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Darn it, you got me!

Furry Reddit - Thu 6 Mar 2014 - 15:05

Although I've known of furries for a while thanks to attending anime conventions, I've never really bothered to look into it. Furries always look like they have a lot of fun, but I never quite understood what was so appealing about tails and whatnot.

Well, I found this sub about a week ago while hitting the random button. I started browsing, and was immediately drawn to the concept of a fursona. I was a little bored and itching to draw something, so I thought what the heck, I'll make one for giggles. It wasn't very difficult to decide which animal to use, as my regular persona already has bat wings. It started out as a sloppy little sketch, but as time went on, she grew on me, and it became more detailed and serious. So, here she is. She doesn't have a name yet. I think I finally see what the appeal of furrydom is. It felt great to channel my creativity like this. It felt kind of freeing, really. I look forward to drawing my fursona again!

So, yeah, looks like you've added yet another casual furry to your ranks. Hi!

Now back to my regularly scheduled lurking.

submitted by HyperWaddleDee
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Categories: News

Furnal Equinox 2014 - Anyone else here attending?

Furry Reddit - Thu 6 Mar 2014 - 14:28

'cuz I am!

PS: Come to the tea social, 6:00PM-7:30PM Saturday! Free snacks and tea!

submitted by Spottyspots
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Categories: News

Toothless on the Printed Page

Furry News Network - Thu 6 Mar 2014 - 14:04
Author: rodney Later this month Titan Comics premiers not one but two volumes of their new digest-sized full-color comic based on the hit TV series Dragons: Riders of Berk. From the preview at Broken Frontier: “Titan Comics proudly presents all-new original adventures of Hiccup and Toothless!  A thrilling all-ages publication and a broadening of the […]
Categories: News

The Furry Dream

[adjective][species] - Thu 6 Mar 2014 - 14:00

Guest post by Hemms. Hemms is a Fox from southern California who has been in the Furry Fandom for 7 years, since discovering it when he was 14 on Christmas Morning in 2006. A Lifestyler through and through, Furry is the driving motivation behind everything he does and studies. He is a student of Anthropology and forever a dreamer. He seeks to understand Furry culture, History, and dreams of a unified Fandom that realizes just how important and powerful it really is. Hemms is on Twitter and Fur Affinity.

In my seven years as a Furry I have witnessed what I believe amounts to a cultural revolution that occurred beyond the view of the public at large. I frequently attest to the view that the Furry Fandom is not just a fandom but a culture in its own right. I don’t expect this view to be the same for everyone.

There are Lifestylers and there are Hobbyists, and the argument over which one is the correct “way to Furry” is an argument that still rages in this Fandom despite this matter having supposedly been settled with the Burned Furs conflict in 1998. Arguing over whether Hobbyists aren’t Furry enough or that Lifestylers really ought to calm down and take off the tail in public is pointless. I’m not writing this to assert whether one view or the other is the right way or not. I’m writing to assert that there is a reason why the argument is still deemed important enough to be worth arguing.

The interesting thing about this argument is that both sides of the Furry ideological track agree that the other side is still Furry. The Lifestyler v. Burned Fur argument could have splintered the Fandom, but it didn’t, and I theorize that the reason it didn’t is the same reason we still see the argument as having value. The Furry Fandom isn’t your garden variety fandom that springs up around a television show or a book or web comic. We are a Fandom stemming from an idea, not a product or franchise, and with that idea I believe evolves ideals that culminate in what I call The Furry Dream.

The other fandoms of this world rely on a company or artist to produce the works that the fans follow, and without which there would be no fandom. The Furry Fandom relies on no such company. We only rely on ourselves to perpetuate the culture of our Fandom, and because we rely on ourselves we value voluntary self-governance.

