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Haven't created a fursona? Let me help.

Furry Reddit - Sat 30 Aug 2014 - 01:02

I've helped several /r/furry users figure out their fursona and is something I really enjoy. I'll give you a list of questions to answer and from those I'll figure out your fursona. You have to come up with a name though...

Q1. If you could choose a superpower what would you have? (This will tell me you're desire)

Q2. If you woke up tomorrow and had a power (based on what you're good at now) what would it be?

Q3. Favourite colour?

Q4. What is your favourite way to spend a weekend?

Q5. Favourite animal?

Q6. Favourite scenery?

Q7. Hobbies?

Keep in mind your favourite animal may not be the type I pick for your fursona.

submitted by H0peyoulikeit
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Hello fellow Furs~

Furry Reddit - Fri 29 Aug 2014 - 21:23

Hello everybody! I've been in the furry community for a while and now that I'm attending college I'd like to see if i could meet a few other furry friends. So if there are any furries at Kutztown I'd like to just say, Hello!

submitted by GayGuyReporting
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Categories: News

Furries...What the Hell? [Strong language]

Furry Reddit - Fri 29 Aug 2014 - 17:55

Okay, so first off, this post is going to contain strong language, so do be aware. Secondly, you are going to dislike what I have to say, and that's fine by me. I have to say it, I'm saying it here. Bury it to hell if you want doesn't matter.

Okay, now that that is out of the way, let the ranting begin. Before I begin ranting, however, let me state my credentials so you don't assume I am some angtsy teenager who was bullied recently.

I have been in the fandom for 20 years, possibly more. I do not know the exact date I came into the fandom, but I do know I have a friend who has attended every Eurofurence, which means 20 years, and I have known him at least that long. I have been to somewhere in the realm of 75 cons, starting with the third Anthrocon (First year in Valley Forge) and have continued going to at least 3 or 4 a year since then. I have written for the fandom, provided art, hosted a bunch of Furry MUCKs, fursuited, and worked for a number of charities including one I started (Furry related in one way or another). I state none of this to say "I am better than everyone", rather merely to point out that I am not new in the fandom.

Now, the wall of text rant begins (And much of this is generalized as not every Furry is like this):

1.) No, I do not have to accept your fetish. Furries have this really weird double standard: they are very accepting of people, only as long they accept that they like to dress up in rubber suits, and inflate themselves, or whatever other fetish they have.

2.) Babyfurs, Cubfurs: Keep it in your rooms, please (This is more babyfur and less cubfur). I have met a lot of awesome babyfurs and cubfurs (in fact I may be considered a cubfur as I have a cub character I RP with in non-sexual situations), and I have met those babyfurs and cubfurs that make you go "What in the living fuck are you doing?"

3.) Do not assume, because I have a character type, that I am into that fetish. If I have a micro character, do not assume I am a microphile. If I have a cub character, do not assume I am a cubfur (When I say cubfur I mean the worst of the worst). I have characters that I have come up with, and have fun RPing with, or just creating art with.

4.) FUCKING CLOSE YOUR HOTEL ROOM DOORS. Seriously, keep them closed.

5.) Just because someone has a suit that is popular (IE Angel Dragon), that does /not/ give you the right to rip them to shreds verbally because they are not the original whatever (In this example Angel Dragon). You do realize, I am hoping, that there are people in those suits, and some of those people will take what you say seriously and it will hurt them. Some of us have very thick skin, some do not.

6.) Females in the fandom are not sex objects, nor are they 'icky'. They are Furries, just like everyone else, so treat them as such. Those of you who went to EF this year know what I am talking about.

7.) If you have a suit by a popular designer, you are not a unique snowflake, do not act like you are. The cost of your suit does not dictate who you are as a person. Even if you spent 20K on a suit, you can still be a total ass.

8.) If you have a problem with someone, here's a strange suggestion: Deal with it in private. Do not air your dirty laundry out on the forums, or on Twitter, or any other social media outlet. Do it privately, get over it, get on with your life.

9.) If you do not like someone, for fucks sake, don't start making up rumors about them. You do realize some Furries do not separate their furry life from their regular life, and if you start running around yelling "he raped someone" because you don't like can seriously fuck up their life.

