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Boston Furs (I'm calling you out)

Furry Reddit - Mon 8 Sep 2014 - 14:21

So, just recently attended Maltese Fur Con and as soon as the con began, furs began to flock. However, as soon as it ended, the fur density dropped considerably and as far as I'm aware, there are virtually no meetups in the area. Anyfur able to help a deer out?

submitted by Darunian
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Categories: News

I'm a newfur in the community, what's "in the now"?

Furry Reddit - Mon 8 Sep 2014 - 14:02

I've recently only found myself interested in the furry community (mainly otherkin) and I have literally nothing to offer in terms of art or music.

I'm kinda a loner on college, outside of interacting with my roommates and colleagues from work I really don't talk to many people. So this whole furry thing is new to me.

I do have a history with divination and shamanism, and believe that every human possesses an animal spirit to some degree. This manifests as a fursona, a irrational emotion or fetish - that's what I believe at least. I do no-cost tarot readings for anyone who has a question and participate in dharma talks over at r/buddhism since I literally have no life.

I guess you could say that's what I have to offer, all in all.

I don't really have much time for anything else considering I'm in college, but when I do I'm usually reading, watching something or playing fantasy football.

submitted by Pupup
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Categories: News

Identity and Biology: The Real and the Real

[adjective][species] - Mon 8 Sep 2014 - 13:00

Fursuiting is magical.

The world shifts slightly when you plunge into a foamy fursuit head, and it takes your eyes a moment to adjust to the reduced light and the restricted vision. This is the moment you cross the threshold and become “in suit”. The effects are immediate.

Many fursuiters experience a feeling of relaxation when they enter suit. This feeling is a bit counter-intuitive to non-furries, there is sometimes a quick frown of suspicion when a suiter describes how suiting can be simultaneously physically taxing and mentally relieving. This suspicion is on par with that we feel when someone asserts that they “enjoy” some minor but fundamentally disagreeable task, like the person who has to wake up at 5:30am for work might say that they enjoy the crisp dawn air, and that they are more of a morning person anyway. It’s plausible but not very compelling.

The feeling of relaxation comes from the removal of social pressures. People start reacting to the suit and so the wearer can drop all the usual social defences: they can smile and frown and sweat and wave without worrying about the subtle ways that those acts might be interpreted. The suiter knows that people are reacting to the suit’s social cues, not those of the human being pulling the strings underneath.

There is a special feeling when you walk past a mirror and catch your reflection. Instead of the usual human meatbag of nerves and skin and hair, you see yourself as the suit: a furry character, one that has been designed and built to reflect whatever image that you would like it to reflect. You look into the mirror and see a version of yourself—one that raises its arm when you raise your arm, one that scratches its ears when you scratch your ears—but one that doesn’t betray your apprehension about meeting someone new, or your worry about making a spectacle of yourself in public, or your shyness about expressing a desire for friendly intimate contact.

Given time and experience, the fursuit stops being a bulky costume and instead becomes a natural extension of your biology. Like a tennis player who swishes a racquet in the unconscious knowledge of where the ball will strike, the fursuit is accepted as a part of the body. You accept that you are slightly bigger and slightly heavier. You stop thinking about the parts of your vision that are restricted: you simply see what you can see (and you might be surprised by your improved field of vision when you take your head off). Like a pair of contact lenses, you unconsciously take a foreign, inanimate physical object and make it part of yourself.

And now you are the fursuit. You might say that you are “fursuiting”, but you are really doing other things: maybe going for a stroll and posing for photos; maybe interacting and expressing yourself (mutely, perhaps); maybe—hopefully—hugging someone who is grateful to be hugging a real-life furry. This takes time and experience of course, and is a bit of a challenge… it’s hot in there. (Maybe in the first few months of getting your first suit, you lost a bit of weight.)

You have transmogrified from a human to a furry. Your mind has unconsciously accepted your new body, you accept that the face in the mirror is your own.

The experience of accepting a new body happens to everyone, when we transition from childhood to adulthood. We grow and change and, during puberty, we forever feel like we are wearing the wrong skin. It takes time for our minds to accept our new bodies, and in that time our bodies keep changing, and we never quite catch up. And if we lose a bit of weight, or bulk up in the gym, we feel this again… hopefully, as adults, we have learned to take joy in the changes that take place.

Karl Ove Knausgaard writes about the experience, as a child, of the fascination of looking at himself reflected in mirrors upon mirrors. He writes of feeling uncomfortable while standing in front of a bathroom mirror with a small mirror in one hand, looking at himself from different angles. He has become used to his own face but not with the other ways that people can see him, and he writes of a similar feeling seeing himself in photos, or on television, or listening to a recording of his own voice.

