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Fox Fires

Furry.Today - Mon 19 Aug 2019 - 21:09

This one caught me off guard when several people sent this one to me at once. It's an adorable Graduation from Scottish animator Kèilidh Bradley [1]  that was inspired by a Finnish folk tale of the aurora borealis. I will say this one is very sweet and has a very Ori and the Blind Forest feel to it. [1]
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Karma Chameleon

In-Fur-Nation - Sun 18 Aug 2019 - 01:55

This is an interesting new comic series from Action Lab with an attention-grabbing title: Cold Blood Samurai. Here’s what we found in Previews: “A feudal Japan with anthropomorphic and samurai animals inspired by Homer’s poem on ‘War of Mice and Frogs’… As in the classic poem, one tells of the futility of war and the desire for peace by Gaijin, a foreign salamander in a Japan of frogs invaded by lizards. ” Got that? It’s written by Massimo Rosi, illustrated by Ludovica Ceregatti, and on the shelves now.

image c. 2019 Action Lab

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LIFC 2019 Constory

Furry.Today - Fri 16 Aug 2019 - 23:36

Another amazing con music video from Chirros White [1]! This one is for the Singapore based Little Island Fur Con [2] 2019. [1] [2]
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And More Dogs — In Space!

In-Fur-Nation - Fri 16 Aug 2019 - 01:56

Voyage of the Dogs is the very straight-forward title for a juvenile fiction novel from last year, written by Greg Van Eekhout. The publisher describes it like this: “Lopside is a Barkonaut, a specially trained dog who assists human astronauts on missions in space. He and the crew aboard the spaceship Laika are en route to set up an outpost on a distant planet. When the mission takes a disastrous turn, the Barkonauts on board suddenly find themselves completely alone on their severely damaged ship. Survival seems impossible. But these dogs are Barkonauts — and Barkonauts always complete their mission.” Look for it now (and hear an audio clip) from Harper Collins.

image c. 2019 Harper Collins

Categories: News

Space Sharks

Furry.Today - Thu 15 Aug 2019 - 18:35

Remember kids, when visiting another planet make sure check out what the natives are eating before you do. This short is by Pixar animator Stefan Schumacher [1].       [1]
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Eurofurence 25 Aftermovie

Furry.Today - Wed 14 Aug 2019 - 21:57

Gotta say 4K 50fps furry footage does look amazing this stuff makes me want to get a passport and go to the con. "To make up for not finishing EF24 videos in time, I finished this year's aftermovie before the con had even started. Thank you so much to everyone who helped and made this possible! Special thanks to my Patreon Supporters, my friends who helped me on site in these stressful days and everyone else who helped out. "
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The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance

Furry.Today - Tue 13 Aug 2019 - 22:42

This 10 episode series premieres on the 30th and I will probably end up watching this in one go ... dammit. "Light the fires of resistance! Join Deet, Rian and Brea on an epic quest to find hope in darkness, save Thra, and reveal their destiny. Nothing will ever be the same."
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EuroFurence 24: Celebrate

Furry.Today - Mon 12 Aug 2019 - 22:11

Check out this great video from AirFurry celebrating EuroFurence 24! "In anticipation of EuroFurence 25 I decided to work hard and finish my EF24 video. Took a bit of a different approach then usual, but I think it turned out really well. I hope you enjoy it as well"
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S8 Episode 17 – Maybe They’re Born With It (Maybe It’s Sex) - Roo and Tugs are joined in studio by Adilor and show-regular Nuka, as they discuss the topic of Sex and Connection. What does sex mean to so many and why? Why can some sleep around like mad and

Fur What It's Worth - Mon 12 Aug 2019 - 19:59
Roo and Tugs are joined in studio by Adilor and show-regular Nuka, as they discuss the topic of Sex and Connection. What does sex mean to so many and why? Why can some sleep around like mad and others need more? We have a crazy good discussion, along with some Space News and Fifty Sheds of Grey!

Show Notes
Special Thanks

Adilor, our guest.
Nuka, our guest.
Timid Grizzly, for the topic suggestion and voice mail.
Mfalme Lion
Jake FoxXx, for the ident and more!

