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Character for sale

Furry Reddit - Sun 11 May 2014 - 18:57

I'm not sure if self advertisement if allow, and if it's not please let me know! But I have a character for auction (though its quad)

submitted by kokesu
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Categories: News

S3 – Episode 19: Getting into Character - Kiit is back! And he joins Roo and Tugs in studio as they explore how to get into character. Not limited to just fursuits (we're looking at Roo), we discuss roleplay, day to day life, and other methods of expressi

Fur What It's Worth - Sun 11 May 2014 - 18:21
Kiit is back! And he joins Roo and Tugs in studio as they explore how to get into character. Not limited to just fursuits (we're looking at Roo), we discuss roleplay, day to day life, and other methods of expressing yourself. What tricks are used, how to stay there, and how to avoid being kicked out of character are discussed. We also visit the owner of the ACME Corporation and open the mailbag! There's also more space news, for our budding furry stargazers.



Special Thanks

Kiit, our guest

Music and Breaks

Opening theme: Fredrik Miller– Cloud Fields (Radio Mix). USA: Bandcamp, 2011. Used with permission.  (Buy a copy here – support your fellow furs!)
Space News Music: Fredrik Miller – Orbit. USA: Bandcamp, 2013. Used with permission. (Buy a copy here – support your fellow furs!)
Closing: Fredrik Miller – Cloud Fields (Chill Out Mix). USA: Bandcamp, 2011. Used with permission. (Buy a copy here – support your fellow furs!)
Musical beds for end of season and contact info: Various pieces from Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn Soundtrack. FINAL FANTASY XIV © 2010-2014 SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved. Used per Materials Usage License.

Next episode: What do you think of foxes? Any thoughts? Do you love being one? Hate them? Are they the promiscuous characters they profess to be? Send us your thoughts by May 14. 2014.

AND MORE!: Do you like eating? Do you eat people? Do you get eaten? Why is voraphilia so popular? What’s it like? Send us your comments by May 21, 2014. S3 – Episode 19: Getting into Character - Kiit is back! And he joins Roo and Tugs in studio as they explore how to get into character. Not limited to just fursuits (we're looking at Roo), we discuss roleplay, day to day life, and other methods of expressi
Categories: Podcasts

Furfunding Week in Review 5-11-14

FurStarter - Sun 11 May 2014 - 17:06

This week’s illustration is from the indiegogo campaign for Goldenwolf’s new sketch book!

I wish I could talk more about this, as I get more pieces together I’ll have an official announcement probably a week or two from now, but I’m working with a few artists on a new Kickstarter launching in July. More as I can say more :) In the meantime, here’s your regularly-scheduled messages from furrycrowdfundingland…

Reviews this weekcycle: A not-terribly-impressed review of noir/supers graphic novel, “Lars, Lunchbox, and The Quasmo D.” It’s good to accompany your “what not to do” lesson with good pictures.


 larsthumb New Projects

For a “complete” list of furry/fur-friendly crowdfunding projects, check out the Project Page and Patreon Page!


Goldenwolf’s Sketchbook V1 (Ends: 6/4/2014)
60 pages of illustrations by the amazing Were artist, Goldenwolf

Pop Middle Ages (Ends: 6/13/2014)
Middle Ages style woodcuts from pop culture cartoons and video games.


Ressurecting River Wolfe (Ends: 6/13/2014)
After being bitten by…uh…unsure…a wolf finds herrself turned into a teenage girl.
Interesting take on the standard werewolf story…

Comics/Graphic Novels

Lars, Lunchbox and the Quasmo D (Ends: 6/6/2014)
Graphic Novel: a Cold War story set in Washington DC in a story of intrigue, commies, caped villains, bubblegum pop, and humanoid dogs.
My only reservation here is that the writer doesn’t really know when to shush. Exposition, anyone? Hope the GN isn’t this texty…

Butter Comics (Ends: 6/8/2014)
Brightly colored–almost trippy–comics about bird people and dog people by MegMcIntire
Why does Portland have so many good comic artists?


Tentatrio Plus Pals (Ends: 6/5/2014)
Cuddly, colorful stuffed octopus.
You know you want to.

Video Games

Oh My Adventure (Ends: 5/29/2014)
Anthro lion exploration game based on the “Oh My” series. Kind of a non-starter, but cute in a “lego” sort of way.
…does anybody know what the “Oh My” series is?

