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四月新番介紹——《Brand New Animal》、《異獸魔都》、《織田肉桂信長》

Fur Times - 獸時報 - Thu 19 Mar 2020 - 07:04

  日前在美國加州洛杉磯舉辦的Anime Expo 19上,日本動畫工作室「Trigger(株式会社トリガー)」正式發表了由吉成曜監製,中島かずき編劇的全新動畫《Brand New Animal》(BNA),並預計於今年四月正式上映。



圖/ BNA官方推特


  除了《BNA》之外,另一部最近由漫畫動畫化的新番——《異獸魔都(ドロヘドロ)》——也在今年(2020)一月時正式上映。《異獸魔都》原作由林田球所繪,故事圍繞著分別以普通人與魔法師為主所構成的兩個世界,普通人與魔法師相互仇視著對方。 故事的主角開曼(カイマン)原本是個普通人,但某天卻因魔法而不幸變成了一位蜥蜴人,並失去了所有的記憶。為了拾回自己原本的記憶和長相,開曼便與其好友二階堂(ニカイドウ)一同踏上了狩獵魔法師的道路。




圖/ 織田シナモン信長官方推特


  《織田肉桂信長》於2014年時開始連載於《月刊漫畫Zenon》上,並於2019年出版第六卷後正式宣告動畫化,由株式會社St.Signpost製作,並由高橋英俊擔任導演、經冢丸雄擔任編劇,在2020年一月時正式播出。 各位喜歡獸文化相關作品的朋友們,可千萬別錯過了這三部新作唷!

Categories: News


Fur Times - 獸時報 - Wed 18 Mar 2020 - 23:47

   在前日3/17號,美國知名的獸展FWA(Furry Weekend Atlanta)正式對外宣布了活動取消的消息。因為現時新型冠狀肺炎/COVID-19疫情的影響,今年度取消的大型獸展名單又多了一位。

      疫情延燒,2020年度上半年的大型獸聚會都面臨考驗,本月預期要在加拿大舉行的FE(Furnal Equinox)也取消,另外泰國的Thaitails則是暫時宣布延期到8月。多數獸展官方們也都在3月陸續發布今年活動的聲明與受疫情影響於否。

       這是首次FWA取消今年活動,對於在美國獸圈有歷史與高名氣的FWA,在官方正式宣布活動取消後,令多數的獸迷和參與者不捨。不過同時獸迷們也表達了對於官方的肯定與樂觀, 今年受邀的 Marc Knelsen 轉推官方的推文表示 『雖然這次FWA辦不成了,但是安全第一,希望我們能快點恢復到以往的狀態。』;而去年的嘉賓Caraid也在推文底下為官方和眾獸們祈福打氣,體諒今年主辦單位所面臨的難關以及讚許。




Categories: News

Conventions Cancelled By Corona Contagion — On March 20-22, Log On For KeepCalmCon

Dogpatch Press - Wed 18 Mar 2020 - 10:00

Welcome to Arrkay from Culturally F’d. See their tag for more.

Furry con status updates via

Cancelled: Furnal Equinox (Canada), Gateway Furmeet (Missouri), FurDu (Australia), Furry Weekend Atlanta (Georgia).

Postponed: Biggest Little Fur Con (Nevada), Otterdance (Netherlands), Golden State Fur Con (California), Fauntastic (France), Thaitails (Thailand).


Conventions the world over are cancelling or postponing in every fandom. The COVID-19 (Corona virus) preparation has many in isolation the world over. Travel is becoming more restricted between countries, and preppers are bulk-buying all the toilet paper. These quarantines and lock downs being so wide spread, it’s actually kind of an impressive feat of social engineering that hasn’t caused this much panic since Y2K. The purpose of isolation is to take the place of herd immunity that doesn’t exist for a new virus. Yes, healthy young furs probably won’t get very sick if they catch it, but these proactive measures are to protect the more vulnerable, elderly, and immune-compromised. It’s drastic, but the virus would spread alarmingly fast if we continued attending concerts and conventions.

