterForum


Furry Loves His Partner, But Is Not Physically Attracted to Him

Ask Papabear - Thu 3 Oct 2013 - 16:07

I've written you before but did not get an answer, so I'm writing again in hopes you can give me some advice. 

I have been in a relationship with my BF for over a year now. I’m happy, but I find myself wanting to have sex with other guys who are physically more my type. I love my bf, but I’m sometimes not attracted to him the way I should be. I fell in love with his personality and his brain. I have told him this a little but not in so many words. I've said, "We can get healthy and lose weight together" in hopes that I will become more physically attracted to him. It is to the point now that I’m constantly looking at other guys who are physically my type and I get aroused from them and becoming less aroused with my actual bf. What should I do, Papabear?


* * *

Hi, Arkarian,

Sorry I misplaced or forgot your earlier letter. It does happen on occasion. Sometimes silly ol’ bear thinks he’s replied when he has not. A reminder to my readers: if you haven’t heard back from me after 2 weeks, send me a nudge. I’m not ignoring you; I sometimes just get behind or disorganized.

To the topic at paw: Well, this sucks indeed. So, you’re saying your mate is a bit on the hefty side and you are more attracted to leaner men. Was he heavy when you met him or did that come later? If so, you kinda knew what you were getting into, no? If he gained the weight later, I guess I can see how you were attracted to him at first and then got a little turned off if your preference is for lean guys. But, you say you “fell in love with his personality and brain,” which implies he was overweight to start with.

I commend you for picking a mate based on deeper traits than one based on avoirdupois, but sexual attraction is still a key part of any loving relationship. Physical intimacy brings partners closer together, and when it is absent you kind of lose that closeness. So, if you’re having a hard time feeling attracted to your partner, that’s an issue. (Another thing: you don’t mention whether your mate finds you attractive. I’m going to have to assume he does and that’s not the problem.)

Let’s be a little analytical and outline the options for you at this point:

  1. You can stay with your mate, even though he stays big, and have a monogamous relationship and remain sexually unsatisfied, drooling over the sight of men you see as attractive and possibly whacking your noodle to porn for relief. Not a very happy picture.
  2. You can continue to urge him to lose weight, and, if he finally does, you will be attracted to him again and everything will be fine.
  3. You can decide he isn’t going to lose the weight and that it just won’t work out, leave him, and find another partner who has everything you want, from personality to physical attractiveness.
  4. You can talk to your mate and see if he will be willing to have an open relationship in which you stay together as loving partners, but when you need some sexual relief you find it in other men. This can be tricky, but if you have good communication, a flexible partner, and lay some ground rules, it can work. In fact, I’ve found while living in the Palm Springs area that many partners have successful open relationships.

One thing you should bear in mind in all of this is that physical attractiveness can be fleeting. Say, for example, you go with option 3. You find another guy whom you find to be very hot today, but tomorrow he could easily gain weight like your current partner and you’re back where you started. Also, 2 could happen, if your partner feels motivated, and you could be attracted to him again.

In all of this, I am in no way dismissing your feelings about overweight men and attractiveness. We are turned on by what turns us on. I want to assure you that I in no way consider you shallow because of what you say in your letter.

Next thing: does your mate know that you are having problems being attracted to him? If not, there will come a time, soon, where you will need to bite the bullet and say what you are really feeling. It could hurt him, yes, so you have to do it in a very sensitive way, assuring him that you love a lot of things about him and that you want him to be sexually satisfied and hope that he wants the same for you. When I have talked to partners who are in this situation, the ones where it works have sensitive men who are sympathetic to their husband’s needs. One fellow said to me, “You know, I just really like to cuddle and am not into sex so much, but my partner is and I want him to be happy.” This guy understands it’s not about love but rather about carnal urges we all have. American society makes it hard for us to discuss such things openly, burying us in guilt about religion and “socially acceptable” behavior. Papabear says to that, “I fart in your general direction.” Human beings are sexual creatures. There is no shame in being sexual, as long as you are considerate and loving toward others.

I can’t choose your path for you, Arkarian, but I can present you with the choices and tell you that you should not feel guilty for your genuine emotions and needs. Next step is to decide what you want for you and then talk to your partner.



My first tail

Furry Reddit - Thu 3 Oct 2013 - 16:04
Categories: News

Early Cards against Humanity game! Come and Play!

Furry Reddit - Thu 3 Oct 2013 - 15:41

Same as always! Follow this link and hit Ctrl + F to search for Salem's Game. The password is Morphicon with a capital M.

Game will feature furry cards as well as the standards, and will be open to 15 people, and will last to 20 points.

WE WILL BE PLAYING MULTIPLE GAMES. Average play time for us is about 3 hours, although today and tomorrow we'll probably be playing longer!

submitted by Salemkylar
[link] [2 comments]
Categories: News