The heads of Furry conventions, people like Uncle Kage, are Furries themselves and run our Fandom’s most important cultural centers based on the input of the people they serve. Think about anime fandom or Star Wars fans. The source material of these fandoms must be produced by someone who isn’t necessarily in the fan community. Fans must wait for this material to be made and shipped, and if it isn’t, then the fandom may die off. Their material is made largely without their input, and if they don’t like something it’s almost impossible to change it. It also makes it so that the gap between fan and producer is almost impossible to bridge. A fan cannot easily become a producer for their fandom in a way that amounts to more than fan art. But Furries decide our own course in our Fandom, and I don’t think we could imagine it any other way. It doesn’t naturally function any other way. If it did, we would lose a key part of our unique “Furriness”.

Uniqueness is in and of itself a value of this Fandom. We don’t just tolerate diversity in this Fandom, we celebrate it. Diversity is seen as a great benefit in this Fandom, and the more of an individual you can be the better. This Fandom is and always will be the port in the storm for the downtrodden refugee of the status quo.

When this Fandom was founded it was derived from the pre-existing fandoms of anime and science fiction, people who were already on the fringes of society and who were already doing a good job at diversity . When the Furry Fandom became its own entity, it had people from all walks of life, and in order to function it immediately destroyed social barriers that sometimes cripple the rest of the world. It normalized homosexuality; it legitimized other alternative sexualities; it liberated sexuality in general; obliterated the gender binary; it removed race as a playing factor to someone’s acceptance; mixed far-flung lifestyles; made class unimportant, and; above all, made self-expression take importance over group conformity.

Without self-expression there would be no creativity, and with no creativity there would be no Furry Fandom. The two go paw in paw. When you have a million people all with different ways of expressing themselves, which leads to a million different ways of being creative, you get a people whose continuity is fueled by their diverse individuality. That individuality becomes a necessity, and thus a value. That individuality causes a proliferation of the definition of what the self is, what a Furry is, and that’s why the whole Burned Fur vs. Lifestyler argument is still discussed, although no consensus is ever reached. We could define, once and for all, what a Furry is, but we don’t want to because we all came to this Fandom as individuals and want to stay that way because we all understand what it is like to be different. We don’t want to box in our individuality. We know how to function very well with diversity (and the rest of the world might want to take some notes).

But these are all just values, and I haven’t touched on what The Furry Dream actually is. Well, logically, the Dream must be the fulfillment of these values. Why did you join this Fandom? More importantly, why did you stay? It’s like explaining the American Dream. There is a soundbite that is commonly quipped, but most Americans have an idea of what the ephemeral American Dream is for them, and for everyone it is a little different. The ways of attaining it are infinite, with multiple ideologies about how one does so. But if The Furry Dream were to be written out in a way that made it applicable to all, I think it would read something similar to this:

“We the Furries dream of limitless diversity, creativity, self-discovery, and autonomy.” And may I add, “We will fight to keep it.”


Furries Aeterna

Dissecting frogs could be treason?

Fursday - Reading List - Thu 6 Mar 2014 - 11:51

Funny comic panel mixing everyday frog dissecting class with a bit of fairytale.

Found via io9


Categories: News

Actic Fox soars the sky

Fursday - Watch List - Thu 6 Mar 2014 - 11:38

My friend Azra goes off for a spot of para-skiing. The choice of music creates a nice mood of soaring freedom in the air. I rather like his fursuit because there moments where I don’t think that is my friend underneath a costume, but that he is Azra fox himself.

An incredible experience I had the chance to try out when skiing in Flaine, France this winter. Just had to put together the clips I took at the time - I hope you enjoy it! Song is IAMX - Spit it out


Categories: News


Fursday - Links - Thu 6 Mar 2014 - 11:05
Screen Shot 2014-03-06 at 3.19.54 PM.jpg

Furry literature publisher and store.

In their words

Sofawolf Press is an independent publisher dedicated to storytelling that focuses on anthropomorphic animals of all sorts. We create and sell novels, anthologies and story collections, graphic novels and other similar works.


This store contains works that are suitable for a general audience as well as works that are orientated for adult readers.

