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The “New Paws” Hoax: How alt-right trolls piled on a disabled man to boost their failing careers.

Dogpatch Press - Tue 10 Sep 2019 - 09:20

4chan started a conspiracy theory that PretzelCollie used dry ice on his hands because he wanted them to be amputated and replaced with paws.

Hands-down one of the most depraved harassment campaigns I've ever seen. And it's of course blatantly untrue too.

— Mythic (@MythicalRedFox) August 31, 2019

A shocking accident.

In 2015 I met a furry who joined furmeets I organize in Northern California. He’s bright, enthusiastic and fun to host. It was a shock when he posted on Facebook about suffering an accident. There were graphic medical photos of extreme frostbite caused by dry ice.

Welp, I’m in the hospital with a life changing situation. It was my own damn fault. Been pushing myself so hard for so long, sleep deprived, pushing myself with arthritis in my wrists. Basically I fell asleep while icing my wrists last night. Woke up 6 hours later, hands were frozen. Went to the hospital, they care flighted me to a burn center in California. It was too late, damage had been done, it’s resulting in a bilateral hand amputation so things are about to get very interesting in my life. I’m doing ok, remaining optimistic. Honestly I’m anxious to get it over with and move on with my life.

To help with costs of hand amputations, one of his co-workers started a crowdfund. I shared it on Twitter, and added a light-hearted comment about helping him to get “new paws” with an article I wrote 6 years ago: Scaly, feathery alternative limbs leap the uncanny valley into the future of prosthetic design (2013). It was about improving the lives of amputees. Instead of hiding prosthetics, they can be featured, like transforming scars with cool tattoos.

I commented about “new paws” before I saw anyone else say it. The crowdfund was his co-workers idea. Those ideas didn’t come from him.

Cooking up a fake attack.

Soon a rumor began spreading on social media. He was accused of causing the amputations on purpose for a fetish. There are cases of people doing self-harm with “body mods” or BIID (Body Integrity Identity Disorder), so the idea has non-zero plausibility. It’s a dysmorphia issue like anorexia. On rare occasions it crosses with furries. Examples range from Stalking Cat in the 1980’s, to the 2018 “Noodles and Beef” story that was on the cover of The Stranger in Seattle. (The writer consulted me for his story based on my tweets about it.)

The situation was concerning. Did I help to spread false money appeals to the public, or contribute to the risk of media glorifying self-harm? Even if it was very unlikely and it was spread from dubious places, the risk was worth taking seriously just in case. I looked in with an open mind about issues I already cover, so this can’t be accused of bias. I checked both sides, but only one was real. Not everything has sides.

Doc Wolverine is a furry MD in general practice/family medicine.

Meanwhile the target spent energy to answer trolls while he couldn’t even easily type. With a stylus in his mouth (or speech-to-text), and nothing to hide, he challenged them to show evidence. They had nothing to show but posts unrelated to him, and fake screenshots with no source.

He explained that he worked with dry ice, and used it after a busy day because he didn’t have regular ice packs ready at the moment. It would have a powerful effect. He’d been overworked, and slept through the harm. (I use melatonin or a weed gummy to pass out sometimes).

He’d never posted anything about intentional amputation — that would be a drastic result of long-term obsession, not a sudden impulse. He did have a history of pain management and motorcycle accidents.

This was a sadistic hoax to torment an innocent guy in a time of need. And the hoaxers didn’t even know that they were piling on someone who was hurt for more than medical reasons. The next part could bring more harassment, but I think it’s important to reveal how they’re even more malicious than they look (and help you decide what responses to give their agenda.)

Pouring salt on the wound.

The victim wasn’t out as gay, and that made a problem about getting home care. He wrote on Facebook:

You know what sucks the most about this situation I’m in? The fact I can’t tell my family. Sure they will find out eventually, but I have to stall that as long as possible. I cant rely on my own parents for support through something like this like I can all the rest of you.

Then a visit from a parent outed his relationship with a partner who was caring for him. Coming out as gay led to losing a parent (at least for the time being.) It’s more evidence that there’s no intentional self-harm here. After the sudden disability, and losing a parent, he told his friends:

Reading the responses and messages just makes me smile and give me that fuel I need to keep pushing on… You all truly are family to me.

I felt bad about unintentionally feeding the hoax with my prosthetics article. There were a few hundred retweets on my posts. I deleted them, and he posted about a break from social media to let the hoax wither away.

