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Digging Up Positivity: Furry charity and good news (July 2020)

Global Furry Television - Sun 26 Jul 2020 - 10:21

点击此,读中文报道 Hello there, and welcome to July’s episode of Digging Up Positivity. This month we will cover some amazing members of our community, lovely videos, and our featurette is a wonderful artist from Berlin known for her outstanding artwork for individuals and companies alike. Fursaverance Following many amazing conventions, South Afrifur could not be left […]
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Fur Times - 獸時報 - Sun 26 Jul 2020 - 09:20





Categories: News

Meet the Dork — and Friends

In-Fur-Nation - Sun 26 Jul 2020 - 01:19

So furry fans (and many others) have been going crazy lately creating new art in celebration of Spyro the Dragon — new art of many sorts, of course. Well if they need some more inspiration, they could do a lot worse than The Art of Spyro: Reignited Trilogy, new from Blizzard Entertainment. “In 2018 Toys for Bob Studios thrilled fans worldwide by releasing Spyro™ Reignited™ Trilogy, a faithful remaster encompassing all three titles from the beloved Spyro™ trilogy introduced in 1998. The Art of Spyro™ is a meticulously crafted compendium filled with in-depth behind-the-scenes content, insightful quotes from top illustrators in the industry, anecdotes from the game developers, and a dazzling assortment of incredible concept art, some of which has never been seen by the public. It is a must-have for art lovers, gamers, fans… and the fun-loving adventurer in all of us.”  Compiled by writer Micky Neilson (Pearl of Pandaria), The Art of Spyro book is available now in hardcover.

image c. 2020 Blizzard Entertainment

Categories: News

Bearly Furcasting #13 - Special Guest Rukis, bad jokes, and Math

Bearly Furcasting - Sat 25 Jul 2020 - 14:00

MOOBARKFLUFF! Click here to send us a comment or message about the show!

This week we visit with furry author and artist Rukis. We hear a few jokes, and learn about prime numbers (no they are not numbers you get from Amazon Prime!).  Join us for our weekly furcast!

Support the show

Thanks to all our listeners and to our staff: Bearly Normal, Rayne Raccoon, Taebyn, Cheetaro, TickTock, and Ziggy the Meme Weasel.

You can send us a message on Telegram at BFFT Chat, or via email at:

Bearly Furcasting #13 - Special Guest Rukis, bad jokes, and Math
Categories: Podcasts

And They Thought This Would Be Easy

In-Fur-Nation - Sat 25 Jul 2020 - 01:54

Woo, here’s a complicated set-up! Listen to the pitch for Hyperbreed, a new full-color science fiction comic from Storm King Productions: “Byrr, Fext and Cammo: Hyperbreed human-animal ‘splices’. They’ve been given a cushy assignment: Board an ancient freighter, transport valuable Explosive Ore to a mining colony, and earn a large delivery bonus. But when they drop out of spacefold, Mak pirates — robot monsters wearing the body parts of vanquished enemies — attack. Fighting against cruel odds, with Mak Yik crystals infesting their ship, our heroes begin to suspect that their lucky break is really a setup for annihilation.” Written by Louise Simonson and illustrated by Guy Dorian, the whole series is overseen by horror great John Carpenter. Issues are available now.

image c. 2020 Storm King Productions

Categories: News

Interview: Thurston Howl on Multimedia Fiction and Sensory De-Tails

Furry Writers' Guild - Thu 23 Jul 2020 - 15:30

Welcome to another interview with a member of the Furry Writers’ Guild! Recently, Bound Tales released an anthology called Sensory De-Tails. Before we go any further this is an adult anthology that is most certainly NSFW that we will be discussing today. However, it’s not simply the adult nature that makes this anthology one worth exploring.

Bound Tales offers a deluxe edition of the anthology which includes things like cologne samples, faux fur, and a music CD. The idea is to allow readers to interact with the stories presented in the anthology. Today we’ll be talking to the editor of Sensory De-Tails, Thurston Howl, to discuss multimedia fiction ad how the anthology came to be. He has edited works like The Electric Sewer, Infurno, and more. He’s also made several anthology appearances including some in ROAR, FANG, and HEAT.

Enough with the introductions, let’s get to the interview!

First for the folks that might not know you, tell us a little bit about yourself and your writing.

Howl: Sure! So, I’m Thurston Howl. I’m an editor for Sinister Stoat Publications and the lead anthology editor for Thurston Howl Publications. I founded the Furry Book Review program and have received both Leo Literary Awards and Ursa Major Awards for my writing. I typically work in erotic horror, both inside and outside the fandom. I’ve been a judge for the Silver Falchion Award and the Claymore Award, both horror awards in the Killer Nashville program. Personally, I am a bigender person living with HIV and work with a lot of activism regarding that.

