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I am new to the Furry Fandom and I want to know what you Folks think, if the Negative Media Press of the Fandom went Canadian?

Furry Reddit - Sat 19 Jul 2014 - 19:38

As a Canadian I realize there is a major difference between Canadian Media to the US Media; what makes the difference is that Canada has a law in place that lies and report of false information to the public is illegal. So, if you think about it, if a Canadian Journalist was to do an article on Furry fandom rise to the public in Canada it could have gone through a very different path for the report will be focused on the facts about the fandom and the fandom could probably be more accepting in Canada because of the proper facts that been placed probably making Canada a stable place for the fandom to grow and becoming something more than it is now. The US media have already failed your trust and it failed to get a positive media report, unless there was a law in the US that is similar to Canada’s to prevent this from the start or invite a Canadian journalist to the US Furry Convention and writes the report for the Canadian public the person has to be truthful with the facts and then Furry fandom will begin its true proper acceptance to the public and change many people perspective across Canada and the once it goes online the world. Still, I wonder what if the Furry fandom did start in Canada, instead of the US, things might have gone differently?

Two of Canada’s well known news corporations did a report on Furries:

CBC News:

CTV News:

Also I like to mention that about the TV documentary Fanboy Confessional: Furry Edition which got me interested to know about this fandom that I find it fascinating for they did a good job of presenting this fandom very positively, but even though there is more within the fandom I did my research to understand and hopefully you folks willing to accept me in your community for I am somewhat tired my boring routine (I am not Furry).

Fanboy Confessional: Furry Edition info:

Link 1:

Link 2:

submitted by Emotional_King
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Categories: News

The Bedfellows - Next Door (EP#31)

Furry Reddit - Sat 19 Jul 2014 - 19:15
Categories: News

Space Punk

Furry Reddit - Sat 19 Jul 2014 - 17:24
Categories: News

Guidelines for guest blog posts

Furry Writers' Guild - Sat 19 Jul 2014 - 16:14

The FWG blog is now open to guest blog posts from members! We’re looking for posts on any aspect of the writing process or the writing life, aimed at any skill/experience level of writer. This can be anything from a straightforward how-to article on craft to something more like a personal/inspirational essay (maybe on an author or work who influenced you, or some meaningful experience you’ve had related to writing in general or writing furry fiction). Topics can be specific to furry writers’ concerns, but they don’t have to be.

We’re also open to posts from editors’ perspectives and to interviews of writers, publishers, and editors within the fandom.

The specifics:

  • Submissions accepted from current FWG members (writers and associates) only.
  • Length: Open, but 500-1000 words preferred.
  • Also open to series of blog posts.
  • Content should be appropriate for all audiences.
  • Reprints fine; just provide the link to where they originally appeared.
  • Send submissions in online format (blank line between paragraphs, no indents). One space after periods, please. You can send as .txt, .rtf, or .doc, or in the body of the email.
  • Send to furwritersguild (at), subject line Blog Submission.
  • Response time: Generally within 2 weeks. After a month, query.
  • Your blog post will include a link to your page in the Member Directory, so you may want to make sure your bio there is up to date before submitting. (Email updated bios to furwritersguild (at)

We’ll be posting at least one guest post per month, depending on the number of suitable submissions received. Any questions, comment here or email us at furwritersguild (at)


Categories: News

He Fell for a Guy Who Has Not Yet Come to Terms with His Sexuality

Ask Papabear - Sat 19 Jul 2014 - 14:24
Dear Papabear,

I want to start off by saying thank you for all the work you do answering people's letters, and giving support to those in need of a warm bear hug. :) Your column has really helped me and many others through rough times. Thank you for taking time to read our letters, and I apologize in advance for the rambling page below...

I have been struggling to come to terms with my last relationship. I dated my EX, let's call him River to make this simpler, for about 6 months. It probably will be my last attempt at a long distance relationship. You think I would have learned something from being on deployment in the military while being in a relationship in the past. 

Anyway, after a couple months of dating, spending pretty much every waking moment not at work or school together online, I visited River in his home town for a weekend, around Christmas time. The trip was fantastic, even if it was only a few days. We didn't do anything too fancy, but we spent our every moment together for those few days. I was worried that we wouldn't get along in person as well as we did online, and all that sort of stuff. But it was perfect. I never felt as comfortable and happy spending time with someone before in my life.

