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Smutty art. NSFW

Furry Reddit - Fri 31 Oct 2014 - 04:31
Categories: News

DIE YOUNG- Fan Animated

Furry Reddit - Fri 31 Oct 2014 - 02:17
Categories: News

This Halloween Google icon :P

Furry Reddit - Fri 31 Oct 2014 - 02:09
Categories: News

The Big Outdoors and One Little Coon

In-Fur-Nation - Fri 31 Oct 2014 - 01:54

In another vein entirely, check out the Little Ty Cooney series of illustrated books from writer and artist Steven Riley. He took his love of the great outdoors, art, and children’s books and mashed them all together into three hardcover adventures, Little Ty Cooney and the Big Yosemite Race, Little Ty Cooney and the Big Yellowstone Mystery, and Little Ty Cooney and the Grand Canyon Tour Company — so far. In each, a young raccoon and his friends explore these famous National Parks to learn and, of course, to find danger and escape it. Each of the books can be purchased at the official Ty Cooney web site, which also features art how-to videos and other projects that Mr. Riley is currently working on.

image c. 2014 by Steven Riley

image c. 2014 by Steven Riley

Categories: News

Is there a term for furries that dress up with a tail and ears, but don't wear a fursuit?

Furry Reddit - Thu 30 Oct 2014 - 21:30

Im kinda new to this whole furry thing and quite frankly I just find the fursuit creepy so i've just kept with my tail and ears. Is there a term to classify people like me other than furry?

submitted by Technorecord
[link] [20 comments]
Categories: News

Happy Halloween! (art by Khezix)

Furry Reddit - Thu 30 Oct 2014 - 20:16
Categories: News

Pixel by RandomDaisy

Furry Reddit - Thu 30 Oct 2014 - 20:14
Categories: News

Feature request: Linking art of our sonas via flair

Furry Reddit - Thu 30 Oct 2014 - 20:05

A huge part of the fandom is knowing what someone's fursona is, and while flairs provide a text-based description it'd be really nice to know what someone, y'know, looks like :P

I see linked flairs here and there on reddit, it'd be interesting to see if it were possible on this sub to utilize that to give Fursona previews :D

Thanks <3

submitted by ObsoletePixel
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Categories: News

Finished my first tail yesterday.

Furry Reddit - Thu 30 Oct 2014 - 19:05
Categories: News

Lonely. A venting piece.

Furry Reddit - Thu 30 Oct 2014 - 18:53

Also how my Halloween night is likely to go.

Sorry if the angst bugs you. (image didn't link the first time? weird)

submitted by Howlibu
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Categories: News

Anyone in the NYC area?

Furry Reddit - Thu 30 Oct 2014 - 16:04

I am studying photography and would like to meet anyone in the NYC area and do portraits and other shots. Please PM me if you would be interested or if you have questions

submitted by ReyEra
[link] [comment]
Categories: News

Anyone regret getting a fursuit?

Furry Reddit - Thu 30 Oct 2014 - 12:19

Just curious - anyone here wish they hadn't spent the he money, feel like they don't use it enough, didn't end up enjoying it, etc?

submitted by allthingsfuzzy
[link] [13 comments]
Categories: News

Winning the Furry Argument with Your Parents by Gaining Their Trust

Ask Papabear - Thu 30 Oct 2014 - 11:30
Hello there! It is I, Zandafrost the Folf, at your service. I have read some of the letters people have sent you, and I found your responses to them quite wise. I decided to go ahead and ask a question of my own.

I used to lurk around the fandom, not sure if it was something I would enjoy for a while, and I finally kind of officially "joined" the fandom last year. As I quickly got more and more into it, I realized that since I am 16, I will need the consent of my parents if I want to go to most any convention, meet, and things like that. I mentioned the fandom to them one day, hoping that they would at least be understanding and accepting, maybe even interested. They were not in the least... Their reaction was one of shock, quickly turning to anger. They couldn't believe that their son could be into something so "weird" and "inappropriate" and I was grounded from electronics for a month or two. I've tried many times to talk to them about it since then and they shut me down every time.

I know they care about me and want me to be safe, and I think that they are scared I am getting myself into something possibly dangerous. My father is a school administrator and my mother is a teacher and they deal with things that involve internet safety a lot. I consider myself to be a smart kid, and I am appropriately cautious of others. I can see why they would have a problem with me suddenly meeting and talking to all these new people that they don't know. However, I think it is a bit of an overreaction to threaten to call the police on one of these friends just because he is 21 years old (a legal adult) and is texting me regularly. They didn't care that I first met him with friends at a school sporting event and not on the internet first, or how respectful he always was to me, and when he offered to come talk to them personally when I told him I wasn't allowed to speak to him anymore, they rejected him. Didn't wanna hear it.