You can help these conventions by:

  1. Donating your registration to the organization
  2. Sharing the information, store fronts, and art streams of artists and dealers affected by closures and postponements
  3. Donate to the charity of the event
  4. Be patient with event organizers, venue and hotel staff, and workers who cannot take the time off to self-isolate.

Social Distancing Does Not Mean Anti-Social! Get online! Get involved in your community the way furries used to, through message boards, chats, and MMO’s. Did you know FurryMUCK and furry IRC are still active? Find multi-player games that you can play remotely with your friends. Find telegram chats that cater to your unique interests. Make your own! Furries create their culture in real-time, like this…

It's been happening fast: The rise of online conventions like @KeepCalmCon, CouchCon and @CozyConOnline has been immediate in response to COVID-19. Here's what you need to know: #ArtSmarts

— @ TFF (@ArtconomyArt) March 17, 2020


When my local con, Furnal Equinox, was cancelled, a solution jumped on stage nearly as soon as it was announced. Within hours local artists rose to the occasion. Eevachu and Nicnak began organizing artists, dealers, panelists and DJ’s to create a networked, virtual convention. The idea is to make up for lost funds from cancellations and raise money for both Furnal Equinox, a non-profit seeing a huge loss this year, and the con charity, Hobbitstee Wildlife Refuge.

MARCH 20-22: KEEP CALM AND CARRY CON #KeepCalmCon #FurnalIsolation

Most up to date information on Eevachu’s website. The full schedule will be updated using Furnal Equinoxes account.

Arrkay: Who’s all presenting?

Eevachu: We reached out to Furnal Equinox dealers primarily, but on the schedule, we basically have anyone who can stream.

A: Is it too late to get involved with a stream?

E: We technically closed out submissions to give us time to process everyone, but if people from Furnal Equinox ask nicely, we can accept more streams.

A: How can regular furries help?

E: Attend! Spend money on commissions and online stores! Tip dealers through Pay Pal and Ko-Fi! RT and share streams and Keep Calm Con in general!

A: What got you involved so quickly?

E: I had just gotten back from VancouFUR and had been watching news of cancellations of other conventions roll in, so I’d sort of seen the writing on the wall. By the time Toronto Comic Con cancelled I’d had the idea to do a small selection of artist streams, since I knew a lot of locals that streamed already. When Furnal Equinox cancelled, I was facing losing a lot of money and knew others would too, so I sprung into action with Nicnak.

A: Any advice for furs who’s events were cancelled, thinking of starting their own Virtual Con?

E: Start planning more than a week before. Haha. Feel free to contact Keep Calm Con, we have the framework to run an event like this now, so we’ll definitely be looking into future events. Having convention staff supporting us has been invaluable, get in contact with your intended event’s staff, they’ve got unexpected sunk-cost resources they might lend.

A: Is there anything you want to share with the greater furry community?

E: Wash your paws. Stay home if you can. Look out for elderly and immunocompromised in your life and directly in your neighborhood. Vote for policy makers that care about you and won’t defund the social safety nets we need right now. Take only what you need (in regards to everything, not just toilet paper). Consider investing in a bidet.

Big hugs to Eevachu and Nicnak for pulling this together! Check out my own contribution to #KeepCalmCon where me and a friend make a fursuit from scraps in my basement version of The Great Fursuit Make Off:

Like the article? These take hard work. For more free furry news, please follow on Twitter or support not-for-profit Dogpatch Press on PatreonWant to get involved? Share news on these subreddits: r/furrydiscuss for anything — or r/waginheaven for the best of the community. Or send guest writing here.

