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Furry Reddit - Mon 15 Sep 2014 - 13:03

Hey guys, I am usually a lurker round these parts. This is my first post and figured maybe you guys can give me a hand. Things are a bit rough for me, had to move back in with my mother a few years ago. Due to what I can only assume is an ethnic name, I have only gone on about 6 interviews, and landed zero jobs.

All I have here is a roof over my head and internet access. I've sold all the stuff I could a while back and need commission work something fierce to try to get back on my feet somehow. (crossing my fingers for seasonal holiday work).

I specialize in muscle stuff. I also draw humans and fantasy creatures such as orcs. Art is digital and can only accept paypal atm.

Here are my prices:

Here are some samples of my stuff.

Thanks for your time. :3

submitted by darkholmemomo
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Categories: News

The Animals

[adjective][species] - Mon 15 Sep 2014 - 13:00

Let’s start with some unusual furry roleplay.

Dear Longed-for Colt:


When a certain cat saw the enclosed full-color picture of a Dub in holiday decoration, he shed tears of sadness and longing. He misses and worries about his Old Dear so terribly.


Kitty only lives to be with his Darling Drub again. He has set April 1 as the deadline for their reunion, if that fragile feline stamina persists, and if it does, upon arrival in the stable Kitty will need massive intravenous doses of Horse Essence.


All of a kitten’s unswerving love and devotion,


It’s creative and a bit unusual, but unmistakably furry. And it is excerpted from a letter that was written in 1966.

The feline is portrait artist Don Bachardy. And Old Dub/Drub the horse is Christopher Isherwood, one the great English novelists of the 20th century. His work includes The Berlin Stories, source material for the Cabaret musical and film, which starred Liza Minnelli and won 8 Academy Awards.

Isherwood and Bachardy are paleofurs, furries who existed before the furry community.

We at [adjective][species] have our very own paleofur, author Phil Geusz, who writes for us as Rabbit. Earlier this year he wrote an important article wondering if he could add to the collection of paleofurs he had discovered hidden in history books: a number that (aside from himself) totalled two. I am very proud to be able to add to his small tally.

(Phil’s article inspired a blog dedicated to the phenomenon of furries-before-furry: Paleofurs on Tumblr.)

Bachardy and Isherwood’s animal-person roleplay is collected in a book titled The Animals: Love Letters between Christopher Isherwood and Don Bachardy. It is a memoir of sorts, less published in the hope of commercial success and more an attempt to document the history between the two. It seems to be largely marketed as a curiosity for Isherwood completists, but it makes for a superb furry conversation piece.


It is long, charting about half of the three-decade-long relationship between the two, which started in 1953 and ended with Isherwood’s death in 1986. Included with the letters are explanatory notes to keep everything in context, but otherwise the animal-themed affection and whimsy is unfettered.

The theme is startlingly similar to a lot of furry roleplay. Pet names abound, and expressions of love and lust are couched in almost entirely anthropomorphic terms. And like furry roleplay, the animal themes are largely dropped when they are exchanging factual information. The impact is charming, as the pet names allow them to explore and discover language to express their obvious love without falling into cliche. For example:

Kitty’s dear letter just arrived and made Dobbin very happy. Again and again he kissed the portrait of Kitty with his wet muzzle. It is exactly how Kitty looks when at his prayers or watching a plump juicy bird on a tree.


It does get a bit cloying: this is not a book to read in long sittings. It also makes me thankful that internet lingo was not available, otherwise these letters would be dusted with lols and ttfns and I shudder to think what else. This is not to disparage the utility of internet lingo, just that this book is saccharine enough as it is—it does not need the further whimsical and sweary touch of wtf or lmao.

The creativity on display is remarkable, and if anything Bachardy outshines his famous literary partner. In many ways it provides useful reference material for anyone looking to add an old-timey touch to furry flirting: Bachardy and Isherwood’s language has many similarities with today’s furry lingua franca, but also dozens of exciting neologisms and new turns of phrase. Consider:

Kitty pants at the thought of the return of his Only Muzzlelove and lives only to lick that salty old Hide with his rough little pinktongue and make it tingle again.


