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Left 4 Dead sprays?

Furry Reddit - Wed 8 Oct 2014 - 12:56

So as anyone who has tried knows, making, finding and/or uploading a Left 4 Dead custom spray is very difficult. I was just wondering if there are any furs here that might have tried and tested a furry themed spray in left 4 dead, and if they had, if they could provide it. I don't mind NSFW. ;3

submitted by Saulthedragon
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Categories: News

If there's a community then you guys'll know!

Furry Reddit - Wed 8 Oct 2014 - 11:33

This is being made for a few reasons and I'm really throwing myself to the wolves here with as bashful as I am but... asses to it. I'm a Louisiana fur. Been living here all my life and know all of one furry, and that's my closest friend. Not asking anyone here to out themselves in this post but if you know of a community or group or whatever from between the capital area out toward Denham... Please hit me up? A combination of nerves, my few friends and getting into the dating scene again has made me realize just how few people there are that I relate to and that I REALLY need to get out and meet others.

submitted by Senelbeat
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Categories: News

He Needs to Fill a "Hollow" Feeling inside Him

Ask Papabear - Wed 8 Oct 2014 - 11:01
Hello, Papabear.

My name is Alex and I found out about what you do a couple of weeks ago and I think it's amazing. I've been reading lots of letters and even learned things about myself reading them.

So here it goes. I don't know what I want anymore. I keep telling myself that if I get out of Brazil all my problems are going to go away and I know that's not truth.

Its truth, Brazil sucks, I don't like it here and I'll get out of here eventually. But when I leave, I'll be out of goals, nothing to look forward to and nothing to live for.

I think that maybe if I get out of here I'll be able to have more friends than I have here and even a girlfriend. Which might not be truth, maybe I don't get any friends and maybe I don't even get a girlfriend because I actually don't know my sexuality. I think its because I've been addicted to porn for too long (I realized I was addicted to porn because of another letter on the site) . I kissed some girls and really hated it, I found it really gross touching tongues and I kinda dated a furry boy on the Internet once because he gave me attention and it made me feel special and loved, but I ended it on the premises that I was not gay.

I feel sad, I feel lonely, I feel like its going to be like this forever and everyone asks me if I'm okay, I always smile and say that everything is fine. I say that I'm fine to my parents and to my friends but I'm confused and I don't know what I should do to make this better.
I can't bring myself to tell anyone about it because in the last years I really grew financially and since then I been buying lots of stuff, I got my own place, I got into the best college in the country. So to everyone else it seen that I have a perfect life, and I know that my situation is really really good for someone of my age but no matter how much money I spent, how good do I look, I still feel hollow.

Sometimes I feel like I want to have a family and get married, but then I remember my own family and I remember that I don't believe in marriage or families. But I'm human too right? Humans need people in their lives don't they?

I've been feeling this way for a long time and I keep telling myself that I got nothing to complain about and that I have to man up and just get rich, but lately I been doubting the power of money to make my problems go away.

Would you have any advice for me, Papabear? 

Alex (age 21)

P.S. Sorry if my English is too confusing and thank you for taking some time to read my letter.

* * *

Saudações, Alex,

Your letter is correct in many aspects, so I can already tell you are a pretty bright person. You know that money and things can’t buy you happiness (you say you are doubtful, but you really do know that it can’t). You know that, although you don’t like Brazil much, just leaving the country won’t guarantee you new friends and someone to love.

But in other areas you are confused and sometimes incorrect. For instance, you want a family but you think because your own family has problems (I’m guessing that is what turns you off marriage) that you can’t have a successful marriage of your own. You’re also questioning your sexuality, and you are really pressuring yourself to find someone to love under the assumption that you can’t be happy by yourself.

In other words, you are looking for happiness everywhere except where you should be looking for it: from within. Money and possessions won’t make you happy, moving to another country won’t make you happy, having a successful career won’t make you happy (that is, if it is a career designed purely to make money or to have power over others), and even finding somone in your life does not necessarily make you happy. (Many marriages have made people profoundly unhappy).

When we raise children, we worry about their education, whether they are materially provided for, whether they will find success in life, whether they will find a spouse and have children. What we should do when we raise children, however, is help them find out who they are while also teaching them about the world. It is only when you understand who you really are as a person and what you feel your individual purpose is in life that you will find your true happiness.