Categories: News

Justice Beaver

In-Fur-Nation - Tue 17 Mar 2020 - 23:46

More in the “How did we miss this?” parade! Mr. Beaver is a new full-color action-adventure comic inspired by 80’s and 90’s cartoons. “The latest Action Lab: Danger Zone title to burst onto the scene is Mr. Beaver! Imagine the Dark Knight, but instead of the caped crusader taking on the dark underbelly, a special agent, Mr. Beaver, is called upon as the crime levels hit an all time high. A beaver in a man’s world, he has a secret agenda that he’ll try to accomplish using his numerous skills and secret techniques. With an insatiable hunger for justice and empanadas, Mr. Beaver is begrudgingly paired up with a junior detective in order to take down the criminal organization known as ‘The Twelve’.” Written and illustrated by Pablo Verdugo Muñoz, there are several issues on the shelves already. Check out the preview from Action Lab too.

image c. 2020 Action Lab

Categories: News

Good news! Doggos won’t make you vom-o — and more to know about a zoonotic pandemic.

Dogpatch Press - Tue 17 Mar 2020 - 09:48

Need something wholesome for a time like this?  Investigation found no reason to fear that people might catch COVID-19 from dogs. That’s good for me and my chihuahua child. No more worry about going “aww” for little sneezes!

The winner? America.

— BlueStreak (@BlueStreak_98) January 9, 2019

9 Adorable Puppy Sneezes

The World Health Organization (WHO) announced that dogs cannot get Covid-19. Dogs can be released from quarantine. I guess you could say that "WHO let the dogs out"

— Sam Geraci (@AmFamSamGeraci) March 11, 2020

Plague Bats and Furry Vets

It’s rare for a new disease to jump from one species to another — they’re usually incompatible. But COVID-19 came from zoonotic transmission with no herd immunity or treatment. It’s NOT the common flu. The CDC info page calls it an evolving situation. Brace yourself! Learn key terms that the experts use.

Zoonotic: A virus is considered zoonotic when its origins can be traced to animals. These diseases are known as zoonoses, meaning they are naturally transmissible from vertebrate animals to humans. It’s believed the virus that causes COVID-19 may have originated in bats and spread through a number of species before it was contracted by humans.

I reached out to veterinarian furries for professional comments or a message to the fandom. Zarafa Giraffe works as fill-in staff at many vet clinics. He says:

Obviously, the Covid19 pandemic, and the social distancing it requires, has been devastating to the conventions and furmeets we love so well. The good news is that as far as we know, your dogs and cats are safe, and cannot transfer infection to you. Veterinary clinics are considered essential services, and will continue to operate. Even here in the San Francisco Bay Area, which currently has the strictest social distancing requirements in the US, you’re allowed to go to your local veterinary clinic. If your dog or cat needs medical attention, contact your local veterinarian.

AHH! No groceries! Don’t panic.

Went to get groceries for Mom.

There's no produce, no meat, no dairy, no eggs.

— Uncle Kage (@Unclekage) March 16, 2020

Amma Gawd, another vet (with an elephursona) tells me:

I work for the US Department of Agriculture, Food Safety and Inspection Service. We’re the agency that oversees meat, poultry and catfish production to make sure these products are wholesome, and correctly labeled and packaged. My role is to make sure the animals are treated with the best humane methods, and the packinghouses follow the federal rules for this. People have to eat, so we’re in full operations and have to deal with staffing shortages as they come up. We’re all working to keep you fed and safe. The Coronavirus has not affected production yet, and hopefully the grocery stores can keep restocking their supplies.

Furry events responding to COVID-19

Kitties and doggies can usually play together at furry cons, but many are closing or postponing. The problem isn’t just getting sick yourself, it’s passing it to others so fast that it overwhelms medical services. Social distancing slows it down. Don’t be a spreader!

Spread of Coronavirus — Technical but brilliant table. Assuming no behavior change (social distancing), it doesn't matter where you are counting, numbers are the same, and you are just offset by time.

— Spottacus (➡ fur shelter) (@Spottacus) March 17, 2020

A dangerous response — alleged fraud by unqualified con staff.