Patreon Love
The following people have decided this month’s Fur What It’s Worth is worth actual cash! THANK YOU!
Get Stickered Tier Supporters

Kit and Jake Fox
Fancy Supporter Tier

Rifka, the San Francisco Treat and Baldrik and Adilor (Picture Pending)
Deluxe Supporters Tier

Lokimutt and Guardian Lion and Dusky and Katchshi and August Otter
Plus Tier Supporters

Ausi Kat
Tomori Boba

McRib Tier Supporters



Opening Theme: RetroSpecter – Cloud Fields (RetroSpecter Mix). USA: Unpublished, 2018. ©2011-2018 Fur What It’s Worth. Based on Fredrik Miller – Cloud Fields (Century Mix). USA: Bandcamp, 2011. ©2011 Fur What It’s Worth. (Buy a copy here – support your fellow furs!)
Space News Music: Fredrik Miller – Orbit. USA: Bandcamp, 2013. Used with permission. (Buy a copy here – support your fellow furs!)
Fifty Sheds of Grey: Kevin MacLeod – Spy Glass. Licensed under Creative Commons: by Attribution 3.0. Visit Incompetech for more.
Closing Theme: RetroSpecter – Cloud Fields (RetroSpecter Chill Mix). USA: Unpublished, 2018. ©2011-2018 Fur What It’s Worth. Based on Fredrik Miller – Cloud Fields (Chill Out Mix). USA: Bandcamp, 2011. ©2011 Fur What It’s Worth. (Buy a copy here – support your fellow furs!) S8 Episode 17 – Maybe They’re Born With It (Maybe It’s Sex) - Roo and Tugs are joined in studio by Adilor and show-regular Nuka, as they discuss the topic of Sex and Connection. What does sex mean to so many and why? Why can some sleep around like mad and
Categories: Podcasts

Chaos Cast [11 Aug 2019] - South Afrifur Pawdcast

South Afrifur Pawdcast - Mon 12 Aug 2019 - 12:46

Our mad ramblings (and a con roundup) on a Sunday night! Find us on Twitter: @South-Afrifur,, on Tumblr,, and on Facebook, Also, for more local news, check out the Zafur forums!
Categories: Podcasts

South Afrifur 2019 – Convention Report by Jako Malan

Dogpatch Press - Mon 12 Aug 2019 - 10:00

Thanks to Jako Malan/Erdwolf_TVL for the guest submission. Compare the update with a look back at Fred Patten’s South Afrifur 2017 con report. And check out the guest articles sent here by Duncan Piasecki for another voice from South African furry fandom. “An exciting tourist destination to international furries”? Lekker place, maan. – Patch

Fursuiters SAFC2019 – Thanks to @FurnixWolf (Telegram) for photo.

In 2018, the local furry convention South Afrifur – then in its second year – had the unexpected privilege of South Africa’s largest Afrikaans magazine doing an editorial on the local fandom. I did not feel it pressed on me to write an official report then. This year the local convention attracted little attention from non-furries, but in a way, I think it had reached critical momentum and I felt inspired to write about it again.

Whereas the question on every muzzle in previous years had been “Will there be another con?” and “Did we succeed?” This year, there was tangible optimism and a sense of achievement. Other questions were being asked. “How many fursuiters will there be next year?” and “How will we fit everyone into the available accomodation?”

The 80s themed convention was held from the 12th through the 15th of July at the Ekudeni retreat about an hours’ drive from Johannesburg. As with previous years, the majority of furries came from the Gauteng province – the economic and industrial heartland of South Africa. The other provinces were represented too, albeit in much smaller numbers. We were also privileged to have four international visitors – Bravura and Aninok from Switzerland as well as Kit and Trace from Nebraska in the USA.

Gardens at Ekudeni Retreat

There were many firsts at South Afrifur Con 2019. A marked increase in the number of fursuiters justified a headless lounge for the first time. There was a furry rave on Sunday evening. Measured against the number of furs who didn’t plan on attending (but did) and a noise complaint lodged by the neighboring farm, it was a success. Sketchbooks had floated around at previous cons, but they were much more prominent this year. (Locals have finally caught up!)

Yukon’s Scavenger Hunt and Pop Quiz returned and was well received. There were two panel discussions on Sunday afternoon. “How did you find the fandom” by Jessica Collie and a panel on “Diversity on the Fandom” presented by Ivic Wulfe. The latter stirred a healthy discussion and much participation from the audience.

The Artist’s Alley, which was officially held on Saturday morning, extended throughout the remainder of the weekend. It was bigger and more varied than ever before. Offerings were no longer limited to artist commissions from only a handful of local artists. There was a good selection of books, prints, stickers, jewelry… even fudge for sale. Two of the dealers had underestimated the demand and had run out of stock long before the convention was over. Sales were very good.