10.) This is really my final one: Act like a damn adult decent human being. There are /far/ too many instances of high school pettiness and stupidity going on in the Furry fandom, and /far/ too many people grabbing popcorn and jumping into it. Stop it...just stop.

I know this post won't change a lot, but I had to get it off my chest. When a longer term member of the fandom is actually embarrassed to admit they are part of the fandom, there are issues in the fandom (And guess what, I am not the only one embarrassed to admit I am a Furry. Many who are disappear into the ether, I will not do that).

Edit I want to thank everyone for being decent, and having decent discussion based on this rant.

I have read a few comments saying that "most furries are decent human beings" and yes this is very true, but the issue is we don't stand up to the "vocal minority" and say "No, that's wrong don't do that", we just (Generalizing here) grab popcorn and watch. The only way to improve something is to expose what's wrong with it so people think through and perhaps say "Hell, I do number x...and that bothers people, maybe I should work on changing" (Probably unlikely but hey, it's worth a shot).

Also, I have noticed some mention of Uncle Kage being king of the Furries, or thinking he is, or some such. What Uncle Kage is trying to do (And yes, I have talked with him, at length, over the years) is to at least give Furries a good public image. Am I defending every action he does? No, but he is at least trying.

submitted by bmbommarito
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Categories: News

Has anyone ever seen a Mikhaila (Tsampikos) cosplay at a convention?

Furry Reddit - Fri 29 Aug 2014 - 15:20

I'm planning on dressing up as Tsampikos's Mikhaila at the 2015 Furry Fiesta, basing my outfit on this picture. I was wondering if anybody has seen a Mikhaila cosplay, or has pictures of one that I could use for ideas.

submitted by StripedOtter
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Categories: News

Are there good drawing tutorials anywhere for drawing furries?

Furry Reddit - Fri 29 Aug 2014 - 14:03

I saw a tutorial posted on some subreddit but I forgot to save it last time. I'm aware that getting better at drawing in general would help me get better at drawing furries (and you're welcome to post those) but I was wondering if there was anything more specific to the subject.

submitted by boringthrowaway2
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Categories: News

All the Single Furries!

Furry Reddit - Fri 29 Aug 2014 - 13:37
Categories: News

"Types of Furry Species" comic

Furry Reddit - Fri 29 Aug 2014 - 12:21

Would anyone happen to have a link to the comic strip where it has a picture of a furry (lion bear, etc.) and text saying one of their 'faults'?

Lions were bad rpers, foxes were 'cheap' but bunnies moreso. I can't remember more details than that, but help finding it would be appreciated.

submitted by John2k12
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Categories: News

His Depressed Mate Won't Seek Help

Ask Papabear - Fri 29 Aug 2014 - 11:40

So my boyfriend and I have been together for a whole year now and we've gone through a lot of hard situations but now we're stuck. I'm living with him and his parents. The issue is, he doesn't have a job. He lost his job in December of last year and I've been supporting us on a part time job. Recently though, I've gotten a second job. It's a full time job. He sits at home and plays Minecraft. The issue is obvious: I'm doing all the work and he's not helping me. However, we're pretty sure he has clinical depression and can't seem to motivate himself to do anything. He knows he's hurting me, he knows our life is hard because he won't get a job, he knows 90% of my stress is because of him not helping me, and he still can't and or won't do anything about it. I don't know what to do or what to say that won't make him depressed or mad at me but instead motivate him. He won't take my help with trying to help his depression. He says he wants to do it himself without meds but he's not doing a good job and it's hindering us. If there's any advice... Anything you can give me, it would be greatly appreciated :c thank you so much for your time.

Nature (age 19)

* * *

Dear Nature,

Being in a relationship with someone who is severely depressed is no picnic. And waiting for them to resolve to “make themselves feel better” is an exercise in futility. You are just empowering them to not do anything and remain depressed. This is because the person may not really understand what is going on with him and therefore cannot help himself, in addition to the fact that being severely depressed sucks all the energy and motivation out of your body. I know, believe me.