Anthro Southeast in Tennessee had 1,004 attendees in 2019. On their staff page, Vice Chair Keanu claims he earned a Ph.D. from Covenant College. The college says it teaches based on the Bible, and it appears to have no Ph.D. program.

Public complaints asked, why was Keanu using official status with degree fraud for dangerous claims about COVID-19? He called it “blown way out of proportion” and comparable to “the last several flu seasons.”

Requests for comment from Keanu and Anthro Southeast had no response at time of publishing. Keanu’s Ph.D. claim hasn’t been retracted. The official Anthro Southeast Telegram chat (where he is admin) wouldn’t accept a followup post. Covenant College has alerted all students to disperse.

1) @AnthroSouthEast, alert about a triple disaster caused by the con vice-chair @Keanu_Red_Panda. There's public safety risk of misinforming about coronavirus, misusing authority for it, and even apparent fraud claim of pretending to be a PhD. UNREAL!! (Thanks @BarleyBorks)

— Con Staff Watch (@ConStaffWatch) March 15, 2020

@AnthroSouthEast I'm preparing a news story about coronavirus and furry cons, and received tips about your site sharing apparent fraud claims of Ph.D. credentials from @Keanu_Red_Panda used for dangerous health advice. Could you please help explain what's going on?

— Dogpatch Press (@DogpatchPress) March 17, 2020

Artists and freelancers cope with income instability.

Cons must plan to postpone hotel booking or how to feasibly break contract. Few may be insured for this and bankruptcy is a growing concern. It impacts dealers and artists too. “Virtual cons” and benefits are in the works. Have any tips for how to help?

A list for freelance artists facing the impact of a pandemic.

— Dogpatch Press (@DogpatchPress) March 16, 2020

More to learn about COVID-19 and zoonotic viruses.

Like the article? These take hard work. For more free furry news, please follow on Twitter or support not-for-profit Dogpatch Press on PatreonWant to get involved? Share news on these subreddits: r/furrydiscuss for anything — or r/waginheaven for the best of the community. Or send guest writing here.

Categories: News

Oh, the Gryphons and the Wyverns Should Be Friends…

In-Fur-Nation - Sun 15 Mar 2020 - 00:04

It goes without saying perhaps: One of the “casualties” of conventions and conferences being canceled or postponed left and right is vendors who had made big plans to sell product at those events. Here’s one — John Bailey has a new novel out, the first in his Feathers & Flames series, called Dire. “Euraiya is a lazy gryphon, content to let her traps hunt for her. Roving thieves and bullish curs are her only concerns. But after she fails to save her home from a far greater threat, her world erupts into flames. Broken and half dead, she must claw her way to find a place within a new pride that’s poised to exile her with one wrong move. Forced to prove her worth, her warnings are silenced. But with the leaders distracted and a rogue lord poised to take advantage of any weakness, Euraiya must confront them and herself before it’s too late. Can Euraiya save what’s left of her future before the fires rain down again? Dire is the first novel in a new creature fiction fantasy series that pits gryphons against wyverns in a battle for land and survival.” The author was all set to make a book-signing tour of various furry conventions, but now that’s not happening. Find the book over at Amazon, and see if you can help out a creative writer!

image c. 2020 Mythic House

Categories: News

Surprisestream! - Wastin' Away Again In Coronaville - for all things Drag…

The Dragget Show - Sat 14 Mar 2020 - 14:21 for all things Dragget Show -- support us on Patreon! -- all of our audio podcasts at @the-dragget-show You can also find us on iTunes & wherever you find podcasts! Dragget Show telegram chat: Surprisestream! - Wastin' Away Again In Coronaville - for all things Drag…
Categories: Podcasts

