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Furry Reddit - Fri 17 Oct 2014 - 22:51

HAY anyone going to Treasure Island this weekend?

Also I'm a reddit nub, what are some awesome furry subreddits? THX

submitted by RiskyMrRaccoon
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Categories: News

Furaffinity is back up

Furry Reddit - Fri 17 Oct 2014 - 20:13

Just letting you all know!

submitted by xavierthegreat
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Categories: News

Any Russian furs?

Furry Reddit - Fri 17 Oct 2014 - 20:08

I'm currently studying the language in college, and was wondering if any other furs spoke the language.

? ?????????? ??????? ??????? ?????? ?????, ????? furry ????.

submitted by Balthier1234
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Categories: News

Attack on UncleKage

Furry Reddit - Fri 17 Oct 2014 - 19:58
Categories: News

Furry ENG studying

Furry Reddit - Fri 17 Oct 2014 - 19:39
Categories: News

Hi, I'm from SCG. Want to play TF2 with a bunch of furries?

Furry Reddit - Fri 17 Oct 2014 - 19:38

Hello there! My name is Rowdy :3

I own a group called Southern Cross Gaming, hopefully some people here have heard of it!

Don't let the name fool you, we are in fact a fur group. We're named after the star constellation Southern Cross, which is also called the Crux. I'm a Crux, how funny is that?

Anyway, we've been around a few years, but we've been really quiet. Recently we decided we'd like to put ourselves out there and get some new faces to play with us.

Would you like to join us tonight? Our main server is , we'll be doing a raffle of some hats and other prizes tonight to welcome potential new guests!

And if you're interested in reading about SCG and our community, check out this thread!

We're also on Reddit, if you want to join us up later!

submitted by rowedahelicon
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Categories: News

Weasyl got hit again?

Furry Reddit - Fri 17 Oct 2014 - 17:49

The site was down for a bit, and now it's only loading in basic HTML for me. I think Inkbunny got hit, too, but I'm not sure.

submitted by SonarSnow
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Categories: News

[Relationship Issue] I'm a fur, she isn't.

Furry Reddit - Fri 17 Oct 2014 - 17:16

I honestly don't know where else to turn.. I thought about r/confessions but I did not want to be ridiculed in the first place.

I have been with my current girlfriend for almost a year. We have had some really rough times and some hiccups. Through all of this I have grown really close to her.

I love her, I really do, but some of the things she has said before have hurt me. One time we were in an argument and she told me "the whole furry thing is weird".

It hit me, and it really hit me hard that she will never be a furry or anything close to it, and she will never understand it..she really hasn't made an effort to either. Just today she told me "It makes me uncomfortable, yeah" ''I find it strange". "Fur suits are terrifying.."

I'm not really sure if I should honestly stay in the relationship or not. One side of me loves her and It's honestly been so long with her that I don't know what would happen if i truly lost her. She makes me happy and I really do enjoy my time with her.

The other side of me reminds me that I will never know what It feels like to to a 'con with her. I'll never know what its like to discuss a new furry artist, or show her how happy my first badge makes me. I'll never have any pictures with her with us suited up, or even partials. It's become a big part of my life, and honestly I've barely touched the surface of the fandom..what's gonna happen when it becomes a good portion of my life? [Right now I have no furry friends, have never been to a 'con, have no tail or even a partial. Not even a badge :( ] I've been struggling with who I am lately and I can't escape the fact that this is part of who I am and what I want to do/be. and I want someone with me that understands it fully, and someone who I can share those moments with.

I'm worried that if i do proceed and stay with her and that if we do get married, it will create a divide between us. That over time, she will start to care for me less and less because I'm becoming something that she doesn't want any part of. She already think's its weird and lacks understanding of it (I've tried to explain it several times). What's going to happen when she sees me dropping $1,000+ on my first suit, or going on a work vacation just to go to my first con? The first time she caught me looking at yiff she got really upset with me and told me that its bestiality and its extremely weird...stuff like that.

These are some of the things that I'm having trouble dealing with. Am I being unreasonable? I know in a relationship its all about I not compromising here by wanting something different?

Any advice guys/gal's?

I highly appreciate anything in advance.

I hate to do this, but this (NSFW inside) is how our current conversation goes. Name blocked for obvious reasons.

submitted by Karbairusa
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Categories: News

Hey, furries.

Furry Reddit - Fri 17 Oct 2014 - 16:21

This shark loves you, just wanted to remind you all. <3

Edit: Does anyone else see the bullshit going on at the bottom of the thread?

Edit2: You know. I prefer to be nice and affectionate, but some people just have to start shit, and then they're surprised when I cuss them out and send them home with their tail between their legs.

submitted by NoNeedForEvolution
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Categories: News

Share your wild convention stories!

Furry Reddit - Fri 17 Oct 2014 - 15:43

I know that my first con was absolutely bonkers. I'm curious about what crazy shit went on at other people's con experiences.

When I went to FC 2013, I was there for four days and I maybe slept a combined total of 15-20 hours, and that's being pretty generous. It was so much fun. The feeling of being surrounded by people who are into the same weird shit as you and to have it all be normal for a while is indescribable. I actually cried on the tram ride to the airport the day I had to leave.

In that long weekend I got to watch the chaos unfold in the streets as hundreds of furries intermingled with the notorious amount of crazy homeless people of San Jose, all the green card carrying stoners from the Hempcon that was going on next door, and the women's volleyball team staying in the same hotel as the FC attendees.

I won't go into every little nutty thing that happened unless you guys ask me to, but one particular experience that stuck with me was when I went dancing with fursuiters on shrooms and vodka, and wound up kissing a man for the first time. (I'm functionally straight by the way) It actually wasn't so bad! So tell me, what's the wildest thing that happened to you at con?

submitted by stonerhippiemutt
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Categories: News