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Ivan Dorn: Game

Furry.Today - Fri 11 Oct 2019 - 21:59

Here is a music video from Ukranian DJ Ivan Dorn [1] that weaves though several animation styles.   Not going to say much except dump the translated lyrics here: Look how you lifted your head! He was distracted! Years counted him Cuckoo Don’t give much Scary scary Do not worry! The gun is bare! You drove us over the horizon at sunset Now what? Let go of the broth! Or on the fan This is if you're lucky [Chorus] But you can’t get into the soup Don't sue you How to punish you Person? How so And what would be so-so-so-so-so? How to punish? You can't fly high And don't fall head down How to punish you Person? How to punish? [Verse 2] Our name in the Red Book They drew a black blot Well thank you our savior You cut us down Even in the strongest networks We will remain free Our name in the Red Book Red blood Stay calm [Bridge] Stork, Swirl, Swan, Woodpecker Owl, eagle owl, ostrich, kiwi Khrustan, Kestrel, Mudguard Oriole [Verse 3] Sideways Blood Right under the wing pain Apparently fraction Oh I will not shout Pack in the sky What I'm not treating (I am not flying) Hide in the bush I'll be here, wait So be it for everyone Come across Rely on the fang The saddest scream Squeeze out Oh, it was scary to fly With these poachers We fall Fall into us help us Tell everyone About everything (We tell you Via Ivan We are very few It’s very difficult for us) Shit plants on air, on water To the shore, which is like a garbage chute And breathing hard Are you all on the cards Black-black spots are applied [Bridge] You are far beyond the orbit of morality Shoot, cut, you homo sapiens You just think that this Earth isn’t Nobody but you [Outro] Dear Earth I am writing to you on behalf of all birds Everything is complicated with us, but we are still flying The climate, the dog, zealously somewhere expels us forever Our increasingly digging in the trash Here, many were poisoned. From above it became stuffy Someone even folded their wings In the east we are in the throats In the west in the interior People say that they worry about us, and we are all in black oil from happiness It should not be, Earth Need your help [1]
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Rukus film maker Brett Hanover: “Furry is a collective art project”

Dogpatch Press - Fri 11 Oct 2019 - 10:00

Watch free online! Public release was announced yesterday with links to reviews and more. Now the director tells how it grew.

See Rukus now at, or NoBudge on October 17th. “A hybrid of documentary and fiction, ‘Rukus’ is a queer coming of age story set in the liminal spaces of furry conventions, southern punk houses, and virtual worlds”. The person named Rukus was a furry artist who committed suicide, but left many memories and mysteries. His friendship with film maker Brett Hanover ( inspired this movie. Please share it to other fans and indie movie lovers to support it like the way it was made.

Brett Hanover is a filmmaker and youth media educator from Memphis, TN, whose work explores outsider art, mental health, and queer fan communities. His documentaries and collaborative narrative film projects have been exhibited at venues including the SXSW Film Festival, the Chicago Underground Film Festival, Anthology Film Archives, and the Cinémathèque Française. Brett received a BFA from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, and an MFA from the University of Illinois.

(Patch:) Hi Brett, Rukus is a hard movie to summarize in a few words. It doesn’t sit comfortably in any genre, which I think is a strength. It colors outside the lines, which is how furries work as a fandom and source. Your sources go back to the early-mid 2000’s, so it must have taken a lot of processing to make it current and vital for watchers. Can you explain your concept for the movie?  How do you feel about it after spending so long to complete it?

(Brett:) The way I thought about the movie shifted several times over the 8 years (yikes) I was working on it. Before there was a movie, there was just an archive, and I wasn’t sure what I was going to do with it. Rukus took his own life in 2008, leaving me with all our unfinished projects, plus all the online traces of him I could track down. I spent the winter going through this material, and felt the need to study the records of my own life in the same way.