Little Dragons to the Rescue

In-Fur-Nation - Sat 14 Mar 2020 - 00:33

Remember Dragons Rescue Riders from Dreamworks (which we talked about before)? Well Animation Scoop just let us know about a new 45-minute special on Netflix called Dragons Rescue Riders: Hunt For The Golden Dragon. It’s coming your way on March 27th. “Dak, Leyla, and the Rescue Riders crew brace for their newest adventure when greedy pirates get their hands on a map leading to a precious Golden Dragon’s nest. The young Rescue Riders must race against time to beat the pirates and save the dragon’s egg! Expanding the world of DreamWoks Dragons, the special is executive produced by Emmy-Award winner Jack Thomas (Regular Show, DreamWorks Dragons: Race to the Edge) and co-executive produced by Brian Roberts (DreamWorks VeggieTales). Check out the video preview on YouTube, and look for the special later this month.

image c. 2020 Dreamworks

Categories: News

Long Way Home, by Gre7g Luterman

Furry Book Review - Fri 13 Mar 2020 - 02:13
Long Way Home is Gre7g Luterman’s 5th adventure written in the Hayven Celestia Universe. It’s also his first Hayven Celestia book with an erotic focus. Here’s your big warning that this review discusses adult content only suitable for those 18 and older!With that out of the way, this story follows Jungo, a geroo on the cusp of adulthood still battling with raging hormones who has decided to leave his family farm to take a tour out in space. What looks to be only a two-year adventure quickly turns out to be a 10-year stint. After some shenanigans involving a pirate crew, the trip keeps becoming longer and longer. Despite this book being erotica, Gre7g has once again created a story clearly worth following. All ‘reading it for the plot’ jokes aside, this is truly a great piece of fiction all on its own which expands the Hayven Celestia universe in an interesting way. I wasn’t quite sure if it contained spoilers from Rick Griffin’s stories after Traitors, Thieves and Liars (Finals Days of the White Flower II) as Gre7g does have a mention at the beginning of the book that some canon things may be different between them as they write but just in case the far off ending for that series might have been alluded to in these pages.So does the book keep things hot and spicy despite the well written story? The answer still remains a yes! There’s M/F scenes, M/M scenes, and certainly a big moment with group sex! Did I mention there were zero gravity scenes? Because there’s some really creative zero gravity scenes. All of these are accompanied by gorgeous pieces of art by H. Kyoht Luterman which bring these scenes to life in a wonderful way. Geroo anatomy being different from humans, it was interesting to explore something foreign yet still written in a way to make even a human like me understand why a geroo would be excited over these different parts they might be dealing with. The other species included, the ringel, are a bit more like humans and easier to follow while also having an insatiable appetite for sex. This book captured my imagination so much I read it in a single day while being very happy I could do so in the privacy of my own bedroom for what might be obvious reasons. Gre7g has once again written a phenomenal work of sci-fi, and I hope to see him continue trying his hand at more adult works in the future. I would recommend this to any fan of sci-fi, especially fans of the Hayven Celestia universe, that would enjoy something to fire up their naughtier side.
Categories: News

Unearthing a cool fossil — A 1980’s letter shows furry fandom before the net.

Dogpatch Press - Thu 12 Mar 2020 - 09:55

Ursa Major Awards voting is open through March, vote now for the best creators.

News tips from non-furries are often worthy. They won’t suck you into fandom-gossip, and they’re more likely to use the Dogpatch Press Facebook page than Telegram or Twitter. That’s how I heard from a New Jersey estate liquidator (someone contracted to sell off goods when someone dies or can’t do it themselves). They had binders of furry art, and I had experience in brokerage (my other fursona is a pack rat.) Was there worth in them?

They didn’t smell like money, but I knew they might have at least curiosity value for a handful of sources like, so I broadcast it and tagged them.

