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Friday Afternoon Chillstream with Pepper Coyote! - If you enjoy, pleas…

The Dragget Show - Sat 11 Apr 2020 - 14:28 If you enjoy, please throw a buck at us on Patreon! -- all of our audio podcasts at You can also find us on Spotify, Stitcher, iTunes & wherever you find podcasts! We have some great newshirts & merch from Merch Minion - Dragget Show telegram chat: Friday Afternoon Chillstream with Pepper Coyote! - If you enjoy, pleas…
Categories: Podcasts

Everybody’s Busy! Just A Little Dizzy!

In-Fur-Nation - Sat 11 Apr 2020 - 01:46

Recently Jake S. Friedman (author, researcher, and professor of art and animation, according to his web site) brought us his new book The Disney Afternoon: The Making of Television Renaissance. “When the Disney Afternoon premiered in 1990, kids tossed their backpacks aside to watch their favorite Disney television characters. Unlike with feature films, these stars had a new adventure every weekday, and their audience journeyed with them on a daily basis. Throughout the ’80s and ’90s, Disney raised the bar with a lineup of innovative, high-quality television animation. The characters were endearing, the writing was clever, and the art was exceptional. Those who grew up with these characters have continued their love affairs for shows like Darkwing Duck, Gargoyles, TaleSpin, and the irrepressibly beloved DuckTales, deep into adulthood. For the first time, learn the history of the Disney Afternoon shows, read interviews from the creative teams, and revel in rare, behind-the-scenes artwork, plus get the full making of story of the modern-day DuckTales series and its legacy connections to the past.” It’s available now in hardcover from Disney Editions. Order it from the author’s store — and check out his other titles.

image c. 2020 Disney Editions

Categories: News

Regarding The Recent Ban

Furry Writers' Guild - Fri 10 Apr 2020 - 13:41

Recently, a (now former) FWG member made a series of controversial posts on Twitter. While we should point out that the FWG staff does not police members’ social media, there are certain positions so intensely radioactive that we cannot abide their presence in our ranks. The guild would not stand for it. The fandom at large would not stand for it. Thus, our hand was forced.

It should also be noted that this did not occur in a vacuum, and the aforementioned posts represent only the latest in a series of questionable and ill-advised public statements, many of which resulted in complaints.

The FWG has always preferred that members self-regulate their behavior. Even when lines are crossed, we would sooner exercise patience and magnanimity than we would punitive measures. The number of persons who have received such marked disciplinary action is small indeed, and each of those occasions remain regrettable to us. Nevertheless, our commitment to the FWG and its mission sometimes make it necessary. We hope you all understand.

Best wishes,

The FWG staff

Categories: News

Stella For Star — Director Nick Singer tells how furries shed magic on his short film.

Dogpatch Press - Fri 10 Apr 2020 - 10:00


Stella For Star is a sensitive slice-of-life drama just 11 minutes long, with a sweet dose of furry magic.

Marcy is a scientist visiting New Orleans for a conference for nuclear fusion energy (a Fusion Con). She relies on child care help for her two young kids on the trip. Her responsibilities keep her on the clock, but she manages to steal a moment of self-care with costumed strangers at the hotel for their own convention. Her work predicts hope for the future, but there’s trouble brewing for everyone with Hurricane Stella on the horizon.

The hint of sci-fi make the furries like “aliens” coming to Marcy’s world, bearing a gift of whimsy. In the upscale hotel setting, the famous Blue Dog art of New Orleans catches the eye. The city’s fraught history stays offstage but maybe it would show up if this was a feature length movie. There’s talent for one here in the nice cinematography, and bang-for-the-buck performance by Emmy-nominated Robin Weigert. The director has an indie feature under his belt.

Any film with furries made outside the fandom makes me ask — does it use real fursuits? Or can a strong story outshine ordinary costumes?

Director Nick Singer answered my curious email after I saw a review in Film Threat.

Hey Patch! Thanks so much for reaching out! I’d be delighted for the film to be included on your site. And I’m very happy to hear that the film connected with you. I’m going to write a bit about the film in relation to furries.

My producers actually spent a lot of time reaching out to folks in the furry community in and around NOLA to try to get them to appear in the film. Understandably, the ones they spoke to were skittish about collaborating. They were weary of the harmful, biased ways that furries have so often been portrayed in media. Understandable! We sent them the script, and tried to communicate that our film has a tender eye for the community. As the days towards production came closer and closer, we couldn’t really get anyone to commit, so we decided to just purchase the costumes ourselves. Yes, it’s a real bummer. I am in awe of the creativity in the fursuits and fursonas. They’re beautiful — and I know for anyone in the community, the outfits in the film look strangely manufactured and impersonal. But we had to do what we had to do.

I’ve been intrigued by furries for a long time, I think ever since I first heard about them — I don’t know when. The costumes are fantastic, and the way that people in the community describe feeling so free when in character is just wonderful. I certainly empathize with the desire to break from the constraints of personality and history, or at least to play with that kind of expression.

