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Looking to do art trades but...
So I been wanting to do art trades and on one end I fine no one wants to do one with me ( I posted an announcement on the faf , Facebook and on fa ) but the other end same guy keeps asking despite different skill levels.
So what should I do?
submitted by hypr2013[link] [7 comments]
Fursuit watch: Don’t turn into a bull
Short advert for British train booking website Trainline.com, the message being book with them else you’ll get into a rage when you realise the savings you missed out on.
Scientists decipher dog-tail wags
An interesting report on how dog's express emotions. It's not the case that the dog is communicating directly using the tail, but that the tail expresses the emotional state which other dogs are able to pick up on. In other words dogs can read into each other's body language.
Esteban Winsmore's Big Furry Adventure [Second Life]
Esteban Winsmore does a YouTube video series about his misadventures in the MMO virtual world Second Life. This video dates back to early 2013 but still worth a watch because you can find it either offensive or damn right funny. Some see it as nothing more than straight forward trolling, but personally I think it's more about making humour out of a fish out of water situation (as happens in his other videos).
The fun comes in how Esteban plays naive and stupid when talking with the furs he meets. Safe to say it's an act, but you could genuinely believe in the act. It's not just furries that he's taking the mickey out of, it's also in the character he portrays. Any veteran of Second Life knows of the situation where a human character stumbles upon your hangout and there ensues the awkward moment explaining "What's is it all about?". It's twice as awkward if the person's first language isn't English. And that to me is why the video transcends being derogatory and becomes a fun piece of comedy about Second Life in its entirety.
Sorry, the last one was taken down by youtube. Now with 80% less wolf dick. Esteban Winsmore meets some exotic new friends and undergoes extreme physiological changes. Like me on Facebook, Post on the Esteban subreddit or Tweet me.
*poke* Any Battlefield 4 furs out there?
Looking for more people to team up with on BF4 (PC). I'm on a good bit and in the next few days I'll be a lot more active on the game. Here's my battlelog if you're interested =D
Guess I'm not allowed to post this type of stuff here? If not then i'm sorry.
submitted by NEPNWZYOX[link] [13 comments]
Topic: games Subject: multiplayer question: up for it?
Looking for people to game with. Steam if possible.
Edit: Soldier MacDerpington (pie king) Here is my steam id, you Magnificent Bastards!
submitted by jamespond62[link] [20 comments]
Furry Fears Friend Who Creates Tarot Cards Might Be a Satanist
Hello again.
I am happy to inform you that I have gotten over my Tech E Coyote obsession and I have in fact began talking to someone real a fair bit online. He has been perfectly fine with me and no discomfort, bad feelings or anything have happened and we have become "internet friends" He lives in America and I'm British and we don't plan on meeting up or anything IRL. However I fear there might be a problem on the horizon.
A few days ago, I heard my mother discuss something to do with something called Tarot. These are apparently to do with fortune telling and she says have some links to Satanism. So not good then, eh?
A while ago I had been looking through the submissions and journals on my friends Fur Affinity page and discovered that he has a collection of these cards which he commissions artist to make for him. I thought these were, frankly, quite cool looking but probably due to my lack of knowledge.
I'm basically worried that I may have befriended a perfectly nice... Satanist. He has been very nice and friendly and I trust him as much as it is sensible to online, which isn't that much, just small things like when he'll be online, nothing valuable. But I trust my mother far more but I know she can get touchy over things to do with, let’s call it magic for want of a better word.
So, my question is simple, What the holy fornication do I do? Should I stay friends with him, talk to him, break away from him or just leave it alone. I don't want to just bugger off without an explanation. It is the internet, but come on, we do deserve some clarity.
Thanks for the help
* * *
Hi, Stettfudd,
Glad you are over your crush on Tech E :-P
I saved your question for today because it is so timely for this holiday; hope you don’t mind. But to the question at paw.... Tarot cards were invented in Europe in the 1400s to play a number of harmless card games. It wasn’t until about four hundred years later that people started using them for fortune telling (or divination). Today, there are different versions of Tarot cards, some associated with games and some associated with the occult.
Just as Tarot cards were adopted by mystics to tell fortunes, regular playing cards are also used for the same purpose. You can also cast lots, throw bones, use a crystal ball, read tea leaves, etc. None of these things are magic in themselves. It is only one's attitude towards them that makes them seem so.
The same goes for Tarot cards. They are just cards with art on them, nothing more. It is the mystic who is the key here. If you believe in such things, it is the mystic’s ability to read the cards randomly shuffled and dealt that allows him or her to tell make predictions about the future. The cards are just pieces of cardboard or plastic with drawings on them.
It’s okay for you to like the art on the Tarot cards your friend made. It would be wrong to assume that because he makes such cards he is a Satanist. The two of you have become friends and that’s a wonderful thing. In your conversations with him, try to bring up the topic of religion and philosophy in a nonchalant manner. Maybe start by saying some of your own beliefs and then see what he thinks. This is a much better way of finding out more about your friend because you know what they say about people who assume—you make an “ass” out of “u” and “me.”
Happy Halloween!
Happy Halloween!

