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Where is the love? (reponse to selfpost about social inept furs)

Furry Reddit - Thu 11 Sep 2014 - 12:33

Where did all that acceptance go? Seeing some of the responses to this thread makes me sick to my very core. It makes me want to leave the community part of the fandom, and hide in my own corner again, like I've done for these past 10 years.

You see, not all of us people with social anxiety and "full blown aspergers"* are the horrible people who know no boundaries, are like 'so awkward' and all the other stereotypes you can think of

No, a lot of us are actually horribly self aware. To the point where some of us develop Social Anxiety (the fear of being judged. Isn't that a nice combination?) We will lie awake in bed thinking about the horrible things we said three years ago let alone what we said that weekend. Some of us don't even dare to leave the house.

Most of us try really hard each day. Information comes in unfiltered for us. Things we hear, see, feel, taste, and smell come in all at the same time for us. Sorry if we are distracted because of that. Sorry if we don't notice your social cues. But instead of being all angry about it, can't you be helpful and understanding? I bet that you can just friendly let us know we are being inappropriate when we are.

I find it incredibly ironic that generally I can expect more empathy/sympathy from the autistic people who are not supposed to have it than from the 'normal people'.

I am sorry to those who are accepting, I just needed to get this off my chest because it was starting to eat at me. I know I am not the only one. It is likely that I am the only one speaking up though. I am also aware of the assholes and the type that doesn't shower. But not all of us are like that, and you need to realise that.

Now, I have no hate towards you, so why do you guys seem so hostile towards us social inept people?

* FYI, full blown aspergers is the wrong term here. Asperger's is a mild form of autism, most of the time you won't even notice that someone is suffering from this form of autism. You likely mean "full blown autism", but not even that because those people will likely not even dare to go to conventions, and will not be able to look at you, let alone speak.

It is very likely you just mean assholes who don't care about boundaries..

TLDR: Not all social inept people are assholes. We try really hard youknow. Support and understanding could help a lot, instead of shaming us. Just be friendly and point out mistakes. It would help us a lot

Mental issues do not define a person.

So, in the same fashion as the other thread; any shy, socially awkward furs want to make friends? :) We can start a skype group full of acceptance and understanding :D

Edit: I am going to sleep =_= too sleepy to respond right now. Thanks for the responses peeps, thanks :D

submitted by Espurra
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Furry.Today - Thu 11 Sep 2014 - 12:00

Zebra! Watch out for that tree!

Categories: Videos

My friend made a cute adoptable

Furry Reddit - Thu 11 Sep 2014 - 11:38
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WIP of my boyfriend and I

Furry Reddit - Thu 11 Sep 2014 - 08:22
Categories: News

Terrabad $4 commissions

Furry Reddit - Thu 11 Sep 2014 - 06:02

Evening, lovelies.

Ever wanted to be immortalised in ink? Now's your chance. For just $4 you can have your own classy terrible fursona sketch.

Run up in simple black and white on an A4 page, your image will be drawn, scanned and uploaded to FA for you and your friends to bask in it's glory. No gritty backgrounds, no strange edges, just poorly drawn black and white lines and they can be all YOURS as you sleep well at night knowing that you're helping me put my old graphics card out of it's misery.

With a super quick turnover time, you won't be left waiting for weeks, wondering what your money has bought you. Unless you're in some kind of strange time cycle, in which case I already finished your work last year. Go check it out.

Want to see what you'll get? Go over and have a sticky beak at THIS and THIS and maybe THIS or even THIS and then drop me a message!

Payment is via Paypal, reference can be in either writing or as a reference sheet. For an additional fee (postage) the original drawing can be sent directly to you for you to hang and admire all the way from Australia, to give to your grandmother or to use as a ground sheet for your rodent's cage.

See what past clients have to say:

"I love it! I really do, It's as fun and silly as I am o3o^ "

"I have had kidney stones, so my commission was not the most painful experience of my life."

"All the elitism of premier-priced art, but with none of the unnecessary talent or creativity."