For those of you who follow me on Twitter, I’ve been getting a lot of questions regarding this last tweet I made. As many of you are well aware, my situation got a lot of attention and the internet trolls latched onto it and took off with it. I was so relieved to see the majority of furs arent buying into their bullshit. Honestly I’ve got bigger problems to worry about than what some pathetic basement dwelling teenagers want to speculate, but it was really starting to get out of control. Everything I said and did was being used against me, I just got tired of it. I deleted all of my furry content because people were taking my past posts and manipulating them, in addition to straight up photoshopping fake posts. It was getting bad. I figured the best thing for me to do was to take a break from Twitter altogether.

Selfish trolls grabbed attention by kicking an easy target while he was down. But it wasn’t just simple clout-chasing.

A scapegoat for a hate agenda.

The rumors were spread by washed-up pseudo-celebrities tied to hate groups and “Gamergate”, the conspiracy theory/harassment campaign. Their following has nothing to do with furry fandom and only targets it for views. These are grifters who bounce from target to target sourced from chanboards and troll sites, to capitalize on their most gullible followers. (I won’t make that easier by linking their accounts.) These are frontline trolls with 5-figure followings (and not the helpful Frontline that gets rid of fleas.)

(Last screen) Milo’s channel

A machine greased with hate to strip-mine the truth. 

This hoax is just one example of gaming the algorithms of platforms. Faking a controversy has a goal to move merchandise, subscribers, and donors, at the expense of a newly disabled man in a time of suffering. They’ll say or do anything for clout. You can tell they’re lying if their lips are moving.

The last screen above comes from a familiar face. Milo is the Gamergate grifter who built a following by:

  1. Mocking gamers as “unemployed saddos.
  2. Getting paid by propaganda outlet Breitbart to turn them into a troll mob, and “red-pilling” them as tools for neo-nazis of the alt-right.
  3. Getting fired by Breitbart for praising pedophilia, going bankrupt and being deplatformed by Twitter for hate attacks.
  4. Recently trying to mobilize hate groups behind a so-called “straight pride parade.”

When he isn’t spreading transphobia, he’s teasing views at the expense of furries, like the other trolls shown above. It isn’t coincidental, it’s coordinated. Like when an admin of The Daily Stormer (the neo-nazi blog) tried to get “altfurries” out to neo-nazi events coordinated with trolling on their blog. Milo even did get help from a few furries. Dreamkeepers artist David Lillie drew a fursona for him (that he’s been sharing lately) and boosts the “Comicsgate” troll campaign. If you like furry fandom, these trolls inside will use your tolerance to ruin it for you. But you don’t have to let them.

Throwing a wrench in the gears.

This was written with permission to help the victim. But there’s a bigger point to a story of how simple trolling isn’t so simple. They can target me about it to grab their clout, but I personally don’t give a shit about them (or any breed of clout-chaser) because it’s not about me. It’s about what you can do.

Outside of fandom, these trolls are more and more desperate. Their games stopped working thanks to platforms cutting them off from abusing their service.

Deplatformed alt-right personalities Milo, Jacob Wohl, and Based Dragon are all having a collective meltdown together about how their Telegram audiences have stalled at extremely low numbers right now and it's glorious.

Sweet, sweet nazi tears.

— Gwen Snyder is uncivil (@gwensnyderPHL) September 8, 2019

Milo Yiannopoulos says he is broke. The disgraced right-wing troll is complaining that the major social media companies have effectively cut off his alt-right audience and crushed his ability to make a decent living.#thoughtsandprayers

— Stone ???? (@stonecold2050) September 9, 2019

Alt-right furries had the same fate after Furaffinity kicked out a few and the fandom showed the door to the rest. Altfurries have no real presence except for being corralled in little hate groups on Telegram where they just wither away now.

— Dogpatch Press (@DogpatchPress) September 9, 2019

Deplatforming WORKS! No person nor platform is obligated to provide a soap-box for these hatemongers. Sure, sunlighting is important, but both sunlighting and deplatforming are valid and complementary strategies to protect communities from alt-right recruitment tactics.

— Echoen (@echoenbatbat) September 9, 2019

The hoax about “a furry amputated his hands to get new paws” comes from termites eating away at what makes furry fandom special. It’s a place where a newly disabled LGBT man finds support he needs. Spreading this kind of bullshit hurts the weakest people who need help the most. If you see anyone jump on board with it, abate the misinformation. And if they keep doing it, block them, kick them out of your groups, and cut off their funding, because hate doesn’t belong here. Don’t let them in until they stop making scapegoats out of people who truly deserve support. It’s like a little treatment of the Frontline we need.

