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I need ideas, and fast.

Furry Reddit - Sat 23 Nov 2013 - 11:26

I am drawing a total blank right now for the comic. Everyone, PM me any ideas for jokes you might have, and you'll be given plenty of credit. I'll probably save a few for later weeks, or come up with my own. But as of right now, I can't think of ANYTHING.

submitted by awesomeme99
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Categories: News

I made an anonymous poll about furries out of curiosity! The results will be posted on the subreddit when I have enough!

Furry Reddit - Sat 23 Nov 2013 - 10:36

Yesterday I asked if anyone was interested in a poll, and people seemed to be, so here it is!

Some questions could be considered [NSFW].

Please only submit one response! (I don't know if there is any way to limit it... :/)

The poll!

Disclaimer: I am in no way a professional Poll-maker so it might be pretty bad, but I strive to learn and improve! If the general response seems positive i might make another one later, but even better! :D

If I made some blatantly obvious mistake please don't hesitate to inform me!

Results will be posted when I feel I have received enough responses and will be available for your viewing pleasure in fancy graph form!

Exclamation points!! ^^

[edit1]: Added some things I forgot to this post

[edit2]: Really amazed at the number of responses! Statistics yeah!

[edit3]: 250 responses! :D

submitted by znailxxor
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Categories: News

In the year 8510: Black Paw

FurStarter - Sat 23 Nov 2013 - 10:13

When the world seems lost and mankind stands at the eve of destruction, the Gods give them…furries…


The Black Paw: Return of the Dragon

The year: unknowable.

blackpaw4The world as we know it has run its course. Humanity’s last gasp is the war–well, the first war, against Tiamat, a godlike force from beyond that brings with it giant city-destroying robots and complete devastation. When weapons fail, humanity turns to the gods, who answer in the form battle machines powered by holy energy: the Divine Golems.

blackpaw5And that is 250,000 years ago. Now, in a world shaped by strange magic, stranger technology, and divine will, animal folk inhabit a green and vibrant world. But that “green and vibrant” part once again attracts the attentions of Tiamat. With the looming threat of a second war, mortal power struggles–assassinations, political rivalries, court dramas–unfold–but will the people of this world get their mutual acts together in time to stave off destruction for another 250,000 years?

blackpaw6This is the scenario that plays out in Black Paw 1: Return of the Dragon, now kickstarting for a paperback release.

The world of Black Paw is a genre-blender mix of high tech and magic. It’s mecha-intensive; one of the principal artists launched the “Mecha Zone” kickstarter in 2011, and the world, with its god-powered golems and technodragon dark lords, is informed by both battle-robot anime and Kaiju. And there’s a fair bit of high fantasy as well–the military wades in with swords and axes, kitsune girls wield spiked fans, characters quest through the Astral Plane and heal through divine blessings. It’s a huge world, a complex world, and an ambitious world.

blackpaw2One thing that’s compelling for me about this project is that it’s total fandom service. You can see a few pages of the comic on the developer GleamingScythe’s FA page, it’s reasonably solid art. The characters are sometimes full-on half-animal anthros with muzzles and tails, sometimes more in the “cat girl” style of a few spare anthro features. One or two even have a strong cartoon vibe, almost superdeformed. The range is striking.

blackpaw3That being said, the Kickstarter itself is confusing, even incomprehensible. The project page comes across as a massive collection of images, not really meaningfully related to each other–motion videos of mecha, character sketches and high-quality pieces from artists that don’t seem to have anything to do with the project, commission opportunities from artists who, again, are from some other project entirely. The project’s description leads with not a write-up of the book, but a narrative of the tabletop role-playing game that led up to it (and it does feel like an RPG setting, kind of like Kickstarter darling Numenera), and about the project’s previous financial history. And it never becomes clearer, though there are a lot of nice pics.

