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Catching Some Time Off

Furry Reddit - Tue 3 Jun 2014 - 21:39
Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Tue 3 Jun 2014 - 20:25
Categories: News

Looking for furry friends? :3

Furry Reddit - Tue 3 Jun 2014 - 19:48

unfortuently i dont have all of accepting ppl were i live..i want to go out and find friends who also like being a furry. i have been judged alot so im very shy now about everything i do. I have a skype and it would be awesome to meet new people. Im new to the fandom. i realize theres alot more too it then what others think it is. And i really do love it. so if anyone wants to skype at all just send me a pm and i will add u. :)

submitted by shadow90wolf
[link] [6 comments]
Categories: News

It’s the year of .xyz – we’re LIVE!

DailyFurBlog - Tue 3 Jun 2014 - 19:40

.xyz is finally here! We launched yesterday morning at 9 am (PDT) and what a whirlwind it was. #GenXYZ, did you get your favorite .xyz domain names?

Thanks to all of your support and #GenXYZ love, we received over ______ registrations for .xyz domain names within the first 24 hours – that number makes our launch one of the most successful in internet history! We heard your flooding registrations crashed some servers – an impressive feat, we must say. But we’re so thankful and excited that everyone hung in there and got their .xyz names.

Sorry to keep you in the dark, but can you guess what the registration number was? We had a little bet going on in the office to see who could most accurately guess the first day registration number, the Price is Right style. We wanted to spread the fun and keep it a mystery for a little bit – check out this clip from our launch day to find out the magic number:

Oh, and one more thing. In case you missed our tweet yesterday, check this out. Any guesses on what he could be up to?:


So marks the first day of the world with .xyz. This is just the beginning of the Generation XYZ movement, so stay tuned by following @xyz on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, and hear insights straight from the horse’s mouth at CEO and Founder Daniel Negari’s blog. Until next time, #GenXYZ.

Categories: News

Relaxing at the pool (by Juano)

Furry Reddit - Tue 3 Jun 2014 - 18:51
Categories: News

Suggestion: Wiki Page for local furry groups

Furry Reddit - Tue 3 Jun 2014 - 17:58

I think a wiki with a table of local groups organized by area would eliminate a lot of "Any furs in x?" posts and help new furries find groups in their area.

submitted by mayupvoterandomly
[link] [2 comments]
Categories: News

Furry Romance

Furry Reddit - Tue 3 Jun 2014 - 17:43
Categories: News

Parents hate that I'm a furry. What do?

Furry Reddit - Tue 3 Jun 2014 - 17:38

Ok, so I've been a furry for about 7-8 years (I'm 18 years old in a week). I only recently told them this. Their immediate conclusion is fetishist. My dad, also being an avid CSI watcher, thinks this is what furries are. I offered to show them the articles on anthrocon that denounced these, but they refuse to read them as they see furries as weird-os. They aren't too thrilled about me making my fursuit either. They keep saying, "I don't mind that you are doing this, but you are severely limiting your dating pool." Frankly I don't give a shit about that, but they are always putting me down for it. (I'm also a brony, whovian, all around nerd). And to top it off, they are pro-gay, but don't think bisexual really exists and think it's gross. Imagine just trying to explain to them what pan is. My ideal relationship is with a guy and a girl ... a 3 way relationship filled with love and cuddles (being furry would be a bonus). They already think I'm weird enough. (btw, I have no mental illness whatsoever) They are nice parents, don't get me wrong, I just can't be myself around them and I have 1 more year until I move out for college. They call themselves non-judgemental, but they pre-judge anyone who is "weird" in their eyes. I'm sorry, I just needed a place to get this off my chest and I know how welcoming and helpful of a community you are. /rant

EDIT: I would like to say my parents aren't bad parents and they do love me. They just don't like that certain part about me and think its very odd. I sort of posted this during a time of extreme stress. I'm very sorry if I have wasted any of your guys' time. I've decided to just wait until I move out or go to college to fully be my self. Also, it's not a matter of having my parents approval for coming out as pan. I just think they should know their son better. They think they know me, but I don't tell them a lot. (I'll tell them once they aren't in control of my life anymore and I've become an independent human being.) Thanks for all the love and support most of you showed. Again, very sorry if I wasted any of your time. I really appreciate you all and all your help.

submitted by FrankfurterSinatra
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Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Tue 3 Jun 2014 - 17:23

boops all your noses/snouts >:3

submitted by wulvsbayne269
[link] [75 comments]
Categories: News

Nice Tail.