Furball Ramage (Ends: 6/22/2014)
Side-scrolling, and occasionally kaiju-stomping, hamster action. Cute and cartoony!
With a little inspiration from “Katamari Damacy

…Just for fun

The Hollywood Sci Fi Museum (Ends: 6/16/2014): An exciting nonprofit project with props, sets, costumes, ships, and a whole lot of et cetera from the world of film scifi!

Categories: News

Trolls at a Dallas Stars game.

Furry Reddit - Sun 11 May 2014 - 13:42
Categories: News

Someone got noticed biking.

Furry Reddit - Sun 11 May 2014 - 13:25
Categories: News

Gay Furries and Sexism: A Recursive Loop

[adjective][species] - Sun 11 May 2014 - 13:00

Guest post by Witchie (@witchiebunny). Witchie is just, loyal, patient and true just like any other Hufflepuff. She also thinks way too much for her own good.

At the risk of sounding clichéd, please allow me to introduce myself: I am commonly known as Witchiebunny; artist, gamer, sometime podcaster and all around good-natured lapine.

I noticed a recent article here on [a][s] made reference to a post of mine on another blog from sometime ago. I addressed a conversation I found myself in whilst dealing with some comments I felt, and still do feel, were sexist.

For a bit of contextual framing: at the time I was a Fur Affinity admin using various communities, including Livejournal,  as a way to stay in contact with users who did not generally get face-time with FA admins any other way. In the process of reading a post regarding a then fellow admin, I noticed a comment made about said colleague by a male, and gay, furry:

“Is it just me, or has anyone else noticed that she goes on the warpath every 28 days or so?”


Guys, if you’re out there, reading this, let me give you this bit of advice: period jokes aren’t funny. They’re not cool, and the only ones who are going to laugh are those who, in general, hate women.

Upon reading this comment, I replied. “Not cool,” said I. “Seriously, I hate misogynistic comments like this.

The response? “*shrugs* meh.

Meh? That’s it? Called out on your misogyny and all you can say for yourself is “Meh”?

Eventually, I was told that it was simply a joke that I was reading way too much into and that I was overthinking. My favorite was the apology given:

“okay… let me clarify this since you’re taking this waaaay to personally.

this was a stab at [insert name of admin here], not all women everywhere. if it was interpreted as being a stab at all women everywhere, well, it was never intended as such.



This is an attitude I’ve encountered all over the internet, but never so prevalently waved around, and proudly, than among gay men within the furry fandom.

As a perfect example, I once engaged in a conversation with a friend who was opposed to the idea of breastfeeding in public. He called it gross, and disgusting. (the discussion of public breastfeeding is one for another time and blog, and won’t be gone into here.) I stuck up for the right to breastfeed in public and was presented with an analogy of public breastfeeding to public fellatio. Upon calling out this comment as misogynistic, I was contacted by this friend’s boyfriend whom I was also friends with, and asked why I was trying to “censor” his SO.

The conversation came down to this friend’s assertions of the following points:

  1. Women want special treatment to feed their babies in public because they’re too selfish to stay at home and feed in private where it’s proper,
  2. Women didn’t want this special treatment in the past, because these are recent laws and what about women who just made do with this in hundreds of years prior,
  3. That women always wanted special treatment for stuff and why couldn’t they just suck it up like men.

All of which culminated into:

  1. That I, as a woman and also as a minority had MORE power and privilege than he did as a cisgendered white male.

Now I make no bones about, nor apologize for the fact that I am a feminist of a certain stripe. There are certain words and behaviors that I recognize as being sexist and harmful, and I recognize the attitudes that, at the core, make up these behaviors.

To give a very basic understanding of my brand of feminism (which doesn’t go far enough, by some standards and goes way too far, apparently, by others): I recognize that there is an inherent sexism that we, as a western society, have been socialized into thinking is acceptable, normal behavior. While I stop short of declaring that men and women are the same, period, and that ANY generalizations based on gender are wrong and part of the problem (for indeed, I also recognize that men and women are not only different, hormonally, but are socialized differently and so, on the whole, gender-wide discrepancies, differences and patterns of behavior DO exist), I will definitely say something if I see ANYONE putting down ANY gender because of a stereotype being perpetuated.

