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Imagine Dragons: Birds
Nice official animated video by Zachary Wong [1] for Imagine Dragons here. Kids are cruel and really that "Freak" is adorable and needed a hug. [1] http://www.zacharyleewong.com
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Akela, by Ben Goodridge
A chat with Meru Tenshi, Filipino furry artist for the new site banner.
(Patch:) Hi Meru! thanks for the cool art – the site is starting to commission regular new banners and feature the artists. There’s a particular interest in lesser-seen artists from the world outside of American fandom. The last featured artist was Ligoni from Mexico. Want to share your social media links?
(Meru Tenshi:) Hello there. I’m Meru Tenshi, nice to meet you! Regarding on my social links. I’m very active on my Twitter (@MeruTenshiArt) and Facebook (Meru Tenshi). I have a Furaffinity account (Meru-Tenshi) but it’s pretty outdated. For now, I’m prioritizing other stuff until I can update it.
Can I ask where you live, and a profile about yourself and what you do?
I live in Calamba, Laguna, Philippines, and I’m 22 years old.
I’m a wolf-tiger hybrid (A Wiger,) pronounced as a “Wayger”. About my fursona:
He mostly resembles me in real life being all funny and serious at the same time.
Meru has two brothers.
-Rouka Tenshi is his big brother.
-Koushiro Tenshi is his younger brother.
I started drawing when I was in Grade 2 where I drew Pokemon a lot. In my high school days, I started watching anime and “Bleach” was my favorite anime series. This anime was the reason why I discovered the furry fandom.
My favorite anime character from Bleach was actually a furry creature named “Komamura Sajin” and I was such a big fan of him back in my high school days. Whenever I browsed him on Google, I kept seeing fanart of him as well, being involved with different furry characters from Deviantart and Furaffinity. This made me curious and eventually, when I was 17, I discovered the fandom and become a furry artist!
Do you do furry things in real life, like going to meets and cons, or just online?
In my school days, I had never been to furmeets. I just kept posting my art on FB and my social life mostly ran through online. But last year, I graduated as an IT (Information Technology) graduate and become free. That’s when I started being active with the fandom where I post art and join furmeets more often.
FurryPinas 2019 was my first fur con I got involved and it was very awesome. I met a lot of cool furries and fursuiters who were very kind and nice.
What kind of art do you do, and what’s your favorite thing about making art?
Talking about my art life, I’m a Furry Digital Artist with sort of a Kemono style. And I love drawing furries because I really see them being awesome and badass and it makes me all excited whenever I draw them. I can pretty much draw anything but I mostly draw furries all my life.
My favorite thing about making art is drawing furries involving their stories made by their respective owners. It’s such an honor for me to make a story of an OC, even just a little part of it, bringing their imaginary life to reality through my art.
Also, my motto as an artist is “Art takes time.” I’ve been living with this after I graduated from college. It’s short but wholesome.
I love how this fandom brings people around the world together who might have no other reason to meet. Can I ask, how does it feel to be you, besides just a furry online? What’s going on in your life?
Regarding my current life, my work is making commissions as a furry artist after I lost my job last December. I feel discouraged to be honest, and get stressed about how am I supposed to help my family with our current financial state. We’re not rich to be honest, we’re just living life with hard work, and without it we’ll starve. But the furry community gave me hope and I would like to thank all of my friends, supporters and commissioners for supporting me whenever I’m in a financial crisis, I could cry to be honest hahaha.
As of now, I’m still drawing commissions and about to get a new job soon after I pass my civil examinations in August, hopefully.
And I’m SINGLE XD, just saying wahaha.
My inspiration is my family because I’m a family-centered guy and I love my mom so much for being there for me no matter what, along with my big sister and big brother.
Thanks Meru, and I hope a lot more people check out your art and help you have success with everything.
Like the article? These take hard work. For more free furry news, please follow on Twitter or support not-for-profit Dogpatch Press on Patreon.
Arrest of Growly brings feeling of vindication for furries with safety concerns.
The LAPD Juvenile Division, based solely on their website, handles cases involving the exploitation or harm of children. pic.twitter.com/8FIGyAVlVo
— Boozy Badger (@BoozyBadger) July 16, 2019
In regards to Mr. Llamas, the Los Angeles County Superior Court updated their online docket yesterday to show Mr. Llamas has pled "not guilty" to two counts of California Penal Code 311.11(a), relating to the possession of pornography of persons under the age of 18.