I see dates 1985-1999. I wonder if any of these are unavailable or are they photocopies of nothing too uncommon? @Skiltaire_Party @Bengaley @CulturallyFd

— Dogpatch Press (@DogpatchPress) February 13, 2020

Indeed it was just sentimental-value stuff — not even original art, just photocopies — but Jerry Collins tied this to old guard furry fandom. I thought about how scrapbooks of gay culture from pre-1960’s had high curatorial value, and was reminded of a contact with an archive for 8mm home movies that were picked up this way and sometimes licensed for documentaries. I smelled news!

I asked about reaching the family to find out more about the collector, or make sure it was OK to share:

The house had Manga stuff and role play games. Owner was in his 50’s. Unfortunately the estate was handled by an attorney who had no personal knowledge. I do not see any issue with sharing the binder contents. Enjoy.

We arranged mailing to Summercat (news writer, furry historian, and curator of the Furry Library), who received four huge binders. There were copies of parts of 1980’s zines someone liked and kept. A binder of misc anime stuff, a binder of (colloquial) furry anime stuff, and a binder each that looked like a collection of work from artists Jerry Collins and Juan Alfonso. Among the photocopies, there was a hand written artifact.

Chat with the Furluminati of furry news:

A Jerry Collins page courtesy of Summercat.

Summercat: I found this letter circa 1988 and it’s amusing. I was given permission to share this publically. Publicly. I don’t know why I keep adding the extra “al”.

Dralen: Pubically.

Summercat: No need to get crotchety with me.

Dralen: But I love crochet!

Summercat: Yeah but you keep needling us.

Dralen: Just trying to inject a little humor.

Changa Lion: Who is that letter addressed to?

Summercat: The person these came from. Whomever it is, I think they’re deceased.

Patch: This is original fandom ephemera? Got ID for the 2 people?

Summercat: The letter is signed J. Alfonso (I’m talking to him on Twitter). Person who received the letter is… unknown. I did ask Juan if he would be able to remember.

Changa Lion: I do wonder if it is somebody we knew at Confurence.

Patch: This letter is a story itself. It was before most people used email and tweeting, when there was already a full fledged fandom. 1988 furry stuff not on the net = like finding a cool fossil to the kids.

The letter

Hi Kevin!

Thanks for the letter! I’m well and in excellent spirits, I hope you are too! I’m glad the Furry Party was a success! And I’m sorry I’ve never met Noel Tominack, I’ve heard a lot about him (none of it true I hope!)

I work for the post office, so I usually see the letters ASAP – your must have wended its way to another world, I bet! Occasionally it happens, some folk also write my address as “1141” or mistype my zip as 33168. But then you would have got it back “No Such Number.”

Having only heard of it second-hand, I mistook it for prudishness or worse that the bondage scene was “panned”; goes to show you what the real article does. I think you were definitely not prudish! I do tend to go overboard sometimes for some, heck, there are people who think me a demon or worse!! For my drawings, THE thing to realize is, these are FUNNY-ANIMALS, Do Not Take It SERIOUSLY!! Like a Toon in a cartoon, it is a separate ‘reality’. I tend to equate sometimes ‘cuteness’ with ‘sexiness’ — which makes watching those sweet, cute-to-the-max critters on animated cartoons an inspiration. Unfortunately, they’re so restrained by their kiddie format it makes me want to dress ’em up in leather, and then… well, you saw the end result! I’m definitely not offended by your comment.

So it was you! I met at the Furry party! My apologies, I thought it was Rune I met in SD — or was he there too? So many people! By the way “Huihui Lotl” is a dove (and a loose woman in slang) in Nahuatl (Mexican Indian Language). The Sambar in our own Metrozoo was the inspiration — and very nice, friendly doe she was, too! She licked my glasses off! Gottem a bit dirty. I’m glad you like the Wabbit party, but I don’t think I will send pencils again — they xerox badly.

Roxy Squirrel’s tunic wouldn’t be difficult, but how would it hold up in flight? I think the dragons also didn’t have skin down to the feet — such as Roxy. Maybe a small pinching of the skin (like an earring post hole) to hold it? Of course, when she wants cover, she also does this.

