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Doing some NSFW shopping, help?

Furry Reddit - Tue 9 Dec 2014 - 02:58

Didn't want to be too specific in the title. Specifically, I'm looking to purchase a tail butt plug.

I need to know where I can buy one of decent quality, canine (fox, wolf, etc.) preferred.

Have you purchased one? Tell me about it, whether good, bad, or "meh".

Thanks in advance!

submitted by Scissorlips
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Categories: News

Need some ideas for naming a furry guild in GW2.

Furry Reddit - Tue 9 Dec 2014 - 00:53

I would ask elsewhere but seeing as how if I ask elsewhere I'll get downvoted to oblivion I opted to see what you furs would name a guild in an MMO.

submitted by Terwin94
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Categories: News

Meet the Penn State Furries!

Furries In The Media - Tue 9 Dec 2014 - 00:51

When I made the descent into Irving’s basement, I wasn’t exactly sure what to expect. It was to be my first meeting with the Penn State Furries, the Happy Valley sector of the fan culture for people who like to, in its simplest form, dress up and pretend to be animals. My own naivety led me to expect someone like Todd Cleary from Wedding Crashers, or perhaps a unicorn-clad soul hunched up in the corner.

Instead, I found Cory Grube and Corey Friedenberger, two sociable and amicable members of the Penn State Furries club who are trying to bring the group back to its former glory.

Grube is a junior chemical-engineering major here at Penn State, and Friedenberger is a recent graduate and long time PSU Furries member. As someone who already had predispositions about the Furry community, the Cor(e)ys were quick to explain that the Furries are not a culty pack of weirdos.

“It’s always the bad egg that goes to the media and gives us a bad name,” said Friedenberger. “Most of us are just a bunch of people with the same anthropomorphic interest trying to have a good time.”

The Penn State Furries colonized in 2007 during Friedenberger’s freshman year, although the group’s membership eventually dwindled and became inactive with time. After hearing so many stories about the group’s former glory days, Grube decided he wanted to bring the club back to life.

“I was really disappointed at how stagnant the group became,” said Grube.  “I just wanted to grow my friend-base, while growing the friend-bases of others at the same time. More friends all around makes the world a better place, you know? Also, I really wanted to see it reach a place similar to where it was when Corey was a student. Whether that’s possible or not, I have no idea, but we’re going to try.”

The Penn State Furries group is independent from Penn State to allow non-students to participate. While still based around Penn State, anyone from State College is welcome to join, per the Facebook group description:

“For all those tail-waggers out there who bleed blue and white! This group is for current and incoming Penn State students, alumni, faculty/staff, and State College locals who are part of the anthropomorphic furry community in one form or another.”

The casual, open-armed attitude also translates into a strong bond among the Furries in its group. Take, for instance, its membership flier: “YOU ARE NOT ALONE! THERE ARE TONS OF FURS IN THE AREA LOOKING FOR FRIENDS LIKE YOU!”


Grube said the group has no plan to affiliate with the university any time soon, because he wants to maintain its loose schedule and officer-less structure.

“Having officers or leadership positions makes it too bureaucratic, at least for my tastes,” Grube said. “For the purpose of getting to know people, I don’t want to be the leader or president or whatever, I just want to be a friend.”

Additionally, even among the Furries community, the interests are so diverse it would be nearly impossible to hold an actual meeting.

“We could offer things at meetings like an open space for furry art critique, panels for teaching a skill like sewing, useful for things like fursuit making, or what have you,” Grube said. “The group is so spread out in terms of interests, so for any particular topic, we might only have 10 or 20 percent of the group that would be interested. It wouldn’t be a very effective means for getting to know each other, which is the core purpose of the group.”

Friedenberger considered affiliating with Penn State when he first started the group, but chose not to for the same reason. Despite the economic benefits that come with being an official club, it would be too formal for this liking.