I understand that you are lonely and want someone in your life to share with, but that’s going to be very difficult to do if you don’t understand what you want, and you don’t. You don’t really know if you want a marriage and you don’t even know what gender you prefer for a mate. Therefore, even if you found someone you like, chances are it will be a very troubled partnership.

I would like you to ask yourself the following questions to help you discover who you are:

  1. Whom do you most admire (living or dead)? This will help you figure out what your personal values are.
  2. Do you have a passion in life? What thing or things do you absolutely love doing? Don’t think of this in terms of what might make you money; think just in terms of what gives you great personal satisfaction. (For me, it’s this column, which is not a career and makes me zero money).
  3. If money were no object and you knew for absolute certainty no one would judge you negatively on your decision, what would your goals be? Don’t worry about thinking big (or even small).

When you think about the above, do not think in terms of jobs or money or status. Think about all areas, including family, friends, love, art, charity, causes, religion/spirituality, your participation in humanity and the global experience. Think about moments in your life that may have really opened your eyes about something or profoundly touched your heart and soul.

Remember, happiness is not an end goal, it is a journey. Do not forget to value the “small” things in life: the touch of a friend’s hand, the beauty of the ocean, the songs of birds. Life is very short. Live in the moment; if you always look to the horizon you will miss what is right there at your feet. Every moment is valuable and not to be taken for granted.

What does this have to do with solving your problem of loneliness? Believe it or not, when you have figured out who you are and achieve the contentment, happiness, and self-confidence that comes with it, love will find you. There is nothing more attractive to another person that finding a man or woman who is honest, kind, and at peace. There are few things more off-putting than a person who is needy, lacks confidence, and is desperately seeking someone else to validate their own existence.

Find out who you are and the rest will fall into place, and that “hollow” sensation inside you will be filled.

Wishing You Happiness,


Commissions open for October!

Furry Reddit - Wed 8 Oct 2014 - 10:59

Hey guys, I've got commissions open for October!

I'm submitting the link as a text post because the flyer is NSFW

Here are my prices and everything! - NSFW

submitted by Sat-AM
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Categories: News

Lesley the Pony Has an A+ Day!

Furry.Today - Wed 8 Oct 2014 - 10:30

I would say “I’ll have what he’s having!” until this goes into a bad trip….

Warning: This does get a bit disturbing in places.

Categories: Videos

Queen of Hearts Meme by AlkseeyaKC

Furry Reddit - Wed 8 Oct 2014 - 09:28
Categories: News

Philly’s “Unleashed” joins a New Thing of independent Furry dance parties. Call it- “Furclubbing?”

Dogpatch Press - Wed 8 Oct 2014 - 09:00
There’s a New Thing happening in lots of places. (And it doesn’t have to do with baby seals.) This is how it starts.  Furry social life thrives when friends get together informally – like this 2009 meet in Ottawa.  Ahh… I want to go here!  Frolic, the original Furry dance party, is a model.  (Check this interview if you don’t […]
Categories: News

Little Feline, Aries

Furry Reddit - Wed 8 Oct 2014 - 08:38
Categories: News

Should She Forgive His Infidelity?

Furry News Network - Wed 8 Oct 2014 - 07:56
Author: Dear Papabear, I would never think I would need to write you again, your advice has helped me through many obstacles in my life and I thank you for it. Now I’m facing a hurdle that I’m not sure I can get over as easily (as if my previous issues were a walk in […]
Categories: News

Double Trouble

Furry Reddit - Wed 8 Oct 2014 - 05:48
Categories: News

Historian and editor, Fred Patten, invites writers for “Furry Future” anthology.

Dogpatch Press - Wed 8 Oct 2014 - 04:33
Writers: check out this announcement from Fred Patten.  He’s “one of the main founders of the furry fandom”.  Between his fiction book editing, column writing for Cartoon Research, and Flayrah submissions, he took a minute to pass me a much appreciated note.   I’m not supposed to say much yet… but he received a very cool invite himself.  It […]
Categories: News