"I absolutely will not provide you with a quote or review."

submitted by Omnomnomnissiah
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Categories: News

Art Inspiration - Artists: What inspires you? Consumers: Have you ever felt inspired or awed by art? It comes in many forms. In this riveting episode, the WagzTail crew discusses what gets us interested in drawing, music-making, or writing,

WagzTail - Thu 11 Sep 2014 - 06:00

Artists: What inspires you? Consumers: Have you ever felt inspired or awed by art? It comes in many forms. In this riveting episode, the WagzTail crew discusses what gets us interested in drawing, music-making, or writing, and we talk a little about our creative origins.

Metadata and Credits WagzTail Season 3 Episode 36

Runtime: 30m

Cast: Kail, Levi, Wolfin

Editor: Levi

Format: 128kbps ABR split-stereo MP3 Copyright: © 2014 Some Rights Reserved. This podcast is released by as CC BY-ND 3.0. If distributed with a facility that has an existing agreement in place with a Professional Rights Organisation (PRO), file a cue sheet for 30:00 to Fabien Renoult (BMI) 1.67%, Josquin des Pres (BMI) 1.67%, 96.67%. Rights have been acquired to all content for national and international broadcast and web release with no royalties due.

Podcast image belongs to John Nyberg ( Used with permission. Art Inspiration - Artists: What inspires you? Consumers: Have you ever felt inspired or awed by art? It comes in many forms. In this riveting episode, the WagzTail crew discusses what gets us interested in drawing, music-making, or writing,

Categories: Podcasts

Art Inspiration - Artists: What inspires you? Consumers: Have you ever felt inspired or awed by art? It comes in many forms. In this riveting episode, the WagzTail crew discusses what gets us interested in drawing, music-making, or writing,

WagzTail - Thu 11 Sep 2014 - 06:00

Artists: What inspires you? Consumers: Have you ever felt inspired or awed by art? It comes in many forms. In this riveting episode, the WagzTail crew discusses what gets us interested in drawing, music-making, or writing, and we talk a little about our creative origins.

Metadata and Credits WagzTail Season 3 Episode 36

Runtime: 30m

Cast: Kail, Levi, Wolfin

Editor: Levi

Format: 128kbps ABR split-stereo MP3 Copyright: © 2014 Some Rights Reserved. This podcast is released by as CC BY-ND 3.0. If distributed with a facility that has an existing agreement in place with a Professional Rights Organisation (PRO), file a cue sheet for 30:00 to Fabien Renoult (BMI) 1.67%, Josquin des Pres (BMI) 1.67%, 96.67%. Rights have been acquired to all content for national and international broadcast and web release with no royalties due.

Podcast image belongs to John Nyberg ( Used with permission. Art Inspiration - Artists: What inspires you? Consumers: Have you ever felt inspired or awed by art? It comes in many forms. In this riveting episode, the WagzTail crew discusses what gets us interested in drawing, music-making, or writing,

Categories: Podcasts

A new regular dance night aims to give Philly's furry community a place to get together and get down

Furries In The Media - Thu 11 Sep 2014 - 05:53

Quick: What pops into your head when somebody says “furries?”

Chances are it’s one of two things:

A) “Who? I don’t even know what that is.”

B) Some kind of scene involving people dressed in large, fuzzy animal costumes and doing things that, on the NSFW meter, range from kinda-sorta to very-very. It’s an image often followed by groans, chuckles or cheap jokes from people who are vocal about being non-furry.

For those who said A: “Furries,” generally speaking, are people who create “fursonas” — avatars of animals with human characteristics — and express them via costumes (called fur suits), art, fiction and/or role play. Dogs, wolves, foxes, bears and horses are among popular fursonas, often affixed with creative twists and personal touches. That said, a fursona is not a requirement: One can simply be a fan of anthropomorphic and zoomorphic artwork. Furry has no strict guidelines and is designed to be an inclusive and widespread community, encouraging imagination and creativity. Furries meet online and at conventions, including the annual Anthrocon in Pittsburgh which drew more than 5,000 attendees in July.

For those who said B: Furry is not mainly a sex thing. This stigma, that it’s merely a sexual fetish, has been partly responsible for the community’s difficulty gaining acceptance from the world at large.