The Petroglyphs were from Bishop Landa’s simplified alphabet of Maya symbols – and the message is in spanish.

I’m glad you enjoy my drawings, here’s some more!

Your friend,
J. Alfonso

Casual comic/animation style thumbnails.

I think this is about sci-fi con furry parties (before the first ConFurence) and a San Diego location, and how some of Juan‘s art was seen by judgy fans who “looked on furries attending their cons as both intruding and beneath contempt. This view did not improve when the earliest examples of sexualized furry art and stories started to appear at the scene.” Thanks to Summercat for images and handwriting transcription.

Like the article? These take hard work. For more free furry news, please follow on Twitter or support not-for-profit Dogpatch Press on PatreonWant to get involved? Share news on these subreddits: r/furrydiscuss for anything — or r/waginheaven for the best of the community. Or send guest writing here.

Categories: News

Awww… One Not-Scary Little Monster

In-Fur-Nation - Thu 12 Mar 2020 - 01:49

The Adorable Beastling is a new full-color graphic novel, written and illustrated by Jonathan Rosenberg. “The Ugly Duckling but in reverse. Beastlings are fierce and scare for food, but this young group of Beastlings have an oddball who just can’t scare. She was too cute to scare anything. We wonder if she’ll survive. Just like the original fable, this story is about being yourself and being ok with it.” This softcover one-shot is available now from Action Lab.

image c. 2020 Action Lab

Categories: News

A Fat Cat You Can Get Behind

In-Fur-Nation - Wed 11 Mar 2020 - 01:14

Younger fur fans might not remember What’s Michael? the manga or the successful anime series that followed it — but over the years we’ve talked a LOT about Makoto Kobayashi’s creation: A somewhat lazy pet cat with a very active imagination. Well now the original manga return in a new black & white collection from Dark Horse Press. “True-to-life daily cat scenarios and off-the-wall crazy feline fantasies combine in this epic manga collection! Makoto Kobayashi’s hilarious series returns in a set of oversized collections, starting with our first Fatcat Collection!” Volume 1 is available now — and at more than 500 pages, even the book is fat!

image c. 2020 Dark Horse Press

Categories: News

Third arrest tied to Furry Raiders and Foxler/ Lee Miller.

Dogpatch Press - Tue 10 Mar 2020 - 09:54

Lee Miller, a Colorado furry fan and internet troll who goes by Foxler, is heading to trial for child sex offenses. His April 2019 arrest followed years of allegations of grooming and “neo-nazi-cult-like” activity in his group the Furry Raiders. Miller’s trial is set for May 26, 2020.

In February 2020, the investigation brought new charges for Miller. This followed a December 2019 arrest for his associate Jacob Kovar (known as Sneps or Flare). Kovar was a Furry Raiders admin with a felony record. He got arrested for alleged witness tampering in Miller’s case that was uncovered by Dogpatch Press. Kovar hid that activity as “Dodger”, Head of Security at a Wyoming furry convention that dropped him when the “batshit story” came out.

The Daily Beast has their finger on the pulse.

Third arrest on 3/6/2020

A new arrest puts a third name on public record. (Other source.) It’s a 23 year old man charged with “16-19-103 DENVER: TAMP W. EVID”.

It’s the same charge that Kovar was arrested for around 12/11/2019.  Indictment info hasn’t come in yet, and it doesn’t come with history like Miller and Kovar’s, and this person could have been manipulated to make mistakes, so details will be short. It does tie him to the Furry Raiders and a relationship with Kovar.

The man’s LinkedIn and Facebook pages place him at the University of Colorado Boulder, where he’s published as the author of a linguistics research paper: Furry Culture and an ‘Endearing’ Register. His full paper has a Google Doc that makes an interesting read. A Reddit profile ties it together.