— Boozy Badger (@BoozyBadger) July 19, 2019
A problematic record.
Growly, a long time Southern California furry fan (named Daniel Llamas in many public sources), was arrested on 7/10/2019.
(An update link was added to a section about him in a previous broadly-related article: R.C. Fox arrested for child pornography, furries question fandom connections.)
Little is open about what happened so far besides charges. It’s a little unusual to give a headline to an arrest, and people are presumed innocent in court. Summarizing Growly’s history is also hard to do with calm about laws and policies and incentive to rehabilitate. But there’s a lot of background making it worth sharing.
The main points start with a sex offense record from 2001, shared with another offender. Then in 2009, Growly was banned from FurAffinity following inappropriate messaging with a person claimed to be a minor (which left some facts murky, such as their identity.) Growly’s statement about it was posted to Wikifur.
The 2001 conviction led to serving over two years in jail, completing parole, and working to re-enter the furry fandom. A very active presence at events included volunteering as staff or running panels.
That background happened before I was active in fandom. I didn’t know who he was when he chanced to ask me to pose for a photo at one of the first few cons I went to. It was taken by a furry known for thousands of similar photos.
It helps to have context to avoid chasing clout with out of context photos. At BLFC 2014 a stranger asked me to pose for a sec. Sadly I'm not psychic, but I didnt do cons pre-2012 and wasn't in fandom when he got in trouble. I think @LostWolf321 took the one of thousands like it. pic.twitter.com/iEOU0T05c8
— Dogpatch Press (@DogpatchPress) July 17, 2019
Misinformation and knee-jerk reactions
If you look into attacks about a photo with a stranger at a con — you can see how calm understanding gets trashed by misinformation, panic, and malice with no intention to solve problems.
A decade after Growly finished parole, a conviction 18 years ago began to raise more, not less outrage (perhaps fed by a boom in new young members). While blunt criticisms rose on social media, it could frustrate a quieter section of event organizers.
There were concerns about rehab. How does that happen if people won’t let it? There were objections that attacking Growly’s attendance at 18+ adult events with no kids had nothing to do with safety for kids. There were opinions that PG-rated panels in full view of everyone had oversight. There were claims that his volunteering involved buying favor, but people who wanted him gone weren’t taking his place while getting volunteer’s work. The more aggressive it was, the more it was called bullying or clout-chasing — which had merit when alt-furries made him a stalking-horse to snipe at con hotels. (That’s pointless because hotels don’t care to interfere on behalf of non-customers, according to secure info I was tipped about Growly and Anthrocon.)
Why is this hard for cons?
On the other hand, objections about convention policies being too lax — and erring on the side of careful process instead of safety — have a compelling case following this new arrest.
Which leaves a standout question: why don’t cons err on the side of safety, and ban anyone with an offense?
I’m not a lawyer or con staff, but I can reveal a part in this. I didn’t take credit to avoid feeding trolls. In December 2018, Fur Con made the first con policy that I know of specifically banning people with a history of pedophilia or sexual violence. It came from a report I sent about a related issue (confirmed in secure info kept on file — because people get doxed and threatened for acting, at the same time as harassed for not visibly acting, as I’ve experienced while secure action happens behind the scenes.)
We have clarified and updated our Code of Conduct regarding membership eligibility and conditions. The new text appears under the "Membership" heading on https://t.co/eheSwKvsuA, and will be in effect for FC2019. Please contact chairman@furcon.org with any concerns.
— Further Confusion (@furcon) December 18, 2018
Their wording:
“AAE and FurCon do not permit membership or attendance by any individual who is a convicted sex offender, or appears on any federal or state sex offender registry. In addition, AAE and FurCon reserve the right, at the board’s discretion, to deny membership or attendance to anyone with a documented history of sexual violence, including inappropriate conduct towards minors.”
Personally, I support cons that refuse to be shouted down by angry mobs, where individuals can ban other individuals. That’s how you get:
- Religious/moral zealots taking illegitimate power to police spaces for consenting adults.
- Trolls weaponizing “think of the children” concerns to ruin events altogether, like Califur.