Just ask Damon Stango, a furry and the producer of Unleashed — which he says is Philadelphia’s first bimonthly furry dance party. “That’s always the big one,” he says, chuckling, when asked about common misconceptions regarding the furry fandom. “I think what attracts people to furry has nothing to do with sex.”

For some, there is a sexual side, he says, but it can be chalked up to the Internet’s unofficial Rule 34 to fandom: If it exists, then there’s a sexual component to it.

“The fandom is definitely not sex-based,” he stresses. “It is definitely attractive to people who didn’t quite fit in, maybe in their younger years. I know personally: That’s how I felt,” Stango says. He discovered the fandom as a high school senior after researching The Lion King on the Internet. Similar to Star Trek, Doctor Who or various anime fandoms, the furry demographic is one that has no qualms with being labeled as nerdy. “I think it attracts what would be your stereotypical nerd or geek. It’s definitely for folks who have a vivid imagination.”

The fur suit, a visual key that many associate with the fandom, is not even that common within the community, according to Stango — a decent fur suit generally costs close to $1,000 — but can be a tool for the more introverted participants.

“[The fur suit] is a way to bring your character to life,” he says. “It’s a means of self-expression. I’m a big believer that the mask is a means to unveiling the person underneath.

“This population is pretty introverted. That fur suit can enable someone to express more extroverted personality traits that they always wanted to express but didn’t quite have the nerve to … before.”

Stango organized the first Unleashed in May as an easy way for Philly furries to gather and network in real life, especially if they can’t make it to Pittsburgh or Irvine, Calif., for the conventions. After two successful one-offs, Unleashed will begin in earnest as a regular event at Center City nightclub Tabu next Friday.

“It’s pretty much just a giant dance party,” Stango says. “We bring in performers, so we have people from the drag community, the burlesque community, people who want to show off their talents. We also have our DJs.” Missing from his description is the heavy petting, sexual deviance trope. These furries aren’t looking for that kind of a good time. They just want to dance.

A therapist by trade, Stango recognizes the value of alternative expression. A regular event like Unleashed can be vital for a local furry community, he says, just as any forum and source of socializing can be for a fringe group that is often misrepresented and taken for a joke. For a subculture that lives primarily on the Internet, Unleashed could mean a lot.

“My main goal would be to provide a forum for expression for folks who may not be able to travel all the way to conventions,” he says. “I just want Unleashed to be a gathering place.”

Unleashed featuring performances by PocketCub and Brenda Banks, Fri., Sept. 19, 9 p.m., $12-$15, Tabu Lounge & Sports Bar, 200 S. 12th St., 215-964-9675,

Categories: News

Coming out of the forest. How did you do it?

Furry Reddit - Thu 11 Sep 2014 - 02:29

Hello fellow furs. I'm a relatively new furry from Wellington NZ. Although I'm newish I've loved anthro animals forever. My boyfriend doesn't know about me yet and I'm wondering about the best way to tell him. did you all tell your families and significant others?

submitted by H0peyoulikeit
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Categories: News

Tom Sawyer (2000)

Furry Reddit - Thu 11 Sep 2014 - 02:26
Categories: News

Centurions of Fur and Claw

In-Fur-Nation - Thu 11 Sep 2014 - 01:47

We’ll finish up our werewolf triple-play with this one. Later this month Alterna Comics will release Empire of the Wolf issues #1 through #4 as a singe graphic novel in trade paperback. From Previews: “During the Roman conquest of Britain, a werewolf’s bite re-ignites the legendary feud between Romulus and Remus, pitting two centurions against each other in an epic war of werewolves that will decide the fate of Roman Empire itself. Empire of the Wolf is the saga that reveals the myth behind the history of ancient Rome. ” It’s written by Michael Kogge and illustrated by Dan Parsons.

image c. 2014 Alterna Comics

image c. 2014 Alterna Comics

Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Wed 10 Sep 2014 - 23:56

I'm on the search for a fur maker who can make super cute deer ears and tail in time for Halloween. If some lovely fuzzbutt out there knows someone it would be much appreciated! <3

submitted by LBuddha
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