Like the article? These take hard work. For more free furry news, follow on Twitter or send PBS-style support to not-for-profit Dogpatch Press on Patreon.

Categories: News

In Flux, ed. Rechan

Furry Book Review - Mon 9 Sep 2019 - 19:59
What constitutes one’s self is never static: one’s mind is always changing a little at a time; the body is continually in flux. Hence the title of Rechan’s short anthology of transformation stories. Transformation fiction bears a particular relevance to the furry fandom as it has provided an introduction to the fandom for many writers and artists. In Flux showcases four different varieties of transformation: sex change (but not gender identity), species shift, non-sapient animal transformation, and finally a combination of the above. Most of these stories also feature depictions of domestic abuse and/or rape, so you have been warned. “Aesop’s Universe: Savages in Space” by Bill Kieffer is set on a generation ship where the passengers live in mono-species recreations of low-tech cultures while the multi-species crew keeps things running behind the scenes. As the lioness passenger Thandiwe is hunting on the savanna deck with her crewman boyfriend Bobby, a hull breach almost kills her, but Bobby gets her to the medical bay in time. During the regeneration process Thandiwe is discovered to have Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome, and because the crew apparently values a genetically diverse colonist population over individual rights and because people with AIS are sterile, they clone a fully functional set of male reproductive organs for her and she emerges from the regeneration tank with a massive case of gender dysphoria. I will give Kieffer some props for Thandiwe continuing to use female pronouns in her own internal narrative, unlike most forced sex reassignment recipients in fiction. The way Thandiwe’s family rejects her bears similarities to the way many LGBT+ people find themselves ostracized, even if their reasons differ. The passengers have no context for anything but heterosexuality and cis-genderism thanks to the hormones the crew administers; instead they reject her because they think she’s one of the undead. Honestly, the premise of this story made my skin crawl, but it’s a fair portrayal of an intersex character. Franklin Leo’s “Wild Dog” doesn’t explicitly refer to the animal-people as “were-” anything, but the transformation process is clearly inspired by werewolf myths. When someone gets bitten by an animal-person, they start slowly transforming into the biter’s species, even if they were previously transformed. Riley, who’s built his life and identity around being one of the few African wild dogs to the extent of changing his name when he transformed, finds that identity crumbling after his Dalmatian girlfriend nips him during a blowjob. Part of his identity crisis seems to stem from lingering feelings for his old girlfriend who first turned him into a wild dog, and then left him for a lion. We see a very brief flashback of Riley turning another ex-girlfriend against her will, as if to imply that he deserves what is now happening to him. But it just doesn’t land: the Dalmatian simply comes across as a bitch, and not just in terms of species. I felt this was a weak story with contradicting messages. “Good Boy” by Friday Donnelly initially appears to be a short and simple “revenge TF” story where the human main character is transformed into a non-anthropomorphic German Shepherd after cheating on his boyfriend. But then the character’s mind starts slipping away as he becomes a dog in mind as well as body. Memories vanishing, thoughts turning from anger at the boyfriend and the guy he cheated with to something more along the lines of “I love Master.” It’s short, but communicates the horror well. I didn’t know what to expect going in to Tarl Hoch’s “Never Lick a PCV Vixen”, but it wasn’t a lesbian tanuki getting possessed by a demon that was sealed in an action figure and transformed into a hulking male wolf. The story also explains a little bit on the difference between questionable consent and non-con when Kaiya is discussing why her girlfriend got mad at her with her gay fox friend, and shows it later while the demon is using her transformed body to rail him. Kaiya prefers things gentle, ironically, while her bunny girlfriend likes tentacle rape hentai but doesn’t outright say what she wants in bed: you can practically feel Kaiya’s frustration. This was one of the longer stories, but I also found it one of the more enjoyable if only because it didn’t try to be as serious as the others. SPOILER ALERT: This story is also the only one in the anthology where the transformation is reversed, if temporarily. END SPOILER Something I noticed about the anthology—though I don’t know if it was intentional—was that every transformation in the book was involuntary. Involuntary transformation in particular has been around since the beginning of the genre, but modern TF fiction has brought in an additional element of consideration for the victim in such situations. Your body warping around you, having what little control you had over your form taken away, losing an aspect of, if not your entire, identity. It’s a level of violation far beyond anything possible in real life. After reading In Flux, I find it not that surprising that certain hosting websites (Patreon for one) that have banned portrayals of rape are also banning forced TF fiction.
Categories: News