Even so, I recognize that there is a certain level of sexism that even I adhere to and end up being an apologist for. Such is life, no one is perfect.

However there is a difference between socialized sexism (i.e a young girl being less interested in science because of the ingrained idea that it’s a “man’s field”) and overt, over the top misogyny.

Take as an example the “Gay Furries” group on Fur Affinity. At one point, there were quite a few journal posts along the line of “Girls, ew.” or “Women, vaginas, scary, disgusting, ugly…” (most of those journals have since been deleted).

You get the idea. Leaving aside the quite obvious fact that by doing this, the gay men of the group are alienating all of the gay women within the group, this is a very overt form of misogyny that is not only unapologized for, but celebrated. And it’s done constantly within the fandom, in the name of gay unity, or even just “humor”.

Male gay furries constantly feel at liberty to demean, insult, and otherwise marginalize any woman they come across for the simple fact that they’re a woman. And while I can understand it as a level of group-reassurance (i.e “The societal norm is to expect us to be straight, and we identify as gay, which means we’re not attracted to women, so therefore in order to satisfy each other that we’re all right, and all ‘normal’ within our peer group, we’ll marginalize the apparent subject that makes us outsiders, women”) this goes far beyond that. This goes into outright hate.

And if you attempt to point out to them that they are being misogynist, or sexist, the tendency (as the aforementioned furry did) is to bring up misandry, as if the fact that sometimes women hate on men validates their misogyny.

I will only say this once:


Misandry is typically exhibited as a retaliation against rampant and unacknowledged societal misogyny. By using it as a justification for further misogyny, a recursive loop is created.

To put it in coder terms: gender relations between (in this instance) gay men and ALL women will eventually segfault.

This is NOT rocket science. A lot of gay men don’t realize that they have such a high level of misogyny, or even identify what they feel/think/believe AS misogyny, or sexism. They will say “Well I can’t be a misogynist/sexist, because I have a woman friend.

This is the same thing as saying “I can’t be racist, I have black friends!

Let me tell everyone this: having a friend who falls into this general category of those you hate, even a good friend, doesn’t stop one from having and exhibiting the signs of the underlying problem. Using it as a shield against accusations of being any kind of *ist usually ends demeaning the friend you claim to care so much for.

The funny thing is, if a woman speaks up against this particular stripe of misogyny or sexism, then they’re an evil feminist who can’t take a joke, and this from the same gay men who “can’t take a joke” when the joke is a hateful homophobic one, and not a hateful misogynist one.

This is particularly bad among furries because we are ALREADY marginalized to a great degree by “mundanes” in general, and the internet as well. Socially, furries are already seen to be at the bottom of the totem pole. Do we really, truly have to further marginalize and fragment ourselves by having such hatred towards those whose only crime was an accident of birth?

I realize that this is a deeply ingrained and socialized issue, but seriously folks. Have the testicular fortitude to do some self-reflection and self-introspection. It’s painful but you will be a better person for it.

And that goes for everyone.

Crossing a Waterfall

Furry Reddit - Sun 11 May 2014 - 11:54
Categories: News

Worse Than a Favor (Julia Brito)

Furry Reddit - Sun 11 May 2014 - 11:40
Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Sun 11 May 2014 - 11:32

So, right now my local furry group is fundraising for a Relay For Life event. Right now our fundraising has been the same old same, go out to a public place in suit, hold up a sign saying we're raising money for Cancer Research, would you like a picture with us for a donation to our cause? I want to try and mix it up, make it more fun for everyone. We made the suggestion of doing a raffle/auction type deal for a fursuit with the materials all being bought and donated by the members, but I can't get the support of the local fursuit makers either. Any ideas of what we should do to fundraise while keeping with our furry theme?

submitted by Lethero1
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Categories: News

why no.... I haven't seen timmy

Furry Reddit - Sun 11 May 2014 - 11:30
Categories: News

Stress at Work Is Affecting His Fursona

Ask Papabear - Sun 11 May 2014 - 09:51

It seem for a while now I been working as a medical assistant I help nurses and doctors on a daily basis, mostly with the disabled and mentally handicapped. so I deal with an array of medical issues, I help with some type of end of life care, and I have to be so positive I haven’t had time to let out my stress. It’s starting to wear me out. I haven't been feeling happy. My fursona, Mr. Silvius, I feel like he's becoming negative. Are my emotions affecting Mr. Silvius?

