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Ancient Anthros [Tartii]

Furry Reddit - Mon 13 Jan 2014 - 01:25
Categories: News

Brockport/Hamlin/Spencerport Furs. (New York Furries)

Furry Reddit - Mon 13 Jan 2014 - 00:56

Just wonder if there are any Reddit Furries in my area! I know a couple, but would love to meet more! I'm in Rochester area, let me know if any of y'all are near!

submitted by lokilullaby
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Categories: News

Hey fellow furries :3 What music makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside?

Furry Reddit - Sun 12 Jan 2014 - 23:49

I am looking to find inspiration for new go-to feel good music, as well as share my own preferences and discuss music in general.

So /r/furry...

What music makes you happy?

Edit my current list of favorite music is:

Rosanna from Toto (falling in between live)

Bastion soundtrack: spike in a rail (and a couole of others)

Let her dance (bobby fuller four / fantastic mr. fox soundtrack)

How to train your dragon soundtrack.

i would very much like to expand my list, so please share :)


Starbound - On the beach at night:

Also added Braid soundtracks:

submitted by PowerRaptor
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Categories: News

Dr. Phil & Furries (Episode: 65)

The Raccoon's Den - Sun 12 Jan 2014 - 21:44
Dr. Phil & Furries (Episode: 65)
The gang comes together to discuss furries being on Dr. Phil, along with the upcoming FURTHER CONFUSION! THANKS FOR SUBSCRIBING!!! FACEBOOK: http://www.Faceb... From: TheRaccoonsDen Views: 6848 101 ratings Time: 07:08 More in Entertainment
Categories: Podcasts

Usual Nights

Furry Reddit - Sun 12 Jan 2014 - 21:42
Categories: News

Man of Many Cartoons

In-Fur-Nation - Sun 12 Jan 2014 - 20:18

Lou Scheimer was co-founder and president of Filmation Animation. Before he passed away last year, he completed his autobiography with the help of comic book writer and historian Andy Mangels. Now it’s been released in trade paperback by TwoMorrows Publishing as Lou Scheimer: Creating the Filmation Generation. Best known for Saturday morning staples like The Archies and Fat Albert and the Cosby Kids, Filmation was also responsible for the animated Star Trek series in the 1970′s, as well as for taking us back down the Yellow Brick Road with 1974′s Journey Back to Oz. For better or for worse (depending largely on your opinion of limited animation) there were a lot of anthropomorphic characters who made their way through various Filmation productions. Some of them, like Star Trek’s Lt. Mress, have become Furry icons. Check out Lou’s story — and the story of Filmation and Saturday morning cartoons — at Amazon.

image c. 2014 TwoMorrows Publishing

Categories: News

Spot the furry

Furry Reddit - Sun 12 Jan 2014 - 19:58
Categories: News

Newbie with a new account

Furry Reddit - Sun 12 Jan 2014 - 18:36

About two weeks ago is when I would say I officially joined this great fandom. Since then I would say that I've never been happier with any decision I've made thus far. I love this place and I love you guys soo much! I hope to be here a while and have a great time! Anyway, thank you for the warm welcome and great friends! Cheers!

submitted by AtlasTheGreat
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Categories: News

Hostile Territory (day 12 progress)

Furry Reddit - Sun 12 Jan 2014 - 15:33
Categories: News

Very Shy Furry Taking the Plunge at AC

Ask Papabear - Sun 12 Jan 2014 - 14:38
Dear Papa Bear,

I wanted to ask you about advice for talking and relating with other furries. You see, this year is my first time going to Anthrocon. The problem is that I'm going alone since none of my friends are furries and are not interested in going. I was hoping to try to become friends with fellow furries that I'll meet, but I have to deal with my AvPD (Avoidant Personality Disorder), so it's going to be EXTREMELY hard trying to talk to other people. So please give me some advice.


Lyroe The Elk (age 21)

* * *

Dear Lyroe,

I’m sure that you are well aware of what AvPD is, but for my other readers, a quick summary: unlike a condition such as autism, AvPD is not an illness; it is not a psychological disorder per se; there is nothing wrong with your hormones or your nervous system. To me, then, it is simply a label that the psychology community has come up with to describe a very very very shy person. 