I’m all for working for a calm, organized, platform-level change in policy instead, like Fur Con did.
Unfortunately, corruption can happen and sometimes management won’t care.
That’s another topic, so I’ll leave the last word to informed sources. This issue can be a Catch-22 for cons by their nature. Being volunteer-based and run on a shoestring means lack of resources to do better, under threat of fatal liability. Con-goers have fun times and low costs because of the way things run. To ask for better, save callouts for last, and volunteer and pay them first.
But the real questions are a lot tougher to answer: Is that guy really dangerous, or is he just really unpopular?
You don't want your con to become like that TV show where the audience can vote anyone off the island.
It's a suuuuuper delicate questions.
— he/him/himbeere (@cheetah_spotty) July 16, 2019
So cons have to go all or nothing. Which is why FC and TFF’s wording is basically “if you’re on the sex offender registry.”
They’re not making a judgement call there. It’s already been decided by a judge, however imperfect that system is.
— FuzzWolf (@FuzzWolf) July 16, 2019
I’m not making that assumption, the law is. The registry is highly flawed, but that’s not a liability cons can afford to take. They could be sued out of existence.
— FuzzWolf (@FuzzWolf) July 16, 2019
The choice cons have is either ban 100% of people on the SOR or 0%. That’s the only choice. Anything between those two extremes burdens the con with the legal concept of “duty of care” which puts them in a ton of legal liability. Might be different over there though.
— FuzzWolf (@FuzzWolf) July 16, 2019
Cosmo, a UK furry and con staffer, says:
“I think it’d be worth adding some context to Cheetah’s commentary. That conversation between him and Pepper strikes me as two sides of a coin – rehabilitation vs. punishment.
It makes even more sense when you factor in that, say, calling the police in a European city and asking “is <name> on the Sex Offenders Register” will likely get you a stern “I’m not telling you for legal reasons”.
In an EU member state, you’re not likely to find out about a furry engaging in crime unless it was serious enough to get printed in the newspapers.
And he’s very right about “a system where sending a nude pic to your 17yo partner” – UK has had that exact issue, and it’s entirely possible that someone who was 16-18 could have been convicted of a CP offence for sending a nude selfie to their then-partner of a similar age.
It doesn’t seem terribly fair to punish someone for their entire life for a stupid mistake they made as a kid.”
Whatever the story is with Growly this time, a lot of people can feel like they saw it coming. It will surely be part of any discussion to come, and perhaps organizers won’t be quite so forgiving again.
I get a lot of news tips. Here's one that just came that follows the recent story about Growly — https://t.co/wb2pbg6hov — someone mailed a letter to Growly to ask for more info and got his response. pic.twitter.com/Pb4Z4Gu79L
— Dogpatch Press (@DogpatchPress) August 11, 2019
Like the article? These take hard work. For more free furry news, please follow on Twitter or support not-for-profit Dogpatch Press on Patreon.
A Disney… Classic?
Okay, how did we miss this one? Disney Hamlet, Starring Donald Duck, a new full-color graphic novel written by Giorgio Salati and illustrated by Paolo De Lorenzi. “The ghost of a betrayed king appoints Prince Ducklet to restore peace to his kingdom in this adaptation of the classic tragic play by William Shakespeare. Huey, Dewey and Louie, along with Uncle Scrooge, head on a road trip to Denmark, passing by the famous landmark–the phantom castle of Ducksinore! The triplets recall the story of Ducklet, written by the celebrated playwright William Duckspeare. Scrooge’s interest is piqued and the story of tragedy, betrayal, and corruption unfolds.” Published by Dark Horse Books in trade paperback, it’s available now from Penguin Random House.
[Live] Pretty Gay Prey
Pretty Gay Prey (PGP) is an encryption program that provides cryptographic privacy and authentication for data communication. So that’s what the kids are calling it these days.