During my time in college, a professor of mine told me he had an experience like the one that Marcy has in the film — at a conference of film scholars, there was a furry con at the same hotel. He said the scholars didn’t really interact with the furries besides saying hello in the elevators, but the story always stayed with me. It didn’t seem like too much of a jump to imagine everyone hanging out together. (I also was thinking of Computer Chess, another movie where there is some delightful cross-conference interaction.)

As we were developing Stella for Star, which started with nuclear fusion and the climate crisis, I mentioned my professor’s story to my co-writer, Ben, and he fell in love with it. We started to realize how much the struggle of the life of the furry rhymed with the story we were trying to tell about our scientist’s flagging belief in her work, and then rhymed again with her son’s belief in the tooth fairy. It all felt of one piece.

– Nick Singer

After we talked, COVID-19 hit the US. Nick is in New York where it has a huge impact, so it would be interesting to ask how getting through the pandemic is like expecting the hurricane in his film. The strong female role of scientist/mom would be a good subject for another time too. Thanks to Nick for taking the time.

That was pretty good. Kinda weird but sweet that they got a wolf fursuiter to pretend to be the tooth fairy.

— Gamepopper (@gamepopper) March 12, 2020

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Categories: News

Windfall: An Otter-Body Experience and Other Stories, by Tempe O'Kun

Furry Book Review - Fri 10 Apr 2020 - 02:05
Windfall: An Otter-Body Experience and Other Stories by Tempe O’Kun is a collection of stories based around two characters who starred in a TV show called Strangeville together. Kylie, an otter whose mother was the director on the show, and Max, a husky super-fan turned co-star go on several mildly supernatural adventures after the show wasn’t renewed for a sixth season. Kylie’s feelings had grown for Max through his run on the show and everyone knew it. It was only after he left to go back to Montana that she began acting on these feelings. And thus begins their several adventures shortly after Max joins Kylie in her childhood home in New England. With her mother. Which is just a hint at several of the satisfyingly awkward and wholesomely erotic exploits to come.This book is made up of several short stories showing the growth of Max and Kylie’s relationship while they attempt to prove that Kylie’s eccentric family isn’t crazy after all; they are widely known in the town for believing in supernatural things. There are stories for every part of the year. All of them lead up to the “otter body experience,” as mentioned in the title. It would be unfair to spoil the details of it so I’ll only say that it is an extremely satisfying pay-off after a fantastic lead-up.O’Kun’s utilization of animal traits is nothing short of masterful. The characters never get boring and their mannerisms are exquisitely detailed. From the amusing nickname of “Rudderbutt” for the otter to Max’s constant need to not appear intimidating with his 6-foot canine stature, it is easy to imagine a world where these characters not only exist but are relatable. That’s the aspect that makes this novel truly irresistible. The pacing is perfect and the erotic scenes, of which there are several, are a delicious display of realism. Every word left me voracious and eager for more.Unfortunately, this is where the novel falls a bit short. For whatever reason, sometimes the grammar and sentence constructions were dense and difficult to navigate. While the action flowed beautifully, at times the words did not. And with such a masterful narrative, I couldn’t help but be slightly disappointed. Here was a fantastic story of two adorable lovers vividly told only to be interrupted by an out of place word or a difficult sentence. I found myself trying to figure out if there was some meaning I was missing or if it was a simple mistake. These mistakes are not debilitating; but they do mar the overall experience.Luckily, that’s the only issue I have with this book. It’s a wonderfully crafted world, and it is hard not to be enthralled with the relationship between Max and Kylie which is helplessly adorable. I also admire the pain-staking difficulty with putting an otter body experience down on paper. You’ll see what I mean when you get there. And you absolutely should! If you enjoy a rollicking tale of slightly immature young interspecies love, give this book a read. Even if it does require a bit more of your attention at times. For me, I’ll give it 9 webbed otter paws out of 10.
Categories: News

He’s So Fluff-y

In-Fur-Nation - Fri 10 Apr 2020 - 00:50

Hey look at that — some locals! At this year’s Anime L.A. convention we came across Fantastic Fam, headquartered right here in Orange County CA. Here’s what they say about themselves: “We are designers, illustrators, retailers, and manufacturers of fun and unique fashion and accessories.” Simple enough. Right now they’re specializing in comfortable designer cloth face-masks (funny that), but the reason we noticed them was for their line of clothing that features Fluff the Corgi! Not just clothing but stickers, art prints, and other cool stuff. Take a look at their web site and see what we mean. Woof.

image c. 2020 Fantastic Fam, Inc.

Categories: News

[Tech] Is Mass Media TFing?

FurCast - Thu 9 Apr 2020 - 01:13

Into what? Fellow broadcast nerd Freeze Badger and journalism junkie Jesse join Paradox to discuss how mass media is transforming in the midst of COVID-19.

FurCast is sponsored by Twin Tail Creations. Use coupon codes REDWOLF or BLUEFOX to save 15% on silicone products during checkout.