Furballs and pink catkisses, Purrpuss.


Their respective furry characters are full and fleshed out, acting as representatives of their true selves. Their human selves are reserved for the less-important real world. They are forever longing for their shared home—their basket—a retreat from the world where they can drop the human pretence and be their animal selves, together.

Their names for one another change over the years, but generally Isherwood is Dobbin, a sturdy old horse that can be relied upon to keep things steady. He is safe and friendly but prone to boredom without Bachardy’s spark. Bachardy is Kitty, an unpredictable feline, prone to bouts of excited flights of fancy, mixed with depression and borderline agoraphobia. Together, they are clearly a balanced and loving couple, each providing the other with affection but also support.

Bachardy's portrait of former California Governor Jerry Brown

Bachardy’s portrait of former California Governor Jerry Brown

The quality and longevity of their relationship is more remarkable for the difference in age: when they met, Isherwood was 48 and Bachardy just 18. While such age differences are rare nowadays (and would probably be subject to suspicion), there is a long history of such relationships in homosexual couples, especially in the less enlightened decades of the 20th century. Examples of such relationships include Sir Laurence Olivier, who (almost definitely) had a relationship with Henry Ainley, 28 years his senior, and Stephen Fry with Steven Webb, 26 years his junior.

Isherwood and Bachardy are proof that a big age difference is no barrier to a functional relationship. They stayed together for 33 years, broken only by Isherwood’s death at age 81.

Isherwood is British and Bachardy is American, which partly accounts for the number of letters collected in The Animals. They also found themselves apart on occasion due to work commitments. The relationship communicated in the letters is therefore long-distance. In this way it bears many similarities to the situation that many furries find themselves in today, where couples may be separated for long periods of time. It is just another way that these letters from the 1950s, 60s and 70s are relevant to furry today.

The Animals is easy to find on Amazon and other online bookstores. It’s a terrific book to share with guests, and dive into every now and then. It’ll even help make your furry roleplay extra classy. Just don’t try to read it all at once.

What is a 'Handler?'

Furry Reddit - Mon 15 Sep 2014 - 12:03

Pretty simple question :P

What is a fursuit handler, and why would you need/want one?

submitted by Afasso
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Categories: News

"Draw Furry" Book set

Furry Reddit - Mon 15 Sep 2014 - 11:46

Hello all, I am doing a 'fall cleaning' of sorts in my personal space. I came across these books I got awhile ago to draw better anthro animals. However, I never really got around to it. I figure give them to a good home.

If you are interested, they are for sale for cheap (for the pair). Drop me a private message or reply here. I'll give you the information!

submitted by uteki
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Categories: News

Y x W Cover Page

Furry Reddit - Mon 15 Sep 2014 - 10:17
Categories: News

A very foxy tail (NSFW?)

Furry Reddit - Mon 15 Sep 2014 - 09:52
Categories: News

Spotted in a nearby town.

Furry Reddit - Mon 15 Sep 2014 - 09:32
Categories: News

The furry scene: San Francisco’s Frolic party – interview with Neonbunny part 3

Dogpatch Press - Mon 15 Sep 2014 - 09:21
Neonbunny is founding DJ and promoter of Frolic. The 90 minute interview has 4 parts, with one a week posting this month. Intro: The most furry place in the universe?   Part 1)  Counterculture to Furry – Neon’s background in the SF Bay Area. Part 2)  Starting Frolic – Throwing parties, finding other furries. Next: Part 4) […]
Categories: News

Two Part Poll; Collars and Ears!

Furry Reddit - Mon 15 Sep 2014 - 08:50

I require your assistance!

So, I'm working on a few projects (one for an anime con, and the other just as a test until I find what I like). And what better place than to poll /r/furry for a guesstimate of what i need to make.

