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At 58 He's Finally Found Love, but Now There Is a Big Decision to Make
Just want to say, I have read some of your responses and really do like what you have said.
What I want to talk about with you is about a long distance relationship I am in. First of all, I am not a young male. After Anthrocon, last year, I met another male on Facebook. Needless to say, this other guy does not live close to where I live. We started talking over Facebook, with letters, IM and on the phone. We do call each other [about] every day. This started about two weeks after the initial Facebook contact. I have found that I fell with love with him and he for me. For me, this is the first time I really felt this way with another person. I have had other guys in my life, from time to time, but I have never felt this way - nothing like this before. I have never been married and he has been married, has two children.
Well, over the last six months or so, we agreed to meet each other. I went to his place first. Just want to say, I have never felt so compatible. To be at his residence, to be with him, and with his two wonderful children. I also like the city in which my b/f lives. But I want to say, there was things I had to get used to. The locations of the light switches, the stairs and he took the blanket. (I did get additional blankets - so all well that ends well). He also came to my residence, met my dog and part of my family.
On the side note, I have never told my family that I am a homosexual. But I did tell them before we both came over for a meal. Needless to say, for some in my family - this news did not go over so well. We all grew up with in a Christian church which taught that this style of life is not right. Some family members guess that I lean in that direction. To wrap this up, my family generally supports me but are concerned with my spirituality and health. His two children already knew this about their dad, so this was not a surprise to them.
Now to come to the point, I really wish to go deeper into this long distance relationship. (My friends all said that I need to find someone that is close to where I live. i.e., no more than two hundred miles distance). Since we have only physically met for a bit other two weeks, we both feel that it would not be right for me to come and live with him. [A visit is one thing but to have someone move in, that is something else]. We both feel that we should get to know each other a whole lot more before crossing that threshold - to live together.
Well, for me to move out to this other city, I would need sell what I have, then move out to this other city; find a job and a place to live. After this, we would be able to see each other, a lot more. (Church, TV nights, dinner and more). I do want to say, I have moved before, it is not easy to move to another location but I know what needs to be done. I would leave my family behind [I have lived in another part of the USA for a bit of time without my family – so, yes I kind of do know what this means]. If this relationship does grow (which is my hope), then in time I think I would move in with my b/f; we would live together. To spend the rest of his/my life together (how ever long that may be). But if this relationship does not grow, as I am hopeful, we would be remain very good friends and I believe that we would share each other lives.
So, this is the current great plan - I want to say I am a bit afraid and scared. Any words, questions or comments you have - I would be grateful.
Unsure Fox (age 58)
* * *
Dear Unsure Fox,
This sounds to me like one of those letters I often get in which the writer has already really decided what he or she wants and is just running the idea by me to see if an outsider would agree.
I congratulate you on several things: being very open with your boyfriend and your family about what you want and who you are, recognizing that long-distance relationships don’t work, taking the time to meet with your boyfriend in person, including family members, and recognizing the potential hardships that will involve moving to be closer to him.
Depending on how difficult the trip is, my initial recommendation would be to try to visit him for extended periods at least a couple times more before making the big move. Just one two-week visit is not very long. However, if that is really not possible to do, at least you had some real-life exposure, which is better than none at all.
My other cautionary note—and I’m saying this without knowing you personally—is to be careful that you are not deciding this guy is “the one” because you are 58 and thinking that there might not be very many chances left in your life to find a partner. Finally, you must recognize that finding a job in another city at your age can be problematic. While workplace discrimination against hiring older job candidates is against the law, ageism is alive and well in corporate America, especially since it is quite difficult to prove. I’m not sure what type of job you’re looking for, but I would do a lot of job searching and research before making a move.
But it sounds to my ears that you really do find this man special, more special than anyone you have met before. You like his kids, your family is either accepting or coping with it, and you recognize he might have some quirks but none of them are deal breakers. Based on this, I do think it is a commendable idea for you to move closer to him (guessing that the opposite is not convenient because your boyfriend has kids).
All that practical stuff aside, you sound to me like a mature, reasonable man who has fallen in love, wants to move closer to his boyfriend, and recognizes all the hardships that are involved. You are likely capable of creating a strategy for this change in your life. Preparation is key.
If I were you, I would do it. Set your plan into motion and be with your love.
I wish you much happiness and luck!
Fur Affinity announces Project Phoenix; Weasyl traffic spikes
Since I haven't figured out how to post pictures in mobile
I'll share this link instead :3
My art can be viewed there -^
submitted by ZombieWolfGrrrl[link] [4 comments]
The Week in Naked (NSFW)
The latest adult projects from Offbeatr (okay, and one refugee from Kickstarter…)
Once again, a sultry figure leans against the wall, concealed by dark shadows behind the “Offbeatr” headquarters. He, or she, or possibly they, stretch a leg out, coquettishly showing a paw, and whispers in a husky voice–to clarify, a low gravely voice, though it may actually be a husky’s voice, no judging, “Don’t worry, sailor, I don’t bite. And I just got brushed so I’m not half so much an allergy trigger.”