He has furry accounts on Deviantart, Weasyl, Furaffinity, and Twitter. They show Kovar is his boyfriend and used fursona art he made. His Telegram account ties with his bio, and he joined the Furry Raiders just 5 days before Kovar was arrested in December. That doesn’t show much participation or being a habitual criminal or troll, and someone who wrote about personal issues could have been misled. If true, the friendliness of furry fandom could help him get out and help bring Miller to justice.

There’s more that isn’t public. Have more info? Private tips are very helpful so please get in touch to share with protection.

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Categories: News

The Ceremonial Armor of the Impostor, by Gregory Kimbrell

Furry Book Review - Mon 9 Mar 2020 - 15:02
Sometimes, Furry Book Review tackles what I often call "furry-adjacent literature." The book may not be directed specifically at the furry fandom as a market, but it might still appeal to furries. That is the case with Gregory Kimbrell's short book, The Ceremonial Armor of the Impostor. As the back-cover blurb states, this book is a combination of two sequences of long narrative poems, set respectively in the 16th century, focusing on the mercenary Sous-Terrain, and the 19th century, focusing on an aristocrat hunting down a lion furry.Largely, the work is Gothic surrealist, and its slow yet evocative style proves that. Sous-Terrain's narrative is a lot slower than the aristocrat's, and it felt a lot more cosmological. I found myself struggling to keep up with his plight, and I found myself struggling to care, too. Not much work is put into setting the scene, and the character stays an enigma throughout the book.The aristocrat's narrative however was a lot more involved and had a greater awareness of plot. Not just because of the sexy lion furry but also because of the first-person perspective of the piece and the attention to setting details. I really enjoyed that narrative all on its own. I had a much clearer goal in mind, and I found myself consistently more invested in his story than Sous-Terrain's.I probably would not recommend this book to the average furry. But if you love Gothic lit, this book is definitely up your alley. I ain't lion.
Categories: News

Episode 30: "Psychology" (2020-03-09)

Size Matters - Mon 9 Mar 2020 - 07:00
What's going on in your head? What makes your brain tick, and what do you like about macro and micro? What gets your attention and why? We're talking about the psychology of size. Episode 30: "Psychology" (2020-03-09)
Categories: Podcasts

The Witch and the Wolf

In-Fur-Nation - Mon 9 Mar 2020 - 01:17

More unusual relationships, but now there’s magic in the mix in Mooncakes, a new full-color graphic novel. “Nova Huang is still young, but she’s one of the most powerful witches in New England. She spends her days working in her grandmothers’ spell book shop and her nights hunting down the supernatural. Tam Lang, a genderqueer werewolf, was Nova’s childhood crush. Tam has been wandering from place to place for years until the one fateful night they find themselves back in their hometown… battling a giant horse demon in the woods. Tam turns to Nova for help, and their latent feelings are rekindled against the backdrop of witchcraft, untested magic, occult rituals, and family ties both new and old in this enchanting tale of self-discovery.” Written by Suzanne Walker and illustrated by Wendy Xu, Mooncakes is available now from Lion Forge.

image c. 2020 Lion Forge

Categories: News

I Like Him, But…

In-Fur-Nation - Sun 8 Mar 2020 - 02:55

Okay, so how about monkey and cat this time? That’s the idea of The Lonesome Era, Jon Allen’s new black & white graphic novel from Iron Circus. “Camden is a cat. Camden is also crushing hard on his best buddy and all-around terrible influence, Jeremiah. Young, bored, and trapped in their slowly decomposing Rust Belt town, Camden tamps down his burgeoning feelings for the local ne’er-do-well and allows himself to be dragged along with every awful idea, every hair-brained plan, and every threat to life and limb Jeremiah can come up with. As the dangers of Camden’s risk-taking mount, an even more terrifying confrontation with who he is and what he truly wants looms ever closer. How much longer can this go on?” You’ll find out! Check out this extensive preview too.

image c. 2020 Iron Circus Comics

Categories: News