Link Roundup:- Cats Trailer
- Av writes a Latex For Beginners article
- 33 Confirmed Dead After Fire At Kyoto Animation, Suspected Arsonist In Custody [Updated]
- @FurryCons: Cons This Weekend
- ChipFox’s 2017 Con Attendance Projection Graph
- Anthrocon Fursuit Dance Comp Premieres Sunday
- Shoe Ad causes a unique “converse” in the Furry Fandom
- Wasps now Making Super Nests
- Police Warn Citizens to not overdose on Wasp Spray
- Area 51 Meme has caused a Huge increase in Alien Porn Creation and Searches
- Five guys arrested for fighting at Five Guys restaurant in Florida
- Man Goes Under Knife to Become Parrot
- Jersey Devils Mascot Crashes through Window
Kaar Segment - Solo 05 - Sharking it folflike!
His Dark Materials
I am ready for a HDM series! My worry with this trailer is the daemons are not talking but that could be just the way they are cutting the trailer. Please don't screw this up!
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DJ UltraPup barks about what it’s like to be on stage the first time at Anthrocon.
It's going down on Saturday at the @AnthroconDances so catch me all week during @anthrocon in the mean time check out my mixcloud and other links. Preview Set coming soon!
Special thanks to @TimeSuppression for making the poster. pic.twitter.com/YpqspZQm7R
— DJ UltraPup (@DJUltraPup) June 24, 2019
(Patch:) It sounds like you had a blast at Anthrocon! I wanted to ask you about your first time DJing a big con. What’s your story and how did you end up there? Was it your first furry con, or just first time on stage at one?
(DJ UltraPup:) I’m a member of the pup community and I have been for quite some time. I am also however a member of the furry community, and one of my big goals is to try and bridge the divide between furries and pups. When a friend of mine suggested I apply to DJ at Anthrocon, I thought why not. I’m well known in the DC area as a circuit DJ and I have 3 club residencies, so I applied, and sure enough they picked me to play Saturday night at 11pm. AC was my first major con. I had gone to FurTheMore earlier this year just to check it out, but this was my first time DJing a furcon, and it won’t be my last.
Congrats for that. Are you newer to furries? How did DJing at AC compare to your usual gigs?
Thank you, this is actually a funny question when I look back on it. For the longest time I’ve been furry adjacent. A lot of my ex’s were furries, so I’ve always been familiar with the fandom. I went to my first con earlier this year for one day at Furthemore, and that was really cool. It was there that one of my friends suggested I apply for AC.
I come from the pup community, and after my gig at AC, the furry community has embraced me and welcomed me in as one of their own, and more or less adopted me. So now I’m happy to say I’m officially part of the fandom. I even have a partial fursuit now.
I’ve been very lucky to have been given the chance to play so many gigs and venues all around the east coast and the D.C area. For me, having residencies in D.C means I get to do what I love for a living. That being said, playing AC was one of the coolest events I think I’ve ever been a part of. The stage was amazing. The crew was incredible. My fellow DJ’s were awesome, and went out of their way to support me DJing in a pup hood and making me feel welcome.
As for the actual event part, I can’t put into words what it’s like looking out on the dance floor from the stage, and seeing the stage packed with furries and the floor packed with furries, all in fursuit jumping and dancing to your music. It’s impossible to put into words, it’s just something I’ll never forget.
The moment I broke @AnthroconDances and @anthrocon went crazy. Also the moment I introduced myself to the fandom and they welcomed me in. #Anthrocon2019 #Anthrocon #AC2019 pic.twitter.com/VBb164GITJ
— DJ UltraPup (@DJUltraPup) July 8, 2019
Will you DJ more furry cons now?
I will DJ more cons. As a matter of fact, I have confirmed one or two more at least, and will apply for a few other large ones. I’ll be at IFC, WPAFW, and Furrydelphia. I also applied for MFF.
Do you organize events yourself? And how would you say this compares to more mainstream event or music business? It seems to me that there’s few people getting paid for the effort, and more of a sense of doing it for the love of it.
As for my own events, I’m working with another DJ in the community named Pilot to launch a joint event for puppies and furries that will run once a month in D.C.
Being a DJ by trade for work, I’ve played both mainstream club events and cons and everything in between. I would definitely say that those who DJ the furry cons are doing it for love for the community, or love for music. I applied for AC out of love for the music and the puppies and furries. I knew I wasn’t going to get paid but I wanted to DJ in my pup hood and try to bridge some of the divide between them. Watching the amount of effort that my fellow DJ’s put in was amazing, to see the passion we all had for what we do, and you could clearly see it in the product that was presented.