So, if you care about him, and it seems you do, it is up to you and any friends and family you can find who are willing to help to pull him out of his deep, dark hole.

To fight depression, you must first understand the cause. With your boyfriend, as with anyone, the cause could be anything from genetic to hormonal to psychological. His losing his job in December was just the trigger that set off a catastrophic reaction. The actual cause of his depression isn’t losing the job (therefore, recommending he get a new job will not help), but, rather, something else within him.

The only way to do that is to get him some help from a psychologist, psychiatrist, or, at least, a local support group. For a lot of people, sadly, money is a factor, and insurance often does not cover mental health, or provides only minimal coverage, so finding a support group may be the best option. You can visit the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance to find a local support group and read educational materials about depression. Another good organization is Mental Health America or even go to MeetUp and see if there is a group near you.

(You don’t say this, but if he is suicidal, you need to call for help write away. Assistance is available 24/7 at the National Suicide Prevention Hotline 1-800-273-8255.)

Collect some information on depression and have a talk with him about it, expressing all the while your concern and love for him. Suggest that he go to one of these groups and that you will go with him for support. See if you can get one or more of his family members to also support him in this. If he absolutely refuses, then the next strategy is to be a liaison for him. That is, go to the meetings yourself, talking to the people there and picking their brains. They might even be willing to come to your home and hold a meeting there. You might also try to locate a doctor or clergy member to visit your home and give him guidance.

Another strategy: food and exercise.

Many people don’t realize it, but diet has a profound effect on our mood. Obviously, if you are depressed, you need to avoid alcohol (by definition, a depressant), and you should also not be taking any illicit drugs. 

Other foods to avoid:

  • Caffeine
  • Refined sugar
  • Artificial sweeteners (aspartame is the absolute worst thing you can put in your body, but other artificial sweeteners are also bad)
  • Processed foods and fast foods (let’s face it, McDonald’s food is about the worst thing you can put in your mouth)
  • Foods high in sodium
  • Foods high in hydrogenated oils

Foods that HELP you fight depression:

  • Raspberries and other berries (blueberries rock!)
  • Oranges
  • Asparagus
  • Avocado
  • Chamomile and green teas
  • Cashews
  • Oatmeal (not prepackaged sweetened stuff; use plain oatmeal and add berries and honey or stevia for sweetener)
  • Garlic
  • Walnuts
  • Grain-fed beef without hormones (i.e., e.g. organic beef)
  • Oysters
  • and MY favorite, chocolate, especially dark chocolate!

Fun Recipe: Green Tea Ice Cream with Healthy Chocolate Sauce

Ingredients for Ice Cream

  • 2 cups milk (480ml)
  • 2 Tbsp green tea powder (Matcha)
  • 1 cup heavy cream (240ml)
  • 6 egg yolks
  • 1/2 cup and 2 Tbsp sugar (120g)


  1. Place ice water in a large bowl that can hold a pot. Set aside.
  2. In a small bowl, add 1/4 cup of milk and green tea powder, and whisk well (the powder may not dissolve completely). Then add back to the rest of milk (1 3/4 cups) and mix.
  3. Heat the milk mixture and 1/2 cup of heavy cream at medium heat, and cook until just before boiling.
  4. In a medium bowl, whisk the rest of the heavy cream (1/2 cup), yolks, and sugar. Add hot milk very slowly to the egg mixture.
  5. Put egg/milk mixture back to the pot and cook at medium heat stirring constantly until thick (to check the thickness, dip a wood spoon in the egg/milk mixture, and check and see if you can scrape a clear line on the back of the spoon with a finger).
  6. Place the pot in the ice water and cool. Transfer to a container and chill at least 3 hours in the refrigerator.
  7. Follow the direction of your ice cream machine and mix. Very soft ice cream is done after about 15-20 minutes. Freeze 3 hours before serving.
  8. And, my strategy: Get frustrated and go out and buy green tea ice cream at an Asian market.