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Topics Discussed:
  • Everyone’s home
  • Television without makeup artists
  • The feeling of journalism in transition
  • Presenting from high up vs a personal level
  • Crappy quality is okay in context
  • Skype is allowed to sound bad
  • Zoom has horrifying privacy concerns
  • Why you can’t just do satellite feeds
  • Practicality of various video link technologies
  • How are editors handling this?
  • How is the control room & crew handling this?
  • How are local broadcasters handling this?
  • Things will change, but not too much
  • The old “YouTube & digital media isn’t the same as real TV & Hollywood” argument needs to die
  • Content matters more than quality
[Tech] Is Mass Media TFing?
Categories: Podcasts

Robecast - Delicious - for all things Drag…

The Dragget Show - Wed 8 Apr 2020 - 16:19 for all things Dragget Show -- support us on Patreon! -- You can also find us on Spotify, iTunes, & wherever you find podcasts! Robecast - Delicious - for all things Drag…
Categories: Podcasts

Look, Just DON’T Move to the Country, Okay??

In-Fur-Nation - Wed 8 Apr 2020 - 00:47

Famed horror director John Carpenter came up with something interesting last year, in the form of a dark new comic book series. “Monica Bleue and her father move away to the country to start a new life after the death of her mother. Though she’s not speaking to her dad, she begins to find her way out from her anger and grief in her new surroundings. But while out wandering the forests near their home, she comes face to face with a hidden horror that changes her forever. Steve Niles and Damien Worm bring you Monica Bleue: A Werewolf Story, the first story in the new monthly anthology series, John Carpenter Presents Storm Kids.” Funny thing? Previews lists this as a “kid friendly” title…

image c. 2020 Storm King Productions

Categories: News

[Feature] Psychology of Kinks with Derr and Skylier

FurCast - Tue 7 Apr 2020 - 11:27

Originally released in June 2019 as part of “Fur Features” this episode is being merged and re-posted on the main FurCast feed. Hope you enjoy if you haven’t heard it yet! Our effort is ongoing to increase the variety of FurCast episodes. Part of that process will include merging in some of our other content as we consolidate. Let us know what you think!

DerrDog and Skylier Rain talk about the psychology of our kinks, how we express ourselves and where it comes from. From murrsuits, to drag, to everything that itches our mental desires, we cover a variety of fun concepts and answer some audience questions along the way.

You can find Derr and Skylier at various furry conventions, Toronto furry events, or on social media:

Download MP3

[Feature] Psychology of Kinks with Derr and Skylier
Categories: Podcasts

Argentina FurFiesta postponed: The furcon will be held in September

Global Furry Television - Tue 7 Apr 2020 - 03:26
Argentinian furcon ArFF (Argentina FurFiesta) recently have announced the postponement of the event until September. Details:
Categories: News

FurAffinity DDoS attacked: Not as big as the attack in February

Global Furry Television - Tue 7 Apr 2020 - 03:24
FurAffinity got DDoS attacked again, this time not as big as the previous attack in February, which in that time took the platform down for slightly over a day. As with FurAffinity being constantly targeted, here comes a question, “Why is FurAffinity always targeted for DDoS attacks?”
Categories: News

COVID-19 and Furries: The impact so far; online meets sprawl

Global Furry Television - Tue 7 Apr 2020 - 03:22
COVID-19 has wreaked much havoc around the world, especially to communities that often engages in social interactions with each other. For the furry fandom, that definitely is the case. But despite so, the fandom still explores new ways to cope and continue the warmth and liveliness within this period. As more people #stayhome, furries take […]
Categories: News

Let’s Eat!

In-Fur-Nation - Tue 7 Apr 2020 - 01:26

Hey! Remember when the worst thing we had to worry about was killer pizza robots? The folks at Scholastic do… “Don’t miss the first-ever graphic novel for Five Nights at Freddy’s, an adaptation of the #1 New York Times bestselling novel The Silver Eyes, illustrated by fan-favorite game artist Claudia Schröder! Ten years after the horrific murders at Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza that ripped their town apart, Charlie, whose father owned the restaurant, and her childhood friends reunite on the anniversary of the tragedy and find themselves at the old pizza place which had been locked up and abandoned for years. After they discover a way inside, they realize that things are not as they used to be. The four adult-sized animatronic mascots that once entertained patrons have changed. They now have a dark secret . . . and a murderous agenda.” It’s available now in hardcover and trade paperback at Comixology.

image c. 2020 Scholastic, Inc.

Categories: News

Not an Old Maid

In-Fur-Nation - Mon 6 Apr 2020 - 01:32

Recently Arcana Studios brought us Go Fish, written by Sean O’Reilly and illustrated by Beto Nascimento. It’s a full-color hardcover one-shot that’s the prequel to a film of the same name — which we’ve never heard of. “Alex the Parrotfish is off to the undersea city of New Corralton in search of fame and fortune (or at least a decent job). Before he’s through, he’ll face down hungry sharks, rude bureaucrat fish, and a shocking threat to the whole reef! How will Alex make it out in one piece?” See some preview pages over at Comixology.

image c. 2020 Arcana Studios

Categories: News