He feels this way because his body, his biology, reflects something of his own identity. He can never experience himself from an outsider’s perspective and so is obsessed with doing so. A fursuiter has a different experience: they have control of how they look from all angles, and so can relax the constant social worry of imagining how they may be perceived.

We humans, after all, are social beings. We exist in a social realm. Fursuiting allows us to do so in a more controlled way.

The fursuit provides us with a new body, a new biology, that we can accept as our own. And our ability to assume inanimate objects, like fursuits, to be part of our natural selves works the other way: our natural selves can extend to things that are not physically present.

It is certainly possible to feel body parts that are not there. It is common for people who have lost limbs to imagine pain in the missing body part. The pain is as real as any other pain, but one that cannot be physically salved because there is no physical biology. It is a personal pain, one that is experienced but has no evidence, one that can sometimes be healed by creating a false stand-in for the missing limb, allowing the body to unconsciously accept a foreign object, perhaps with use of a prosthetic or with mirror therapy.

Men who have lost a testicle through cancer sometimes feel like they are missing something that helps define themselves. A prosthetic, despite being functionally useless and rarely seen by others, alleviates this personal pain. Even though they “know” that the testicle is a fake designed to fool their unconscious mind, their unconscious mind doesn’t care and is just happy to feel whole again.

Furries who wear tails everywhere sometimes miss them. Phantom tail syndrome, despite the tail never being biologically present, is akin to feeling bereft of a missing limb or testicle. Putting the tail back on makes the discomfort disappear.

Fursuits might be considered a replacement for a furry body that none of us will ever have or ever experience. Even though our furry selves are entirely imaginary, they still inform our identity and our social interactions. Fursuiting is therapy for furries.

We humans ascribe special value to those parts of our bodies that are social: we care about the presentation of our faces, our hands, our genitalia. These elements of our biology are more important to our identities, and we accordingly place less importance on other parts of our bodies—the soles of our feet; our necks. Knausgaard sees the disparity between how we look and how we see ourselves as a relationship between identity and culture, in that our social interactions with the outside world inform how we see ourselves.

This is undoubtedly an artefact of our biological heritage. From an evolutionary point of view, we have succeeded as a species partly due to our social nature. We have a survival imperative to be social creatures, and our requirement for complex social interaction is one of the reasons we have unusually large brains.

As a species, our social nature requires our biological selves and how we think of ourselves—our identities—to be different. The biology is real, but the identity is real too. They are both valid descriptions of who we are, yet biology and identity are separate and distinct from each other.

As Knausgaard describes it, blood trickles through capillaries in the brain just beyond the thoughts. But the thoughts, on closer inspection, are just electrical and chemical reactions in a sponge-like object. Biology creates identity, but identity is not biology. Our biology makes up part of our identity, but so do inanimate objects like prosthetic testicles and fursuits, and purely imaginary things like fursonas.

And there are elements of our biology that do not inform identity at all. Knausgaard identifies the back of the neck as one such element: he sees it as non-individual, non-relational, biological, whole, and authentic. The neck is like the person inside the fursuit: critical to the working of the human body, but otherwise impersonal and non-individual, a biological person that has transmogrified into a biological machine.

Our furry selves, imaginary as they are, are very real. When fursuiting we make them tangible, and we relegate our human selves to mere, authentic, biology. We do this online as well, writing and communicating as our furry selves, just as I—JM the furry horse—am doing right now.

If anyone ever says to you that there is something wrong or inauthentic about juggling multiple identities, or thinking of one’s self as an anthropomorphic character, then you can tell them this: bullshit. There is a difference between identity and biology, and everyone has their own version. Our furry selves are simply more interesting, more creative, and more awesome.

Say that a horse told you so.

- The Other Side of the Face, by Karl Ove Knausgaard, Paris Review, 28 May 2014
- with thanks to Branston for the conversations about fursuiting

No Heights for Me!

Furry Reddit - Mon 8 Sep 2014 - 12:46
Categories: News

The Elephant’s Garden

Furry.Today - Mon 8 Sep 2014 - 12:00


Categories: Videos

Leaving my comfort zone!

