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Lazy Sergal

Furry Reddit - Thu 11 Dec 2014 - 19:33
Categories: News

Reppin' The Fandom On Campus!

Furry Reddit - Thu 11 Dec 2014 - 18:09
Categories: News

Notable/Famous users of /r/Furry? (That is to say notable within this subreddit)

Furry Reddit - Thu 11 Dec 2014 - 17:48

just wanted to clarify :3

hey everyone! I'm a pretty active user here but I didn't want my username to influence anyone's judgement (not even sure if it would, but hey, gotta keep an unbiased thread, right? :P), and I was wondering who people think are the most notable users within our little subreddit! That's not to say reddit as a whole, but who do you see the username of in here and immediately think "Oh, them!" when you see it? It's not like we're that big of a subreddit, so I'm really curious to see who people think are the notable users from our little neck of the woods :3

Thanks for stopping by! <3 :3

~Just another curious furry

submitted by -CuriousFur
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Categories: News

So I wrote a monologue about furries that I'm going to have to perform to a large audience for theatre arts class and I wanted to share. Tell me what you think!

Furry Reddit - Thu 11 Dec 2014 - 16:57

(Title - Furries)

If you've known me for a month or longer you probably know I love foxes. I collect fox merchandise, study foxes, even my boyscout patrol is called the Arctic Foxes. But it's more than that. Everyone is a wierdo. In a world full of wierdos every wierdo has some way to express themselves. In my case I'm a furry. But what is a furry? Furries are basically anthromorphic animals, or animals with a human anatomy, usually standing like a human would. I'm part of the furry fandom, a large group of people who identify as furries. But what makes you a furry? Nothing extreme of course! Simply liking furry art, costumes, drawing furries etc usually makes you a furry. Furries hold conventions like AnthroCon or MWFF and others and have huge meet ups to hangout with other furries, some wear fursuits of thier fursona and all sorts of things. People make their character or fursona and usually draw it themselves or get commissions and get popular furry artists to draw it for them. A fursona is who you are, who your furry is, what animal they are! For example I'm a fox. Millions of furries exist in the fandom, plenty go to this school, myself for example. You see, being a furry to some is a hobby but to me and others it's a lifestyle. Outside of the Fandom I'm socially awkward. I only talk to my current friends and only speak to new people if spoken to, but when I'm with other furries that all changes. I have no problem talking to other furries be it online or in real life. I guess it's because I have so much in common with other furries I'm no longer afraid! The fandom is my home, my other family. I hangout with other furries over the internet, share drawings at furry websites like Furrafinity, or go to conventions to hang out and have fun. Furries are bouncy people and incredibly kind and welcoming, especially to newer furries. Everyone treats each other like family no matter how different you are. It doesn't matter if you're gay or straight, everyone gets respect. While that all seems great it's not always perfect. People laugh at us for wearing fursuits, being a furry and much more. We're not always welcome and some people go to crazy lengths to humiliate or injur us with name calling and stereotypes, even violence. I've always felt like I truly belong with furries. Wolves, foxes, rabbits and all sorts of furries out there. These people are my family even if we're all different we respect each other. I am a furry.

Hey thanks for reading! I know I have to correct some grammar issues and reword things so it's not finished yet. If you liked it feel free to tell me! I've got to memorize it and perform in a few days but I've done longer scripts so I hope it turns out okay. Anyway I hope you guys all have a nice day!

submitted by Foxes281
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Categories: News

Multiple Fursonas Question

Furry Reddit - Thu 11 Dec 2014 - 14:03

I've had one constant sona for 7-8 years that I identify with but recently I've made up two more for RP purposes depending on the setting and mood. I was wondering if this was common. So if you have more than one, how many/ why?

My fursonas are; Marcus F. (White wolf) A post apocalypse survivor whos currently a scout for a group wondering a snowy wasteland - Jamie H. (Black cat) a mage/historian sent out to gather magic items for her collection -Damien N. (Direwolf) a ship captain in scifi settings with a mean streak

Edited to show my fursonas

submitted by MarcusW1
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Categories: News

Relations with Bronies.

Furry Reddit - Thu 11 Dec 2014 - 13:48

Well, the title says a lot.

