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My Ref Sheet is finally done!

Furry Reddit - Fri 28 Feb 2014 - 20:12
Categories: News

What happened to Novawolf?

Furry Reddit - Fri 28 Feb 2014 - 19:35

I ran across an ebayer using her art (90% sure it's without permission). Wanted to send a quick message on FA but her page has been locked.

submitted by ChatGarou
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Categories: News

A Dragon and a giant crystal Clock

Furry Reddit - Fri 28 Feb 2014 - 18:20
Categories: News

Horseshoe crab are important medical blood donors

Fursday - Reading List - Fri 28 Feb 2014 - 17:41

Alexis C. Madrigal reveals the secret behind LAL, a test for seeing whether contamination has occurred. LAL is in fact the blood of the horseshoe crab which chemically reacts to bacteria.

“This gel immobilized the bacteria but did not kill them,” Bang wrote in the 1956 paper announcing the substance. “The gel or clot was stable and tough and remained so for several weeks at room temperature.”

If there is no bacterial contamination, then the coagulation does not occur, and the solution can be considered free of bacteria. It's a simple, nearly instantaneous test that goes by the name of the LAL, or Limulus amebocyte lysate, test (after the species name of the crab, Limulus polyphemus).

The article provides a fascinating behind the scenes look into how the miracle blood is harvested. What is interesting is these crabs are only bleed for up to 30% of their blood before being released back into the wild, far away from where they had been captured. You might have thought horseshoe crabs were simply rounded up and massacre when in fact medical companies keep morality rates under 30%. In addition:

The LAL test replaced the rather horrifying prospect of possibly contaminated substances being tested on "large colonies of rabbits." Pharma companies didn't like the rabbit process, either, because it was slow and expensive.


Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Fri 28 Feb 2014 - 15:59
Categories: News

[Fursuit] Building a suit, no idea how to do large ears

Furry Reddit - Fri 28 Feb 2014 - 15:22

So, my character is half fennec, and as such has giiiaaaant ears. I'm wondering if anyone knows a good method of building 1+ foot ears? I have my doubts that the foam would be strong enough by itself, but I'm not sure what other materials I could use to support the ears.

submitted by Sat-AM
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Categories: News

New Ref Sheet!

Furry Reddit - Fri 28 Feb 2014 - 15:02
Categories: News

Interesting yearbook cover.

Furry Reddit - Fri 28 Feb 2014 - 14:13
Categories: News

Sell it to the Cephalopods

Furry News Network - Fri 28 Feb 2014 - 14:05
Author: rodney Recently comic book writer and artist Simon Roy has made quite a name for himself with his science fiction series Prophet. Before that though, he was known for his shorter works — seven of which have now been collected in Jan’s Atomic Heart and Other Stories, coming late this March in trade paperback […]
Categories: News

Rock out!

Furry Reddit - Fri 28 Feb 2014 - 13:53
Categories: News

Learn to code your own Flappy Bird

Fursday - Reading List - Fri 28 Feb 2014 - 09:02

I remember a decade ago programming magazines would have tutorials on how to make your own Tetris or Space Invaders game in Flash. Young aspiring programmers have never had it this easy learning the core concepts of coding.

Found via The Verge


Categories: News

Pokémon experienced in first person 3D

Fursday - Watch List - Fri 28 Feb 2014 - 08:49

Impressive fan made game imagining Pokémon in a first person world, with this add-on turning it into a virtual experience through the use of the Oculus Rift.

Pokémon 3D is a video game originally created by Nilllzz. It is heavily inspired by Minecraft, and the Pokémon series. Pokémon 3D focused on the strong points of Pokémon Gold and Silver versions and their remakes, and gives players a taste as to how the once 2D world they knew was in 3D.


Categories: News

She’s Afraid of Losing Her BF If His Dad Kicks Him Out of the House 

Furry News Network - Fri 28 Feb 2014 - 07:56
Author: Hey Papabear I’m having troubles with my boyfriend at the moment. He is getting kicked out of home at the end of the month and he doesn’t seem to care and if he gets kicked out of home I will not be able to see him any more. I can not leave him because […]
Categories: News

Furr whereabouts

Furry Reddit - Fri 28 Feb 2014 - 06:42

I live in michigan how big is the community here? just a question i have been wondering since i don't see many were i am.

submitted by Hoppies
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Categories: News

Anyone remember the parody song of Ke$ha's Tik Tok about going to a fur con?

Furry Reddit - Fri 28 Feb 2014 - 06:23

I used to have a link for it but when I went to it, it seems it doesn't work anymore and I can't for the love of me find the song anywhere. Does anyone know where I might be able to find it?

submitted by BalkorWolf
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Categories: News