When you grow up online, you leave behind a very thorough record of where you came from – where you got your ideas, how your friendships formed, how you became who you are. Reading through my past was personally necessary for me at the time. I was 20, and it was a good time to confront some parts of myself I didn’t like, and see where I was going.

A few years into production, I had a rough idea of what the movie was about – something about wounds, infection, intimacy, and the in-betweeness of virtual worlds and hotels – but I didn’t really know how to explain it to anyone. Sometimes I would talk about it politically, as a movie about neurodiversity and LGBTQ+ youth, or get philosophical about it, which was not a good look.

I saw the movie transform creative energy from Rukus, through you, to an audience. Rukus isn’t here to tell his story, but the movie uses multiple approaches to tell parts of his and yours. How challenging is it to tell a very personal story without falling in so far that people won’t get it?

In production, the movie became my sandbox, little world to live inside, a lot like Rukus’ “Aira’s End” paracosm. I would write a scene based on an unresolved issue in my personal life, reenact it with the actual people involved, and if we had a breakthrough in the process, I’d have to rewrite the scene. At first this was just an interesting way to make a movie, and then it felt genuinely therapeutic – but by the end it felt dissociative. (Note to self: work on the problems in your sex life, so you can write a scene about Brett working on the problems in his sex life.)

To answer your question, though, a lot of this material never made it into the final cut. It was important to go through this process, but I wasn’t trying to make anyone sit through my autobiography – the goal was always to tell a bigger story.

I like the word “paracosm” — it reminds me of “parasocial”, the relationship fans can have to their object of affection, and how it can bring out their own creativity. It also reminds me of the word “pentimento” — under-layers in art that sometimes wear through to show previous forms. How does it feel to have your movie watchable in a final form? How have audiences reacted in touring since 2018?

It feels liberating to finally step outside the project, and to let it have a life of its own. So far, people’s reactions have been really gratifying. It premiered at SF Indie Fest, and a lot of furries showed up to support the film (including Videowolf, who directed the excellent doc “Fursonas,” and Patch O’Furr, a noted fascist-fighting rave dog).

Rukus’ partner Sable saw the movie at SXSW, and I shared it with some of his other friends at FWA and Furpocalypse. None of them found it easy to watch, but they were so supportive of how it turned out, and there was a lot of love at those screenings.

Of course, it’s not a movie for everyone, and there are people who will think its too emo and arty, or too lo-fi, and that’s ok. But since I started screening the film, I’ve met so many people in this very particular niche, who felt seen by this film in a new way. After years and years of privately obsessing over this project, it’s a great feeling to remember that I made it to connect with other people.

Can you say more about connecting with others? It’s more than just a limited-audience “fandom movie”, so how do you relate with furries?

Another thing that transformed over the life of the project was my own relationship with furry. Like a lot of people, I started out with an excuse – “Oh, I’m just here because I’m working on this project…” I think that’s one reason I became so fascinated by Rukus as a teenager – documentary filmmaking gave me a justification to explore the fandom vicariously through him.

Of course, eventually, you find yourself tripping at a convention, cuddling a stranger while he shows you mesmerizing illustrations of neon paws on his phone, and you realize you’ve crossed the event horizon… Still, because of how I initially approached the fandom, there’s a part of me that will always feel a little like an outsider.

That piece of me was useful, I think, because I stayed hyper-aware of how I was representing the community. There’s better representation now, but when I found the fandom in 2005, the media had never touched it without fucking up.

Animation credits: Karolina Glusiec, Ben Holm, Eusong Lee

It’s interesting to hear you felt like an outsider to this subculture before, but the movie gives such intimate views about the people in it. It reminds me of how many furries come from having deep private fantasy worlds, before they discover there’s other people who daydream the same way. How does your movie express that personal spark or sense of community?

In an earlier email, I called furry a “collective art project,” and you asked what I meant. This is part of the reason I’ve always wanted to release the movie online, in the public domain.

