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Floating Lolf

Furry Reddit - Sat 29 Mar 2014 - 17:37
Categories: News

A Doggy Superhero with Three Legs

In-Fur-Nation - Sat 29 Mar 2014 - 17:24

Sounds like the set-up for a bad joke, but it’s actually a new full-color comic book miniseries based on a real-life dog. After a successful Kickstarter campaign last year, conservationist Tod Emko (Whale Wars) has created A Piggy’s Tale, a 4-issue series (illustrated by Ethan Young) coming next month from Bohemian Press. Based on a real-life dog that Tod rescued from near death, Piggy tells the story of a street dog who loses a leg when he’s struck by a car… but who soon discovers that the accident has given him super-powers! Besides the ability to fly and super strength, it’s also given him the ability to detect suffering, anywhere in the world… which leaves him with the determination to help animals in need where-ever he may find them. There’s a preview of the comic at Ecorazzi, and an interview with Tod about the real Piggy and more at Comics Beat.

[Oh, and by the way: Thank you to everyone who nominated us for an Ursa Major Award for Best Anthropomorphic Magazine! We are truly honored.]

image c. 2014 Bohemian Press

image c. 2014 Bohemian Press

Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Sat 29 Mar 2014 - 17:06
Categories: News

Introduction to me, new furry! (Decided Through Finished Self-Appointed Study)

Furry Reddit - Sat 29 Mar 2014 - 13:24

I think there's too many more important things that get put here, but I'm going to be fast and give this a shot.
I'll structure this to my best, so it won't be as hard to read as it appears at a glance.

Hello everyone, I'm JP193.
A while ago people showed interest in my self-given online (and real world) study in bronies and furries.

I had started it for fun and to improve my psychoevaluation skills, but I uncovered something in myself I am glad to share with you guys.

I am no longer an anti-brony, but more importantly for you guys and gals, I am becoming a furry!

The artistic and musical creativity of you furs really drew me in, and as I draw the study to an unofficial close, I am pleased to say I am doing the following:
* I'm subscribing to /r/furry (already have now)
* I'll find and revive my ex-research based FurAffinity account (or making new one)
* I'll try taking up the pencils once again, like old times * I will think of myself as a fur, and associate with you all.

I became furry when I realised there was more to you guys than a random fondness for animalistic features:
The creativity within many of you is amazing. It's like everyone is an artists, musician, writer or even more than one at the same time!
Your open minds and hearts spoke to me with great respect and intelligence, even when you realised I was only talking for survey purposes.

Oh, OK... It's also because fursonas and characters look awesome!

I am not sure I bring anything 'new', but I am a mediocre musician (mostly Drum & Bass, Ambient and Trance) of almost a year's untrained experience, called FortressLord, a hobbyist fiction writer and, I like to think, a quite friendly and open guy.

I used to be obsessed with drawing jackals, anubites and werewolves, but I now think my inner self is closest to a dog.
It feels weird to choose what animal represents me when only weeks ago I wondered why people would want a 'fur-persona'.

I look forward to seeing the community and talking to you all!
Peace, JP193/FortressLord

[EDIT] There is no report on the study I'm afraid, but you guys (and the general people who were interested) might like to see it so I'll get to work on some sort of image or mixed file folder showing my results. I have some written notes, Reddit references and bookmarks that I can use.
I'll post it somewhere on Reddit if/when I finish the study findings.

[EDIT2] Changed structure and some language, less formal, more open. Hope this helps show myself better.

submitted by JP193
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Categories: News

Doing a few more mediocre freebie sketches

Furry Reddit - Sat 29 Mar 2014 - 13:23

Hi again! I'm about to be in an art trade and I could use some more anthro practice, so I'll do a few little pencil sketch headshots for you guys c:


-self doodle

-sheep dude


-bust of Erebos26's boyfriend

-my friend's anthro nudibranch (lol)

Some might come out better than others. We'll see!

Edit: you can feel free to post what I doodle for you to FA, I'm Zooey over there.

submitted by EmbarrassingShit
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Categories: News

30-Something Dragon Is Having Little Luck in the Dating Scene

Ask Papabear - Sat 29 Mar 2014 - 10:32

This is probably the most clique question you will ever be asked. Where do you find a mate? I am a but confused by some of the advice I have seen on your website and from other friends.

I agree that hunting for a mate ... looking for a mate exclusively is a bad idea. But how do else do you find single people? Most of my friends are either old enough to be my parents or too young for me maturity wise. I have had 2 'mates' in the past few years, but had to end both relationships because of maturity differences.

I have very little in common with most furries, most gay people and, well, most everybody. Like most dragons and I am reserved and introverted. Aside from fursuiting, going to furry conventions, most of my hobbies involve photography and travel. I always make it a point to talk to people and enjoy meeting new people and making friends, but I never seem to find anybody that is 'mate' material - if that makes any sense.

Being in my mid 30s makes me too old for the furry fandom these days. Most furries my age are already taken or straight and have families. I don't drink, I don't smoke, and honestly can't say I care for parties or bars. 

Sorry for being so long winded about this but I thought some background information would help with my situation - which may or may not be all that unusual.

D. Dragon (age 35)

* * *

Hi, Deval,

Perhaps you should look for another dragon of about your age to match or complement your temperament. You might try the group, which has about 250 dragons and dragon fans. There are also some gay dating sites out there that could help you find a match similar to your temperament and interests. Avoid the hook-up gay sites and check out the more serious ones. One that a number of people recommend is You can always look for clubs or interests groups related to your hobbies of photography and travel. Being active in such groups increases your chances of meeting people with similar interests. Try some searches on Facebook or Google, typing in keywords such as "photography club" and the state or city your are in.