So, if you could help me that'd be great! Just comment below. :D


  1. Do you wear a collar?

  2. How thick is your collar/how thick would you prefer it? (3/4 inch, 1 inch, etc)

  3. What color is your collar/what color would you want your collar?

  4. How do you prefer your collar connect?

  5. (Pick one) Metal / Plastic


  1. What kind of Pokemon animal are you? (if it's in your flair, go ahead and skip this)

  2. What color are your ears? (Inside/Outside)

Thanks for your time, guys :D Really helpful. <3

submitted by MattsyKun
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Categories: News

Kai's Birthday Games Giveaway !!

Furry Reddit - Mon 15 Sep 2014 - 08:34

Tomorrow, the 16th of September will be my (ref) birthday again,
To celebrate I want to give away some games to my favourite Reddit community.

I will give away the following games on Steam:
(feel free to add me)

To participate just reply to this post with:

something fun (open to interpretation) ,
which game you would like
and your Steam ID so that I can send it to you.

Random drawing will be done this weekend

submitted by mirrorspock
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Categories: News

Member Spotlight: Heath Pfaff

Furry Writers' Guild - Mon 15 Sep 2014 - 07:14
1. Tell us about your most recent project (written or published). What inspired it?

Crown coverMy current project is a three part fantasy series called Chaos Awakens.  Book one, Servant of Steel, and book two, Crown of Steel, have already been published and I’m hacking away at the third book currently (SOMETHING of Steel).  My goal is to have it published by the end of the year.

This series was inspired by my love of dark anti-heroes and epic conflicts.  I really wanted to create a world that was gripped in the late stages of its own demise, and to tell the story of the people who became heroes not out of choice, but out of necessity.

2. What’s your writing process like? Are you a “pantser,” an outliner, or something in between?

I’m the sort of writer who likes to dive right into a project.  I’ve tried outlining in the past, but I find that the process of outlining causes me to fall into formulaic story arcs.  It’s far too easy to become systematic when you’re basically making a list of key elements of your plot.  Instead, I build the story up in my mind, take notes on key points I want to include, and then start writing from the beginning. While I’m working I’ll reference my notes here and there, change them, rework plot details, and often scrap large portions of my original plans.  Everything in service to the story.

When you’re reading one of my books you should never be bored.  If I re-read something and it’s dull, I throw it out.  It’s actually a chaotic process.  I wouldn’t recommend it at all.

3. What’s your favorite kind of story to write?

I’m a huge fan of fantasy, but I really like to throw in elements of horror.  I like to be scared, and I like to scare other people.  It’s intoxicating.

4. Which character from your work do you most identify with, and why? This is a difficult question.  I’m always tempted to pick the current lead from my long-term project because, at any given moment, that is the one character I need to identify with the most.  For my current series I’ve spent a lot of time in the head of my lead character, Xandrith.  We share a degree of dark humor and bitterness, but he also differs from me in a lot of ways.  The lead from my previous trilogy, The Hungering Saga, was probably closer to my actual personality.  He could be a real bastard at times.   He tended to let his emotions lead his actions, and I have to admit I do that more than I should.  I guess I identify with him, Lowin, the most.

5. Which authors or books have most influenced your work?

Stephen King, Clive Barker, David Gemmell and Gene Wolfe.  King and Barker were huge horror influences.  I started reading their books when I was about twelve, and I read mostly horror until I was about sixteen and someone handed me a Dragonlance Kingdom book.  I had never read fantasy before that.  In fact, I had considered the entire genre to be nothing but fluff.  Heh, well, I read dozens of the Dragonlance books, and then I couldn’t get enough of the genre.  Gemmell showed me that heroes could be dark and gritty, and Wolfe showed me that fantasy and sci-fi could be elevated to a form of artistry beyond what was generally expected from the genre.  I think my writing is closer to Gemmell’s than it is to Wolfe’s, but Wolfe gives me a level of prose to shoot for.