I Love You Mao Mao

Furry.Today - Mon 9 Sep 2019 - 19:37

Here is the first episode for Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart in case you have not seen any of this yet.   Also a female Tanuki bounty hunter shows up much later and is rather awesome.  
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Nexus Nine, by Mary E. Lowd

Furry Book Review - Mon 9 Sep 2019 - 17:27
Welcome to Nexus Nine, a wormhole near the planet Avia which forms the central pillar of the Avioran religion, and which just might hold answers to the mysterious origins of an ancient consciousness passed down from one individual to another….Nexus Nine is Mary E. Lowd’s new science fiction tale, a sibling (or close cousin) to her Tri-Galactic Trek stories, and a delightful romp through both the familiar and the deeply original. Lowd’s ability to pay tribute through allusion to a much-loved universe and still tell a deeply unique and powerful story is dialed up to eleven in Nexus Nine. The story follows the arrival and integration of Lieutenant Mazel Rheum, a calico cat in possession of a neural chip which carries lifetimes worth of memories from its previous hosts. Mazel is adjusting to the onslaught of other identities now living in her brain and also attempting to unravel the mystery of her Rheum chip’s origin. The Nexus Nine wormhole quite possibly holds her answers, but to unlock it, she must venture deep into the mythos that the Aviorans have built around the phenomenon which they call The Sky Nest. If any of this sounds interesting, you are definitely the target audience for this novel. Lowd tells Mazel’s story expertly and with a loving hand. The writing is sharp, the story gripping, and the characters beautifully familiar and simultaneously new. A page-turner and a delight, and by far my favorite work by this author so far. Nexus Nine stands alone, despite the allusion, and will be loved by space opera and furry scifi fans of all ages.
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TigerTails Radio Season 12 Episode 00

TigerTails Radio - Mon 9 Sep 2019 - 16:17
Categories: Podcasts

Furries: The Movie [8 Sept 2019] - South Afrifur Pawdcast

South Afrifur Pawdcast - Mon 9 Sep 2019 - 13:01

Today we have the honor of bringing you an interview with Lucas and Tetris, two individuals who are part of the cast and crew of Furries: The Movie, an 80's style horror movie comedy set at a furry convention! If you would like to find out more about the movie, or help fund the production, click here: Find us on Twitter: @South-Afrifur,, on Tumblr,, and on Facebook, Also, for more local news, check out the Zafur forums!
Categories: Podcasts

Animal Farm: a furry fetish party at the Citadel in San Francisco, Sept 14.

Dogpatch Press - Mon 9 Sep 2019 - 09:36

Art by Alterkitten (Furaffinity / Twitter)

At Animal Farm, all animals party… but some animals party more than others.

Furries have conventions, bowling meets, and dance parties, but until 2014 there were few or no openly advertised, public-access furry fetish parties in the world. Then San Francisco got Wild Things at The Citadel. The BDSM club wanted to host something different and got me involved. (Apparently I look like a helpful dog who likes helping every species to express themselves and get their kink on, with support and safety about consent. Also, I got to do weird fun promotion like joking about a Human Sized Cat Box and making a cat box cake to share in the lounge.)

Wild Things had 4 parties with lots of praise from its diverse, young, LGBT-friendly goers from ages 18+. Then the organizers let it go into hibernation. Until now. If you want to enjoy this stuff, try it here on a set schedule through 2020, because sex is healthy and fun and furries are cute and cuddly.

Come get it:

  • Not just teasing like other furry parties… all the sex, and nobody will turn the hose on you for being naughty!
  • Get some in the well-equipped dungeon full of gear and toys.  Get a vet exam, or be fun and frolicsome. Prance, pose, participate… or get dragged into the fray by your collar! Try a glory hole, get tied up and spanked, do it with a friend, do it with lots of friends, or do it solo while they watch.
  • Safety supplies provided (house rules discourage going raw dog unless with your SO.) Sorry, no watersports, save it up for after the party.
  • Nervous or shy? Don’t fear, enjoy the lounge where no sex is allowed. Just chill out and talk to new friends, with a kitchen full of snacks.
  • Enjoy a secluded cuddle zone with a fun, plush sexy environment, and dancing on the light-up disco floor with DJ Nightkat. (BLFC, Furcon, Frolic.)
  • There’s lockers for your gear if you will change. (They’re not big enough for your gimp/pet person, but there are kennels.)
  • Got a murrsuit? Bring it, and don’t even try to hide that SPH. Pup gear, leather, and any animal costuming goes, with a headless lounge for safe changing.
  • Not sure about coming? Any way I can convince you? How about a free show? Ask to see my dog bone and I’ll give you an eyeful for a party favor.