BLACKPAW7Overall the experience of reading through the project is the informational equivalent of trying to operate one of those new touch-screen soda fountains with your eyes closed. Is this the rules to a tabletop game? Should I pledge here or go to Paypal? Am I supporting a film project or a book? Does the pretty naked person appear in the book, and will she look like that? Are there Kaiju? Can I play the gun-toting dingo in the base game? Am I getting this now, later, or only if I pay $1250? Help!

blackpaw8One place where the project’s Kickstarter page seems to be genuinely misleading, and maybe unintentionally since the page is terribly rambly, is on the issue of art. The general quality of the art (again, you can make up your own mind on Furaffinity) varies between “wow, that’s amazing!” and “eh, good enough for webcomic, I’ll bookmark it,” and it looks like the majority of the final product is the latter. In fairness, fandom-focused comics tend to fall into that category, most of us aren’t professionals, but a LOT of us are still creators, and that’s great! But in the context of a business proposal–and ultimately, that’s what a Kickstarter project is–it’d be good to know what you’re buying.

Note: Images used above are included to promote the work of crowdfunding artists, and are owned by the original creator.

Categories: News

Furries in the Eve Universe

Furry Reddit - Sat 23 Nov 2013 - 08:33
Categories: News

Sweet Red Roo!

Furry Reddit - Sat 23 Nov 2013 - 00:40
Categories: News


In-Fur-Nation - Fri 22 Nov 2013 - 23:00

Felix the Cat, the creation of Pat Sullivan and Otto Messmer, is perhaps one of the most famous and long-lived cartoon animals ever — pre-dating even Mickey Mouse. In the 1950′s, Joe Oriolo created a well-known series of cartoon shorts for Trans Lux Productions, which helped to bring Felix and his friends (and enemies!) to a new generation. Since the 1980′s, control of the “Felix Empire” has belonged to Joe’s son, Don Oriolo. Don has overseen the creation and distribution of Felix’s image on numerous products and in numerous media. Many of the images of Felix used for these were drawn and painted by Don himself.  Now, IDW Publishing have collected Don Oriolo’s works together in a new full-color hardcover book, Felix the Cat Paintings. Check it out at Amazon, before it hits the shelves early next year. The book features a forward by comic book historian Craig Yoe, as well as essays from cartoon aficionados like Jerry Beck, Mark Evanier, David Gerstein, and Paul Castiglia.

image c. 2013 Don Oriolo

Categories: News

Yo /r/furry, comment some art prompts for me to draw so I can practice

Furry Reddit - Fri 22 Nov 2013 - 22:55

[[EDIT 2:40 pacific time: I'll put the ones I do into a separate post in a few days ]]

For those that don't know, my name is Kai and I'm a dumb bird/deer. I've posted here from time to time. I have time to kill for a week long Thanksgiving Break starting today, so I want to draw some stuff and mess around with my style. I'm not going to take really specific requests [like characters/OCs/whatever] but I'll try to draw from as many prompts as I can just for practice.

The main places I post my art are here:


[[ I'm also doing some $15 sketch commissions if anyone's interested btw ]]

EDIT [10:05 pacific time] gonna start workin on these

submitted by silverfennec
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Categories: News

Mystic new character

Furry Reddit - Fri 22 Nov 2013 - 22:55
Categories: News

Have an idea but I'm not sure how to go about it.

Furry Reddit - Fri 22 Nov 2013 - 17:21

So I want to try and do a Tron themed series of images or even an animation involving my fursona. I already have an idea of what angles I would want to use...its just getting them from an idea to an actual product is the harder part from me. I only need help with one of the angles and that is the snout from the front or facing the viewer.

I hope I actually do get to do this because I have thinking about doing it for quite some time...

submitted by the_bi_lizard
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Categories: News

Rainbow soda gasm!

Furry Reddit - Fri 22 Nov 2013 - 17:16
Categories: News

CODA5.2 - Rrowdybeast aka. Fenrir Continued... - **This is Episode 47 of the entire Fuzzy Notes catalogue! CRAZY!** THIS EPISODE CONTAINS EXPLI...