Anyway, after the trip, we both began to get very busy with school. work, etc. On top of that, River began expressing something he hadn't ever told me before: that he was unsure of his gender. I don't mean any disrespect to anyone coming to terms with their gender identity, but this situation really made me question myself and who I am. I ultimately decided that it didn't matter to me either way—that I was in love with the person, and that I would be supportive however I could.

After a week or two, River stopped talking to me. Our usual daily conversations turned into me messaging or texting River, and not getting a reply back for a day or two. I was absolutely gutted. All sorts of wild thoughts raced through my mind about what could be wrong. River acted like everything was fine, but it obviously wasn't. A couple weeks of that, and I had to press the issue for sanity's sake, because it was starting to have a very bad effect on my life. We decided to break up and River thought it was best to take time to figure out the whole identity bit.

Things were never really resolved, and a couple weeks ago River started taking part in our online friend group again, and playing games with me online like we used to do like nothing happened. I realized I still have the same feelings that I did before, but River does not. We talked about it last night, and he told me that he decided he is happy being a guy, but that he is dating a girl now, and isn't really into guys anymore. He said he thinks of my as his closest and best friend, and that he still wants me to be part of his life.

I really care about him, I would do anything in my power to help him, and I do not want to lose him as a friend (one of the few close friends I have). And despite everything, I still love him, in multiple senses. But I can't come to terms with these romantic feelings. Even though I can rationalize it all, and come to terms with it logically, I still have strong romantic feelings towards him that are just torturing me, knowing it can never be like it was before. For pretty much the first time, looking back on all my relationships (most of which have been cohabitating ones), I am really fluffing jealous.

How can I come to terms with the romantic love I feel for River, while still keeping that "agape" love that I feel so strongly for him? I just wonder if it is selfish of me to want such a thing...

* * *

Hi, BB,

Thanks for your letter. Could you fill in some blanks here so that I can give you a more thoughtful and informed reply about your situation?

First of all, when you were visiting River, did the two of you have sex? Or was it just a platonic spending of time together?

Secondly, could you tell me more about River's family? Does he have a family that is supportive or one that is, shall we say, homophobic? What is his background?

River’s behavior is very confusing (to you and me, both), and I feel like I'm not getting the whole picture. I mean, first he appears gay, then transsexual, and now he’s straight? Somehow, I don’t feel he’s being honest with who he is, or maybe he just flat can’t come to terms with it.

Thanks for your patience and help.


P.S. Kudos to you for your military service!

* * *

Thank you for your reply. :) Honestly, I don't remember the exact contents of my letter, so I apologize for that in advance. I was a bit emotional at the time. I kind of have a vague idea of what I said, but that is about it. Anyway, I have been debating what to do about replying to your questions. I have too many feelings, questions of my own, and struggles about this small issue. And I have millions of things about this problem that I feel like I need to tell someone. It just kind of seems pointless to share them, because I feel like no one can give me the answers I seek. Anyway, I am sorry for writing so much, and placing this burden on you.

River lives in a somewhat stereotypical small southern town with one Walmart, no sidewalks, and a lot of backwards people. While most of the younger people are moderately accepting there, he is pressured to conform to that "traditional" straight male role. His siblings and a few other family in his generation are accepting, but his parents and the older generations are not. Supposedly his dad said something along the lines of "I don't have any problem with gays as long as they aren't my own kids", so I don't think he has a lot of support there. He still lives with his parents, so yeah... it is definitely a relevant question.

When I visited, I got a hotel room in town for the weekend, but we spent the day with his sister at her apartment to give us a safe environment and such. You know, meeting someone in person you only have known online could be kind of weird or even scary, so he was going to stay with his sister for the weekend if we didn't feel comfortable together. But we got along well, and by the end of the night when it came time for me to go back to my hotel, he wanted to come with me. So he stayed with me that weekend. We did end up having sex during the visit, and cuddled and slept together. I am particularly choosy about who I choose to share myself with in that way, and I felt comfortable with him. We took things light and slow, and made sure we were both comfortable with things. I don't regret it, and he didn't seem to. He definitely didn't seem to have any reservations about that fact that I am a *guy*, and I wasn't the first one he had been intimate with, so it just really makes me wonder.