“There’s no real subtext or motive to the group,” said Friedenberger. “It means different things to different people. For some people it’s spiritual, some people are really into anthropomorphic art, some people really feel they are an animal trapped in a human body, and others are just people who like to party.”

The highlight in the life of any “Fur” is attending the various Furries conferences. In January, a solid contingent from the PSU Furries attended Setsucon at the Penn Stater hotel, which is focused on anime.

“Small cons usually exude a cozy, friendly feeling,” said Grube. “Lucky for us, we have a small convention right at the Penn Stater, Setsucon. It’s not a furry convention in reality, but an anime convention. Regardless, it still draws in a lot of local furry artists, enthusiasts, and fursuiters. There are two reasons for this: Many furs have another common interest, anime. A secondary reason is that furries like conventions in general, as long as they get to hang out with friends and have a good time.”

There are dozens of larger Furry conventions across the country, including Anthrocon, held annually in Pittsburgh, and FurFest. Furries sometimes spend thousands of dollars on costumes for these conventions, often going by their names and personas from Fur Affinity, the largest online Furry community in the world.

The once annual convention in Detroit, Furry Connection North, became so popular that they had to shut it down after six years. This video helps illustrate the scene:

The Cor(e)ys told me that cons often start small at various cities, only to become insanely popular. The parties get bigger and more wild, and eventually the convention moves another hotel, as was the case with Furry Convention North. I was told more than a few times that Furries really know how to party and that’s what the community is for a lot of people: a group of people looking to have fun. Just, y’know, in costume.

Here is a video from a dance competition, which is often a highlight of the conventions. The furry in gray is a former Penn Stater.

Here are some photos of PSU Furries from this year’s Setsucon:



What’s important to note  about this group is that because their interest is so…unique, so is their friendship.

The Furry community is very accepting of people’s identities, especially in the LGBTA community. Discussions can range from weird stuff the Furs read on the Internet to casual conversations about sexuality — they come up all the time. It doesn’t matter if it’s at a con, a party, or even just at a coffee shop. Grube told this story from his last Anthrocon as an example of the virtue of the community:

“I feel like furs are more open-minded and chill about everything, in general. We were in our hotel, and it was probably 3 or 4 p.m. In fur-con time, that means it’s time to drink. So we’re going about that, when someone knocks at the door. We open the door, and some guy none of us know basically walks in while saying hi. He’s pretty smashed already, and offers us some beer. We proceed to have a conversation about lots of random stuff for probably 30 minutes before he left. None of us really knew what happened, but we were like ‘Eh he was pretty cool, I don’t mind.’ That’s the kind of chill attitude that lots of furs tend to possess.”

More than anything, though, Grube wants the Furries to be more than a label, more than an embarrassing sound byte or joke. At the end of the day, it allows a group of people to take their virtual interests and create friendships IRL. And really, that’s what the PSU Furries are all about.

Categories: News

Advice please: where do I begin?

Furry Reddit - Tue 9 Dec 2014 - 00:39

Bio-F/21 here. It took me longer than will sound plausible to "remember" that technically I'm a furry. In evidence, my first crush was Crash Bandicoot, and I still watched the PBS Kids show Arthur beyond my eighteenth birthday because the characters felt like my own friends. At some point during my teenage years, somebody managed to convince me it was "always" a sexual thing. I'm asexual, so I came to the conclusion that because I wasn't reacting sexually to furry, my thoughts were invalid and best left unshared -- until it became something I gave no thought at all to despite my secret enjoyment of anthro characters more or less wherever they cropped up.

I had a sheltered childhood, so I put it down to not being introduced to shows "with people in" at a young enough age and having normalised animation. I'm gender non-binary, so I put my lack of comfort in my own skin down to that. I will confess to thinking that there is something missing from the human form, and being infinitely more artistically attracted to people who could easily be caricatured. I will confess to finding animals much more pleasing to the eye, not even in any sexual way -- and in turn, cartoons more attractive than people.

