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Good Furry Award: Winners announced – Ash Coyote named winner

Global Furry Television - Mon 6 Jul 2020 - 12:31

点击此,读中文版 The furry fandom feature film may have finished premiering, but the director of the film is still in for one more endorsement. The Good Furry Award, an award recognising furries for their outstanding spirit in the furry community, has named Ash Coyote the winner of the Award.  Testimonials featured on the website recognised her […]
Categories: News


Global Furry Television - Mon 6 Jul 2020 - 12:17

English: 每年7月4日周末,毛兽们会争先恐后地赶往匹兹堡市参与Anthrocon,世界第二大兽展。但由于目前新冠疫情的影响,其及全球许多的展子都被迫取消。 尽管如此,这反而成为了一个“毛兽历史课”之周末——探索了解兽圈多姿多彩的历史,及这如何塑造了今天的毛兽社区。在上周五新加坡时上午8点整,Ash Coyote的毛兽纪录专题片《兽圈》在油管上正式首播,这引来了许多毛兽和非毛兽们的积极反响。 这部近一个半小时的专题片记录了兽圈从初期的小型艺术聚至个横跨全球多国的社区的多年历程。影片透露,兽圈在成长道路上遇到了一些其中包括涉政、媒体和性等等的一些波折,但影片最后将全部包揽在一个纵观兽圈至今的路程及它如何将别人的生活变得更好的放大镜。 我们希望非毛兽的观众们能从这部电影中清楚地了解我们的兽圈;学到说,兽圈并不是什么 “恋物癖社区”,反而只是一些穿兽装到处奔波的一群人——我们是一个充满活力,对拟人艺术感兴趣并为此而庆祝的群体。 我们都是将其中包含的各种不同成分和动力给聚集在一起,希望这(电影)将导致后代对我们的社区有一个更好的理解。 ——导演Ash Coyote 随后,许多毛兽们在推特等等的毛兽社交上对此表示了积极反应。在美国,#TheFandom标签甚至在其成为了潮流。为了表示支持,许多毛毛们向这部电影做出了捐款和鼓励,有些网友们表示,这部电影“给他们带来了对兽圈历史的新尊重”。到目前,该影片在油管上共积累了100万多点击量,许多外语字幕也在此时正在制作中。 《兽圈》中文字幕:
Categories: News

The fandom boom: Furry docu film “The Fandom” premieres, #TheFandom trends on furry social media

Global Furry Television - Mon 6 Jul 2020 - 11:28

点击此,读中文 The fourth of July weekend in the US is a weekend when furries would race to Pittsburgh to attend the world’s second largest furry convention, Anthrocon, which is cancelled due to the current pandemic. Despite this, instead it became a weekend where furries had a history lesson on the furry fandom’s multicoloured history, and […]
Categories: News

疫情与兽圈:3个兽展被取消—— JMoF, Wild North和Alamo City Furry Invasion

Global Furry Television - Mon 6 Jul 2020 - 11:16

English: 本周,有三个,其中包括一个在2021年举办的兽展,全部被取消。 日本兽展Japan Meeting of Furries,之前定于明年1月7至10日举行,已宣布取消。他们的新日期是2022年1月7至9日。 英国兽展Wild North已被改在明年举行。所有的门票和房间预订都会自动转移到2021本届展。不过,毛兽们仍也可以申请退款,只要他们在英国7月26日午夜之前完成手续,也就是当天新加坡时早上8点,美国东部时晚上7点。他们的新日期是2021年9月24至27日。 位于德州的美国兽展Alamo City Furry Invasion也被改在明年举行。与Wild North一样,所有的门票和房间预订都将转移到2021年。不过,出于经济上的考虑,该展无法提供退款。他们的新日期是2021年10月8日至10日。 这样一来,今年总共有75个兽展被取消,4个被推迟,22个今年将举行。
Categories: News

COVID-19 and Furries: 3 furcons cancelled – JMoF, Wild North and Alamo City Furry Invasion

Global Furry Television - Mon 6 Jul 2020 - 11:02

点击此,读中文版 This week, three furcons are cancelled, that which includes one held in 2021. Japanese furcon Japan Meeting of Furries, slated to be held on 7 – 10 Jan next year, has announced cancellation. Their new dates are 7 – 9 Jan 2022. British furcon Wild North has moved to next year. All tickets […]
Categories: News

Alkali & Boozy on Virtual Anthrocon! -…

The Dragget Show - Sun 5 Jul 2020 - 11:34 shirts - also on spotify, iTunes, etc. discord: telegram: Alkali & Boozy on Virtual Anthrocon! -…
Categories: Podcasts

夏日祭典——穹夜《Summer Times》

Fur Times - 獸時報 - Sun 5 Jul 2020 - 11:23

今天是夏日祭典開始後的第三天!這次要發布的投稿為穹夜所繪製,作品名稱為Summer Times,請各位獸們一起欣賞穹夜所帶來的精彩作品吧!