You check your wallet, check the pledge points, and say, “Why not. They take Paypal now.”
Primal: A Fine Art Photo Series and Book
Kickstarter ending 2/11/14
A few years ago there was a beautiful photo collection called “Beasts,” by David Sprigle. I guess “beautiful” is a matter of taste, it was a collection of 100 artsy, mostly black and white, photos of male models and animal imagery–sometimes pastoral, playful, monstrous, suggestive, fantastical, hot, or occasionally just plain weird. This compilation is of a kind, though it’s a little more colorful, and more “art-nude” and much less gay-porny.
As a collection of human nudes, this obviously is a few steps out of the “furry fandom” world. But one of our staff criteria for fur-friendly projects are those that sit at the intersection of animal imagery and artistic fun–even if they’re not specifically anthropomorphic. This project is pretty firmly at that street corner, a collection of arty, sexy nudes bound together with a loose theme of animalistic props, poses, and plots. A portion of the portfolio is available online, so there’s some excellent sneak preview material there.
Again, not for everyone, particularly if you’re upset by real fur, or just came for the cartoons. But if you have a more totemic idea of anthropomorphism, or just like looking at attractive models playing at being feral beasts, you might like to glance over this one.
Mogi Origins
Offbeatr ending 3/18/14
Maybe Mogi is only tangentally furry, but it falls into the “fandom-friendly” world of Mario references, Neko cat girls, and big-eyed anime characters, and might be worth a look–particularly if your ears perk up at “cute kitty girls.” It’s a platformer following the side-scrolling adventures of Voms, a mechanic at the hentai equivalent of Jurassic Park. Somehow–you’d never believe it, but it’s true–an accident causes a horde of “MoGi” (monster girls) to descend upon the citizens of the island in a somewhat rapey flood.
I’ve been clicking around Offbeatr for a while now, I don’t think I’ve seen the “sex scenes as stretch goal” before. Usually sex scenes are assumed on Offbeatr.
I’ve watched FAR more than my share of SailorMoon in my life, and I know that when the youma attack, you gotta beat some youma. Still, there’s something about playing a bouncy side-scrolling mechanic and kicking pumpkin girls in the head or beating them up with a HUGE monkey wrench that seems…a little off. I don’t know. The viewing and pledging populace seems to have made their mind up, the project’s funded with a month left on the clock. Poke around the project page or the blog–there’s a demo version there somewhere–maybe it’s good for a laugh, maybe it’s just a little sinister. Maybe I’m reading too much into it and should go back to “Primal.”
The King and Guin: Slaves of the Tentacle
Offbeatr ending 3/19/14
Ironically, of the video game about jiggly hentai girls with pumpkins for breasts and a gay porn fanfic about Japanese leopard-warrior Guin and Capcom’s fighting lion Leo, the two barbarian warriors locked in sticky bondage in a cavern of very…thirsty tentacle plants, the barbarians actually have bigger tits.
There. I said it. Now I can get on with this blurb.
FA artist Furious has a strong fan base and four comic titles already out at Furplanet, so you can check them out at the Furplanet table at the next big con. With that kind of support he’s well past is very modest goal of $600, starting to work his way through his stretch goals. I suspect that the comic’s real goal is $5000, when Furious’s muscle-loving fans will get their barbarians in full color.
There’s a bit of tongue-in-cheek here, Furious has a sense of humor and his stupendously huge barbarians are not without their occasional comedy beat. But his shtick is “fierce and muscular,” with proportions that only intersect with the real world on the occasional “One Weird Muscle-Building Trick” pop-up ad, and Guin and Leo have a lot of company in Furious’s portfolio. But if there’s not a joke buried in “a deadly cavern of cum-guzzling tentacle plants” somewhere, I’m going to be sad.
KinkyFUR Collection #1
Offbeater Pre-Voting Period
Okay, showing my ignorance. I’m not sure what a Futa girl is. Google says it’s somehow related to the federal unemployment tax, but that really doesn’t seem relevant.
KinkyFUR is a collection of anthropomorphic girls in bondage–there’s a few guys, at least one Bowser, but emphasis on thhe ladies–with a generous side of video game imagery, keeping it playful, with Mario’s cheerful red venus flytrap filling in for hentai rapetacles,
The project is being developed by two contributors. The first artist, Ligertits, looks like she’s contributed to other Offbeatr-fronted portfolios, hentai being well-represented on the internet’s crowdpornfunding home. Check her art tumblr for some of her projects. Her co-conspirator, Seinobyte, has a small gallery on SoFurry.
I’m curious to see where this goes. It’s got a high goal and is off to a slow start on Kickstarter, and I’m not seeing any real publicity on the interwebs, and neither seems to have a strong fan base on FA. Without some real effort at publicity–crowdfunding rule #1, nothing goes viral unless you MAKE it go viral–it’s going to gather dust. Still, it’s hard to know what’s going to grab Offbeatr’s attention.