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WikiFur entry



Now that fa_mirror is fairly stable. Which functionality should I add next?

Furry Reddit - Thu 6 Mar 2014 - 09:41

fa_mirror is now running on a server and the only thing able to bring it down is reddit going down. Having beaten the 2-day uptime mark (yay!) I was thinking in adding some more functionality.

I was thinking in adding:

  • Deviantart/Weasyl/other to Imgur.
  • Mirroring links in comments.
  • Automated deletion if OP replies.

Which thing (not only mirroring) would you like to be automated on this subreddit?

submitted by fa_mirror
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Categories: News

I treid

Furry Reddit - Thu 6 Mar 2014 - 09:18
Categories: News


Fursday - Links - Thu 6 Mar 2014 - 09:17

Dark comedy about a happy-go-lucky rabbit with unfortunate outcomes.

In their words

Buni is a dark comic about an optimistic bunny with terrible luck. Buni is syndicated through Universal Uclick on GoComics and currently runs in The Stranger in Seattle, The Badger Herald in Madison and several online sites. Buni was also one of the 10 finalists in the Comic Strip Superstar contest hosted by Universal Press Syndicate and


This site contains little or mild offensive materials.


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Facebook Page

WikiFur entry


I drew a dragon.

Furry Reddit - Thu 6 Mar 2014 - 08:17
Categories: News

Fursuiting Tips

Furry News Network - Thu 6 Mar 2014 - 07:56
Author: Hi Papabear!  This is Dawnstar for another letter. For this one, I don’t have any problems/concerns to report. This is more of a curiosity than anything really huge or important.  I’ve been in the furry fandom for a good 4, going on 5 years now. I decided to join when I was 12 because […]
Categories: News

Furry You Should Know: A Panther is not an animal species.

Furry Reddit - Thu 6 Mar 2014 - 07:53

A black panther is not an animal species, but just the name to designate a big cat with a black fur coat cause by a genetical mutation.

Black panthers are usually leopards or jaguars, although the term may also describe a jaguarundi or even a cougar, although no true black cougars have ever been seen and their existence is debated.

submitted by DanielTaylor
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Categories: News

Clockwork Creature

Fursday - Links - Thu 6 Mar 2014 - 07:39

Fursuit maker for the high end quality market. The studio specialise in fursuits that have a realism appearance.

In their words

We are an artistic costume and design studio specializing in one-of-a-kind realistic, theatrical, and macabre styles of creature costumes.


Suitable for all ages. This site has no offensive content.


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WikiFur entry


Real-life Science Fiction - Can fiction become reality? In today's episode, we consider some of the predictions made by movies, books, and television shows in decades past and how some of these guesses have become devices we use in day-to-day life.

WagzTail - Thu 6 Mar 2014 - 06:00

Can fiction become reality? In today’s episode, we consider some of the predictions made by movies, books, and television shows in decades past and how some of these guesses have become devices we use in day-to-day life. We also have some futuristic wishes of our own.

Listen and comment!

Metadata and Credits WagzTail Season 3 Episode 9

Runtime: 30m

Cast: Silent, StarlightWolf, Wolfin

Editor: Levi

Format: 128kbps ABR split-stereo MP3 Copyright: © 2014 Some Rights Reserved. This podcast is released by as CC BY-ND 3.0. If distributed with a facility that has an existing agreement in place with a Professional Rights Organisation (PRO), file a cue sheet for 30:00 to Fabien Renoult (BMI) 1.67%, Josquin des Pres (BMI) 1.67%, 96.67%. Rights have been acquired to all content for national and international broadcast and web release with no royalties due.

Podcast image belongs to roger, used with permission. Real-life Science Fiction - Can fiction become reality? In today's episode, we consider some of the predictions made by movies, books, and television shows in decades past and how some of these guesses have become devices we use in day-to-day life.

Categories: Podcasts

Entry I made for a contest :3

Furry Reddit - Thu 6 Mar 2014 - 05:54
Categories: News