作品名稱:Summer Times

Categories: News

It’s Important To Keep Things Balanced

In-Fur-Nation - Sun 5 Jul 2020 - 01:52

Have you heard about Dogs Are People Too: A Collection of Cartoons to Make Your Tail Wag? We hadn’t! It’s a collection of full-color dog cartoons (duh) the syndicated panel-comic Speed Bump that writer and artist Dave Coverly published a while ago in book form. Well now, perhaps to give equal time, he has brought us Cats Are People Too: A Collection of Cat Cartoons to Curl Up With. Published under the Square Fish imprint, you can check out a preview over at MacMillan Publishing. Both books should be available now.

image c. 2020 Square Fish

Categories: News

Episode 467 - Pony Struggle Session -  Content warning for discussion of predatory behavior in the fighting game community.  We crawled out of our pits of despair to record this week. The bronies are at it again, Texas realizes they've really screwed us,

Southpaws - Sat 4 Jul 2020 - 16:00

 Content warning for discussion of predatory behavior in the fighting game community. 

We crawled out of our pits of despair to record this week. The bronies are at it again, Texas realizes they've really screwed us, furries of color are going to make a convention of their own and that's a cool good thing, and me too comes to the gaming world again.


Episode 467 - Pony Struggle Session -  Content warning for discussion of predatory behavior in the fighting game community.  We crawled out of our pits of despair to record this week. The bronies are at it again, Texas realizes they've really screwed us,
Categories: Podcasts

Bearly Furcasting #10 - Our 10th Episode! Independence Day!

Bearly Furcasting - Sat 4 Jul 2020 - 14:00

MOOBARKFLUFF! Click here to send us a comment or message about the show!

No guest this week but we have a great time talking about various subjects and Taebyn has a laughing fit during storytime! Tune in and have a laugh with us!

Support the show

Thanks to all our listeners and to our staff: Bearly Normal, Rayne Raccoon, Taebyn, Cheetaro, TickTock, and Ziggy the Meme Weasel.

You can send us a message on Telegram at BFFT Chat, or via email at:

Bearly Furcasting #10 - Our 10th Episode! Independence Day!
Categories: Podcasts


Fur Times - 獸時報 - Thu 2 Jul 2020 - 09:50




Categories: News

The Fandom movie: Furry paws seize the media

Dogpatch Press - Thu 2 Jul 2020 - 09:48

Premiering JULY 3, 2020 at

When the media shows furries, do they get it right?

It’s a constant furry worry. In 2017 it was announced that CNN was making a show about them. Backlash rose about sensationalism, but few critics gave a fair shake to the producers of This Is Life with Lisa Ling. Then it came out and it was a flat-out advocacy piece on behalf of Furry“, said Joe Strike, a fan since the 1980’s who wrote a book that covers the subculture’s run-ins with bad media.

Joe Strike’s Furry Nation is the essential fandom history book.

Positive response didn’t satisfy every critic. Some asked why the 3 fans featured by CNN didn’t include more diverse people. But the show (with an asian-american woman journalist) got backlash while asking volunteers to raise their paws and be counted. That seems like damned if you do, damned if you don’t.

In answer to this, The Fandom is a documentary made by the fans. It features outstanding writers (like Joe), artists, animators, musicians, costume designers, event organizers and founders. It celebrates the roots with pro quality and appeal for outsiders who might not have given a fair look before.

For decades this subculture has thrived despite adversity. Bad media is one kind, but not the only kind. Some is internal. Some is homophobic. Some is happening right now with this screwy year. There’s even a villain to tell you about.

$10 million worth of trouble

Anthrocon is the 2nd largest furry convention, led by Uncle Kage (Dr. Sam Conway), the longstanding CEO and fandom public relations figure. It was due to bring $9.9 million to Pittsburgh’s economy in 2020. Now it’s among 70 furry cons canceled by COVID-19. The movie is launching anyways on the con’s dates, without opportunities that could have won distribution. (No film fests either.)

In the parallel universe where COVID-19 never materialized, parallel me is at this very minute climbing into a van with my parallel crew, headed to parallel Pittsburgh.

— Uncle Kage (@Unclekage) June 30, 2020

That makes this all-crowdfunded movie even more special and timely.