Furry Reddit - Tue 3 Jun 2014 - 17:12
Categories: News

Rejected from the Local Furry Group, Here's One Option He Might Try

Ask Papabear - Tue 3 Jun 2014 - 16:53

As I have been seeing the last few years since my last con in July 2011 which was my latest interaction with furs. I tried rejoining the local fur group here and not knowing till maybe 1-3 months later I couldn't post on the SEFF [Southeast Florida Furs] FA page. OK, so I asked one of the heads about it and he said that there were some complaints from some furs, not saying who they were and what the complaints were about because they were "confidential." Since then I have only really known one fur locally from another fur group I was in since 1998. I try to hang out with him or plan something and all I get from him is, "I'm working that weekend/day/night." So my question is, "Is he avoiding me?" Now, about getting together with others on the other hand: What do you suggest?

Ace (age 32)

* * *

Dear Ace,

With any group dynamic, there is inevitably social politics, drama, cliques, and all that bogus crap you may have naively believed would end after high school but still continues with “adults” your age. I have experienced this in everything from business (departments fighting with each other), to nonprofits (favoritism and shunning at a certain zoo I once volunteered at), to the gay community (the infamous A vs. B list of gay men in pretty much any community, mostly having to do with how much money you earn, how you dress, and who you know—you know, the things that really matter to people who are shallow douchebags).

Once “rumors” or “whispers” behind your back start to develop in a group, whatever group that might be, you’re usually toast at that point. People will glomp onto the popular furs in a group, believing whatever they say just to not be rejected, and accept whatever they say negative about a particular person. That’s one possibility. There are other possibilities, but this is all speculation, since I don’t know everything about your situation.

If you have made the effort to mend fences only to be rejected, then what you can do is try to form your own furry group. Stop being a follower and joiner and, instead, become a leader in your area. Invite furries to your home, organize activities, etc. You might find that there are other furries in your area who have also felt rejected by the established group there and that would be happy to join you.

Create your own Facebook page and Meetup page and publicize the hell out of your new group. When people ask to join, be welcoming and friendly and helpful.  There is always a need for new furry groups; I am constantly hearing from furries like you who can’t find a group nearby or, sometimes, who don’t feel the local group is very welcoming (sad, but true).

Sometimes in life the only way to get what you want is to take charge yourself, make your own rules, and lead the pack instead of being an omega wolf.

Good luck!


“Talking Animals” researchers give gracious answers to skeptical questions

Dogpatch Press - Tue 3 Jun 2014 - 16:22
Fandom and academia made itself topic of the week. (It led to learning a new-to-me term: “Aca-fans”, popularized by Henry Jenkins.) Researchers prove to be SUPER COOL about questions sent their way! Quoting Dr. Tibbals on Furries, sex and sociology: In 2014, it seems like every blogger thinks they’re a reporter and every “reference” is […]
Categories: News

A Post-Apo Anthro Book I Wrote...

Furry Reddit - Tue 3 Jun 2014 - 15:00
Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Tue 3 Jun 2014 - 12:12
Categories: News

Recent Spam Links

[adjective][species] - Tue 3 Jun 2014 - 11:40

[adjective][species] was compromised last night through a template loader bug in WordPress.  The only effect that we have seen from the compromise was that spam links were injected at the top of the page, visible only to users on certain IP ranges (notably Google; the goal being to boost spam sites’ popularity in the search engine).  This appears to have been an automated attack on several WordPress sites on our host, and no data has been compromised, however, this should serve as a reminder to practice Safe Password!

If you run WordPress and find yourself in a similar situation, here are the steps required to clean it up:

  1. Search for the exploit in your installation.  It looks like this at the top of your template’s index.php file.  If you have access to the command line, you can check for it with the following command:
    find . -name *.php -exec grep -q "mx_start" {}\; -print
  2. Clean the files by removing the block.  If you’d like to automate the process, here is a python snippet for doing so: import re import sys f = open(sys.argv[1], 'r') text = f.close() pattern = re.compile(r'<\?php /\*mx_start.*mx_orig_end\*/ \?>', re.MULTILINE|re.DOTALL) print pattern.sub('', text)

    Run it automatically by saving it as, and using bash like so:
    for i in `find . -name *.php -exec grep -q "mx_start" {} \; -print`; do python $i > $i.demx; mv $i.demx $i; done

May 2014 Newsbytes archive

Furry News Network - Tue 3 Jun 2014 - 11:38
Author: crossaffliction Contributors this month include crossaffliction, dronon, Fred, GreenReaper, Higgs Raccoon, Patch Packrat and Rakuen Growlithe. read more Find the full article here: flayrah – furry food for thought Creative Commons: Full post may be available under a free license.
Categories: News