The social highlight was a braai at Zonki-Shebeen – a township-themed bar at the venue. Furries mingled around fire pits chatting, smoking and having drinks. Free-roaming Zebra, Springbok, Rooibok as well as other unseen night creatures watched from a careful distance as the furries talked and socialized under the southern night sky.

When time came to say goodbye on Monday morning, at least half the con’s attendees lingered – long after checkout – to help pack up Furnix’s sound system and clean the hall. The sadness was palpable. Unlike those in the other parts of the world, it would be literally a year before this particular group of friends could get together again to celebrate everything furry. In Africa.

There is talk of increasing the size of the organizing committee, with tasks needing to be delegated for the first time. Ekudeni was at about three-quarter capacity in 2019. There is talk of making use of an overflow venue (on the same grounds) should the numbers double as they did over the past two years.

The total number of attendees were fifty three. There were sixteen fursuiters (counting only full suits and partials with heads.) Though the numbers are still being calculated at this time, charitable donations to our chosen charity (Husky Rescue in Kwa-Zulu Natal) is likely to be in the early ten thousand ZAR. (About $650.)

Numbers aside, I think the 2019 convention took the first steps in bridging the gap between the different factions in the local furry community. Three times’ a charm. I think there is no longer any doubt that South Afrifur has the means, reputation and passion to pull off a successful convention.

Having silenced the skeptics, their next step would be to draw in those who’ve been actively critical of the organizing committee. There will always be clashes of personality in this fandom, but as far as furries go, there is always a greater good to account for.

A personal quest of mine would be to market South Africa as an exciting tourist destination to international furries. I’m hoping to drum up enough interest next year to fill a carriage (or bus) with furries travelling to the con from Cape Town.

On a very personal note, I was privileged enough to experience fursuiting for the first time this year. Basil Caribou was kind enough to lend me his Doug Ramses (ala Zootopia) suit. It is a well-made, good looking suit, but not one well suited for extended wear anywhere outside of Antarctica. I had a good sweat walking around with this uncooled padded ram. I participated in the Fursuit Games (organized by YoteFox) and posed for a group photo, too. Though early to say it was an awakening, it was definitely special. Also was seeing ElectroCat (EC) for the first time in about ten years and commissioning him to do a picture of me, my wife and my two kids.

Sadly, all cons come to an end. The venue was (eventually) cleared and the sweaty fursuits hung out to dry. As I crossed the Great Karoo by train on my way back to my mundane life back home, I was left with fond memories, bruised ribs (from excessive hugging) and massive amounts of inspiration my own writing. I can’t wait to see what Visionary-In-Chief Ivic and his team have in mind for next year.

– Jako Malan

Like the article? These take hard work. For more free furry news, please follow on Twitter or support not-for-profit Dogpatch Press on Patreon.

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Doggies in Disguise

In-Fur-Nation - Mon 12 Aug 2019 - 01:56

The things that people will come up with to write… You have to wonder about that when you see a book series called Two Dogs In A Trench Coat. It’s written by Julie Falatko and illustrated by Colin Jack. “Sassy and Waldo are good dogs. They spend the day keeping their house safe. Has a squirrel ever gotten inside? No! But every day their boy, Stewart, comes home from this terrible place called school smelling like anxiety and looseleaf paper. Sassy and Waldo decide to save Stewart. But they don’t let dogs into school. So Sassy and Waldo decide to get creative. They put on an old trench coat, and now everyone at Bea Arthur Elementary thinks they are a new student named Salty from Liver, Ohio. Well, everyone except Stewart.” The first book in the series, appropriately called Two Dogs In A Trench Coat Go To School, is available now in softcover from Scholastic. Two more volumes are out already as well. Woof!

image c. 2019 Scholastic

Categories: News

You Knew It All Along, Didn’t You?

In-Fur-Nation - Sat 10 Aug 2019 - 01:48

Tell us: Do you trust your housecat? Well along comes another book series looking to make you look askance perhaps. How can you miss a title like Klawde: Evil Alien Warlord Cat? Well that’s the new series of science fiction novels by Johnny Marciano and Emily Chenoweth (featuring art by Robb Mommaerts). It starts like this: “Klawde had everything. Sharp claws. Fine fur. And, being the High Commander of the planet Lyttyrboks, an entire world of warlike cats at his command. But when he is stripped of his feline throne, he is sentenced to the worst possible punishment: exile to a small planet in a quiet corner of the universe… named Earth… Raj had everything. A cool apartment in Brooklyn. Three friends who lived in his building. And pizza and comics within walking distance. But when his mom gets a job in Elba, Oregon, and he is forced to move, all of that changes. It’s now the beginning of summer, he has no friends, and because of his mother’s urgings, he has joined a nature camp. It’s only when his doorbell rings and he meets a furball of a cat that Raj begins to think maybe his luck is turning around… ” Three books in the series are available now from Penguin Random House. Fft Fft!

image c. 2019 Penguin Random House


Categories: News

What’s The Gecko’s Name?