Furry Reddit - Mon 8 Sep 2014 - 11:47

I have been in this fandom for quite a while now and have always been to afraid of the internet to ever talk to people and make friends. I want more fiends with a similar interest so I came here. I have decided that I need to leave my comfort zone and meet new people! I'm usually incapable of saying anything on the internet out of fear of other people but I decided to throw caution to the wind and put myself out there! (I'm gonna regret this so damn hard later)

So yeah talk to me and maybe hopefully I won't over analyze it as we can be furry friends forever! (something I'm lacking in)

submitted by Huskysenpai
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Categories: News

Starting Frolic: San Francisco’s Frolic party – interview with Neonbunny part 2

Dogpatch Press - Mon 8 Sep 2014 - 11:15
Neonbunny is founding DJ and promoter of Frolic. The 90 minute interview has 4 parts, with one a week posting this month. 2) Starting Frolic – Throwing parties, finding other furries.   Intro: The most furry place in the universe?   Part 1)  Counterculture to Furry – Neon’s background in the SF Bay Area. Coming soon: Part 3)  The […]
Categories: News

Bi Furry from Mexico Likes a Guy Who Is Afraid of His Own Sexuality

Furry News Network - Mon 8 Sep 2014 - 07:56
Author: Hey Papabear… er… well first of all, I’m bi, and I have this friend let’s call him E one day in a gathering with some friends after he came back from a trip I gave him oral sex … more than once (I’m trying not to be detailed, I promise) and we’ve done it […]
Categories: News

Good free SFW furry games?

Furry Reddit - Mon 8 Sep 2014 - 05:23

Looking for 3ds/pc games. Browser or download is fine.

Edit:fixed mistake because I'm tired and stuff and need sleep and feel like being anecdotal in my explanations.

Edit2: I already have Dust, New Leaf, and Starfox so you guys really don't need to suggest them.

submitted by Terwin94
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Categories: News

Who is your favorite (Relatively) unknown artist?

Furry Reddit - Mon 8 Sep 2014 - 02:56

Title says it all. Post your favorite artists that are not well know or do not get the recognition they deserve!

submitted by ZabRabbit
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Categories: News

[NSFW] Screwed up bad, need some advice.

Furry Reddit - Mon 8 Sep 2014 - 01:41

Let me start by saying I am completely unsure about my sexuality, nor do I want to think about my sexuality. I just don't care enough to pin a label on myself, along with not knowing what to label myself as. I should also note that my parents are totally cool with "buffing the banana." Not sure about homosexuality, as we've never discussed anything about it. My parents also don't know anything about my furry thing.

I just got a new projector for my room. Love it. Horny me somehow thought is was a good idea to view a gay adult furry comic on it. Here is a highly professional drawing of the setup.

So as i'm doing my business on my bed with my laptop at my side and the comic on the projector, I hear a knock at the door.


Without thinking I sprint to my bathroom leaving the screen on. My mother opens the door. Why didn't I just tell her not to come in? I don't know, i'm an idiot.

"Kaedo? wheres the dog?" "Please leave" "the dog?" "I DON'T KNOW. PLEASE LEAVE" Mom starts to look at the screen. "PLEASE LEAVE. PLEASE LEAVE. PLEASE LEAVE!!!

So she of course didn't leave without a good look at the screen.


I don't remember exactly what was on the screen at the time, but i do know there was a dick. Or dicks. I don't know. The comic was black and white. One of the characters looked like a girl. Maybe. I hope.

I then get this text message 10 minutes later from my father.

"Is everything under control up there?"

I reply with "Ugh tell mom to listen to me when I ask her to leave"

He replies with "Lol"

I have no idea how much she saw, or if she even knew what she saw. I don't know if she thinks i'm gay or just really kinky.

Should I do something about this or should I pretend it never happened? Even if i ever decided on a sexuality other that straight, I would never tell anyone until anything serious, like a relationship happened.

*cries *

Edit: Thanks everyone for the advice. You guys really helped me calm down. Fortunately, my mother and my sister at going to Vancouver for a few days, so it gives gives her, and more importantly myself, some time to forget about it. My dad hasn't brought anything up about it yet, so I bet he's just going to ignore it as well.

submitted by -Kaedo-
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Categories: News

Doing free arts to practice and learn how to draw.

Furry Reddit - Sun 7 Sep 2014 - 23:13

Like I said, I'm still learning but I would like to do some for you guys and gals rather than practice off of my own ideas.

Still learning so please be gentle.

Only have 2 things right now, one in gallery and a new sketch in scraps.

My FA-

direct link to Gallery and Scraps

Goodnight for now, will check again when I get home tomorrow.

submitted by AMAandAnswerMe
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Categories: News

this counts, right?

Furry Reddit - Sun 7 Sep 2014 - 22:33
Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Sun 7 Sep 2014 - 21:49

I like to put lube on my torso, and slide around like a penguin.

submitted by wulvsbayne269
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Categories: News