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My friend is in dire need of help.

Furry Reddit - Wed 9 Oct 2013 - 22:41

I wasn't sure where else to put this, but my friend happens to be a furry and is in a SERIOUS rut. Basically, she needs money. This page says why. PLEASE help her out. She's one of the best people I know, and I wouldn't have done this if she wasn't deserving of the help.

She does take commissions, I believe, so maybe if you're looking to get one done, talk to her. She needs money really badly, and I'm hoping this subreddit could help her out even a little bit. She's an amazing artist. Please, please, PLEASE help her out.

submitted by NovaGreysun
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Categories: News

Episode 94 – Working Title - Howdy there! This is Fuzzy Logic, episode 94, Working Title! (we kinda didn’t make up a name for this one). Kyo could not be present due to the government shut down requiring him to spend more time stabbing hookers. Is[...]

Fuzzy Logic - Wed 9 Oct 2013 - 22:23


Howdy there! This is Fuzzy Logic, episode 94, Working Title! (we kinda didn’t make up a name for this one).

Kyo could not be present due to the government shut down requiring him to spend more time stabbing hookers. Isty, Halfwit, and Smokey are still here to prattle on about all sorts of silly and/or horrible things though!

Discussion topics range across a wide array of things. Smokey talks about Rosetta Stone and Chromecast (while blowing out the mic in the process). Halfwit describes a daydream she has from time to time. Isty brings up mention of going to the midnight release of the new Pokemon games, the new Pathfinder game he’s now a part of, then talks about for those who might not be aware of it.

Emails follow and we have seven of them! Awesome!

First up, LegionBunny, who is officially one of the baddest-assiest (that… didn’t come out right)… people we know! Seriously! Damn Legion! You scary! He tells us about the relationship he has with his two best friends. We should all be so lucky. Also, Isty apparently never watched the A-Team. Next is Jaye Ventus discussing a bit more about the email he sent last show where he came clean about himself. S’alright dude, we feel ya. Then he proceeds to lay on us a cautionary tale that people can change, and how someone who was once his best friend ended up burning that bridge with him.

Keef comes up next and tells us of a dear friend of his, as well as his desire to start up a podcast of his own! We wish you the best of luck good sir! D’Otter chimes in with a brief message to Umbra about how games come and go. They really do, and his message is indeed sound.

SketchyGenet is next and misses his opportunity to make Kyo cry at the sight of such reading. (Don’t worry, we’ll give it to him to read next time!). Once he has his fun, he moves on to talk about his multiple fursonas/characters and asks advice on how to keep them from all going the same direction.

Jaye returns with a second email, this time about Linkin Park and how a fan should at least give their entire library a chance before writing them off completely. Fair point indeed. Finally Umbra writes in talking about the relationship with his best friend and how close they are. Always great to hear when someone has a person that sticks by them so hard.

Next episode is our Halloween episode! And it’s about FEEEEEAR!! What do you fear? Do you get a kick out of getting scared? Do you have a scary or spookey story to share with us? Write on in!

Jaye’s link to the kickstarter for Savage Divination – A Bestial Tarot. Only 3 days remain at the time of recording.

Music Break: The Muppets Cover of “Why Can’t We Be Friends” – Original Song by War

Episode Summary Music: Ren and Stimpy Production Music – Blues In A HurryEpisode 94 – Working Title

Episode 94 – Working Title - Howdy there! This is Fuzzy Logic, episode 94, Working Title! (we kinda didn’t make up a name for this one). Kyo could not be present due to the government shut down requiring him to spend more time stabbing hookers. Is[...]
Categories: Podcasts


Furry Reddit - Wed 9 Oct 2013 - 21:40

I just finished up the newest book by Kyell Gold, "Divisions" and am now looking for new similar reads that, if possible, I can download for free. If anyone knows of any free or torrentable books and could provide links, that'd be very much appreciated. Also, "Divisions" is an excellent read for anyone who hasn't read it yet.

submitted by WyomingFlip
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Categories: News

Drunk Doge

Furry Reddit - Wed 9 Oct 2013 - 21:22
Categories: News

Anyone know of a nice and cute paw print temporary tattoo or sticker?

Furry Reddit - Wed 9 Oct 2013 - 21:04

I'd like one that would fit nicely on the inner facing part of my wrist. I don't want a permanent tattoo. Just those little temporary tattoos. you know? Anyone know of a good one? Pink color is preferred.