The many sides of Ultra that you will see at @anthrocon and @AnthroconDances pic.twitter.com/T5qdvTKPWp
— DJ UltraPup (@DJUltraPup) June 26, 2019
The coolest part of getting to DJ @anthrocon and @AnthroconDances this week has been the massive outpouring of support I've been shown by the community. I can't wait to make history with you all tonight. No matter what always be you #Anthrocon2019 pic.twitter.com/Nb1IWCAvDV
— DJ UltraPup (@DJUltraPup) July 6, 2019
I didn't mean to break @anthrocon my bad sorry @AnthroconDances next time I will just play an hour of sandstorm special thanks to everyone who came to the dance/rave! #Anthrocon2019 #Anthrocon #AC2019 pic.twitter.com/wua4fgv8pu
— DJ UltraPup (@DJUltraPup) July 15, 2019
Like the article? These take hard work. For more free furry news, please follow on Twitter or support not-for-profit Dogpatch Press on Patreon.
Dig The Rock
Non-human adventures on a far-0ff planet. Sounds right up our alley. Glint is a new full-color graphic novel series for middle readers, written by Samuel Sattin and illustrated by Ian McGinty (Adventure Time). “On tiny Mora ― hurtling through space trying to find a star bright enough to sustain its fading life―everyone must do their part to keep the planet alive. Workers work. Leaders lead. Fighters fight. But Loon Ozoa, confined to the life of a pit worker but born with the heart and passion of a warrior, dreams of enlisting in the Temple of Sacred Defense and fighting the monstrous Feeders that threaten his people’s existence. When his friend Val Mol, second in command of the Rightful Blade, promises Loon a place in his ranks, Loon hopes to finally serve a higher purpose. But his hoverhog-riding, glint-slinging, mine-master grandma and her motley crew―the Cloud Raiders―are none too pleased about Loon trading in his drill rig for a shift sword. Determined to serve Mora, Val and Loon’s place in the military soon gets them lurched right into the murky waters of a conspiracy, one that holds dark secrets at the hands of their supreme regent. Will Val and Loon remain loyal to their commander, or will the secrets they uncover change everything they thought they knew about the purpose of their fight and fate of their planet?” The Hollywood Reporter actually did a write-up on this one. Glint Book One: The Cloud Raiders came out earlier this year from Lion Forge, and more volumes are on the way.
[Side note: We at InFurNation would like to extend our thoughts, prayers, and a good share of tears to the staff of Kyoto Animation — those who lost their lives and those who did not. Bright Blessings in this time of tragedy.]
Trailer: Cats
I will imagine the fandom will be unpacking this trailer like mad as this film dips hard into the uncanny furry valley Ok,I didn't expect this look and am not sure how I feel about it.
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I Was a Gay Teenage Zombie, by Alison Cybe
Dogs of War, vol. 2, ed. Fred Patten
The Rabbit Dies First, ed. Ryan Campbell
Sun Bones: Arms
Here is an older music video from the band Sun Bones [1] that uses a really weird an interesting technique. Given the band let their domain expire and their twitter is very inactive it's safe to assume they are no longer a band but this video is kinda cool. Here they are on Bandcamp: https://sunbones.bandcamp.com/album/the-years-chalet [2] [1] https://twitter.com/sunbonesband [2] https://sunbones.bandcamp.com/album/the-years-chalet
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A chat with Gemini De Chant, furry at The Satanic Temple.
Hot off the press! Yesterday’s article about furries and Satan was inspired by the documentary Hail Satan? — available online next week, July 23.
I saw it in May and mentioned it to Deo Tasdevil, who surprised me with a story about being welcomed by The Satanic Temple to fursuit at their Baphomet unveiling party in Detroit. They even specifically welcomed animal costumes.
Watch the movie to see their Baphomet statue made to be placed at Oklahoma’s capital. It was a free speech/equal access counter action to a Ten Commandments monument that was put on public property despite separation of church and state.
I’d tried to reach them with a media request. It seemed like a possible story of kinship with a hairy goat-man with a sensationalized lusty reputation, who rebelled against conformity and the mainstream to be himself.
Then Deo told me: “a friend of mine, also a furry, works at the Temple of Satan in Salem, MA.”
I said: “I’m dying, this is so funny. Furries are EVERYWHERE. Even in Satan’s lair.”
