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R/furry: active 5 years, 9,000 subscribers. R/yiff: active 3 years, 11,000 subscribers.
$1111.00 USD raffle on Furaffinity!
More Furry Cartoons Coming From South Africa
The Hollywood Reporter recently ran an article about Triggerfish — the animation studio which some refer to as the Pixar of South Africa. Following the international success of Zambezia (about a city of birds) and Khumba (about a young zebra missing half of his stripes), Triggerfish have secured funding which will allow them to begin work on two new films out of a planned slate of five. The company’s stated goal is to release one film a year starting in 2016. First out of the gate is Here Be Monsters, about a young human boy who interacts with a scary sea monster. It’s written by Raffaella Delle Donne, who worked on both the studio’s previous films. Soon after that comes Seal Team, described as “an action-comedy that pits a group of seals against the great white sharks of South Africa.” Khumba is currently screening in Africa, with plans to roll it out to the rest of the world going into 2014.
In the relm of graphic novels
Any furry related graphic novels that you would recommend/are good reads? I'm a fan of "Lions of Baghdad," and "We3."
submitted by Aussiekat[link] [3 comments]
Fur Squared #2: The Furry Experience
Furries here at Castleton
It describes the furry fandom, with input from furries Scott Santamore, Amanda "Pine Cole" Green, and Meghan Hakey.
Typical hobbies for college students often include blogging, drinking or playing a sport, but for Scott Santamore, his hobby is a little furrier.
“A furry isn’t just the fur suit part of it, but it’s somebody who enjoys the furry fandom. It could be the art aspect of it or just enjoying the idea of anamorphic animals,” Santamore said.
Each fur suit is unique and represents a different personality. Santamore’s furry is a purple and orange Husky. He says he picked those colors because they’re like a yin-yang. Where one side of the husky has orange in a spot, the other side mimics with purple.
“My furry is a pygmy goat. I chose a goat because I'm stubborn, playful, vegan, and I like to head-butt my friends,” said Amanda Green, a Lyndon State student. “My character is male because I tend to relate to male characters more than females.”
Greens’ furry’s name is Pine Cole and his colors are gray, black, and white with lime green accents.
“His right ear has a white accent on it to reflect my own natural blonde patch that is on the right-back side of my head,” Green added.
However, a furry isn’t just a hobby to some; but a sexual fetish. Yes, some like to take it into the bedroom.
“I think it’s a little weird. At the same time I don’t want to judge people. They like what they like. It’s definitely nothing I’m interested in,” Santamore said.
Though, sex is just one small aspect, there are some die-hard furry fans out there. Some that will go far enough like Green, and make their fur suits.
“I’ve been making fur suits for 2 years. I’ve made 11, so far,” Green said.
Green explains that making the fur suit is quite the process and that she’s still learning.
“The first thing you need to do is to study the animal you wish to create. Draw it out and make sure you have a design. It's very necessary to have the design to look back on throughout the entire process,” Green said. “To generalize the actual construction, I start out by carving foam into the shape I want. I then make my own patterns, and fabricate the foam base. The last thing I do is add the eyes.”
Green and Santamore are just two people interested in this large fandom. Like super heroes, Doctor Who, and Harry Potter, furries, too, have a convention. Luckily for Green and Santamore, they were able to attend FurFright recently.
“I was absolutely in love with the fact that I could see in person the fur suits I had admired from pictures on the internet,” Green said.
Though, Green and Santamore are huge fans, they both don’t wear their fur suits as often as they would like.
“I’ll wear it maybe for two or three hours absolute max for a few different reasons. It’s very tiring and it also gets really hot in that suit. Your average fur suit gets about 110 degrees in about twenty minutes,” said Santamore.
Seeing a furry on campus is something new to many. Some run away with fright, while curious others stay and ask questions.
Theater major, Meghan Hakey, took it further and did her own research on the unique hobby.
“I think it’s actually good that people have an outlet like this,” Hakey said. “I mean, Comic Con is a really huge thing and people go dressed as super heroes and comic book characters, so if people want to dress like animals, that’s cool.”
Furthia High download?
Just wondering if anyone knows where I could download the entire Furthia High so far?
submitted by Jake_Canin[link] [1 comment]
I've really gotta wonder about this...
Everywhere I've looked points to yes: 1] I am the only fur who positively despises pornography, both yiff and r/l. (This separates me for obvious reasons.) 2] It is quite unusual to have no artistic abilities and NOT buy a commission. (I can't afford it!) 3] Most people who consider themselves furs are 30+ years old. (17) 4] Furs are the only group where those who are gay will tell you so for no clear reason. (I really just don't care.)
And No: 1] It is not common to tell nobody in real life about being a fur. (They'd kill me. Or at least quiz me on it. I hate when that happens.) 2] It is not common to love furfights. (Before you say anything, violent images don't make me any more violent in real life.) 3] It is not common to not go to any conventions. (See Yes2) Please tell me if I've got any of this wrong! Sorry for wasting your time like this!
submitted by Risho96[link] [8 comments]
I suppose you could say this one's in poor... taste? (Creature Feature #33: Polite Parasite)
You Can Use Theater Techniques to Ease Social Anxiety
Due to some unfortunate events, I lost my old fursona... I've been working on a new one. Furry, meet Rose.
Here is my fur suit head. The suit itself if a half suit (feet and legs up toabout my belly button, a tail, and paws ) however j don't want to put it ALL on right now.
Dogs wagging their tongues
Ty’s idea for the project formed back in March of 2012 when he was shooting a project for a client. “While running through all the images that were shot I would find myself laughing out loud at how great the expressions were that some of the dogs had while licking in studio. The best way to describe it would be an ‘a-ha’ moment, I just kept thinking to myself, ‘this would be a great book!’”
Unlike most of us, dogs don’t have too much tongue licking their own noses.
Ty Foster's Lick Gallery
FnF Ep 9 – Character Development - Last week we talked about character development! Sorry to the delay in posting the episode, everyone. My laptop exploded. Hopefully Ocean buys me coffee for riding my ass so much.
Last week we talked about character development!
Sorry to the delay in posting the episode, everyone. My laptop exploded. Hopefully Ocean buys me coffee for riding my ass so much.
Fangs and Fonts
Click below to Listen http://www.fangsandfonts.com/FnF/Episodes/FnF_-_Episode9_-_Character_Development.mp3Download here | Open Player in New Window
FnF Ep 9 – Character Development - Last week we talked about character development! Sorry to the delay in posting the episode, everyone. My laptop exploded. Hopefully Ocean buys me coffee for riding my ass so much.