I recently acquired an art tablet and have decided to get back into anthro because I remember how much I loved drawing original characters when I was a pre-teen. The thing is, I don't know where to look for other high quality furry art or media. I've only seen it on DeviantArt and tumblr, and the dregs which show up in a Google search among the many hate posts.

My question is to you: what have I been missing out on all these years? I'll admit to holding out hope that furry might be the key to my missing sexuality -- but even if it isn't, it's a genuine artistic interest that I don't ever wish to forget or repress again in pursuit of "normality". I go for style over substance, so I don't have a particular favourite "species" so to speak -- I just crave good art. And above all, I just wanted to say how shocked I am that after twelve years of bullies pummeling the spirit out of me that it took crushing on a lifelong furry to remember my real self and realise that I have always met the definition.

submitted by just__thetip
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Categories: News

New to the Fandom: My Fursona

Furry Reddit - Mon 8 Dec 2014 - 23:56

Here she is! (drawn by me)

Her name is Kaalia. She lives alone in the wilderness away from society because she has felt alone throughout life. She wants to make some friends but it is very hard for her. In this picture she is wearing her hunting gear, but when she actually goes out in public, she puts "normal" clothes on. (haven't drawn that yet)

Name: Kaalia

Age: 20

Species: White Tiger/Albino Lion hybrid

Coloring: White and Grey

Hair color: Golden

Body type: Slender

(not sure what else i should add)

As of right now, i'm only a member of

Are there any other good sites for me to join, have fun and make friends? I'm very new to this.

Thank you~

submitted by UnbornValkyrie
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Categories: News

Artist's anyone?

Furry Reddit - Mon 8 Dec 2014 - 23:36

I am having trouble finding people that will draw my fursona, anyone have good artist recommendations?

submitted by BubbleGumRiot
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Categories: News

A Question to Furries

Furry Reddit - Mon 8 Dec 2014 - 23:29

Hello, I hope that everyone is having a great Holiday Season!

I have question to furries. What do you think about non-furries attending a furry convention. Are they looked on as "outsiders"? As a non-furry myself, I have been curious about the furry fandom and the people who are in it. Are people within the fandom more accepting then other or are they generally the same as the rest of society? The problem is I do not known any personally. Unlike most people I know, I don't have a negative view of furries, I mean to each his own right? I have not found anything about this online and I thought I would ask this. I am not trying to generalize or make stereotypes about flurries, I am simply trying to better understand it, and the people within.

submitted by Gamewala
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Categories: News

Have You Seen This Cat? [HELP]

Furry Reddit - Mon 8 Dec 2014 - 23:05

Alright, so this probably isn't the right place, but he posted here and this is a large community, so chances are better if I do post here.

I have lost complete contact with a user here; /u/Senebeat. You might recognize him as Shea. His account hasn't been active for over a month. I did some creeping in his history and found that account inactivity isn't that uncommon for him, but they were at most ten days. I have sent him a PM, but there's been no response.

I'm looking for him for legal reasons. I used Shea as a character in a book of mine I'm writing. With his permission, of course, but there's more we have to work out regarding intellectual property rights. Stupidy, I didn't get his email, so here I post before you.

I'm stumped on how to find him. I briefly pondered contacting Peritian (commissioner of art linked above), but that will most likely be a fruitless endeavor. Pertian probably wouldn't give out potentially private information freely on clients/customers.

Do any of you guys know of any other linked accounts, or simply another way to contact him? Seeing a sudden stop in activity also makes me slightly worried.

Please give me any info you guys might have!

EDIT: creeping more of his posts netted me a Skype address: Shea_butryn.

submitted by Admiral_Fuzzles
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Categories: News

I was on the ninth floor of the Hyatt at MWFF 2014 during the attack, coughed up blood, called 911, went to ER.