Another thing you can do, if going it alone is just frustrating the bejeesus out of you, is hire a professional matchmaker. They are listed in the online yellow pages, or you can always google them.

Also, reexamine your past dating behavior. Are you limiting yourself too much to one "type"? I remember how a good friend of mine kept dating women who were 10 or more years younger than he was and who were, frankly, not as bright. Finally, he wised up and found a smart woman his own age with whom he could carry on an intelligent conversation and they have been happily married for years.

Do not be overly picky or selective in choosing a mate. While you shouldn't just settle for anyone, neither should you be so particular that you reject all potential candidates. You will never find someone on the planet who matches every single one of your qualifications. Remember, there is always room to grow together. The qualities you should search for are kindness, consideration, empathy, and maturity. When you find someone who cares about making you happy as much as making himself happy, you have come a long way toward finding a fantastic mate.

Good luck!!!!


[serious discussion] I have a serious yet thought provoking question

Furry Reddit - Sat 29 Mar 2014 - 02:59

I noticed a lot in this fandom people describe their "fursona" or themselves quite well. But one thing that sticks out the most is "I am a straight wolf thingy explosion" or "I am a bi bunny cheese waffle".

The focus here is the sexuality. The sexuality bit is entirely a different subject than the other adjectives. "bunny" refers to the species. It's shape, fur patterns, structure. The other adjectives (blue, fiery, flying, etc) provide more visual details.

But there is always that unrelated addition of sexual preference there. Why is that so important when people describe their sona?

Should it be important and do you agree with it's inclusion to the description?

Personally I think it should only be included when relevant and contextual. It's just very unnecessary and nobody really asked that specific question. The motive I can see behind including it is trying to attract a sexual partner. It's like going to a party and saying "Hey, my name is Flark. I fly, run, swim, and I'm single".

The reason I find this important is because it adds on to the generalization of the fandom and can very well scare people off, leaving a bad taste. Let's get real here. People think furries are sex addicted, crazy, "fedora wearing", losers. It's a dumb generalization but in reality the sex part isn't far off because the entirety of humans could be generalized as "sexually addicted" the same way.

Just a thought.

submitted by ThatCoyote
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Categories: News

Furry dreams part deux

Furry Reddit - Sat 29 Mar 2014 - 01:53

I had another one last night. It was also strange. It started in a large city, and like this giant black mass started destroying the city. and as it traveled, animals started biting people, and those people basically become a were-whatever creature bit them. I was bitten by a fox. and ended up staying with a family, as the fox, hiding from an organization that was rounding them up. The organization was never mentioned/thought of after this point, and it more became a sitcom. like, I would change from human to fox, to anthro based on emotion, and stuff. It was kinda cool and awesome.

submitted by lokilullaby
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Categories: News

Humanly Asexual (NSFW)

Furry Reddit - Fri 28 Mar 2014 - 23:41

Okay, okay, I know. Someone else posted something similar to this a bit earlier (here, if you're curious), but, alas, I was late to the party and didn't really get the answers I wanted.

DISCLAIMER: This post was tagged NSFW for a reason, continue with caution (I'm serious here, this isn't going to be pretty). This post may be long, hard to follow, and does NOT contain a TL;DR.

Okay, now that I have that out of the way, let's get started. Story time!

Before I joined this fandom, I was in a bit of a "sexual frustration" stage of my life. Granted I'm only 15 (male, btw) now, but I felt as if I wan't ever sexually satisfied. I didn't watch porn, though, because I found it and still find it pointless and sometimes borderline disgusting. However, I did have a quite furious jerking off schedule, once, twice, sometimes three times a day. Yet, through all of this, I was left unsatisfied. That was, until, I started into my furry life.

The strange part is, I started to feel satisfied, happy almost. My schedule came to an abrupt stop and had been that way ever since. Something else happened, too. My attraction to humans went away. They no longer seemed attractive to me, both genders. I came into the fandom heterosexual (though I had my doubts), and now claim myself asexual. My wants of creating a family, getting married, having children just kind of left, abruptly. I feel no sexual attraction to pretty much anything anymore, however my frustration went away.

But, strangely enough, one part of this fandom seems to spark my sexual interest more than anything else: The tail. I've had this with me for a while, even before I joined the fandom (It's actually partially a reason why I joined). But, it was weak before I joined and now is stronger ever since my attraction towards humans went away. Tails just give me a strange sexual feeling that's actually quite strong and satisfying. The way they move, the feeling of mine as I walk around, the shape and softness of some all got me. Whether it be a picture of one or the one I'm wearing as I make this post, I can feel it. The time I spent on my old schedule is now spent laying in bed with my tail wrapped around me (sans jerking off, I don't do that anymore, as said before). I feel better than I did before, almost like jerking off never sexually satisfied me.

Okay, so what am I getting at?

I have a bit of mixed feelings here that are disturbing me, and I want to curb them. For one, I'm happy. I'm no longer spending hours on end jerking off and I feel more satisfied. On the other hand, though, I'm worried. I have no wants anymore to start a family or do anything sex-related to other humans, so I fear that this may lead me to a lonely life. Ok, I'm only 15, but I think I still have reason to be worried, because this could very well be how I end up.

If any of you have similar experiences or feel similar to me, please, by all means, share them. I thought I was alone in my interest in animal-y things until I discovered you guys, so I think that at least one of you is feeling similar. I'd love to hear anything so I can get this off of my mind.

submitted by VinegarEel
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Categories: News

Mousey Feets! (by me)

Furry Reddit - Fri 28 Mar 2014 - 23:20
Categories: News