Time marches on, founders die or get forgotten, and it gets more important to share their stories of how a fandom got its identity. One of them, Mark Merlino, co-founded ConFurence as the first furry con. Imagine seeing one con rise to hundreds! He talks about branching out from other fandoms: “They couldn’t tell what to make of us” (because it’s not based on just one genre or property like Star Wars).

Mark and others define the nature of the beast. Each thread starts with archival sources, then ties them together with current fan interviews.

The story

  • Zines: 1970’s-80’s fans started with APA zines where they could see and be seen. Mail was like “slow motion internet” where a reply could take a month. Furry Library curator Summercat talks about it. (More: Unearthing a cool fossil — A 1980’s letter shows furry fandom before the net.)
  • Conventions: Mark Merlino and his partner Rod talk about meeting each other as fans, and how many felt alone until they met each other and saw “you draw like this too?” Meetings became parties, clubs, and ConFurence. (More: A brief history of the Cartoon/Fantasy Organization, America’s first anime fan club.)
  • Internet: Early BBS and MUCK activity brought furries together before the Web, making them one of the first subcultures to rise with it.
  • Queering: For artists, using characters as ideal selves helped develop freedom to come out with role play, and band together in their own space.
  • Growth: Over time these threads merged into a movement. Artists make a living from it. There’s a new wave of fans turning the old con masquerade into up-close raging dances. Bubbles, the manager of five cons, talks about being one of just a few women among all the leaders.
  • Controversy: Growth and freedom pushes limits, and leaders face hard questions. They say sex is something any humans do. The first fursuiter was kinky and gets compared to pin-up art that’s normal to comic fans. Joe Strike talks about bad media and Uncle Kage talks about the challenge of answering it.

It’s not so much a narrative with stakes and a payoff but it does lead up to a conflict.

The villain

Media relations make Uncle Kage bemusedly address rumors of furry cons being “like a Pride fest on acid”.

Kage isn’t the villain, unlike in some media that have painted him like a “family values” propagandist. You can really empathize with his viewpoint when he asks if you’d like to step in front of a camera and answer sex questions while your grandma watches.

You might miss one of the movie’s most key moments if you don’t think about it. A 1990’s group bent on purifying the fandom is featured: the Burned Furs.

In old video, Burned Fur Eric Blumrich says: “I’m not asking people to behave differently than general society, I’m asking them to behave LIKE people in general society.”

His long-gone group isn’t the villain, though. It’s not publicity-hungry media, or even bigoted judgement. The villain is part of a conflict about losing identity:

UwU ????

— U.S. Army Esports (@USArmyesports) June 30, 2020

That’s a verified brand and a US Army recruiting project using furry fanspeak. Imagine recruiters setting up shop in a con dealer den and making predatory pitches. That’s hyperbole, but it helps show the villain lurking on the edges of The Fandom. It’s conformity.


I keep an eye out for all media about furries, and often call the Furry 101 kind boring. The Fandom raises the bar by giving an intimate tour with quality and heart. It’s 95% positive celebration.

Documentaries can show more drama or criticism or bad sides than this really does. But how much negativity do you need in these times? Not to say that this documentary has no opinion — it’s strong advocacy.

The strength in The Fandom comes in context of past fighting about things that come out gently now. They’re natural roots here. In the very beginning it points out that furry fans are heavily LGBT. That developed during the AIDS crisis, and they faced internal member homophobia. But times changed. Elders in the movie are often cis white males, but it also features POC, female and trans members from a newer wave of fans. Publicity about the movie points out the all-LGBT crew, and the director, Ash, is reinventing a career after transitioning and feeling distanced from the industry.

Sex isn’t ignored and that brings up a funny thing. For a few seconds, a vintage 1990’s video lingers on Uncle Kage’s badge and a certain fursona name. It’s like a “dogwhistle” only furries will notice.

The Fandom is recommended to show your friends or family or have a furry movie party. It makes the history time-capsule-worthy. They got it right.

Like the article? These take hard work. For more free furry news, please follow on Twitter or support not-for-profit Dogpatch Press on PatreonWant to get involved? Share news on these subreddits: r/furrydiscuss for anything — or r/waginheaven for the best of the community. Or send guest writing here.

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Global Furry Television - Thu 2 Jul 2020 - 04:20

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Fur Times - 獸時報 - Wed 1 Jul 2020 - 21:30















Categories: News

FWG Monthly Newsletter: June 2020

Furry Writers' Guild - Wed 1 Jul 2020 - 15:00

Hello there FWG members, it’s time for another monthly newsletter! We’ve got a good bit of news for you this month, so let’s hop right into it!