Furry Reddit - Mon 8 Dec 2014 - 21:24

Hello, everyone. Kamunt Kurush here. appears that word about me has spread far and wide already, due to me being part of the "Rosemont 19", as a friend so aptly put it. Proof that it's the same Kamunt: I just posted a journal about it on my FA, I tweeted from the ER, and I have a wristband. I'm going to give my full and detailed account of events that transpired to the very best of my knowledge. Everything that I will write in this post, I have already communicated to both the Midwest Furfest con security, as well as two officials from two separate law enforcement agencies. I feel it is my duty as someone directly involved in the attack's initial stage to communicate as much information as I can to the best of my ability and to help clear up any confusion or misinformation regarding the timeline of events. (Note that I will be withholding room numbers to protect people who do not wish to be mentioned.) I also apologize in advance for screwing up any formatting--this is my first self post.

It all started Saturday night ~midnight. I was drinking alcohol of course because I am trash. Inebriated or not, I managed to make my way out of a room party on the ninth floor around the stairwell where the chlorine powder 'bomb' was supposedly set off (henceforth Room A), but before it was set off. I went down to the lobby level and milled about with some of the people I was with for 10 minutes or so before deciding to head back upstairs to the fifth floor for awhile, where there was another party that I was also bouncing between (henceforth Room B). I spent another 5-10 minutes there before deciding to head back up to Room A, to see if anyone that was previously there was back once more. On my way up, I heard two male voices below me, but did not see anyone else in the staircase while transitioning from the fifth floor to the ninth floor. At that point, it was around 12:20am or so, and I did not smell any chlorine. I was let back into Room A by one person, the only person left in the room. We had seen each other in the room before when there were many people there, but he was the only one left. He was milling about idly, looking quite groggy, perhaps trying to clean up some of the mess from the party. I had left my suitcase there, since that was how I transported the alcohol in the first place, so I grabbed that after making sure that I had not left anything else in the room. I spent no more than 5 minutes in Room A again before I stepped outside.

Here's where things got scary and fast. I smelled chlorine immediately upon stepping out of Room A. I thought to myself, "Okay, something's wrong. If there even is a pool in this hotel [there isn't --ed.], it is nowhere close to the ninth floor. I don't care how much you were soaked in pool water, there is absolutely no reason for something to smell this badly of chlorine after only five minutes." I immediately ran to a room four rooms over, technically outside of the staircase area but still very close by (henceforth Room C). I could smell chlorine all the way until I entered the room, and was coughing pretty heavily. Upon being let inside, I immediately demanded to get to the balcony because I needed fresh air. There were seven other people in the room before I entered, totaling our party up at eight. I told people as best as I could that I smelled chlorine and thought that something was wrong. Some of the people just rolled their eyes and said something to the effect of, "Oh, Kamunt is really drunk again, what a surprise," but I was coughing pretty violently. I wasn't able to recover my breath, and soon I ran to the bathroom, and instead of throwing up, I continued coughing violently, and started coughing up blood-laced mucous, which was red in color, not maroon or black. Around that point or shortly thereafter, other people in the room started complaining about smelling chlorine.

Quickly, a voice shouted that we all needed to evacuate immediately. The eight of us bolted out of the room, leaving all of our belongings there, and we ran right for the staircase...sadly, the staircase right near Room A. During this commotion, one of the eight of us ran towards the elevator instead, and that was the last we saw of him for quite some time. Upon taking a few further steps into the stairwell, we discovered to our horror that the smell was incredibly worse within the stairwell--which is where the chlorine powder is apparently supposed to have been left. One of our party members, bless his heart, just powered all the way down the stairs despite the stench, and that was the last we saw of him for quite some time, as well. The call was made by a woman in our party then to immediately return to the room and go to the balcony to escape the stench. That command may have saved our lives in all the panic. After getting to the balcony, we were all in a panic, trying to figure things out, and the first thing I did was call 911. According to my phone logs, it was 12:34am when I made the 911 call. I gave them our address, explained the situation as briefly as I could including that we were all trapped in the balcony (despite being drunk, scared out of my wits and coughing up something now and then). In theory, we could have made it out at any time, but given the intense level of chlorine that we had all inhaled, we were all too terrified to try and brave going back into the convention again.