6. What’s the last book you read that you really loved? I have had so little time to read lately, but I would say that the last books I read that really, really captured my attention were the Mistborn series by Brandon Sanderson.  That man is brilliant and prolific, two traits that rarely go well together. 7. Besides writing, how do you like to spend your free time? I’m a gamer and a movie lover.  Lately my time away from Word has been spent playing Guild Wars 2.  Excessively.  I might have a problem. 8. Advice for other writers?

Writers write.  If you want to get better, then keep writing.  I’ve had quite a few people ask me how I managed to get my writing to the level that it is today, and the simple answer is that I practiced all the time.  Even before I was making a living writing I wrote every single day.  If you want to get better, you have to practice.

Malice cover9. Where can readers find your work?

My work can be found on  Just do a search for “Heath Pfaff” and my work will pop up.  You can also check out my Facebook fan group.

I frequently give away e-books, audiobooks, and sometimes even hard copies of books when I have them.  Come join the fan page!

10. What’s your favorite thing about the furry fandom? Furry folks tend to be incredibly accepting and inviting.  I have met some of my very best friends in this fandom, and some great partners in crime.  All of my books have had covers drawn by furry artists because they are awesome, talented folks.   My favorite thing is that first thing, though.  No group is more accepting.  None. Not-a-one.


Check out Heath Pfaff’s member bio here!

Categories: News

I'm very new to all this. But I think my fursona should look something like this.

Furry Reddit - Mon 15 Sep 2014 - 06:42

So any tips hints or advices? Be nice please. Or I'll pluck your eyes out :-P.

submitted by T0yb0y0069
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Categories: News

He Feels His Mental Health Issues Are Keeping Him from Living a Good Life

Ask Papabear - Mon 15 Sep 2014 - 06:11
First off... I love what you do, helping others. Keep doing what you're doing and I'll keep reading.

Now, to the real reason I'm typing this up. Asking for help. There are so many things wrong with me right now I can't even begin to pick just one. Let's see... Father hung himself a month ago, I suffer from bipolar disorder and IED (Intermittent Explosive Disorder). My father was an alcoholic. I'm addicted to video games (Though that's going away), and the reason I'm writing you.

See, I'm 21 years old, however mentally, I'm only 18 and... Well... I just can't get started with my life. I haven't been able to get a job (or I just can't hold one if I am lucky enough to get one). So both job and college are out of the question. I want to go into college though for Information Technology, but, again, can't get a job and I don't want to be in student debt until I'm in my 40s or 50s (My mom finally paid off hers). I'm living with my mother, and I'm beginning to feel like a burden on her. I'm asking her for money left and right, and owe 2 hospital bills equaling $2,400 for going into Behavioral Health for attempting suicide. Even now, as I write this, it makes me want to cry for all the reasons that my mother were to have if she hated me (which I know she doesn't). 

I can't get a girlfriend... That requires a job so mom doesn't have to go on my dates with me. I don't want to have to apply for disability for my mental issues but... It seems like I have to go that way. All my friends are happy, everyone's got a girlfriend (my best friend even got his pregnant). Every day, I keep wondering where my sweet princess is. I've tried going gay, just so maybe somebody could love me, but I've had to break a lot of boys hearts by saying I'm not gay. I just want to DO something with my life, I don't want to be just another statistic. I catch everyone saying "You're young, you should be enjoying your life." Well let me tell you something Papa Bear, I'm not... The only time I somewhat do is when I'm playing my video games, and when I play online, I'm not even that good... My K/D ration on Call of Duty is TERRIBLE! (That probably was over your head). Anyway just PLEASE help me! I can't stand it anymore!


Nightmare (Pennsylvania)

* * *

Dear Nightmare,

My deepest sympathies for the loss of your father. It surely makes everything else you are going through seem even worse than it would under less unfortunate circumstances. I am sorry for your loss. Yet, you mention his tragic passing so briefly, I have to think you are trying to minimize thinking about it. He was an alcoholic, too, which likely was a symptom of other things troubling him. It could also explain or contribute to your IED. If you are subliminalizing it, that pain has to come out somehow, and a violent emotional eruption like you see with IED would be one way. If the IED diagnosis occurred after your father's death, that could be your explanation.