When I was first turning Rukus’ Livejournal and my best friend’s AIM logs into a script, I felt weird about taking ownership of the material. My own words, even, contained 1,000 trademarked pop-culture influences. I thought of what I was doing as remix, not authorship. How could I copyright that?

Of course, artists need to make a living, and there’s nothing wrong with selling a movie, or charging for a comic, a fursuit, or a commission. But in the early days of furry, people would trade sketchbooks and Xerox their zines, and I think this spirit still animates the fandom.

When all is said and done, everything goes back to the furry creative commons. So if I can pull a movie out of this mix, make it cheaply, and let it get swallowed up again – that’s exciting to me.

When I’m feeling idealistic, I picture furry as a fandom that liberated itself from the entertainment industry, turned into an art movement, and took off running for the woods. Isn’t it obvious that we’re a pack? No dogma, no clear identity, no center and no periphery – a collective style influencing a thousand artists, and a thousand individual influences feeding back to the evolving style. It’s not just cooperation. We’re taming each other.

Furry is queer- and sex- positive, but I think there’s something sexual happening here that goes beyond the bedroom. When you have a bunch of artists seducing each other, living their fantasies, bonding over their differences, bootstrapping a new culture – that’s electric. I think furry grabbed hold of me and made a movie, and I hope my movie sparks something even stranger in others. (And now I’ll get off my furry soapbox. Thank you.)

How would Rukus the artist feel about the movie?

I could say we’ll never know, but I’d be lying. I have no doubt that he would be fucking thrilled. Not because the movie tells his story perfectly (it’s fictionalized), and not because it realizes his worldbuilding project (it’s my interpretation). He’d find it hilarious that people are talking about him, and paying good money to go to film festivals to watch him mess around at a convention.

He was larger-than-life, loved to be the center of attention, and always embellished his stories – he might have been an up-and-coming fashion model, or he might have been discovered by an important filmmaker in Memphis… There was a dark side to this kind of performance, too – it was a way to mask his insecurity, his fear of invisibility, and his true self. It was always both, I think. But I think he would find it completely appropriate that someone made a movie about him, and he’d love the attention.

Can you say a little about your work and life, and being a movie maker?

A little about me – I grew up in Memphis, went to my first furry con in 2005, and in one way or another I’ve been working on this project ever since. (Which is unsettling.)

I started making films as a teenager, when I got involved with a DIY film/indymedia group here called the Memphis Digital Art Cooperative. The co-op was formed right around 2000, when digital video became affordable, and it was a place where a lot of young artists were making experimental work – gay coming-of-age stories, performance art, and extremely raw personal documentaries. I was the 15 year old suburban kid who hung around and sometimes acted like a little shit.

Two of the other youngest filmmakers there, Alanna Stewart and Katherine Dohan, ended up becoming my main collaborators (when I was less of a little shit). We made another feature together at the same time we were making Rukus – a high-school-satire-screwball-comedy-feminist-fairy-tale called What I Love About Concrete.

Now that I’m back in Memphis, after a few years in grad school in Illinois, we’re making another multi-genre disasterpiece – Space Submarine Commander, a sci-fi-western-musical-comedy about access to abortion in the south. Feminist politics, with vomiting puppets. I’m in the process of building our cockpit set, which I think is a fan film right of passage.

Making films with your friends is an awesome way to melt politics into a silly fun genre mashup. What’s it like to get by as an artist, but try to make art with purpose and community?

Luckily, we’re not trying to make any money with our projects. I finished Rukus by working slowly, for very little money, with the people and resources I had around me. For Concrete we did some crowdfunding, and for Space Submarine Commander we were fortunate enough to receive some small grants. It’s all at a DIY scale, but I’m making the films I want to make, about things that are important to me, with the people I want to work with. And I mean, we have jobs. I work at a non-profit that manages public art for the City of Memphis – things like murals, sculptures in parks, art in libraries, etc.