Also, if it's a sticker, that's cool too, for my laptop's lid. :P

Thanks. :3

submitted by ReCat
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Categories: News

UnFurled Episode 63 – The Sounds of (Awkward) Silence - Hello darkness, my old friend. Sorry for the lateness of the episode! RF has me a little out of sync with my schedule, so sorry for the late episode. This week’s guest is Jamos! Give him a warm wel

Unfurled - Wed 9 Oct 2013 - 21:03

Hello darkness, my old friend.

Sorry for the lateness of the episode! RF has me a little out of sync with my schedule, so sorry for the late episode.

This week’s guest is Jamos! Give him a warm welcome, and talk about how lovely his feet are.

Click below to listen:

Click to download | Open Player in New Window

This week’s playlist:
Mjollnir – Sand
Frederick Miller – Sunlight
Screamfox – Armed with Wings
Mjollnir – Afssfa
The Dead Pixel – Eridanus
Tier0 – Four Seasons
The Dead Pixel – Soaring
Screamfox – Lux et Veritas
Tier0 – New Beat
Mjollnir – Dusk
Frederik Miller – Different Worlds
Nightwolf – Needs Name
The Dead Pixel – Empty Hallways

UnFurled Episode 63 – The Sounds of (Awkward) Silence - Hello darkness, my old friend. Sorry for the lateness of the episode! RF has me a little out of sync with my schedule, so sorry for the late episode. This week’s guest is Jamos! Give him a warm welcome, and talk about how lovely his feet [...]
Categories: Podcasts

Whatcha wanna play?

Furry Reddit - Wed 9 Oct 2013 - 19:20
Categories: News

We've come for your Furryballs!

Furry Reddit - Wed 9 Oct 2013 - 18:50
Categories: News

Pay What You Want Commissions!

Furry Reddit - Wed 9 Oct 2013 - 15:25

Pay What you want! I have a friend that needs practice drawing and could really use your help! He works fast, and you only pay what you feel you owe, after you receive your art!




PayPal, will consult him about other methods.

submitted by ZeldaMania1221
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Categories: News

Stargazing by xainy

Furry Reddit - Wed 9 Oct 2013 - 14:28
Categories: News

Being super cute at RMFC

Furry Reddit - Wed 9 Oct 2013 - 13:15
Categories: News

On Advertising: Part 1 – Before

[adjective][species] - Wed 9 Oct 2013 - 13:00

I’m trying a little bit of an experiment with a few projects of mine.


I am unashamed to admit that I run AdBlock almost all of the time that I’m online. I think that advertising is a shoddy and cheap, albeit necessary way for many online services to derive income, in general. I also think that, in general, ads are effective on a level that is perhaps not in line with the goals of an organization determined to be as introspective as possible, in a lot of ways. That is, they don’t necessarily fit with the goal of the projects I have in mind. Flashy art and animations are great for artists because they show off art and animation skills. They’re wonderful for organizations such as Rabbit Valley and Sofawolf, that offer products for sale because they showcase the products. Even so, I’m left with a few questions about the way advertising works within the furry fandom, and how information is transmitted within a potential audience.

How does one advertise a blog that offers nothing for sale and provides a non-essential service?

How does one advertise for a survey, and in what ways does that impact the results gained from that survey?

Does animation play a role? If so, how much?

What difference does wording make, particularly when it comes to key words such as ‘sex’? For that matter, how does an advertisement that mentions sex differ from an advertisement that does not?

These are hardly deep questions. Ask any advertising agency or the like and you’re likely to come up with some quips about what does and does not work, as well as what works best for what type of product.

If you look at us, however, as well as our sister project, LSF, we are, at best, irregularly-publishing magazines filled, almost entirely, with opinion articles. The articles often have basis in statistics pulled from here or there, but for the most part, the pieces are written more as introspective or observational explorations of the act of participating in a subculture. For us, these questions bear additional meaning, as this advertising experiment is taking place almost entirely within the subculture itself.