First we’ll be streaming the Cóyotl Awards Ceremony on July 8th at 8 PM CST! We know you’ve all been waiting, but we’ve finally managed to get all of our things together for our trophies and managed to get safe shipping set up. We’ll be streaming live from our Twitter account via Periscope, so keep an eye out there for the stream. 

Second, we would like to give a warm welcome to our newest guild officer: Moonraiser! They will be taking over as Markets Manager. If you know of a furry market that should be listed in our Furry Writers’ Market contact them and we’ll get it added.

Don’t forget we have a wonderful beta reading program taking place on our Discord. This month @KILL!Roy beta read the most stories! We had 15+ reads officially documented through the program this month and we hope next month we can have even more.

Last month was Pride Month so we featured several FWG members all across the LGBT+ community. We encourage you to check these out to not only learn more about your fellow guild members, but to learn a bit about how various identities can affect writing.

We would like to remind everyone once more about our Microfiction Monday initiative. Any writer, non-members included, that can write a Tweet sized story has the opportunity to have it featured on our Twitter! You can learn more about the program and how to submit here. We almost ran out of submissions this month, so any stories that get sent in will almost certainly be featured! Take this opportunity to try a writing challenge and get a shoutout.

Last month we accidentally missed a few titles that was released and wanted to fix that! Anyone publishers or writers, with books going out should email us at with any books that are coming out to help us not miss any titles. This includes any self published work! With this in mind, the books we missed include:

We also have some other new releases from this month! Be sure to check these out:

Part of our website update was making our Furry Writers’ Market better than ever before! You can find all of open markets for furry writing we can track down here:

Currently, these anthology markets are open:

Consider checking out our page for details and writing up a story for one of these awesome anthologies!

One last thing before I sign off for the month. We said it on Twitter but I’ll say it here once more: Black Lives Matter. The Furry Writers’ Guild stands in support of all of our Black members as well as any other members of marginalized groups within our ranks. We always want our members to feel safe and to do our best to uplift their voices. If there’s anything the guild could be doing better in this regard, please get in contact with me right away: it’s a top priority. Until next month, may your words flow like water.

– FWG President Linnea “LiteralGrill” Capps

Categories: News

The debate on a proposed SFW-only furry space: the “Fluffies”

Global Furry Television - Wed 1 Jul 2020 - 10:02

Furries are getting younger. Well we mean, the fandom is getting younger. In two studies conducted in 2011 and 2020, the fandom’s median age has gotten younger. That said, more minors – people under 18 – are joining the furry fandom. Demand for SFW-only spaces steadily rose. The “fluffies”, or “fluffy fandom” came to prominence […]
Categories: News

COVID-19 and Furries: June: Furcon cancellations fuel trend for online furry events

Global Furry Television - Wed 1 Jul 2020 - 09:47

Chinese article – 点击这里查看中文报道 This month, 12 furcons from the Americas, Europe and Asia reported cancellations and postponements to next year, as the coronavirus continues to develop. In the Americas, Canfurence, Golden State Fur Con, Denfur, Furrydelphia, Western PA Furry Weekend, Furry Migration, Furvana are canceled. The same goes to Rusfurence, Furcation and Golden Leaves […]
Categories: News

Pre-Season - Interview with Hy (Crocuta Mane)

What's The Fuzz?! - Wed 1 Jul 2020 - 03:51

// Follow Viogoat (Sound Engineer) // Follow Hy // BLM Resources // BIPOC Telegram Chat // Support The Show // BLM Resources Furry Group // BIPOC Furry Discord //

June 12th 2020 I got to sit down with Hy and it was tons of fun! We got into all kinds of topics from dragons fucking cars, police brutality to Chipotle burritos. Don't forget to pay your respects to the Pulse Nightclub, that on the day of this recording, was shot up by a man who shall not be named.


Thank you for listening.

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Pre-Season - Interview with Hy (Crocuta Mane)
Categories: Podcasts

Turtles Back In Action

In-Fur-Nation - Wed 1 Jul 2020 - 01:57

Seems as if we’re never far away from a new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles project. We just found this article: “Deadline has learned that Nickelodeon is rebooting Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles for the big screen with Point Grey Pictures’ Seth Rogen, Evan Goldberg and James Weaver producing, and Jeff Rowe (Gravity Falls, Connected) directing. Brendan O’Brien (Neighbors: Sorority Rising, Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates) will write the screenplay. Paramount will be handling global distribution on the film.” This would be the first time since Imagi Pictures’ TMNT from 2007 that we’d have a fully CGI Ninja Turtles feature film as opposed to the recent CGI/live-action hybrids.

image c. 2020 Imagi Studios

Categories: News