As you said, he, for whatever reason, doesn't know or hasn't come to terms with what he wants or who he is yet. If he doesn't know yet, then who can? What I do know is that I can't hold it against him if he is unsure of his identity...we all need to find our place in life. But I just am hurt by his lack of communication about the whole ordeal. Sometimes relationships don't work out for whatever reason, but because he did not communicate the problem to me even when I specifically asked, it made me feel like I was crazy or imagining things. After the truth came out, that most important thing—respect and trust—was destroyed. I don't know if there is a word for it, but I want to ask him many questions that are pointless, because without trust, the answer doesn't matter. The communication would be meaningless (since it requires an assumption of honesty). Just to add an example for clarity's sake, it is like asking someone if they are lying. ~.~ Either way, I realized that he is figuring out what he wants and who he is, and I am ready to find someone to share my life with. Obviously things weren't going to work, and there isn't any hope of pursuing it further with him.

I decided to tell River that I can't be around him anymore, at least for the time being. It has just been too painful and I have a lot of important practical things I need to focus on right now, like school starting again and looking for a new apartment soon. I don't know if this choice will help me at all, because I still feel like things are terribly unresolved, but like I said earlier, I don't think I can get the answers to my questions. So I guess the original question isn't quite as relevant anymore. I am not talking to him anymore, but I still care and want River to be happy. I find myself wishing for a moment every now and then that I was not sensitive, naive, hopelessly romantic, and needy (among many other things) and could just move on like he seems to have, but I guess then I wouldn't be "me". And I don't know if I would be a better person for it.

I just have to stop writing for now because I would go on for pages more if I let myself. But thank you for taking some of your personal time to read my ramblings and respond to them. It means a lot to me. :)


* * *

Dear BB,

Thanks for replying to my queries. Your response does, indeed, clarify things.

Understanding that I am going purely by what you have written me, adding a dash of my experience and intuition, here is what Papabear thinks about you and River.

River most definitely is either gay or bi because, seriously, you cannot be comfortable with making love to a man if you are not a man who is at least bisexual. As I suspected, the problem is that he grew up in a conservative family living in a conservative area. This reminds me, if I may digress a little, about my own experience with my extremely conservative mother. Just as I was about to tell her I was gay, she told me, “I can tolerate your sister being gay, although it makes me uncomfortable, but it is far worse for a man to be gay.” She knew what I was about to say, and so she put up a blockade. After hearing that, and not wishing to end my relationship with my mother, I said nothing to her. She’s a smart woman, however; she knows I live with a man and have not seen a single woman since my divorce. So, she’s figured it out by now, but she’s of a generation where you don’t talk about such things and gay men were known simply as “confirmed bachelors.”

Back to you and River. After the two of you had a lovely time together, suddenly, I suspect, it sank in for him just what he had done and he freaked out about it. He might have told you he was unsure of his gender to put you off, but then getting a girlfriend was a definite tool to hide from himself and to put a wall between the two of you, at least sexually.

You deserve the conversation you asked for with him, but I don’t think you’ll get it any time soon because any time he sees you, especially in person, it will be a reminder to him of what the two of you did and he will have a lot of guilt about that.

So, what to do? You’ve already backed off, for the sake of your own sanity, which is not a bad response. As a kindness, you might put out there that if he ever does change his mind and wants to talk, you’re willing to listen, but until then you need to give him the time to figure himself out. What you’re going through is a big reason why I broke it off with my first boyfriend—he couldn’t deal with the fact that his father didn’t approve of gay people, so he was ashamed to be with me and I knew I couldn’t have a relationship with him until his father was dead, which made me then feel awful for wishing the man was dead. Not a good thing. Let’s hope that River doesn’t need his disapproving father to die before he can be himself.

Although attitudes toward the LGBT community have been improving in this country, it won’t be quick enough to resolve your situation, BB. What happened to you was hurtful, but certainly not your fault, and you are handling it the way you should.

Good luck! Hugs!


[Casual] 24-year old wolf-dog looking for some fun (bi-sexual).

Furry Reddit - Sat 19 Jul 2014 - 14:01

Good evening ladies and gentlemen.