It’s a great place to be, because a lot of the current conversations about funding public art are things I’m already thinking about – In addition to supporting individual artists and individual works of art, how can we support public, collective creativity?

Can you give more movie details, or even a reason why people need this movie in their lives?

This is a tough question, and I’m worried that if I say anyone needs my movie I’m going to sound pretentious. But I’ll answer the question…

Rukus is a movie about traumatic memories, mental health, fear of your own body, suicide, and dissociation. It’s also a movie about consent, intimacy, survival, love, and creativity. It’s about the rewards of the imaginary worlds we build, and the risks of the virtual worlds we get stuck in – the spaces that help us fuse with others and reshape our identities, and the boundaries that keep us from reshaping the rest of the world. I made this movie for queers and furries and weirdos, and for the kids who grew up roleplaying and should take naturally to shapeshifting – if only someone hadn’t shattered them in two. It’s a movie about a teenager who fantasizes about being a werewolf, but can’t stop washing his hands – and if that immediately makes sense to you, you’ll probably like my movie.

Anyway, I hope my movie finds the people I made it for, and I hope it connects with them in some way. At the very least, I can promise you long-haired boys, AIM nostalgia, and some Lion King references.

Like the article? These take hard work. For more free furry news, please follow on Twitter or support not-for-profit Dogpatch Press on Patreon.

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Stop Fraud Colorado

Furry.Today - Fri 11 Oct 2019 - 00:06

These furry PSA's were made by Colorado for a stop fraud [1] campaign on the topic of avoiding cyber fraud.   When I see stuff like this  I do wonder if there are furs working in those departments suggesting these sort of stuff.   It's a shadow furry government! Thanks to Chip Fox for suggesting these. [1]
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Rukus movie out now: Furries, memories and mysteries (with a director Q&A).

Dogpatch Press - Thu 10 Oct 2019 - 10:00

Memphis film maker Brett Hanover shares Rukus free to the public. Don’t miss the full interview with him.

8 years in the making, this indie feature film makes an ambitious hybrid of fiction and documentary. It’s out today, October 10th, at Vimeo and, and then at NoBudge on October 17th. Put on a kigu, bring a friend or a pet, and share it to furry fans and indie movie lovers to support it.

The person named Rukus was a furry artist who committed suicide, but left many memories and mysteries. His friendship with Brett Hanover inspired the movie. This fandom-sourced labor of love has been to film festivals and furry conventions across the USA and Europe. It was selected for South by Southwest (SXSW), where mainstream cinemaphiles praised this unique flight of imagination.

Brett Hanover’s RUKUS is an incredible, indescribable movie that has been in production for over ten years. It had a major effect on all of us in the audience. Go in blind, as I did. #SXSW

— Blair Hoyle (@Blair_Hoyle) March 11, 2018

Previously on Dogpatch Press:

Tomorrow: Brett Hanover talks about making the movie. Here’s a snip. (Full one here).

(Brett:) “…Another thing that transformed over the life of the project was my own relationship with furry. Like a lot of people, I started out with an excuse – “Oh, I’m just here because I’m working on this project…” I think that’s one reason I became so fascinated by Rukus as a teenager – documentary filmmaking gave me a justification to explore the fandom vicariously through him.

Of course, eventually, you find yourself tripping at a convention, cuddling a stranger while he shows you mesmerizing illustrations of neon paws on his phone, and you realize you’ve crossed the event horizon… Still, because of how I initially approached the fandom, there’s a part of me that will always feel a little like an outsider.

That piece of me was useful, I think, because I stayed hyper-aware of how I was representing the community. There’s better representation now, but when I found the fandom in 2005, the media had never touched it without fucking up.

In an earlier email, I called furry a “collective art project,” and you asked what I meant. This is part of the reason I’ve always wanted to release the movie online, in the public domain.

… In the early days of furry, people would trade sketchbooks and Xerox their zines, and I think this spirit still animates the fandom.

