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Fuzzy Notes 51 - 'Coda6' with Partywolf17 - Fuzzy Notes, the podcast about the music made by furs, kicks off 2014 with the first of four full...
any furs up for some cards against humanity?
Thank you!
No reason for this post just think everybody is kickass and awesome and I love you all!
submitted by shiftyeyedsam[link] [10 comments]
$15-$30 portrait commissions! Just started taking commissions; is the pricing reasonable?
Raccoon in Space!
Free speedpaints
As the title said, free 10-25 min speedpaints, for the lulz :) Just give me a refsheet (or even better, ask me to design something for you)
submitted by LoweNormanArt[link] [63 comments]
How to Welcome a New Furry to the Fandom
What makes someone a furry? I have been interested the fandom for awhile, and think about it a lot, I have a sona, and talk to furs, like my awesome mate, and role play, is this "furry behavior"?
How can you help me come to terms with being a furry? I'd appreciate it.
A Curious Fox
* * *
Dear Curious,
I believe that should be “Mon Cher Monsieur Ours” in French :-P It’s interesting the way you worded this as “come to terms with being a furry,” as if you were dealing with your sexual identity or a genetic disease. This is telling me that new people coming into the fandom like you (and I see this all the time) are immediately getting the impression from other furries (and elsewhere) that there is something wrong with you if you like being a furry.
I really wish everyone—furries in particular—would get over the idea that we should be ashamed of ourselves. We should not be.
What makes someone a furry? Just this: you like movies, comics, drawings, costumes, etc. that involve anthropomorphized animals. That, in essence, is all it is. That’s how the modern fandom started back in the 1980s, with a bunch of sci-fi and fantasy fiction buffs who got together because they liked things like Albedo and Omaha the Cat Dancer.
So, that’s how it began (although anthro characters have a long history dating back to ancient mythology), but as the fandom developed, we saw the rise of what is called the “furry lifestyler.” These are people who, shall we say, take their furriness much more seriously. To them, it is not just a subgenre of sci-fi and fantasy, but rather has spiritual and psychological overtones. Many furries identify strongly with their animal side, usually with a particular species (for me, it’s bear). Going back to Wikifur, here’s a good introduction.
There is no strict definition of furry, really. Make of it what you wish. And be very wary of furries who try to define it or insist that you are not furry because you don’t fit their idea of furry. (The word for such people is “douchebag.” Can you say that? Douchebag. I knew you could!)
You say you have a fursona and socialize with furries and, yes, those are some things that are furry. You don’t need a membership card or a secret pawshake to be a furry. If you feel like a furry, clap your paws! :) Then click your heels three times together and voilà! You’re furry!
Don’t stress or fret about it. Chill out and enjoy the fluffy ride. And welcome to the fandom.
Cards against humanity round 2!
yesterday was fun so i'm doing it again. here's the details: website: http://pyz.socialgamer.net/index.php server: falcon with a box on its head game: fudgeface's game password: redditfurry 8 players 10 spectators hope to see everyone who came before and more!
submitted by Fudgeface413[link] [4 comments]
His Newfound Success Makes His Buddy Jealous
Fuzzy Logic: Episode 97 – Return of the Cast
Free Sketches!
I feel like drawing some free art! Request away! I'll draw 'till i can't no more
EDIT: Man you guys reply at a different time VoV will try my best to catch up
submitted by yortro[link] [35 comments]
Finally confused myself with my sexualty -_-
-I'm a guy and look at and read a lot of yiff material -Do still love the more age appropriate part of the community So, I had hoped I didn't need to make this post but at 2am I just confused myself.
I see myself as an asexual, I find nothing attractive at all. Sure I can agree that 'that guy or girl is hot' but I won't really desire them at all. This is where furries come in, I look at and read purely gay stuff, usually with a dom and sub to an extreme. I don't find furries especially attractive either but I do find them more 'desirable' than humans.
Thing is I want to be a sub despite not being attracted to anything, to get pushed around by someone I love while knowing that they love me back. I'm starting to think I'd only ever be attracted to personalities and the specific people I get to know. But it confuses me, am I not asexual or am I only attracted to 'people'? I would guess I look at the gay stuff because I want to be bottom and I'm a guy and I read because 'looks' aren't in effect in those but the love and emotion is. Any thoughts on what's going on with me?
submitted by Caliro[link] [16 comments]
Commissions for professional projects. Any experience?
Has anyone had much experience hiring artists for professional work? (Illustrations for childrens books, printing on t-shirts etc...) I'm going to be looking to hire an anthro artist or 2 in the future and I was wondering if anyone had experience in doing that? I'm specifically looking for web banners, avatars, smileys etc.
Anything I need to keep in mind? I'm in a complimentary field and am 100% on board with credit of authorship and giving full permission to the artist to put in a portfolio. I'm not interested in a royalties setup - I would rather need to pay outright.
submitted by sns_abdl[link] [comment]