I am Jonas Drake Count (you can call me J.D. for short). I am a femboi wolf-dog, my dog half being rough collie.

Before we begin, here are some bits of information you may need: Name: Already told you that. Sex: Male Age: 24, but apparently people say I look 16. Height: 5ft. 6in. Weight: 72kg (summer), 76kg (winter) Eyes: Greenish grey Coat type: Middle-length with some thicker tufts here and there; primarily the neck-chelst area, shoulders and of course my tail. Coat color: A light shade of brown, while at the front it gives away to a more creamy shade. Hair: Silver with black dyed tips. It's about upper-back length and tied into a French braid. Body type: Average with slightly wider hips than normal

Other special features: A pierced left ear. Tend to wear a black studded leather collar. Can sprout eagle wings if need be.

Now that we've that out of the way; I am a part time mystic and soothsayer. I dabble in the supernatural, ward off, or summon, demons, read your near possible fates and perhaps help you avert them, or fulfill them or maybe even get you in on good with the spirits themselves.

As for why I'm here; being a mystic and soothsayer can be taxing. After every so often you get explosions from botched alchemical experiments or covered in ectoplasm (which happens to be a downright bitch to get out groan) I believe I am in need of some special R&R.

I am looking for casual, non-committal pleasure with anyone willing. My preferences are as follow; 1. women 2. hermaphrodites 3. Transgenders and 4. fellow fembois.

I can be very versatile; dominant, submissive, whatever suits our shared fancies. I consider myself an individual of class, so expect to find me a master of the erotic dress. winks

My abode or yours, don't be shy, and don't be scared, these spirits are friendly (mostly).

... And don't touch my snake-head cane.

(Favored means of RP is via Skype and MSN, but as I mentioned; I can be flexible.)

submitted by MadCollie
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Categories: News

How did you come up with your sonas name?

Furry Reddit - Sat 19 Jul 2014 - 13:39

Ive been stuck on what to name my sona, nothing seems to 'fit'. I was thinking r3d_wulf but i wanted to see how you guys and gals came up with your names.

EDIT: RIP my inbox. Great responses all, ive got a couple new ideas for my name that im gonna ponder over and will decide when i make my next sona drawing.

submitted by Jack41096
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Categories: News

Second Life Furry Partiers

Furry Reddit - Sat 19 Jul 2014 - 13:39

Im looking for furrys that play second life and like to party, if you do IM me (fox fur draco2023a resident) and ill offer you a tp to a awesome club.

submitted by draco2023a
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Categories: News

Need some help with a hoodie

Furry Reddit - Sat 19 Jul 2014 - 11:02

I wanna put ears on a hoodie. that is all. but i've never done anything similar so im asking you all what material to use and could you post some pics if you already made one.

EDIT: links to stores are also welcome

submitted by joziFTW
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Categories: News

Totoro Fur-Hoodie

Furry Reddit - Sat 19 Jul 2014 - 10:51
Categories: News

Did you take your insulin? AnimeFcLife V2

FurStarter - Sat 19 Jul 2014 - 10:02

The end of a chapter: The FCLG art collective tells its last story…

FCLGlogoAnime FcLife! Vol2

Indiegogo Campaign ending 8/31/14

From Tokyo to YouTube, this is the second animated short, and probably the last, from FCLG. Here’s the first one, it’s supercute and reasonably short…

FCLGimage1FCLG is an art collective operating in Tokyo specializing in anthro/kemono art. The core team of FCLG you can meet in their cartoon, as they struggle to make a Manga and eat chocolate. I’m not very clear on what actually happened, but there was DEFINITELY manga and chocolate involved. The group’s been around a while, they’ve had a FurAffinity page since at least 2009 so presumably have been kicking around since before then.

I had to look up a few words here–”doujinshi” in particular, which is a general term for self-published amateur comics, magazines, etc etc. Which goes a long way to explaining the video, but there’s elements that don’t translate so well–like how natural amateur manga is in a country where people grow up with anime and manga. It seems like the fanfic community is a close analogy, but nothing is ever a perfect match, particularly cross-cultural fandom references.