When all is said and done, everything goes back to the furry creative commons. So if I can pull a movie out of this mix, make it cheaply, and let it get swallowed up again – that’s exciting to me.”

Like the article? These take hard work. For more free furry news, please follow on Twitter or support not-for-profit Dogpatch Press on Patreon.

Categories: News

Many of the Usual Suspects

In-Fur-Nation - Wed 9 Oct 2019 - 23:05

Thanks to Animation Scoop we found out about The Bad Guys — a new feature film currently in production at Dreamworks Animation, slated for a 2021 release. “After a lifetime of pulling legendary heists, five notorious bad guys — Mr. Wolf, Mr. Snake, Mr. Piranha, Mr. Shark and Ms. Tarantula — attempt their most challenging job yet: Going good. Nobody has ever failed so hard at trying to be good as The Bad Guys… Based on the bestselling Scholastic blockbuster book series by Aaron Blabey, which has more than 8.2 million copies in print worldwide, The Bad Guys is directed by Pierre Perifel (director, DWA award-winning short Bilby; animator, the Kung Fu Panda films), making his feature-directing debut, from a script by Etan Cohen (Tropic Thunder, Get Hard) and Hilary Winston (NBC’s Community and ABC’s Happy Endings).” Got all that?

image c. 2019 Dreamworks Animation

Categories: News

Simon’s Cat: Missing Cat

Furry.Today - Wed 9 Oct 2019 - 19:07

Giving a cat a bath is just asking for trouble.   Just the indignity of it! It does look like the guys at Simon's Cat have really been upping the production quality these days.
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Hard to Miss His Smile

In-Fur-Nation - Wed 9 Oct 2019 - 01:56

We can always depend on interestingly strange stuff to come at us from Silver Sprocket, and much of it rather furry-fannish. This is no exception:  I Think Our Friend Dan Might Be A Dolphin (yes that’s the title) by James Stanton (creator of Gnartoons). “He tried to pass it off as back sweat, but there’s no mistaking a blow hole stain on the back of a shirt. This is a very funny comic book for grown-ups (printed in fluorescent blue and black ink on thick matte cover stock). Check it out over at Previews.

image c. 2019 Silver Sprocket

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Surprisecast! - 10/09/2019 - for all things Dragg…

The Dragget Show - Wed 9 Oct 2019 - 01:55 for all things Dragget Show -- support us on Patreon! -- all of our audio podcasts at @the-dragget-show You can also find us on iTunes & wherever you find podcasts! Dragget Show telegram chat: Surprisecast! - 10/09/2019 - for all things Dragg…
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Care for Colorado

Furry.Today - Tue 8 Oct 2019 - 22:56

From the "Together with the Colorado Tourism Office" we have a PSA with an critters, a misbehaving hiker and an cute song.   This animated short was a part of the Leave No Trace [1] campaign for their state and national parks. Rather cute. "These seven principles will help you get Colo-Ready. Respect the place, leave no trace — it sure would help a lot!" [1]
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The Furry Music Anthology releases “A Song Of Your Sona.”

Dogpatch Press - Tue 8 Oct 2019 - 10:00

Cover art credit to Fleeks

Here’s a new initiative to bring together the musicians of the furry fandom, and give them a collective platform to share their music and be recognized.

The Furry Music Anthology plans to release “Anthrologies”: a series of themed albums, filled with tracks by various musicians. They recently released the very first album of that series, “A Song of Your Sona“. It’s free!