Sexy soundtrack by @djnightkat.

Get involved, find friends, and please volunteer.

Volunteers are needed for setup, cleanup, and kitchen. Cashier or DM wanted if you have Citadel training.

Got any demos you’d like to run? How about games or a pet auction? Get in touch. It can have volunteers write down pet tricks they will do, and have a pet show where we spin the bottle to find who chooses, with a winner picked by who gets the most barking. And if you don’t do a trick you can do truth or dare.

I dare you to come to the Animal Farm.

Like the article? These take hard work. For more free furry news, please follow on Twitter or support not-for-profit Dogpatch Press on Patreon.

Categories: News

FSMX2 Trailer

Furry.Today - Fri 6 Sep 2019 - 21:05

Did you know there was Furry meetup at Siguniang Mountain in the Xiaojinxian in the  Sichuan Province, China?   How amazingly cool is that?  Check out the trailer for the Four Sisters Mountain Furry Summer Meeting for 2019 [1].  I just love seeing furry stuff like this in places I never expected to see furry go. [1]
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Categories: Videos

Eurofurence Feels Like Home

Furry.Today - Thu 5 Sep 2019 - 18:34

I gotta say Eurofurence does seem to have a lot of well produced music videos. Are cinema cameras just cheaper over there?    
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Brasil FurFest on Converse Sponsorship

Global Furry Television - Thu 5 Sep 2019 - 07:40

I know a lot has been said about Brasil FurFest and it’s deal with Converse, but the following it directly from Brasil FurFest and 100% official. This year, Converse is doing a campaign about groups of people having fun in different ways around the globe (the campaign is still ongoing, featuring dancers, basketball teams, motorcycle […]
Categories: News

The Dragon Clan Trailer (Armello)

Furry.Today - Wed 4 Sep 2019 - 19:12

Some new DLC for the game Armello and I kinda wish this was a movie. "Join the insidious band of scaled heroes in their journey to reclaim their birthright, Armello's throne. The Dragon Clan, Armello's second Clan DLC, features four new playable Heroes, a brand new Dragon-exclusive Quest system, a complete Dragon Clan Novella, Dragon Dice, six new Signets, and a new Amulet!"
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Untitled Goose Game

Furry.Today - Tue 3 Sep 2019 - 19:30

Ever wanted to be a goose and irritate the hell out of everybody? ...I didn't before but now I do! Coming soon to Nintendo Switch and Steam.        
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Animago Trailer (Wolf)

Furry.Today - Mon 2 Sep 2019 - 20:09

Today we have a short trailer for the 3D animation conference  Animago [1] in Munich Germany this coming November. I do love the style and design here.     [1]
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Episode 69 - Sharking sharks

Unfurled - Mon 2 Sep 2019 - 16:28
And caught up for you all. Join the crew together to talk and yammer the night away Episode 69 - Sharking sharks
Categories: Podcasts

Episode 68 - Shark puns are hard

Unfurled - Mon 2 Sep 2019 - 16:18
The crew returns again to talk the news and hopefully entertain ya all! Episode 68 - Shark puns are hard
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Episode 67 - Sharking up into your ears

Unfurled - Mon 2 Sep 2019 - 16:15
The crew is getting caught up and letting you all enjoy our sultry voices once more! Episode 67 - Sharking up into your ears
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Episode 66 - Shark keeping his nose to the grindstone

Unfurled - Mon 2 Sep 2019 - 16:14
A bit of a backlog to get posted up, here they all come. Thanks for all your patience! Episode 66 - Shark keeping his nose to the grindstone
Categories: Podcasts

Episode 65 - The Shark keeps going!

Unfurled - Mon 2 Sep 2019 - 16:10
A bit of a backlog to get posted up, here they all come. Thanks for all your patience! Episode 65 - The Shark keeps going!
Categories: Podcasts