Have fun, be safe, and STAY IN SCHOOL! http://www.TheRaccoonsDen.com http://www.Facebook.com/TheRaccoonsDen http://www.Twitter.com/TheRaccoonsDen http://www.... From: TheRaccoonsDen Views: 473

Fursuit maker review site?
So after posting this: http://www.reddit.com/r/furry/comments/1pkvxm/website_idea_esty_but_just_furries/
It seams that there is some need for a site that offers a place for people to leave reviews and ratings for fursuit makers?
I have heard of stories where people have been ripped off buy $1000s and where the maker takes the money and runs off.
It could be a good way for people to find fursuit makers as well as be able to trust them with their money.
The way such a site would work is that fursuit makers would apply to be on the site, they can send a load of photos of their work that would be featured on the site in a "gallery" as well as a description of their service and links to their site/FA etc.
Users would be able to leave reviews and rate the service.
Obviously there are idiots out there who find it funny to be stupid and leave false reviews as well as people who live false reviews to maybe boost fursuit maker's reviews on the site.
There are a few ways to prevent this like having a minimum word count, require the user to link to their FA with images of their suit etc.
Looking to see if this is a thing that people want and would use. Would be free (like all my sites) to use and would be supported by ads on the site.
If you could leave a comment and tell me more about what you are wanting as a buyer/fursuit maker that would help us out a lot.
[edit] Managed to put this together using some Wordpress plugins. http://img822.imageshack.us/img822/2371/llao.jpg
Kinda what I am going for, Users can submit reviews and rate their purchase http://img849.imageshack.us/img849/4553/80zn.jpg
[edit2] LIVE and working preview of the site: http://area51.furstre.am/fursuitreviews/
submitted by Jackster22[link] [15 comments]
Does the Furry Fandom Really Suck This Badly? What Is YOUR Opinion?
Rocket City
Starting out as a Second Life companion to the real life Rocket City FurMeet convention hosted in Alabama, they have since spun off as an autonomous independent entity. Spread across 2 sims, Rocket City is a lush woodland area based on nature itself, including coastlines, waterfalls and rivers. A peaceful hangout spot.
In their wordsFeatures- Lots of snuggle poseball spots
- Sandbox
- Shopping centre

Space rocket!




Lounge in the middle of nowhere

You must be 18 or over to have a Second Life account. Visitors are advised that strong language might be used. The sim is PG rating.
Additional linksFlickrWikiFurs entry
Con*Tact Caffeine
Since 2009 this company has been producing an array of scented soaps laced with caffeine designed to energise and refresh users every morning.
In their wordsCon*Tact is a small business specialising in the finest handcrafted caffeinated soaps on the market today. We love interacting with our customers and really enjoy sharing the creative process with everyone!Rating
Suitable for all ages. This site has no offensive content. You must be 18 or over to use the product themselves since they contain caffeine that is absorbed through the skin.
Additional linksBlogFurAffinityFacebook PageTumblrTwitterForum