I've tried to explain the fandom to them, I've shown them things, other furs have offered to answer questions or help explain. They don't care and don't want to hear it. I know it is their choice, they are in charge and I don't like to go against them, but this is important to me and they aren't hearing what I'm trying to get them to understand. I can see why they would have a problem, but they seem to be too set in their own views and opinions. I hope I don't sound like I am making my parents the bad guys, but I am starting to get a little frustrated. All I wanted was for them to accept the fandom enough to let me do things and make friends in the furry community. Have I gone about this wrong? Is there something I could be doing differently? Or am I just going to have to put up with my situation until I'm on my own?

I apologize about the wall of text, This has been bothering me for some time and as my story said, I can't get anyone to listen. Thanks for any advice you can give.

hugs and nuzzles,
Zandafrost (age 16)

* * *

Dear Zandafrost,

As you likely know, I’ve addressed the topic of coming out furry to parents many times in this column, as well as what to do with parents who are prejudiced against the fandom. It’s worth addressing the topic again, however, because I have yet to fully discuss the issue of trust.

Papabear has perhaps erred in the past because I’ve always taken this topic as a challenge on how to argue that the furry fandom is not about a bunch of pedophiles and sexaholics taking advantage of teens by luring them in with weird sex. Sometimes we should take a look at this from a more generalized perspective.

Let’s take furry off the table and ask these questions: how do you think your parents would have reacted if you had come out gay to them? How about if you wanted to convert to another religion or announced you were a pagan? What if you asked them about quitting school and pursuing your dream to be an artist in Paris? How about going out alone with a girlfriend at night? What if, even, you simply asked to attend a party at another house and told them parents were supervising it? How much have they restricted you in the past?

In other words, do your parents simply not trust your judgment, regardless of furry? If not, do they have reason not to trust you? Have you been trustworthy in the past? If not, then that is a problem you need to work on with them. If so, then it’s even worse that they don’t trust you even though you’ve given them no reason to feel that way.

Gaining, or regaining, your parents’ trust can be a long road, and the more protective and untrusting your parents are, the longer it is, but in most cases it can be accomplished. Here are some things you can do (this works both for gaining and regaining trust):

  1. Always be honest with your parents; don’t try to hide anything. Most young people think they can outsmart their parents, but they have been around a lot longer than you and, when they were young, probably tried to slip things past their parents; they know most of the tricks, and they know you better than you might think.
  2. If you promise them that you will do something, do it. Make your word good as gold, or even platinum or diamonds. (Example, if they set a 10pm curfew on a Saturday night, be home at 9:59).
  3. Listen to what they have to say, and acknowledge it, such as, “I get what your saying; you’re saying that you think if I hang out with this 21-year-old guy he’s going to hurt me somehow. But let me say this....”
  4. Be financially responsible. Show them that you respect the value of money and don’t blow it all on video games or fast food. Start a savings account; get a part time job.
  5. Keep your room neat as a pin. This might sound irrelevant, but it shows you are taking responsibility for yourself and not expecting one of your parents to clean up after you. Bonus: do your own laundry; wash the dishes.
  6. If you make a mistake, admit it and apologize.
  7. Show appreciation for what they do for you. Thank your mom (or dad) for cooking dinner. Thank them for lending you the car. Thank them for their advice. Bonus: do something nice for them once in a while, and not just for their birthday or Mother’s/Father’s Day.

If your parents start to see you as a responsible young adult instead of a child, they should begin to loosen the leash. Once you have that established, it is time to restate your case for being a furry. This means learning how to argue effectively.

The big no-no here is to whine and pout and cry out, “You don’t let me do anything!” and that sort of nonsense. We do that when we’re teens because it worked when we were babies and cried to be fed. But that strategy runs it’s course by the time we’re, oh, 6 or 7.

Another error is to say stuff like, “All my other friends are into being furries.” Parents don’t care what other kids do. You’ll often hear the retort, “No child of MINE is going to blah blah blah....”

What do you do, then? First, gather your evidence to support your argument (you can refer to some of my articles here: Especially check out the ones dealing with religious or conservative parents.

Next, don’t let them get away with just saying “no.” Ask them to explain why they feel as they do and ask them to give evidence to support it. However, do not make them feel stupid if they say things you consider to be ignorant (although their solution to punish you by forbidding you to play video games for a month betrays a certain simple-mindedness on their part). Instead, praise them for taking the time to look into furry stuff while pointing out evidence contradicting their ideas.

Here’s a cool trick, too. When talking to them, language is very important! Obviously, don’t use curse words, but, more subtly, avoid words like “you” and “me.” You don’t want to use language that creates the notion of opposing sides. INSTEAD, use “we” and “our” as much as possible. Example: “When we argue like this, it makes us both feel bad. What can we do to come to an agreement so that we all feel like we are getting along?”

Stay on topic. This is about your wanting to be involved in the fandom, not whether or not a 21-year-old is a pedophile (that’s a topic for a different conversation)

Compromise: This discussion doesn’t have to go all your way. If they give a little, be willing to give a little, too.

Persistence: Just because they say “no” the first time, doesn’t mean that they will always say that. If you keep trying, you might wear them down ;-)

Good luck! Stay furry!


A certain bird and bear plotting

Furry Reddit - Thu 30 Oct 2014 - 11:22
Categories: News