Learning that Gemini De Chant worked there made a great opportunity to talk. (Better the devil you know…) Their subcultural spectacle was fairly new to me, but of course we would get along great.
(Patch:) Hi Gemini, thanks for talking and I’m glad Deo introduced us!
(Gemini De Chant:) So, anything you’d like to know? In the fandom I’m Sanita Squirrel. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/sanitasquirrel/
I’m curious about how furries and Satan go together. Want to talk about experiences, gossip, philosophy?
Tons! I’m pretty open about being both a Satanist and a furry.
I liked hearing about fursuiting at the Baphomet unveiling, is that common?
As far as I know Deo was the only one that had a fursuit at the Detroit event (the Unveiling). However, there are a bunch of furries in the Satanic Temple aside from just me. I know of a few down in Arkansas, two in Boston, one in San Marco, and a couple in Kentucky.
I loved the Pink Mass to turn Fred Phelps’ mom gay in the afterlife. (Phelps founded the anti-gay Westboro Baptist Church of “God Hates Fags” infamy.) I’d love to stage a furry hug-in at any hate demonstration where it would be safe. I organized one for a threatened Westboro protest.
A hug-in would be a neat idea but the Third Tenet means that it would have to be with people that gave permission and wanted the hugs.
Would you like a little background on my involvement?
Oh yeah no surprise hugs, more like with each other. And sure! Before I knew of furries involved, I thought it would be fun to do an article about how Satan was the original furry. His goat legs, liberation, sexiness etc.
Interesting though that depiction is lifted from the Green Man of old Celtic area lore.
Neat. I’ll bet there was quite a bit of mixing with old Satyr myths, etc.
Quite a bit. Satyrs are also mentioned in the King James version of the Bible along with unicorns.
So, I got involved with the Temple in 2015 after Deo told me about it. I knew about the Church of Satan but the whole ‘might makes right’ philosophy they had really didn’t sit well with me. Their founder, Anton LaVey had some squirrelly ideas and this is coming from someone whose fursona is a squirrel.
So I looked them up and found a chapter in my city. I arranged a meet up, did some research before the meeting, and hit it off with the Maine Chapter.
Unfortunately the Maine Chapter had to go inactive because the Chapter Head had way too much going on in her life at the time. However, before hand we took a ‘field trip’ where I got to meet the Temple’s Lucien Greaves in person.
Lucien is good on camera, especially with the fundie senator he was trolling by photobombing in the movie. I really dig the live in person active vibe. Street fursuiting is my favorite thing, better than tame hotel conventions.
He is really down to earth in person. When the Salem HQ was getting ready to open I helped them out and have tried to do so every October since. Salem gets crazy busy around that time.
He seemed candid on the camera too, like not a practiced actor. A bit awkward but smart, it’s disarming.
Since then I have been doing a lot of studying on Satanism. For a religion (Modern Satanism) that is relatively new (just over 50 years old) there is a surprising amount of history.
He’s got a degree from Harvard in neuroscience. Also he will destroy you in werewolf movie trivia.
Werewolf trivia with Lucien sounds good. I love pulp horror. Lovecraft or whatever, eldritch monsters driving you mad or making bargains for your soul. Have any animalistic crossover, talking squirrel visions, furry temple tours, or fandom interest stories?
We did have a group of Boston furries roll through and I was doing my best not to ‘out’ myself while at Salem but eventually I was able to nudge the one wearing a blue wolf partial fursuit and dropped a hint that I was furry too.
Just use a dogwhistle.
That was a night when I brought a gallon of mead to the HQ. Since I was working the weekends I’d get to stay over night.
Would you say “The Satanic Temple welcomes furries” and could fursuiting could be part of another event?
The Satanic Temple totally welcomes furries! Hell, Deo is the one that introduced me. Also I need to say that while I am a member of the Satanic Temple I don’t speak for them.
It’s great talking to you! Anything else to share?
A few Salem pics.
Thanks to Gemini for sharing this look at surprisingly not-too-evil activity. If you think “Keep Furry Weird” is worthwhile, I’m glad to help. – Patch
Like the article? These take hard work. For more free furry news, please follow on Twitter or support not-for-profit Dogpatch Press on Patreon.