Fuzzy Notes - Fri 22 Nov 2013 - 13:06
**This is Episode 47 of the entire Fuzzy Notes catalogue! CRAZY!** THIS EPISODE CONTAINS EXPLICIT LANGUAGE! 'Coda' is a the super-smart and talkative member of the Fuzzy Notes family of podcasts about the music made by furries. Where Fuzzy Notes features music, and B-Sides showcases additional tracks by previously featured artists, Coda is an interview show where Roo chats with furry songwriters, producers and musicians about their recent projects, their musical life, and everything in between! In 'Coda5.2' Roo continues his talk with Rrowdybeast, touching on his musical origin story and opinion not only on furry music but on the mainstream. Part of the four hour conversation Roo had with him, and of a larger series that will contain snips and bits and pieces from that chat! Music through the years, Rrowdybeast's musical growth, and his thoughts on the mainstream music scene. It's all here! Rrowdybeast is passionate about art, music and has some strong opinions about how it all fits in the furry fandom. This is definitely an inspiring conversation...and there's more to come. RROWDYBEAST ONLINE: Twitter: FA: MUSIC: Opening Coda Theme: The Grass Is Soothing (R.D.L.G. Remix) Nobuyuki - Never Seen Again Track: FA: Dead Pixel - Boiling Point Track: FA: Sanxion7 - Trance Theory Track: Web: FIND FUZZY NOTES ONLINE: Twitter: Facebook: iTunes: Email: PLEASE RATE AND REVIEW FUZZY NOTES! Your (hopefully positive!) review will help Fuzzy Notes find a wider audience and is VER appreciated! Here, have a <3 just for reading this! CODA5.2 - Rrowdybeast aka. Fenrir Continued... - **This is Episode 47 of the entire Fuzzy Notes catalogue! CRAZY!** THIS EPISODE CONTAINS EXPLI...
Categories: Podcasts

No Gifts from Boyfriend Makes This Furry Wonder If He Is Really Loved

Ask Papabear - Fri 22 Nov 2013 - 12:43
Hi Papa Bear,

I'm in a relationship with a wonderful guy who I love deeply but find some of his indirect actions hurtful and upsetting, and one has been bothering me a lot lately, though I wonder if I am taking it harder than I should. 

We have been together for almost a year, but he has never gotten any commissioned art (or any kind of gift) for me, not even for special occasions, but continues to purchase art of him and his roommate in non-intimate scenes and has even asked me permission to get some adult themed art with another. I had mentioned before about 6 months into our relationship that it bothered me that he chose to get art of others instead of me, even though I always depict myself with him as first choice and have gotten many of us, but the situation has not changed and he continues to spend a lot of money on art of him and others. My friends think its a really bad sign.

Am I taking it to hard? What should I do? He's currently on deployment and won't be back for at least 6 more months, so a face-to-face is impossible and our communication is from periodic messages over social media.

Thanks for your time.

- T

* * *

Hi, T,

Papabear would tend to agree with your friends. Not only because he has not gotten a commission for you even though he has done so for others, but even more so because he apparently hasn’t gotten you ANY kind of gift even though it has been about a year. No birthday gift? No holiday gift? Valentine? Christmas? Nothing? 

While I’m not big on material things, one can express his or her love for another in ways that are thoughtful and not expensive, such as a handmade present of some sort. For example (and I don’t mean this to brag, but it still touches my heart), my mate, for my last birthday, got a friend of his who knows about old radios to put new tubes into my grandparents’ 1930s-era radio so that it once more could play music after decades of being a paperweight. He surprised me with it on my birthday morning. His friend fixed it for him as a favor and it didn’t cost him anything, but to me it was worth a million bucks because it was so thoughtful.

