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wolf sculpture covered in mirrors

Furry Reddit - Tue 28 Oct 2014 - 19:05
Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Tue 28 Oct 2014 - 18:21
Categories: News

We're in the news again…

Furry Reddit - Tue 28 Oct 2014 - 15:54
Categories: News

I hear furries like free games. Also, humble bundle is great for getting me games I don't care for.

Furry Reddit - Tue 28 Oct 2014 - 15:18

So, I bought in to the recent humble bundle and some games I have no interest in. I figured some of the furs here would care to have them more than I would. Anyways, here is a list of the ones I'm giving away. (Which may increase as the green tier releases more but that's like a week from now)

1: Tower of Guns---taken

2: OlliOlli--- Taken

3: Amnesia: A Machine For Pigs--- Taken

4: Jazzpunk---taken

Pick one and I'll send you the gift link, first come first server and all that.

There may be a few copies of Risk of Rain if my friends don't want a copy. Should that happen I'll do a random drawing of some sort for the people that came too late so post anyways.

Alright, all out of games. I suggest going to I think there is a free game for anyone that visits the site before november 25th. So even if you didn't get one from me there should still be a free game in it for you.

submitted by Terwin94
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Categories: News

A Little Fursuit Advice for a Young Newbee

Ask Papabear - Tue 28 Oct 2014 - 11:12
Hey, Papabear,

I am a new furry in the fandom and so far so good. I made my first partial suit and for some reason my handler wasn't paying attention. Five kids literally hit, stepped on, and pulled my tail. How can I quickly respond to this chaos without making the parents think I’m mean or something? 

What happened was that I made new plans for a fursuit, right? And I was wondering if u thought stompy paws would look good with ditigade legs :/

Mellow the Monster (age 14)

* * *

Dear Mellow,

Welcome, furiend! 

On the first subject, you need to learn how to interact with people while in fursuit. Yes, your handler should do a better job because your vision is limited (maybe find a new handler or train him or her better on what to do), but there are things you can do, too.

First thing is this: never approach other people—children or adults—unless they ask you to. Try not to let others approach you from behind (that’s something a handler should help you with). If you feel you are being surrounded and tugged or stepped on, retreat away from the crowd and collect yourself before going back to interact with people. If your tail is pulled again, have your handler politely ask people not to do that. If they won’t stop, then it is time to leave. Some crowds are just not very nice. 

As for stompy paws with digitigrade legs, sure, that could work. Make sure you carefully plan your design. Sketch it out several times until you get the right look before you begin sewing.

Have fun!


2 Ponies 1 Pillow

Furry.Today - Tue 28 Oct 2014 - 10:30


Categories: Videos

He’s Afraid of Growing Up

Furry News Network - Tue 28 Oct 2014 - 07:56
Author: Dear Papabear: How are you? I’m mostly fine. While I am not exactly a furry (I still don’t know if I am or not, but I am well informed of what does being a furry imply) I have enjoyed reading your column since a few time ago, and I like the way you help […]
Categories: News

Is anyone sick of how humans are represented in furry storys? (Possible rant)

Furry Reddit - Tue 28 Oct 2014 - 06:58

Now I love the most of the furry community and am not a newcomer. This post may be the rambling of a insane person as I've been very sick and might be starting to lose it. Anyhoo

I'm really fucking sick of how humans are always reprinted the exact same way over&over in story's I find on Furaffanity. Not only dose it get old and uninteresting faster than csi reruns, but it's so god-damned predictable! It's always a weak little human that's scared, alone, and usually has some long sad whiny backstory. Three things could happen.

1:A big strong furry feels pity for the little thing and they become friend, then usually lovers. I like these mostly. It's fun to imagine a sweet wonderful someone to take us away from our problems. Now where I don't like these is how the human seems to blindly follow and cower behind the furry. This is flat out fucking stupid. Humans are not weak little bitches, look at all the insane shit we do every day. I'd might right a story where a human is the one to help a furry, and they become friends because they can BOTH be assertive and hold there own in the face of everyday life problems.

2: A human is captured by some asshole furry, and unwillingly kept as a slave, fuck-toy or turned into a furry. Now I hate to say it but if liked some of these. Not many, like 3-5 out of the 137248290049 that are floating around the net. The ones I've enjoyed have been TF but only if there's constant or at lest the human is happy and still functional afterwards(mindcontrol doesn't count, that's almost rape and you know it). It's nice when the furry isn't a jerk too but that's rare.

3: The stuff that would make me carry a gun regardless of laws if furrys were real. This one isn't even about humans, but when these fetishs come up it's almost always the same no matter the species.




mindcontrol(off shoot of rape)

corruption(same thing as mindcontrol but the victim gets cumed on, THEN starts to be ok with being raped)

some types of FT( we've all seen those comics about getting eaten by your fursuit, your insides ripped out and you made into a suit or becoming a mindless household object)

That's the tip of the iceberg but you get the point. I don't know. I lost track of what I wanted to say. I just wish humans could be represented as we are and not cowering little bitches. Can we decide on something humans can do that furrys can't? Like furrys are silicon cells organisms. While humans are made of much denser carbon cells and thus furrys need body-builder size muscles to compleat with the average human. That could explain how why most furs are buff and why furs aren't killed when fucking someone 3x there size. Yeah, I like that.

That's my rant. Way longer than I thought and I didn't even get to how most people with alien fursonas have an evil, edgy, I'm suuuuuch a badass complex. Seriously are they 14 or something?

sorry for shitty grammar and if I rustled ya jimmies.

submitted by Rolo_Swag
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Categories: News

Meet Asher, my new 'sona!

Furry Reddit - Tue 28 Oct 2014 - 05:18
Categories: News

Would anyone be interested in commissions?

Furry Reddit - Tue 28 Oct 2014 - 04:24

I've never done commissions before, but I'd be willing to try if people are interested :)

My FA profile:

submitted by cammac48
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Categories: News

Commission sale!

Furry Reddit - Tue 28 Oct 2014 - 02:54

Since my computer's dc jack is broken, and 7.50 an hour isnt helping, i've turned to reddit for help. i'm doing commissions for $10 for color and lined work, at $2 for each extra character. if you want a link to my art:

I need to make at least $150 for parts and labor ;w; i'll also be putting up a YCH later in the week, starting bid at $5.

if for some reason you're interested, you can message me here or on FA.

;w; thank you for your time

submitted by akkikumori
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Categories: News

Pigs Take Wing

In-Fur-Nation - Tue 28 Oct 2014 - 01:41

Next year, the pigs come to power! Or at least, they take a crack at it… again. “In a dark, oppressive future, pig-men work tirelessly as the slaves of human masters, feeding a society they cannot fathom. When Oink realizes that the dogma being forced on them is all lies, he undertakes a path of revenge and revelation.” Written and illustrated by John Mueller, OINK: Heaven’s Butcher is celebrating its 20th anniversary with new sequences and a new paint job in this new trade paperback from Dark Horse Press. Over at Comic Book Resources they have more: “Influenced by George Orwell, Pink Floyd, and Simon Bisley, among others, OINK debuted in 1995 from Kitchen Sink Press, telling the dystopian story of pig-men who work as slaves to feed their human masters. But when Oink witnesses the execution of one of his comrades, he violently rebels and sets out on a quest for the truth about the creation of his race and revenge against its oppressors.” Check out the preview images too — and look for the graphic novel in February.

image c. 2014 Dark Horse Press

image c. 2014 Dark Horse Press

Categories: News

Gymnast Doodle

Furry Reddit - Tue 28 Oct 2014 - 00:59
Categories: News