Furry.Today - Fri 9 Aug 2019 - 23:39

I work in IT and I have had this happen to me more times than I care to think about.   It's best to just fake an extreme illness and run out of the room and never speak to them again.
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PAWS ON FIRE Tribute Video

Furry.Today - Thu 8 Aug 2019 - 22:54

Paws on fire is a Eurofurence one on one improv dance contest with one winner left. Man, I gotta say this is one of the best filmed of this sort of things I've seen so far.   Bravo.
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PAWAI 2019 Constory

Furry.Today - Wed 7 Aug 2019 - 22:43

The 2nd furry convention in Jakarta, Indonesia with the theme of the Urban Jungle occurred and it looked like they had a blast.  It just still stuns me how far furry has gone and it makes me very happy.  
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Machine Gun Mama

Furry.Today - Tue 6 Aug 2019 - 22:15

Please, Team Tumult ... make this an actual series. "This animated short is edited at breakneck speed and introduces kickass characters in a fake intro for a fictional TV-series. The film was made for the 50th anniversary of the Swiss Animation Group and is currently in the festival run."
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Ironclaw: The Book of Monsters, by Tempe O’Kun and Ursula Vernon – Review by Sha

Dogpatch Press - Tue 6 Aug 2019 - 10:00

Welcome to Sha of Red Furros — the Spanish language furry news site out of Mexico City, founded in 2009. Some articles will be translated for other readers to enjoy, with light editing to make it smoother. – Patch

Here’s an addition to our articles about Ironclaw, the anthropomorphic role-playing game in it’s 20th anniversary. Recently, Ironclaw’s “The Book of Monsters” was presented at Anthrocon. It’s a bestiary for the base game.

This book originally began its Kickstarter on Aug 21th, 2018 where it quickly reached its funding goal.

It’s a collaboration between Tempe O’Kun (Windfall, Sixes Wild) as the writer, and Ursula Vernon (Digger, Dragonbreath series) for illustrations.

For Sanguine Games Book Of Monsters, Tempo and Ursula reimagine the world of Ironclaw with the premise that in a world where animals can talk and form societies, why wouldn’t plants be able to walk and hunt?

Imagine a tree that can walk and transform into any other character, or fungi that attacks using toxic mist. These imaginative scenarios can make for very funny situations (like being chased by a maniacal, murderous onion), to very creepy ones with a tree-clone of a recently-deceased loved one following you around.

Ironclaw is a very immersive game, more focused on the diplomatic side, that invites you to interact with the civilized world around you (even when it’s about animals). However, this new expansion adds more interesting enemies and adventures that some of the critics of the game found lacking.

While I was reading this book, I couldn’t stop thinking of the Ghost of a Tale videogame, and the excitement I felt scurrying around as Tilo, in a dungeon filled with rat guards.

I think Ironclaw, and this new expansion, are a great way to play a bit more interactively with fursonas that are a bit reminiscent of the old Furcadia MUCK.

Ironclaw is a game with a difference from other pen-and-paper games. It doesn’t use the hitpoint system, and it’s more based on placing status onto other characters based on successful dice-throws. This may be a bit confusing or off-putting at first for old-school players of more complex games like D&D, but it quickly becomes fun and immersive due to it’s complex societal and diplomatic relationships and stories.

I think it’s the perfect games where RPG veterans can introduce newbies to the RPG world, in a way where they also have to manage more complex stuff (like the gifts or managing the status hierarchies.)

The design of the interior is pretty good and has a nice continuity with the base Player’s book. The cover art might benefit from a more modern look since it looks a bit dated even when it’s just been released. However, that part also helps to keep that feeling of continuity with the entire series.

Ironclaw is a game by furries for furries. (And not just for furries, of course). It’s very well made and very fast to start playing as it doesn’t take a lot of setup to start from your character sheet (it even has some pre-made) to begin the adventure itself.

You can get your copies of Ironclaw and “The Book of Monsters” on DriveThruRPG.

– Sha

Like the article? These take hard work. For more free furry news, please follow on Twitter or support not-for-profit Dogpatch Press on Patreon.

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