Credit where credit’s due: picture “Scaredy-cat” by Oxymoronical on Flickr. Thank you for keeping it “CC”! Other images are the property of crowdfunding artists and are used here to promote their projects.
Eevee vector trace (x/post from /r/pokemon)
Nobody will know we are furries in these!
Just want to talk..
Hey r/furry! I'm not one to make depressing/woe is me posts but I've been feeling shit recently and hoped that you guys would cheer me up. I'm 14 and have always been interested in anthro art before I knew I was a furry. I was born in England and until I was 14 lived there. In November I moved to the sf Bay Area in California with my stepdad and mum. My dad lives in England and comes out to see me sometimes. My problem is that despite moving from a area of barely any furries to the highest populated furry area in the us I feel very alone. I live with them on a 16,000 acre ranch five miles into the mountains so I am isolated. My father stepdad and mother are all homophobes who would disown me if they found out I was gay which further makes me feel alone. My stepdad was a cop and had a concealed carry glock 17 which I considered killing my self with. I got as far as putting the gun to my head and taking off the safety before I broke down.the only reason I don't kill myself now is the thought of what I would cause my dad to go through if I did, and the slight hope that when you reach rock bottom things can only get better. So that's basically my shitty life story and you can have it for free. So if any of you guys want to talk my email is milesharkin99@gmail.com and my skype is milothefox99. Thanks guys, I feel better already for just getting this of my chest even if it is just on the interwebs.
submitted by Drpepperspray42[link] [7 comments]
SoFurry releases new IM platform amid site overhauls
Pool Sharks and Dirty Rats: Mob Town
A game of jazz-age shenanigans, secret agendas, hostile takeovers, and foxes for 2-4 players…
Mob-TownMob Town is a family-friendly card game from 5th Street Games, seating from 2-4 players (though it may play better with 3 or 4). Players take the role of an up-and-coming crime syndicate, taking over towns one business at a time. Play’s easy, with elements of “Ticket to Ride” and some of the geometry of a streamlined “Illuminati: New World Order.”
Here’s the furry tie-in: how effective you are at claiming a business depends on the animals in your employ. Sharks are really good at taking over gaming halls, rats really, really love restaurants, foxes love show biz, and so on. 12 of these businesses are put into play, creating a random Anytown. Then the feeding frenzy begins: swap, hire, scheme, buy, and co-opt as fast as you can, because the next card might be the police dog.
A game’s made up of three rounds, each round representing a town the players are fighting over. The lowest-scoring player each round starts the next round, so they get a little bit of an edge to help keep things competitive. Rounds are scored based on how many properties you’ve claimed and what hidden agendas you’ve accomplished, giving you a few different paths to victory. With only a few different card types play’s pretty streamlined; for more advanced play, the “City Limits” expansion adds local landmarks, named personalities, and cities with their own unique rules, and an early Stretch Goal adds a cooperative and solo mode. Another early stretch is the “Daily News” category, which sounds a bit like your typical “events” category.
The game’s rules are simple and easy to pick up, though a little abstract since they tend to rely on card placement and positioning–you may want to check the playthrough video on Bower’s Game Corner to get a clearer idea of game play and see if it’s your thing.
The art of “Mob Town” is strong, cartoony and charismatic. Thumbs up for the fox moll and the weasels, the german shepherd police dog’s a little lackluster, lacking the charming charicature style of the rest of the troop, but nothing’s perfect. Artist Danny Divine has progress art and some of his other work at his personal blog–he’s also got an interview on Hyperbole Games. For not being a card-carrying furry (as far as I know, anyway) the graphics and presentation have some strong fandom appeal.
The Kickstarter itself has a clean layout with big obvious infographics, the kind of clear presentation that makes a tabletop game kickstarter really sing. Not a huge surprise, as 5th Street Games has six successful kickstarters under their belt. And somehow, they’re able to offer free international shipping–and I have NO idea how that works. Star Trek transporters may be involved.
The international appeal continues with a little bit of word-of-mouth energy: the more “shares” the project’s elevator speech vid gets on youtube, the more foreign currencies and police uniforms available in the international releases. Neat–an incentive to repost the video that actually enhances the game!
Those “pros” said, I am a little concerned over the “pledge for six complete packages!” contributor levels, Kickstarter has at times been against the “retail package” style of advanced pledge point, and these could be volatile.
All in all, it looks like a nice game to bring out at furry board game nights, a good edition to the shelf–light strategy, good art, a modest sense of humor, and rules that create a variety of scenarios. With a strong lead (halfway to goal on day two) and a creator with an established history on Kickstarter, there’s not a lot of risk. Definitely worth a look!
Note: Images used above are included to promote the work of crowdfunding artists, and are owned by the original creator.
Blitzed by Sheppymomma -- Fur Affinity [dot] net
Schedule Change
That said, the next episode will be taking place Friday, February 14th at 7PM