Here’s what we’ve done:

  1. I’ve set up four advertisements on two different sites, FurAffinity and SoFurry. These ads are for four different projects: [adjective][species], Love – Sex – Fur, The Furry Survey, and an unrelated project, Bookmarfs!.
  2. All four advertisements have slight differences:
    • All ads except for Bookmarfs! are animated.
    • The ad for LSF contains the word ‘sex’.
    • The ad for [a][s] and for the Furry Survey contain text other than the subtitle of the site.
  3. The ads should rotate fairly evenly among other ads on both sites (though Dragoneer and Tourmal are invited to comment on the advertising systems in place on their respective sites).
  4. All four ads have campaign data indicating their source. These only show up once per click, of course, so we’ll only see these as unique visitors. That is, there’s no way to bolster the numbers by simply clicking on the ads a bunch of times!

Just to start things out, I’ve taken snapshots from before the ads went up of how traffic looks.




You can see, here, just how the traffic generally looks for this site in particular. You can see, for example, when articles go live, and even when an article that winds up becoming particularly popular or contentious goes live as compared to one that doesn’t: JM published an article on introversion on Monday the 23rd that became the subject of heated discussion, and I published an article two days later that was largely neutral (this is the way of things, we’ve decided: I write introspective pieces, JM writes more provocative pieces). This is a pretty standard few weeks for us, and we’ve had few deviations from that. One can see the effects from conventions at which we have panels or advertising, as we did for Anthrocon one year.

Love – Sex – Fur



LSF has been quiet of late, due to my personal schedule, and so you can see a similar graph, lower in traffic, to the time between articles on this site. Visitors come in from various places, usually search engines and old Twitter links (the link-shortener shows up as the referrer in these cases).

The Furry Poll



The Furry Poll, not having any changes over time within the year, shows bumps primarily from links in from outside, such as on this site, or other forums where others post the link. Reddit, FurAffinity forums,, and so on are all sources of the second bump, for example.




Bookmarfs!, on the other hand, gains traffic at regular intervals from posts at the beginning of the month (when that month’s book is announced), and at the end of the month (when that month’s discussion occurs). Full disclosure: although Bookmarfs! is not related to [a][s] at all, I do help out with them in a technical capacity.

You can also see the advertisements that we placed, above. These are the different paths that we’ll be investigating as inroads that advertising provides. What it is that we hope to see is how information spreads within the fandom in terms of something sort of neutral and random such as these advertisements, organic social sharing, such as retweets or links provided to friends, and from followers who catch us on FA journals, Tweets, or G+ posts.

Working within a subculture such as ours, I will posit that, while advertising drives some traffic to sites such as these, the majority of our readership found the site through sharing, due to the nature of our content. However, given that these ads will all be live for about a month, I’ll pull statistics again in a few weeks and see just how things have changed – or not!

We’re interested to hear how you found this site (and if you found the others, how), as well as how you think that this little experiment will play out. Will members of the furry community pay attention to the ads? Will they largely ignore them? How do you feel about advertising in general, and on furry sites? Do you treat them differently? Let us know in the comments!

(Note: [a][s] and related projects are, of course, run totally out of pocket, and we have no ad revenue of our own; we stand to gain nothing but information from this little experiment, all of which we aim to share with you!)

Would Like art for an OC. I am not talented with art.

Furry Reddit - Wed 9 Oct 2013 - 12:54

About me. I'm a gamer guy, more on the lines of JRPGs like Final Fantasy. I'm what would be considered a closet furry, i don't fursuit since 1. i don't have creative talents when crafting, and 2. not sure what to do for one, and 3. am a broke, out of college person with full time job and lots of loans. And about my preference to furrys. I like Kangaroos and Foxes mainly. I'd say i'm more akin to Anthro Furs to the style of Sonic the Hedgehog. My favorite would be Tails in that series that i'd relate to more than any other. (Not in the sidekick perspective)

If anybody would be willing to draw me an OC, it would be very appreciated. I didn't know where else i should ask this, so thought i'd start here. Please and thanks.

submitted by khovel
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Categories: News

Cheap and fantastic conbadges!

Furry Reddit - Wed 9 Oct 2013 - 12:17
Categories: News

Redditfurs Steam Group Spooktoberfest

Furry Reddit - Wed 9 Oct 2013 - 10:18

Hey everyone, we're going to be having a series of gaming events for the community this month on the redditfurs steam group! (It's linked on the sidebar!). We'll be playing games like Left4dead, Killing Floor, TF2, and whatever else we can think of every saturday. The events are posted on the group, and will happen every saturday. Feel free to join us for some zombie slaying shenanigans!

submitted by Nurbs
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Categories: News