Thank you, Papa Bear

Mr. Silvius (21)

* * *

Dear Mr. Silvius,

I would say that yours is a very astute and likely correct observation.  When we are unable or unwilling to express our emotions—especially negative emotions—in some way, all that aggravation, frustration, and pain has to come out in some manner or else we would explode. In extreme cases, this is why you see some people “go postal” and actually murder people. They feel that no one listens to them or that they are powerless and it becomes way too extreme for them, overwhelming them into lethal behavior.

I’m not saying you’ll do that, don’t worry. You have found, subliminally, a safer way to release your emotions, transferring them to your fursona. I can certainly understand how your work would leave you sad, frustrated, and even angry. You have to plaster that smile on your face and force your voice to be upbeat even in cases where you know there is no hope. Congratulations on being so unselfish and helping people the way you do.

Now we have to help you! 

The best way I’ve found to release anger and other pent-up emotions is vigorous exercise. Ever feel like you want to kick the you-know-what out of something? Go to the gym and hit and kick a punching bag. Even better, take martial arts lessons, which show you not only how to kick butt but also how not to. By having discipline combined with physical exertion, you can really manage your darker emotions. 

Other ways to do this are things like running and swimming and weight training. Not only will this release a lot of energy from your body, it will make you healthier, and good health is an excellent way to reduce stress in your life.

I think you will find that if you follow one of these strategies that best suits your interests and needs that the negative feelings will dissipate into the air and there won’t be any left to transfer to your fursona. If it doesn’t work, write to me again and we’ll talk some more.

Good luck! Be Blessed!


Stress at Work Is Affecting His Fursona

Ask Papabear - Sun 11 May 2014 - 09:51

It seem for a while now I been working as a medical assistant I help nurses and doctors on a daily basis, mostly with the disabled and mentally handicapped. so I deal with an array of medical issues, I help with some type of end of life care, and I have to be so positive I haven’t had time to let out my stress. It’s starting to wear me out. I haven't been feeling happy. My fursona, Mr. Silvius, I feel like he's becoming negative. Are my emotions affecting Mr. Silvius?

Thank you, Papa Bear

Mr. Silvius (21)

* * *

Dear Mr. Silvius,

I would say that yours is a very astute and likely correct observation.  When we are unable or unwilling to express our emotions—especially negative emotions—in some way, all that aggravation, frustration, and pain has to come out in some manner or else we would explode. In extreme cases, this is why you see some people “go postal” and actually murder people. They feel that no one listens to them or that they are powerless and it becomes way too extreme for them, overwhelming them into lethal behavior.

I’m not saying you’ll do that, don’t worry. You have found, subliminally, a safer way to release your emotions, transferring them to your fursona. I can certainly understand how your work would leave you sad, frustrated, and even angry. You have to plaster that smile on your face and force your voice to be upbeat even in cases where you know there is no hope. Congratulations on being so unselfish and helping people the way you do.

Now we have to help you! 

The best way I’ve found to release anger and other pent-up emotions is vigorous exercise. Ever feel like you want to kick the you-know-what out of something? Go to the gym and hit and kick a punching bag. Even better, take martial arts lessons, which show you not only how to kick butt but also how not to. By having discipline combined with physical exertion, you can really manage your darker emotions. 

Other ways to do this are things like running and swimming and weight training. Not only will this release a lot of energy from your body, it will make you healthier, and good health is an excellent way to reduce stress in your life.

I think you will find that if you follow one of these strategies that best suits your interests and needs that the negative feelings will dissipate into the air and there won’t be any left to transfer to your fursona. If it doesn’t work, write to me again and we’ll talk some more.

Good luck! Be Blessed!


What was the hardest part about making your fursona?

Furry Reddit - Sun 11 May 2014 - 08:46

Was it the species? The fur color(s)? And how did you surmount it?

submitted by Fur_Bot
[link] [33 comments]
Categories: News

A Difficult Past Has Made Him Defensive; Now He Needs to Learn to Trust Again

Furry News Network - Sun 11 May 2014 - 07:56
Author: Hello, it’s me again,  First a little follow up of my last letter, I forgave Apple for the robbery, he has slowed on his drug use as well as bought himself a quad which keeps him busy and off drugs Since my last letter, a lot has happened, I left my home town, I traveled […]
Categories: News