FCLGimage2Anyway! It sounds like this may be the end of FCLG, as their indiegogo page suggests that this might be their last collaboration, and a bit of a swan song in that regard, and they certainly intend to go out with a splash. If you’re a fan of anime, kemono, interested in the artistic process, or just like brightly-colored moving things–I know I do–check the video, and consider helping FCLG in this one last push.

Note: Images used above are included to promote the work of crowdfunding artists, and are owned by the original creator.

Categories: News

DIY Foxes: Zhivago’s Universal Ref Sheet

FurStarter - Sat 19 Jul 2014 - 09:10

Zhivago31, 2, 3, WOLF…

Zhivago’s Ultimate Reference Sheet

Kickstarter ends 8/18/14

Reference sheets are expensive. They’re not just a simple illustration of a character, but in many cases an artistic ordeal, an exercise in getting it just right. Every darn marking, the exact eye color, and why does a lion-iguana have a cutie mark anyway?

Zhivago’s reasonably user-friendly DIY ref sheet has been helping furs build their own references since 2012. It’s a complex-but-not-overwhelmingly-complex Photoshop file with lots of options for ears, tails, hairstyles, head shapes, for male and female anthro characters. It’s pretty solid. Granted, if you’re playing, oh, a hairless dog–not that anybody would do that–there’s going to be some challenges, but from what I’ve seen puttering around the fandom, most of the complexity is in coloration, and Zhivago’s got an admirable base to work from.

With thanks to ISinMuffin for the thumbnail of "Gavin"

With thanks to ISinMuffin for the thumbnail of “Gavin”

The kickstarter–which is a great example of a conservative, small-fund project, the sort of thing that Kickstarter2014 really lends itself to–is expanding the concept of the original, with more hairstyles, more “accessories” (tail styles, ear types, etc.), a few more species–and then taking a few steps beyond “more goodies” to add digitigrade vs plantigrade options, back views, front facial views, and even–if the stretch goals allow–feral versions.

Not a lot to say on this “short and sweet” Kickstarter, it’s a nice little project, and fans of photoshop will enjoy poking around with the original until 3.0 comes out! If you’re already looking around for a reference sheet anyway, check out that $200 level.

Note: Images used above are included to promote the work of crowdfunding artists, and are owned by the original creator.

Categories: News

Yes, People Are Dressing Up Like Cartoon Animals and Walking Around Pittsburgh

Furries In The Media - Sat 19 Jul 2014 - 07:20

While most of us are probably spending the Fourth of July soaking up the sun in light clothes or bathing suits, a few have elected to go the opposite route, encasing themselves in hot fuzzy suits and hitting the streets of Pittsburgh.

They’re known as “furries” and more than 5,000 of them have descended on Pittsburgh for the ninth annual “Anthrocon” gathering, which began Thursday and lasts until Sunday.

Furries are, essentially, people dressed as animals dressed as people.

They’re like many a sports team’s mascot, only furries don’t get paid to suit up and sweat — they do it for fun.

Event rules ban taking pictures of any costumed attendees with their masks off, and some furries seemed to be somewhat private about their hobby.

“I work for a weapons manufacturing company,” one man, identified only as “Kyle F.,” told the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. “If my co-workers found out about what I was doing this weekend, they might take a hunting permit on me.”

The furries seem to have found a safe haven in Pittsburgh. Local WTAE-TV posted nearly 100 pictures of Anthrocon attendees in their various furry attire, and event organizers said the city has treated them well, despite their odd hobby.

“There is no city that welcomes us in the way Pittsburgh does,” said Samuel “Uncle Kage” Conway, chairman and CEO of Anthrocon, to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. “People here have embraced walking foxes as part of the scene.”

Categories: News

Do otherkin count as furries?

Furry Reddit - Sat 19 Jul 2014 - 06:06
Categories: News

Review: ‘All Tied Up in Knotz’, by Andres Cyanni Halden

Furry News Network - Sat 19 Jul 2014 - 05:38
Author: Fred This is a mature content book. Please ensure that you are of legal age to purchase this material in your state or region. (publisher’s advisory) This is a M/M adult novella, but not in FurPlanet’s “Cupcakes” series. FurPlanet has rated it NC-17 for “graphic sexual situations”. Synopsis: Carson really likes meeting guys over […]
Categories: News