FWG: What inspired you to make an anthology like Sensory DeTails?

Howl: So, before Sensory De-Tails, I’d edited a lot of furry anthologies. What bothered me very often, even with big-name furry writers, was that canines couldn’t hear someone turning the corner up ahead. A feline couldn’t smell musk until they were right up against a body. A snake didn’t have any taste buds different from the canine or feline. And for me, it wasn’t a matter of “accurate” biological representation. It was about untapped potential.

In non-furry erotica, sensory details are great for immersion in sex scenes. In furry erotica, usually not much had changed despite heightened senses. So, I started the anthology as an exercise for furry writers and readers. Show off furry senses in unique and erotic ways.

FWG: So when was it that you came up with the idea to add an interactive element to the anthology? Where did the idea come from?

Howl: Well, it’s not the first time I’ve gone for something interactive. 12 Days of Yiffmas had an erotic holiday music album to accompany it, for example. The stories in Sensory De-Tails begged for an interactive component. When Al Song describes how erotic a classical piece of music is, you kind of have to hear it to believe it. When Linnea describes why you’d want to rim a beaver, well, we need to taste that, too. It just seemed totally natural to do.

FWG: Since you obviously have a well storied writing career, pun somewhat intended, you’ve edited quite a few anthologies over the years. From what you have seen, have multimedia anthologies, or multimedia fiction in general, gotten more interest from audiences? Sold more? Generated more interest?

Howl: It’s a hard question to answer. About a year ago, I wrote a blog post about how anthologies generally don’t do well. Period. Talking with other publishers, that seems to be the standard (though each of our definitions of “well” might vary). I can’t say that multimedia anthologies have done any better sales-wise. But when they are read and reviewed, people always comment on how enjoyable those components are and how they really make the reading a full experience.

FWG: So in general, the audience benefits, and that gets more people possibly interested in furry lit?

Howl: Perhaps. I don’t think I went about the anthology explicitly trying to get more people interested in furry lit. But I think that’s part of the drive for producing anthologies in general.

FWG: Let’s take a look then at how making a multimedia anthology works then. Other than picking the stories, formatting, and things seen in typical anthologies, what kinds of challenges were there in getting the deluxe edition out there?

Howl: For scents, I worked with Shoji Tiger. They work with making colognes already as a small hobby business. I had them read the stories, and they crafted scents based on the way that smell appears in those stories. One was easy, a very sweet smell. The other was a bit tougher, “muskier.” That one took a lot of trial and error.

For sounds, I just had to make a CD featuring classical songs related to the stories. Not as bad.

For sight, an artist read the stories and focused on the ways colors mattered in them, making colored art prints based on them.

For touch, I went to a hobby store to pick up textured fabrics, faux furs, and leathers in order to match the featured species of those stories. A bit tough to get it just right, but I think it’s at a good point now.

For taste, I actually had a barista turn flavor profiles from those stories into latte recipes! They taste great.

FWG: So if another editor, publisher, maybe even a self publisher, wanted to add interactive elements to their book, what suggestions might you have for them?

Howl: For starters, I’d say only do it if you want to for non-financial reasons. I’ve seen too often people pay for exquisite art, bookmarks, posters, etc. for their book, and it sell under ten copies, and they’ve been devastated. If you want to do interactive stuff, do it because it’s just fun for you. And because you want those ten people to have a good time.

FWG: Do you think there’s any smaller ways individual authors might be able to make their own stories interactive? Like a playlist to go with their story or something similar?

Howl: For sure! Playlists are one easy way (we did that with Electric Sewer). Little recipes, too. If your story has a world-building element, throw in a “Which Nation Would You Be From?” quiz. If you ship your own works, add little things like stickers, textures, Valentine’s Day cards from the characters, etc. There are so many options, and they largely depend on what kind of story you’re telling. But by all means, go for it. A little goes a long way!

FWG: Before we wrap up on things, any last bits of general advice to writers, editors, and publishers out there?

Howl: Be safe. Be well. Keep fighting against oppression. Keep being creative.

We hope you enjoyed our interview with Thurston Howl and learned a bit about multimedia fiction in the process! In lieu of our usual social media promotion for those interviewed, Thurston requested that we ask readers to check out Difursity.  It’s an anthology that features stories written only by furries of color, many of which are FWG members. That’s all we have for you today so until next time, may your words flow like water.