We were stuck up on the balcony for approximately the next 30 minutes, so this is about where my account ends. I did not identify anyone that seemed suspicious in rooms A or C, nor did I see anyone suspicious in the halls or the stairwell at any point in time. All things considered? Honestly? For the first time ever, I'm actually proud to be a furry. We persevered and came out stronger because of this entire weekend. Bitch can't kill our vibe that easily. As I stated, I've already given my account to three separate groups, once combined with the testimonies of three other individuals that were in Room C that night.

To summarize everything else I know:

  • As of right now, I have no reason to believe that the authorities believe I am a suspect.

  • As of right now, the one who perpetrated this attack is unknown.

  • It was chlorine powder and not chlorine gas, as was initially thought--chlorine gas is considerably more deadly. Not that chlorine powder isn't, but I don't know if I would have even survived at all, since chlorine gas can apparently melt your lungs.

  • There are no security cameras surveying the stairwells of the Hyatt Regency O'Hare.

  • There is no pool in the Hyatt Regency O'Hare.

I am willing to answer as many questions as I can as soon as I can answer them, whether it be about myself, my involvement, clarification on timeline events or anything else. Like I said, the convention, all things considered? Pretty badass. :3 For more information, look no further than our own subreddit for more information. I've also taken the liberty of uploading a photo of the cached version of MWFF's official statement regarding the evacuation since it appears as though the actual link is presently borked source. EDIT: Formatting.

submitted by Kamunt
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Categories: News

Is there a term for me?

Furry Reddit - Mon 8 Dec 2014 - 20:07

I'm curious if there is a term for someone like me - I am not a furry, and have no desire to wear a fur suit, or any of that. BUT I like furries. Most the fursuits are adorable, almost all the ones I've seen are a lot of work and talent to make, and most the furries I've met are people I want to spend time with. Would I be willing to be seen with a friend, or partner, in a full fursuit in public? Absolutely! I think it'd actually be quite fun. I have a friend I've seen in his suit, and it's a lot of fun (not that he isn't fun as just his human self).

submitted by hellomiakoda
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Categories: News

Streaming if any furs wanna join

Furry Reddit - Mon 8 Dec 2014 - 19:47

Just chilling and playing some Binding of Isaac Come join and hang out in chat if you want

submitted by ShadowCentota
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Categories: News

Don't drop the gift!

Furry Reddit - Mon 8 Dec 2014 - 19:26
Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Mon 8 Dec 2014 - 18:24

Hey, lets say i hypotheticaly brought a live animal resembling my fursona the most to a furry convention. on a scal of one to ten, with ten bieng "OH COOL!! can i pet it?" And 1 bieng "get that smelly thing away from me!"

Also, is it like against the rules?

submitted by thelongestusernameee
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Categories: News

TigerTails Radio Season 8 Episode 38

TigerTails Radio - Mon 8 Dec 2014 - 17:42
Categories: Podcasts

"League Of Furries" League Of Legends Badges

Furry Reddit - Mon 8 Dec 2014 - 17:06

Attention furries! For a time, I'll be offering "League Of Furries" 3/4 body badge commissions, traditional artwork shipped straight to your door! I will draw your fursona, dressed as your favorite league of legends character/skin, for only $10 ! ($15 if it's a really complicated design like Leona or Mordekaiser)

Artwork is done with prismacolor markers and colored pencils, lined with Faber-Castell artist pens, and shall be laminated before being shipped.

submitted by KodaSquirrel
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Categories: News

How far back do you think furries go?

Furry Reddit - Mon 8 Dec 2014 - 16:06

Who created them? When did it all start? Were there furries before the internet? So many questions!

submitted by Foxes281
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Categories: News