Feed aggregator
For those of you who don't know, and this was mentioned a while ago by u/DrVulpini, there is an online site (also mobile) for furs to meet other furs. Go check it out here!
submitted by Mijike[link] [4 comments]
What makes a furry musician?
I've heard of furry musicians before, but I never really knew exactly what they were. Is there something that sets that sets them apart from other musicians, or are they just musicians who also happen to be furries?
submitted by crookedear[link] [6 comments]
S3 – Special 4 – FWIW at BABScon: Furry Cons vs Brony Cons - The Bay Area Brony Spectacular invited FWIW to attend their event in San Francisco to see how the Furry Fandom and Brony Fandom compare and what they have in common. This episode, we share our f
Show Bonus
Check out this week's Space News!
Special Thanks
BABScon, who invited us to attend their event
Everyone who gave us an interview
Haku Pamfer, who assisted with interviews and exploring the convention
Koru, who helped with the interviews and exploring the convention
Nowacking, who also helped motivate the show to get out to San Francisco
Further Confusion, for helping make everyone from the furry fandom feel a bit more at home at BABScon
Music and Breaks
Opening theme: Fredrik Miller– Cloud Fields (Radio Mix). USA: Bandcamp, 2011. Used with permission. (Buy a copy here – support your fellow furs!)
Closing: Fredrik Miller – Cloud Fields (Chill Out Mix). USA: Bandcamp, 2011. Used with permission. (Buy a copy here – support your fellow furs!)
Next episode: How do you get into character? Be it fursuit or animated or otherwise. Send us your questions and tips! S3 – Special 4 – FWIW at BABScon: Furry Cons vs Brony Cons - The Bay Area Brony Spectacular invited FWIW to attend their event in San Francisco to see how the Furry Fandom and Brony Fandom compare and what they have in common. This episode, we share our f
Why don't furries like it if you take your fursuit head off in public?
I recently read in a fursuit poll that 70% of suiters don't like it when people take their fursuit heads off in public? Why is it such a big deal? We all know there's a person under there so why does it bother people so much to see it?
submitted by SkyF0x[link] [28 comments]
Karoo Badge! - (Gift art for a friend! Tried a new lining technique and I loved it so I wanted to show you guys!)
I need some help getting back into the fandom. Anyone have Steam?
Welp, for about 2 years I feel I've been so disconnected from the furry fandom. I've always browsed this subreddit, and some yiff occasionally, but I just don't feel like I used to. I consider myself a furry, and respond that I am when someone asks, I suppose I'm looking for some more friends to talk to I guess.
I used to have a group of furs I talked to a year ago-ish, but we all went our sepeate ways and me and my mate have stood together, I would love to get some of you on Steam to chat ^ I mostly play TF2, I consider myself addicted to it. Would love to have some to play with! Feel free to ask me about anything, I'll respond :3
So before I just ramble off, would anyone like to chat in Skype I can rant all day on end if someone would listen to my nonsense, or play with me in TF2? Here is my Steam profile> http://steamcommunity.com/id/Lukaisafag/
submitted by ArcticWolfy[link] [8 comments]
There’s Something to Be Said for the Tradition of Courting
Awww, How Cute and Creepy…
One of the big hits at this year’s WonderCon in Anaheim (California) was Tentacle Kitty. And why not? Who wouldn’t want a little pink 8-legged beastie crawling over to them and purring? Well… Created by the delightfully odd folks at TentacleKitty.com, this feline cephalopod lives with her friend in a strange and magical place of cotton candy mice (yum!) and rat-tailed unicorns (ooo!). Not making sense? Just visit the web site and check out the latest on-line comic and some of the available plushies and t-shirts and other tie-in items coming up. Plenty of people at WonderCon did.

image c. 2014 tentaclekitty.com
Here we have the Best Short Film at SITGES 2012. Tells the story of Manuel who is living a sad existence where he hates his job, he feels unloved by his wife, and his doctor diagnoses him with a mysterious disease that will soon turn him into an elephant.
FC-162 Sexy Nightmares
You Are Stuck On A Island With 10 Other Furs, What Do You Take?
You are stuck on a island in the middle of the ocean with 10 other Furries and looks like you will be there for a long time.
There is fresh water and a abundance of food supplies. The island is beach al the way around with part jungle and mountain in the middle.
What 3 items do you take?
There is only one rule, the items can't get you off the island. You are stuck there no matter what.
submitted by Jackster22[link] [39 comments]
Well hello
Hi! I've been aware of furry for a while, though I've only recently started to look closer and... well, I like what I see! I'd like to stop lurking and maaaaybe get to know some of you. I know FA is supposed to be a good starting point, though I'd also like to know where you guys have personally had the most fun in the fandom.
Some things that may be relevant:
I like writing and reading! Sci-fi/fantasy in particular.
I'm starting to enjoy doing art, though I'm by no means good at it yet.
I'm... not really in it for the pornz. I just like good art! And fun!
Anyway, any pointers/sage advice would be more than welcome! I'm still somewhat new to all this...
submitted by readthismanual[link] [11 comments]