Guide the Dragons of the Sun

In-Fur-Nation - Wed 8 Oct 2014 - 01:57

More new dragon fantasy books: Spirits of the Sun, Book One in the new Diego’s Dragon series by Kevin Gerard (published by Crying Cougar Press). “An eleven-year-old Latino boy wins a district-wide writing contest for sixth graders. When an author visits his school to award his prize, Diego Ramirez has no idea how much his life is about to change. Nathan Sullivan hands Diego his statue, a handsome, glistening black dragon. After hearing the name Magnifico spoken aloud by family and friends, Diego awards it to his new dragon. If he only knew how fitting the name was, he might have known what lay ahead: Magnifico is the leader of the Sol Dragones, dragons that live within the magical fires of the sun. Nathan Sullivan is the earth’s connection to the mysterious creatures. It is his task to find Magnifico’s guide. As Magnifico comes to life he becomes quite mischievous, playing tricks on Diego to embarrass him. As he discovers his bloodline, however, Diego assumes greater control over his dragon and his destiny.” There’s a video on YouTube introducing you to the series, and more information over on the official web site.

image c. 2014 Crying Cougar Press

image c. 2014 Crying Cougar Press

Categories: News

My first ever YCH, to go with the Halloween Season

Furry Reddit - Wed 8 Oct 2014 - 00:07

My friends have been suggesting I try to do YCH or commissions so I decided to first try doing a YCH. This is my first YCH auction, so please be gentle DX...

"Pumpkin Harvest" - 1 Character, Starting Bid at 10$

If there are any experienced YCH artists out there, I'd really appreciate some tips and pointers on how to get a YCH running properly.

bows Please and thank you~!

submitted by kerespup
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Categories: News

PC Gamer Furs?

Furry Reddit - Tue 7 Oct 2014 - 23:19

Alright, so I've been a part of the fandom for a few months or so, but I realized I don't have too many furry friends. If you would want to play some CS:GO, Payday 2, or TF2 with me, add me up! I also love to play racing games and am open to playing other types of games if you want to. I might not be able to play until the weekend though because I'm pretty flooded with Calculus right now.

Here is my Steam profile:

Feel free to add me even if you don't play any games I do because the more friends the merrier!

submitted by Fuel-Injected
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Categories: News

Concerning this reddit and YCHs

Furry Reddit - Tue 7 Oct 2014 - 22:31

Just a question, are YCHs allowed to be posted here or is there a separate subreddit for those sort of things?

submitted by kerespup
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Categories: News

Hi everyone! I have a personal question to ask.

Furry Reddit - Tue 7 Oct 2014 - 22:19

So... I love being a furry. I love the community, the people are nice and the level of art skill is immense. But I want to know.

Has anyone ever found that special someone on here? If so, how?

I'd just like to try and find someone but I don't really know where to start.Sorry if this sounds weird or stupid and if you want me to I can just delete this post.

I'll be going to bed after I make this post so I'll get back to anyone who answers in the morning. Night night.

submitted by SamuraiDDD
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Categories: News

Looking for someone to talk about an issue I had.

Furry Reddit - Tue 7 Oct 2014 - 21:51

Good evening, as you can see the title, i'm looking for someone who i'm willing to talk with about an issue I had with a certain furry. I'm not gonna give much information, since I wanna keep the rest for the conversation I'll have with any of you out there, but all I will say this furry and I haven't gotten along for a little while now because I did something to her(yes, she's female) that was enough to have her hold a grudge.

I have tried apologizing her, but she refuses to accept it. Don't get me wrong, I feel bad for what I done to her, and now i'm trying to set things right, but she doesn't seem to give a crap about it. And now, it seems that I despises me, and probably A LOT!

So, if there's anyone(Furry or not) who is a guidance counselor, or someone who has experience in counseling, and if you also have an experience in psychology, that'll be fine too. so that I will tell everything about what happened to me and that person that caused me to become a target of hatred to her.

Honestly, I feel like a should deserve a second chance because I don't really hate, I just hate the face that she despises me and I feel that's making just as bad as I am.

So, if you're willing to help me out on trying to get me and the person to get along again and bring in a good friend relationship with her, then come on in. Also, if you're gonna help me for the sake of wanting to get paid, then you're gonna need a miracle, because i'm broke at the moment now, so if you're willing to do this free and for the sake of wanting to help people, then i'll gladly appreciate that.

Please and thank you. :)

(P.S. No bad or hate comments please, i'm really wanting someone to help me out on trying to come to friendly terms with the person i'm having trouble with.)

submitted by RayLeein4D
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Categories: News