I was wondering what everyone here thinks of Bronies; and whether they are related to us. I know some people consider Bronies a sub-group of us, whereas some think of them as being totally separate. I'd just be interested to know what the general consensus is. ;3

So really, two questions here:

  1. What are your opinions on them?
  2. How do they, if they do at all, relate to us?

For me, it'd be;

  1. Indifference, unless they decide to try and force MLP on me.
  2. No real relation. reason? Art styles, concept etc.


EDIT: I'll try to reply to any comments. Please do tell me if you find it annoying, and you'd like me to stop :P

EDIT2: Expanding on answers 1 & 2 above:

1) I've been in quite a few situations where people are forcing their fandom everywhere, and when told the general public really didn't care that much, you get a series of unbelievably moronic replies. I don't think we should be that intolerant, but on a side note, I don't believe in total tolerance either. I think you have to draw a line somewhere...

2) The art is an interesting point for me. I just think that they are really quite different, one fandom being about a single show, the other based on much more. And each artist tends to have their own style, unlike what I've seen of MLP fanart. But that's just my experience. Please, feel free to contradict me. I'm genuinely interested :)

I tend to lean slightly towards the 'not really' liking the Bronie fandom (notice I said fandom, not the Bronies themselves.), and not seeing a lot of connections between the two, apart from the very obvious. Still, I just want to hear what everyone has to say. And please, please can we all be mature and not descend into the realms of youtube comment sections? that'd be really nice <3.

I have more faith in you, my good fellows, than the rest of the internet to do this fairly :p

EDIT3: I'd just like to thank you all for being...mature about this, ya know? I was half expecting it to go the way that YouTube comments do, yet everyone has sorta stated their opinion justly. It makes be glad to be part of such a group. :3

Whew, I didn't mean to write an essay.

submitted by TehWhitehart
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Categories: News

Any of you have Twitter? c:

Furry Reddit - Thu 11 Dec 2014 - 11:54

Share it! Mine is @zilchfox

submitted by zilchfox
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Categories: News

In your paws

Furry.Today - Thu 11 Dec 2014 - 10:30

This is a song from the Disney show Sofia the First that is rather well done and cute.   This is not a show I would watch but this part is rather cool.   The Dragon and Rabbit have switched body parts and sing about seeing things from the others point of view.

The Dragon is voiced by Wayne Brady from Who’s Line is it Anyways.


Categories: Videos

“This Furry Life” podcast seeks storytelling contributors.

Dogpatch Press - Thu 11 Dec 2014 - 10:00
Flayrah reports Roo’s story: Potoroo, host of the Fuzzy Notes podcast, is developing a new podcast that models itself after NPR’s This American Life with a focus on the stories of the furry fandom. Roo’s blog has a call for producers/correspondents.  He wants to find a group “interested in telling stories about furry”, teach them what he […]
Categories: News

Any furs out there that play Hearthstone?

Furry Reddit - Thu 11 Dec 2014 - 09:13

I've been playing for a few months and I love this game, wondering if any of you lovely people play c:

Feel free to add me if you do, Pixel#1634 <3

submitted by ObsoletePixel
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Categories: News

Blech is that acid or poison?

Furry Reddit - Thu 11 Dec 2014 - 08:13
Categories: News

Emotional Issues Negatively Influence This Furry’s Perception of the Fandom

Furry News Network - Thu 11 Dec 2014 - 07:56
Author: Dear Papabear, I once told you my fursona problem, which kind of still hovers in the room as I am finding not a solid answer, yet to it and am still young to the fandom itself even though it has been a few years until today of joining. The bigger thing is that I […]
Categories: News

“What happens when it’s somebody who hates one of your hobbies?"

Fursday - Reading List - Thu 11 Dec 2014 - 07:09

Victoria McNally of The Mary Sue:

"Listen, we’re all adults here—or at least, we’re supposed to be acting like adults. Forget about the fact that “furries” is such a hot Internet buzzword for just a second. Forget about how their relatively harmless kink might squick you the heck out. Can we at least agree that no one deserves to be gassed while at a convention, and that maybe now is not the time for jokes to the contrary? After all, even if you’d prefer to conveniently forget that furries are human beings who shouldn’t be subjected to physical harm for a weird thing they like, what happens the next time someone with access to a toxic agent of chemical warfare thinks a congregated group of people “deserve” it? Heck, what happens when it’s somebody who hates one of your hobbies?"

A great piece by McNally on why the media and wider geekdom should not snigger so much at our fandom’s misfortune. Imagine the outrage had this happened at any regular convention.


Categories: News