Next word of advice to you: lose the name. Pick something more cheerful than “Nightmare” and you’ll be surprised how it can affect you.

Another thing that strikes me is that there really isn’t much difference, mentally, between a 21 year old and an 18 year old. Not sure who told you you were like an 18 year old, but that’s a silly thing to say. Unless you mean regarding education, such as you are 21 and should be at a college level but you’re still at the high school level. That might be so. Your IED and bipolar disorder might be holding you back.

But that doesn’t mean college is not an option for you. In fact, did you know you could be eligible for a scholarship based on mental hardships? Go to the National Alliance on Mental Health website and you can find all sorts of information to help you, from legal rights to best colleges to select based on their access to mental health for students. Search for possible scholarships on FastWeb and GoCollege, and you might be surprised by what you find. You can enter all kinds of variables to discover interesting scholarships; it’s not all about just academics or athletic ability. Some bizarre scholarships include some for people who are really into potatoes and asparagus, a scholarship for people who work at delis, and one for people who are interested in lawn sprinkler systems. You can find almost anything if you look hard enough. I also advise those interested in college to consider attending a community college for the first two years. The reasons being: 1) it saves you a TON of money, and 2) you’ll get smaller classrooms and better professor-to-student ratios. Then, transfer your credits to a university for your junior year. (Actually, there are many interesting careers you can get into with a 2 year degree that earn good money, such as paralegal or LPN). It helps, too, to find out what universities have cooperative agreements with which community colleges so you can transfer all or most of your credits. Finally, you can also explore work-study programs.

About your hospital bills. Have you tried calling the hospital and arranging some sort of payment plan or, even better, seeing if you can get them to knock down the price given your economic issues? You’re 21 and unemployed and suffering from mental illness; there are things you can do. Start with the hospital you went to. Most good hospitals have a financial aid office—almost like a college! Contact them and discuss the issue calmly with the representative there. Don’t give them bullshit, but tell them exactly what is going on with you financially and they will work with you. You can also consult a regular debt counselor if the debt is too overwhelming for you.

About your mental illnesses—I don’t have to tell you that you should be on medications and/or receiving other treatment for your disorders, especially since you have attempted suicide at least once already. You are very vulnerable right now and need help. Have you tried group therapy? You need to know you're not alone and that you can lean on people for help. Because of your illness and circumstances, you could be eligible for Medicaid, and I would explore that immediately in order to get your bills covered. For eligibility requirements and information in Pennsylvania, go here.

Do not worry about finding a girlfriend (or boyfriend) until you get your mental health and income issues settled. That’s enough for anyone at any one time. Of course, if you just happen to meet someone and fall in love without even looking, then bless you and go for it. But I wouldn’t spend a lot of time and energy on it until the other issues are in better shape. Don’t worry about what your friends all have (and getting a girlfriend pregnant is not necessarily a good thing); this isn’t a competition; this is your life. Envy will just make you feel worse, so don’t worry about what they are doing with their lives. Just worry about your own life. Oh, and don’t worry about the Kill/Death ratio, okay? If playing a video game helps you relax a bit, fine. Just don’t spend too much time playing them.

The good news for you is that all of your problems can be solved, if you are willing to work on them. I hope that what I have written here will nudge you in the right direction.

And don’t forget to change your name. Creating a positive environment is a big part of the battle. Complementary to this would be to play happy music, decorate with cheerful colors, and look for the little joys in life that are around you.

You can do it. You just need a bit of a kick in the butt! *Bear boots yer butt*



Just out of pure curiosity, what are your views on the whole predator/prey thing? [Discussion]

Furry Reddit - Mon 15 Sep 2014 - 02:34

Just out of pure curiosity, what are your views on the whole predator/prey thing? I mean within a society whereby everyone is a furry character, what would happen to those whose species would prey on others? Opinions anyone?

submitted by jragon14
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Categories: News