Get it here:

  1. Bob Drake – On Fursonas 2:17
  2. Mark Nichols – Bramble 3:03
  3. What Eyleth Thee? – The Wolfing 2:38
  4. The messangers – Forgive and Forget 3:30
  5. Ruky – Fire Escape 4:44
  6. Nichibotsu – Galactic Shakes 4:53
  7. Jaiko – Dragon Incoming 3:10
  8. Phozon – Look For It 4:05
  9. Aniwix – Energyzed 4:52
  10. Ikodo – Scavenging for Parts – Ryou’s Theme 4:43
  11. Jayden Raske Productions feat. Birds of Paradise and Ruky – Tale of the Two Thunder Wolves 7:14
  12. Draks – The Approach of Autumn 6:23
  13. Leon Gremonceaux – Leon’s Overture 8:10

Musicians within the furry fandom are just as varied as the visual artists — but rarely attract the same audiences. There are many furry websites that gather and unite artists to share their works, but such unity hasn’t been shared among the musicians. Now, rather than sit on the sidelines, they’re taking things into their own paws and making a banner to gather under, to share a fair stage with those who have struggled for a spotlight.

The “Anthrologies” will be a series of themed albums. The first one has thirteen musicians each providing a song that ties to their characters, the species, or even the concept of fursonas as a whole. Future plans will provide ever-changing opportunities for musicians of all stripes to make a meaningful contribution and gain recognition. The project is currently expanding reach and preparing for Volume 2. What else is on the agenda? Creating a proper base of operations.

So far they’re grateful to the Furry Musicians group for launching the project. Find them on FurAffinity or Twitter.

For future submissions, they will put out a journal with a link to the entry form. After approval (they want a pretty fair stage for all the musicians) the organizers will give a green light and deadline to make a track. It’s non-profit but will help members to promote themselves.

The Furry Music Anthology currently consists of Camarón the Flamingo, Kiko Picasso, Bob Drake, and another organizer who prefers to remain anonymous.

– Camarón the Flamingo, Furry Music Anthology Founder

More about musicians in the fandom:

FURRY MUSIC WANTED: themed, mainstream, or fandom made. Please PM to add your link to the rotation. Send a Youtube video, add a tweet-length message or tags, and news links are welcome too. #furrymusic #furryfandom #furries

— Furry Jukebox (@FurryJukebox) May 22, 2019

Like the article? These take hard work. For more free furry news, please follow on Twitter or support not-for-profit Dogpatch Press on Patreon.

Categories: News

Shark Not-Weak

In-Fur-Nation - Tue 8 Oct 2019 - 01:57

It’s always nice to see a Kickstarter campaign that works — especially when the result is something anthropomorphic. That’s what writers Bob Frantz and Kevin Cuffe and artist Walt Ostlie managed with Metalshark Bro, a new full-color comic series from Scout Comics. “What the Fin is a Metalshark Bro? Well, here’s the liner notes summary: a traditional shark stumbles upon Satan’s nephew and is forcibly given anthropomorphic qualities. With his newfound human physique and propensity for violence, he’s tasked with collecting the souls of those that have sworn allegiance to Satan. The only problem? He just wants to be a normal shark again! Naturally, he swears bloody vengeance and, uh, a whole lot of death ensues!” Be forewarned — and check it out over at Previews.

image c. 2019 Scout Comics

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TigerTails Radio Season 12 Episode 04

TigerTails Radio - Mon 7 Oct 2019 - 16:13
Categories: Podcasts

Raccoons New Adventures teaser

Furry.Today - Mon 7 Oct 2019 - 16:03

It looks like we are about to get a Reboot of the 1980s series The Raccoons! This new show is being developed by the original creator Kevin Gillis [1] with Jetpack Distribution [2] and Run With Us Productions [3]and it's expected to start airing someplace around the holidays of this year on YouTube, CBC (It is a Canadian show after all) and Disney Channel. In every way this looks like the original show and given the original creator is doing this I expect the writing to be close to the original show. Note: You will have to click though to see this as ... reasons.         [1] [2] [3]
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Episode 28: "Drugs" (2019-10-07)

Size Matters - Mon 7 Oct 2019 - 07:00
Alcohol and drugs. But what if they changed your size? How would that work? Also: Artist spotlights and our closest vote yet on Macro Madness. And a tangent on poodling. Episode 28: "Drugs" (2019-10-07)
Categories: Podcasts