Chocolate Sauce

  • 2 oz of unsweetened Baker’s chocolate
  • 2 Tsp Stevia (Truvia®)
  • Cream or milk to desired consistency

Break up 2 ounces of bakers chocolate and place in pyrex measuring cup. Microwave on low power (3 out of 10) for 6 minutes. Remove softened chocolate and stir. It will look like a chocolate paste. Add 2 teaspoons of Truvia® and stir. Then add milk or cream a few tablespoons at a time and stir.  Add the milk until the sauce is the consistency you like. You may add more sweetener if desired, too.

Start making him “treats” for his meals using ingredients like the above.

Next, start taking him out of the house. Go on walks together. During these walks, don’t talk or preach to him. If you do that, he’ll want to avoid the walks like the plague. No, instead, just go for a walk. Enjoy the outdoors (hopefully you don’t live in a bad area, but if you do drive out a little way and find a nice park) and just be with each other. Don’t talk about anything serious, like work or money. This should be an enjoyable time for him that he looks forward to. You have to get him away from non-stop game play. It’s not healthy, as you know.

I hope this helps! Let me know how it goes.



Furry Fanfiction?

Furry Reddit - Fri 29 Aug 2014 - 10:19

Does anyone know where i can get any? I've googled and googled this many times but come to no conclusion, is their a site just for this? If anyone can send me a link or just some fanfiction with anthro's in it or even feral's works. I don't think they'd be even called fanfiction, or maybe they are but just stories that are on the web with anthro's as characters.

Fallout crossover would be pretty cool.

If i am posting this on the wrong sub, please let me know.

Thank you! You are all wonderful people.

submitted by Dante_The_Wolf
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Categories: News

Young Mormon Worries Whether She Might Be Transgender

Furry News Network - Fri 29 Aug 2014 - 07:56
Author: Is my mind telling me I’m transgender? For the past 2 weeks I have been having serious thoughts on whether or not I’m a male in a female body. I haven’t told anyone about my feelings yet, but I plan on telling my therapist next month. He’s very open minded. For one, I’m not […]
Categories: News

How we can tell animals dream

Fursday - Reading List - Fri 29 Aug 2014 - 06:46

Jason G Goldman writes for the BBC:

Researchers can now humanely peer into the electrical and chemical activities of brain cells in animals while they sleep. In 2007, MIT scientists Kenway Louise and Matthew Wilson recorded the activity of neurons in a part of the rat brain called the hippocampus, a structure known to be involved in the formation and encoding of memories. They first recorded the activity of those brain cells while the rats ran in their mazes. Then they looked at the activity of the very same neurons while they slept. Louise and Wilson discovered identical patterns of firing during running and during REM. In other words, it was as if the rats were running the maze in their minds while they were snoozing. The results were so clear that the researchers could infer the rats' precise location within their mental dream mazes and map them to actual spots within the actual maze.

This is an ongoing area of research, but from what's been observed so far, dreams are like a safe training ground simulator for other animals. Of course we shouldn't jumps to conclusion based on what we see effectively as an outside observer, looking in through frosted glass. We only have part of the picture, but nothing of what the animals thinks or sees.

I would be interested to see if similar studies have been conducted on apes and whether they are aware of the concept of a dream. Might dreams have started as a virtual reality the brain creates in order to practice essential survival skills, but then higher intelligent creatures became aware of these false reality?


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Ticket Negotiation [F] [Pumzie]

Furry Reddit - Fri 29 Aug 2014 - 06:09
Categories: News

Question About Conventions

Furry Reddit - Fri 29 Aug 2014 - 05:38

Hello there! I've never been to a convention (I don't really have anyone to go with, and am never aware of when they're going on), but at some point, I would love to go. I'm not sure I'll ever be able to fork over a couple thousand for a suit, and am really impressed so many people can (or are as talented as they are to make their own. I don't trust me with scissors), but I would hate to go without a suit of some sort. My question is, why don't more people take and utilize makeup? I'm sure some people are equally as skilled with makeup as making suits, yet I never see any amazing furries out there with great makeup, just suits. Does anyone do this? Again, I've never been to one, so I don't really know, but I never see any photos of them like I do fursuiters. Sorry for my lack of information, and if this is a dumb question!

submitted by lolakitten
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Categories: News