Now, if your boyfriend were not the type to get gifts at all, even for his family or other friends, I wouldn’t be worried because he is just not the gift-giving type. That’s okay. But what we have here is his consideration and thoughtfulness for others and a complete lack of thoughtfulness for you in this regard.

Unless you are leaving something out? There is this possibility: does he do thoughtful acts for you that he wouldn’t do for others? Such as making you your favorite meal for dinner? Pampering you with a foot massage? Leaving you love notes? If he does stuff like that, then I wouldn’t worry about gifts. It could be that he has a separate standard for people he loves, and that standard is the gift of thoughtful acts while purchases of things like art commissions is for his second-tier friends. You say he's a "wonderful guy," so I would thing that he does thing for you that have made you form that opinion, no?

If that is not true and he gives you absolutely nothing, then it is really time to have a serious discussion with him. DO NOT do so online. Such things must be discussed face-to-face, so wait until he gets back from his military duties. When he does, you need to tell him that he makes you feel unloved and you seriously wonder if the two of you should be together.

Don’t ask for gifts at this point, because there is a problem with asking for his consideration. What if he agrees and starts buying you gifts? Is he doing so because he has genuinely seen the light? Or is he just doing it to shut you up? You should not have to ask for gifts because then they are not really gifts; they become obligations. Besides, you have already asked once to no avail.

Therefore, I would recommend that when he comes home you tell him that you think the two of you need a break from your relationship (wait a couple days after his return, though; it would be unkind to hit him with this immediately after over 6 months of duty to his country). Tell him you love him, but you don’t really feel that he loves you as much. Don’t tell him it’s because of the gift thing. If he has any brains at all, he’ll figure it out. Back off, and see if he comes back for you. If he doesn’t, he obviously doesn’t care much. If he does, then hopefully he’ll have gained a new appreciation for your love and respect it as he should.

Good luck!


Hey reddit furs, anyone at midwest furfest 2013 want to hang out?

Furry Reddit - Fri 22 Nov 2013 - 11:50

Haven't seen any threads for this yet. Apologies off I missed a thread but I'm on mobile abd search is weird. Any redditors at MFF want to meet up anywhere?

submitted by Manaaniwanderer
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Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Fri 22 Nov 2013 - 11:34

It's raining in Phoenix for once, the weather is cool, and it's a good time for some hot coffee. What are your favorite pictures of furs enjoying some coffee? Please share!

I'll start with my favorite: Gearwolf9k: Comm. by KaiFennec

submitted by Antnommer
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Categories: News

Would you be interested in taking a furry poll?

Furry Reddit - Fri 22 Nov 2013 - 09:46

I'm curious by nature and would really like to know some more about you guys. I'm rather new to the furry community, and even newer to this subreddit so I was thinking of making a poll to find out more, and then of course post the results here.

The poll would be completely anonymous (well, as anonymous as it can get with google :/) and would perhaps contain some rather personal questions. All questions will be optional, so if you don't want to answer one you don't have to.

Would anyone be interested in such a poll?

Tl;dr: Might make a poll for all of you if you're interested.

[EDIT]: THE POLL IS LIVE! Reddit thread here: LINK TO THREAD

submitted by znailxxor
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Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Fri 22 Nov 2013 - 09:17

I'm curious to the number of furs wear a collar like myself and their reasons why.

For a while I didn't because of the feeling that wearing one marked me a submissive to someone, and I didn't feel anyone had earned that trust in me. But in the past few months my mate and I have gotten close, and she suggested I wear one. I accepted, and now I feel like, for me, it's more of a symbol of loyalty to her.

I'm interested to see how everyone else feels about it.

submitted by Wellthatsucks314
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Categories: News

Free ink headshots?

Furry Reddit - Fri 22 Nov 2013 - 08:20

I'm a bored furry artist, anybody interested in a free ink head-shot of their char? I have done this before, I will choose from who replies to draw :> my previous headshots:

I'm best at birds (obviously as a gryphon) and canines.

submitted by Skangryph
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Categories: News