Manga from the UK

In-Fur-Nation - Sun 6 Oct 2019 - 01:58

Thanks to Previews we learned about Mayamada Ltd, a UK-based publishing house that specializes in manga-style graphic novels — with decidedly anthropomorphic characters. Their lead title is Samurai Chef by Nigel Twumasi (writer) and Anna Liisa Jones (art). “Samurai Chef is an action comedy cooking show where the Chef judges dishes with his sword!” Other titles include Serious, Hot Lunch, and The 11th Hour. Visit their web site to find out more.

image c. 2019 Mayamada Ltd.

Categories: News

[Live] Nana Knots

FurCast - Sat 5 Oct 2019 - 22:59

We were off for two weeks and had to catch up so this one is quite a long boi. Massive roundup, plus lots of silly debates.

Download MP3

Link Roundup: News: [Live] Nana Knots
Categories: Podcasts

The Little Ones That Are

In-Fur-Nation - Sat 5 Oct 2019 - 03:04

How in the world did we miss this one? Lion Forge has a new full-color graphic novel, the first volume of The Underfoot entitled The Mighty Deep. “It has been untold years since the Giants-That-Were disappeared, leaving behind the animals forever changed by their strange science. Now, granted the gifts of intelligence and self-awareness, the valiant Hamster Aquatic Mercenaries struggle to keep their horde alive in the dangerous new world. In The Underfoot: The Mighty Deep, H.A.M. has been hired to save their badger allies from dangerous flooding, but first they’ll need new recruits. Only the best of the best can join the ranks of H.A.M., and the colony’s most ambitious young hamster pups compete for their chance at glory and prestige. Those who succeed, however, soon discover that life outside their burrow is not the grand adventure they imagined, but instead find a world of deadly threats and conflicting stories about their species’ origins.” The Mighty Deep was written by Ben Fisher and Emily S. Whitten and illustrated by Michelle Nguyen.

image c. 2019 Lion Forge

Categories: News

Cats In Therapy

Furry.Today - Fri 4 Oct 2019 - 20:02

Zefrank has a new short in the grand tradition of "Sad Cat Diary" and I really hope he does more of these.   My cat could probably use some therapy sessions like this but I expect he would just complain about the food (Never enough) and my constant taking pictures of him for Instagram. ...also Zefrank is a national treasure, just saying.
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The Masked Singer: One of those mainstream crossovers with furry appeal?

Dogpatch Press - Fri 4 Oct 2019 - 10:00

Crossover with the mainstream can make great furry news, like when dogwhistles to fandom pop up in things like Disney blockbusters. That’s why I did an interview with Vulture, the culture and entertainment site. Here’s their articles about the Masked Singer. This one’s worthwhile for fursona design inspiration: The Masked Singer’s Costume Designer Breaks Down All 16 Egg-cellent New Looks.

We barked about performances from Season 1, and sniffed at the costumes for Season 2. Looking at the lineup made me want to know more about them as characters. If they have a backstory with each other… Whose Egg is that? Does the Eagle hang out in the Tree? And who pollinates that Flower?

Pup hoods – Safe enough for conservative Fox network to broadcast to 8 million viewers (according to their own numbers) during prime time – Should be safe enough to be seen on con floor at a furry convention.

— Furry News Network @ FWA (@furrynewsntwk) September 26, 2019

For my first impression of the show: I’d rather chase my tail than watch celebrities… Margaret Cho excepted. She speaks to outsiders and she was one of the best listeners I’ve ever talked to when she did an interview for furries. I’d go to see her perform anywhere, including being a singing poodle.

The Masked Singer’s gimmick is having a Secret Somebody who becomes an Obvious Somebody when you find out… and what’s the fun in that? I don’t want furries to take off their fursonas. I think it’s magic when you don’t know and could live in a cartoon with them, and they’re a Somebody Period.