Categories: News


Fur Times - 獸時報 - Thu 23 Jul 2020 - 09:03





Categories: News

Cats Play Finders Keepers

In-Fur-Nation - Thu 23 Jul 2020 - 01:57

And more new series we’re finding out about thanks to Animation Scoop: “Joining the HBO Max lineup this Thursday July 23rd is the new Cartoon Network-produced animated series Tig n’ Seek. It’s about an eight-year-old boy, a cat, and their quirky co-workers at the Department of Lost & Found. Myke Chilian not only provides the fun as show creator, but also as the voice of the main character, Tiggy.” Along with an interview with Mr. Chilian, check out the preview video in the article — this is definitely one strange pup, er, kitty!

image c. 2020 HBO Max

Categories: News

No He’s Not a Ninja

In-Fur-Nation - Wed 22 Jul 2020 - 01:58

Loggerhead is a new apocalyptic monster comic by Bryan Silverbax. “The world as we knew it changed after the last of the great wars leaving a large portion of North America a dead wasteland. It’s in that wasteland that tales of a monster only known as Loggerhead exist. Within this wasteland valuable elements and minerals have been unearthed creating a hotbed of illegal mining and overrun with scavengers. When some children find themselves endangered while witnessing an illegal scavenger mineral hunt, a protector rises from the murky depths of the wasteland to exact retribution.” Issues (and other merch!) are available now from Scout Comics. There’s a preview video up on YouTube also.

image c. 2020 Scout Comics

Categories: News

Interview With Gozi

What's The Fuzz?! - Tue 21 Jul 2020 - 02:21

>> Resources, Social Media, & Donation Links <<

Follow Gozi

Gozi is a golden tiger fairly new to the furry platform, but has already made a name for himself. After calling out bad actors in the community on Twitter he typically tries to do his part in spreading the word on small time creators using the platform he's built for himself, knowing how hard it really is. 
Honestly he's someone I've started to personally look to when everyone else seems crazy. Though, I guess everyone's got a little crazy in them, right? 
This episode in particular notes a bit of a format change as we pivot into interviews focused on small content creators while retaining that tangy, zesty, dose of reality. 

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Interview With Gozi
Categories: Podcasts

Finally Cracking

In-Fur-Nation - Mon 20 Jul 2020 - 23:43

After bouncing around and looking for distribution for literally years, we finally have a release date for the new CGI animated feature Animal Crackers, directed by Scott Christian Sava and animation veteran Tony Bancroft (Mulan). The film is being released this Friday, July 24th on Netflix (of course!). Animation Scoop has an extensive interview with the directors about their efforts to get the film made, and out to the world. We’ll say this at least: The new trailer looks better than what we’ve seen before. See what you think this Friday.

image c. 2020 Netflix


Categories: News

COVID-19 and Furries – 4 furcons cancelled this week; online events continue to grow in response

Global Furry Television - Mon 20 Jul 2020 - 13:12

In the past week, 4 furcons mainly from the Americas continent are cancelled; Red Deer Mini Con (Canada), Midwest FurFest (Illinois USA), Aquatifur (Wisconsin USA) and Confuror (Mexico). So far, Mexico’s Confuror has officially announced that they are going to become fully virtual for free this year, on 9 – 11 October, their originally planned […]
Categories: News

夏日祭典——B. Cat

Fur Times - 獸時報 - Mon 20 Jul 2020 - 09:46


這次皓然要為各位帶來的,是由B. Cat所繪製的作品!夜晚中的夏日祭典,在B. Cat的筆下顯得更為熱鬧。就讓皓然帶著大家一起來欣賞B. Cat的作品吧!

作者:B. Cat

Categories: News

Mommy’s Not Amuzed

In-Fur-Nation - Sun 19 Jul 2020 - 01:59

Xira is a new full-color science fiction comic series written by Mauro Mantella, with art by Diego Giribaldi. Check it out over at Bleeding Cool: “Xira has been experimented on her entire life to help mankind create the perfect astronaut, making her smarter, faster, stronger. When Xira is allowed to have a baby who will also be experimented on Xira has had enough and will do whatever it takes to get herself and her child to freedom.” The first issue should be comic to comic book stores soon from Red 5 Comics.

image c. 2020 Red 5 Comics

Categories: News

Bearly Furcasting #12 - Khord Kitty, Magic Math and Bad Jokes

Bearly Furcasting - Sat 18 Jul 2020 - 14:00

MOOBARKFLUFF! Click here to send us a comment or message about the show!

This week we talk with Khord Kitty and read a letter from Taebyn's Tail. We do a little magic math and hear a few bad jokes. And what exactly is a Folf?  Spend some time with Bearly and Taebyn and let's have a great time!

Support the show

Thanks to all our listeners and to our staff: Bearly Normal, Rayne Raccoon, Taebyn, Cheetaro, TickTock, and Ziggy the Meme Weasel.

You can send us a message on Telegram at BFFT Chat, or via email at:

Bearly Furcasting #12 - Khord Kitty, Magic Math and Bad Jokes
Categories: Podcasts