The good news is that this makes it eminently easier to treat because it is a learned behavior. You have gotten yourself into an infinite loop of thinking that reinforces negativity about yourself. So, the thing to do is to break out of the loop by adding subroutines that lead you out of the mind trap in which you have found yourself.

A good introductory article I found on the topic was written by Eduard Ezeanu ( He describes three ways to help yourself with AvPD: 1) Challenging and changing dysfunctional thinking. People with avoidant personality disorder tend to have a lot of limiting beliefs, plus an unrealistic view of social standards and of themselves. These need to be corrected by consciously changing the way they think.

2) Gradual exposure. People with avoidant personality disorder need to gradually face those exact situations they’re afraid of and they typically avoid. Systemic exposure, combined with combating unrealistic thinking will set their mind and emotions on the right path.

3) Improving people skills. Since individuals with AvPD avoid social situations as much as they can, their people skills have often atrophied or they’ve never truly developed at all. Thus, training key people skills and learning how to start a conversation, how to keep it going or how to connect with people is crucial. By planning on a trip to Anthrocon, you are kind of plunging yourself into the fire. Rather than working on step 2 gradually, you will likely be overwhelmed. Literally thousands of furries will be surrounding you. It really would have been far better for you to start with a small furmeet and then work your way gradually up to an event that is literally the biggest furry convention on the planet. 

You only have a few months until AC. You might try preparing yourself by reading Marin Kantor’s The Essential Guide to Overcoming Avoidant Personality Disorder.

There is no magic potion or sage words of advice that I can provide you that will prepare you adequately for AC in this short column. AvPD is overcome over time and with a lot of effort on your part. Since you already know what AvPD is, your probably know this, as well. 

I suppose the best advice I can give you at this point is try to not overwhelm yourself with what you will see at AC. Almost 5,600 furries attended the Pittsburgh convention in 2013, and that number is almost certain to grow this year. Just being in the lobby with so many people is going to stress you out. So, as much as possible, try to take your furry exposure in small doses. In the meantime, try reading as much as possible on AvPD and working on changing your thinking and improving your people skills.   

Hope this helps, at least a little bit. 

Take care, 


Question about furry cell backgrounds

Furry Reddit - Sun 12 Jan 2014 - 14:33

So I like to have random suiters as my phone backgrounds if I think theyre adorable and all that fun stuff. It just occurred to me that what I'm doing might be really weird. Is it? This question is more out of curiosity then anything else.

submitted by MrSqueaker
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Categories: News

Hi! Do you want a free drawing of your fursona today? :D

Furry Reddit - Sun 12 Jan 2014 - 11:58

Hi there, I'm feeling like drawing something today and felt like this subreddit would be happy if I offered to draw free commissions! I also would love to get to know this community better and make more furry friends because I don't know many as of now, and i'm sort of a shy person so it's harder for me to approach others. But i'm still really friendly and would love to draw some stuff for you guys! :D I love making people happy and again i'm offering this for free, I expect absolutely nothing in return. So if you want, just leave a comment with whatever you want drawn and i'll get back to you asap! I'll be available all day today and i'll check up on this as often as I can. Oh, and also, I don't have any reference for my artwork because I rarely post any of my art online or publicly, so I hope you're okay with surprises! (Don't worry, it wont be really bad or anything, I'll take my time on this.)

edit: Okay, so this got so many more requests than I expected! I'm really happy about it, actually! :D As of now there are two things I'd like to address. Because I expected a maximum of like... ~5 people to comment on this, I thought I could quick sketch out a few designs and move on to working on some papers I have to write for my English course. So with that said, I'm just going to note to you guys that I will do as much as I can right now, but eventually I will need to focus my time on my papers tonight. However, I will gladly resume working on your requests after tonight. Hopefully anyone who I already promised a request will get it by Friday, the end of next week (but most likely sooner). Secondly, if you're curious as to what your sketch will look like/what art style I draw in, I just finished the first one for . You can view it here:

submitted by foxesrockmysox
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Categories: News