Furries don’t “dress up”, they become what they feel like inside. It brings up a difference between Mascots, Fursuits, and just plain costumes. Mascots are made to be iconic and project to a big audience far away. Fursuits are an original fursona who you can hug or hang out with. To be fair, I think the Masked Singer integrates wardrobe on character to take the designs really far. But taking the heads off is a big deal and it’s supposed to be private to furries, so having an audience demand it is kind of counter-furry.

“Take it off! Take it off!” Don’t do that at a fur con or you might get tailwhipped.

My preference would be seeing a nobody become a Something, not just with a boring dream of being a TV star, but turning into something that doesn’t exist and being their OWN dream, not just what a designer made. The average person being a star is nothing new for reality TV, but it’s less common to change species. Imagine your plumber or UPS driver finding their inner sparkledog.

It’s also tamed down from what could be. Celebrities have to play safe and won’t have sexy awakenings with their new selves. Or they just won’t tell you how it feels when the audience goes “take it off”. Actually, it’s a really wholesome show. The Monster is a giant ball of fun but I can’t see him making furry crushes. Having crushes on cartoons is where so many furries come from.

It's national #BoyfriendsDay

— Dogpatch Press (@DogpatchPress) October 3, 2019

That’s how it’s not so geared for someone who’s already into amazing transformations. It’s more for people who follow celebrities and want to know who could be underneath. That makes it lightweight. It almost makes me feel like I’d appreciate it more with drugs, but that might not be wholesome, so they really only need music and rainbows. Except that Pineapple is so high.

It makes sense as pop culture to use names to get people to watch, but I can see one place for more wild cards. They should get a furry in fursuit on the judges panel. Or get that ordinary retired lady who watches between taking the grand kids to the park. I’m sorry… those celebrity judges aren’t great, besides Ken Jeong. I laughed my tail off when he showed his abs to the Pineapple. That was ABsurd.

There are already a bunch of fursuiters who judge dance competitions and masquerade shows, like Kiyani (@Hojozilla) or Brenda Banks (she’s so sassy.)

I do have to give credit due for who gets the furry vibe. Who might you see at a furry con? Joey Fatone’s Rabbit. What a PRO. He was more than just a good voice or look, he was living down a rabbithole. He wasn’t just a regular soft rabbit, he was from the Mad Hatter Matrix dimension with that robot vibe.

As a gateway it’s definitely a step beyond mascots. The stories of the characters don’t go far enough for me though. They just tell clues. I want short movies about them living in their world, not just teasing about what they are outside it on a plastic set on a corporate show. That’s why this makes a little taste of furriness but it’s nothing like a full dose of DIY fandom. There’s only one place to get that — you can’t see it on TV, you can only dream it and make it with each other.

UPDATE: I was afraid they pre-empted our interview, but it published at the same time as this one by surprise!

The very premise of #TheMaskedSinger is particularly abrasive to a furry palate, according to a furry expert

— Vulture (@vulture) October 4, 2019

had the truly most fun interview with @DogpatchPress press about my favorite good-bad tv show. omitted from the interview but my first crushes were on Simba and the Tramp, OBViously.

— rebecca vaulter ✊???? (@ralter) October 4, 2019

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Categories: News

It Helps His Stage Fright…?

In-Fur-Nation - Fri 4 Oct 2019 - 02:18

New for the younger readers out there: The Wolf In Underpants. “In this witty graphic novel, a community of forest animals trades scary rumors about a nearby wolf. Some critters have even gone into business selling wolf traps and anti-wolf fences. But when the wolf appears in a pair of striped underpants, everyone rethinks their fears. This is a heartwarming story about understanding differences, told with an oddball sense of humor.” Written by Wilfrid Lupano, with illustration by Mayana Itoiz and Paul Cauuet, look for it now from Lerner.

image c. 2019 Lerner

Categories: News