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Edmonton Oil Kings hockey hosts fursuiter race. “It’s looking hairy at ice level!”

Dogpatch Press - Mon 5 Jan 2015 - 10:49
On video: “Louis the Lion battles for racing supremacy in the first ever Frantic Furry 500!” Sometimes I joke about my low interest in sports. (Sorry, Canadians!) I’d love it if the teams were all mascots, while one sports guy runs around for laughs. I imagine mascots worry about being upstaged by fursuiters. But the furries showed they’re good sports […]
Categories: News

NSFW: Winter’s F***ed Up

Furry.Today - Mon 5 Jan 2015 - 10:30

These are some of the reasons I moved to California.   But for all the furs who are now dealing with this I give you this pony video.



Categories: Videos

Book of the Month: Spirit Hunters – Book 1: The Way of the Fox by Paul Kidd

Furry Writers' Guild - Mon 5 Jan 2015 - 08:39

January’s Book of the Month, Spirit Hunters – Book 1: The Way of the Fox, is written by FWG member Paul Kidd.

“There is a vessel without sides, ever full, yet ever empty.
There is a river without end. Ever still, yet ever flowing.
Fathomless, it is the origin of all things…”

spirit coverThe Sacred Islands: A medieval land of noble samurai and animal spirits. Of scheming nobles, of magic and ancient mystery.

Kitsune Sura, a wandering fox priestess, assembles a group of would-be monster hunters. Penniless and carefree, they travel from palaces to villages, seeking out dangerous mysteries.

A fox, two samurai and a shy and gracious rat go forth on a career of bizarre adventures. The Spirit Hunters battle ghosts, tangle with magic and delve into terrifying puzzles. They must even survive the horrors of kitsune cuisine.

These are the first three adventures of the Spirit Hunters saga. Bright, funny and exciting – these are tales of cunning monsters, flashing swords, stalwart samurai, faithful rats – and the rather dodgy antics of a fox.

Spirit Hunters:
Delightful romps in a gorgeous magical Japanese otherwhen.

“Trust me – I’m a fox!”

Ebook available from Amazon. Print version available from Lulu.


Categories: News

I think we can all relate to this

Furry Reddit - Mon 5 Jan 2015 - 08:12
Categories: News

Furry feel-good thread #3!

Furry Reddit - Mon 5 Jan 2015 - 06:53

Hiya folks! I felt that with some negativity going around right now, now is a good time to get some positive energy flowing in the sub again! So smile, be happy!

Post any feel-good furry-related news, videos, photos or stories you have here! Don't be shy!

I'll kick this off by linking an adorable video posted awhile ago by ZestHusky! AKA /u/MeepleMeerkat

Edit: Keep posting! Lets get it going!

submitted by Infamous0823
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Categories: News

Fur new to Reddit here!

Furry Reddit - Mon 5 Jan 2015 - 05:52

Hello you fuzzy people! My name is Flux and I'm a wolf. :) I'm new to Reddit and I'm looking for some new fur friends!

A little bit about me, I'm 17 years old, currently a senior in high school, and live in the US. I've been a furry for a couple of years now but was never very active in the community, but I'm ready to change that. Also, I play a LOT of PC games. :P You can usually find me playing TF2, CSGO, Arma, and sometimes some other games. If you want to chat feel free to PM me or check out my FurAffinity OR add me on Steam

submitted by Fluxwulff
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Categories: News

Jumping on the bandwagon, free headshots first 3 people.

Furry Reddit - Mon 5 Jan 2015 - 03:10

Up until recently my major contribution to the fandom has been yarn tails but I want to work on my art more now, but I need practice.

Starting small because I draw really slow. First three people that post a reference will get a free head shot. I'm pretty good with females, wolf, fox, canine et. Everything is welcome but quality not guaranteed on things outside my comfort zone.

Post away!

If I do good and people like them I may do more.


  1. Arpeggias

  2. Stormpegy

  3. Woolywolf

Shameless plug though. I am hosting a ladder auction (ends January 1st, to help out a friend in need. Details here.

submitted by Ziaki
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Categories: News

ELI5. Why are fursuits so damn expensive?

Furry Reddit - Mon 5 Jan 2015 - 01:30

Like, why are they usually around the $3-5,000 range? Is there any deciding factors or just a shit ton of markup?

submitted by Cloud-The-Wolf
[link] [5 comments]
Categories: News

Feline furry new to reddit

Furry Reddit - Mon 5 Jan 2015 - 01:19

Man Reddit is a freaking jungle.....Hi! Name is Keizei! LEts make friends!

submitted by urhaxlol
[link] [8 comments]
Categories: News

Getting hot n sweaty

Furry Reddit - Mon 5 Jan 2015 - 00:41
Categories: News