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Hey, Im new to this, a little nerves, and need help.

Furry Reddit - Mon 12 Jan 2015 - 15:09

So I've been interested in the subculture for many years now I have slowly but surely been developing my fursona for about three years. Today's the first day I drew her. I'm not very good at drawing be nice. And I got the courage to submit this post from a recent ask reddit. I've been looking into buying a partial fur suit for quite some time. I don't have a lot of money to get one custom-made and I haven't found one that is closely resembles my fursauna that I could work with. I also don't have a name for her and a backstory. I don't even know what species she is! Can anyone help me with this. I feel like a deer in headlights. Here she is. Be nice I'm fragile

submitted by AliEffinNoble
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Categories: News

So I brought my man to a furmeet...

Furry Reddit - Mon 12 Jan 2015 - 14:46
Categories: News

Greetings from morenatsu!

Furry Reddit - Mon 12 Jan 2015 - 14:38
Categories: News

GatoPaint - Fire To Ashes

Furry Reddit - Mon 12 Jan 2015 - 14:08
Categories: News

My fursona as chibi :3

Furry Reddit - Mon 12 Jan 2015 - 14:06
Categories: News

This fandom is bloody confusing me!

Furry Reddit - Mon 12 Jan 2015 - 13:53

I'mma just rant for a minute so bear with me. Lately I've been seeing a lot of people talking about their experience of "coming out" as a furry. Am I the only person that thinks this is stupid as hell. So like many others, I got into the fandom in my mid teens (maybe 13-14) and of course found it great. Accepting people, creativity, and a huge mix of cultures, genders, identities etc. But at no point during this did I "come out" to my friends. Its an interest, a hobby and to some degree a bit of a lifestyle. But its not a fucking sexuality! The fandom helped me come out as gay though. Thats what coming out is. Telling people your sexuality because its literally what you are. But you dont have to come out about who you are. The difference is being gay is not an interest or a hobby. Its just my sexuality and I thought it worth mentioning since I wasnt arsed hiding it. But I dont need to come out as a furry. What does that mean. I didnt come out when I gaine my interest in makeup. I dint come out when I gained my interest in music. So why the fuck would anyone come out as furry. Its not coming out. Its sharing an interest! Its not some big dramatic life changing thing. I know my mom would be confuzed if I sat her down and said "I like to draw hybrid animal porn and want to dress up as a dog man". It would just confuse her and pretty much anyone else for that matter. Instead I've let them ask me about it. I don't show it off or wear a collar in public cause that asking for attention. My friends found out because when I was submitting a portfolio to try get into animation, I did a binder of anthro stuff and was drawing all the time. And they asked some questions and they actually thought it was pretty cool, even the porn part (which they found through my screen name and actively seeked it out on fA). But because I didnt one day sit them all down and make some big dramatic statement about it, they didnt care. Had I of done that they would have been freaked the fuck out. Honestly, I dont know if its just naive immature kids or actual handicaps saying all this stuff, but for the love of god if you dont want people to care then dont make a big fucking deal.

I don't know if anyone will care about this and I do understand that some people get bullied over it, but if so, just keep it out of their sight. I got bullied when I was 14 and I changed my facebook to sparkledog central, but now you couldnt even find a furry related thng on there because i dont need everyone knowing. I have all my furry friends on furry websites. Just use some sense and stop actively seeking drama ffs.

tl;dr if you think being a furry is worthy of "coming out!, your fucking stupid

EDIT: Don't get me wrong, I fucking love this fandom and fully support everyone but not everyone is going to like it. I have literally be beaten up for sharing the wrong stuff with the wrong people so pleeease just be safe about it. You will find people or even "convert" them. My bf became a furry after a few months of dating and even some of my friends just researched it and have tried drawing and whatnot. And this was not from me "coming out". It was from me answering their questions and being open so long as they were respectful.

EDIT 2.0!: Thankyou for all your responses. I know that a lot of people will not agree with me and I encourage people to read their responses because they all raise great points. IMO when people say they are coming out as a furry, it compares it to an lgbt person coming out about their gender/sexuality and for the most part they are far more serious issues and often necessary to share in order to move forward. I have never met someone in a fandom who has had to share it, but I am now aware that some people are and to them I apologise if I am being insensitive.

submitted by TaiHusky
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Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Mon 12 Jan 2015 - 13:35
Categories: News

Any furs play CSGO?

Furry Reddit - Mon 12 Jan 2015 - 13:09

the group i normally play with is disbanding and i was wondering if anyone plays competitive

currently GN3, but bounce up to MG2 every so often

my steam

submitted by soapgoat
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Categories: News

Anyone play Halo?

Furry Reddit - Mon 12 Jan 2015 - 12:08

Figured since I'm new around here I should make some new furry friends :3 I was thinking we could get a big group of people together for a furry team on Halo (Preferably Master Chief Collection). If you're interested let me know so we can play later!

submitted by IceGlaceon471
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Categories: News

It’s Been So Long

Furry.Today - Mon 12 Jan 2015 - 10:30

The Living Tombstone’s music video for “It’s Been So Long” for Five Nights at Freddy’s 2.   I do love the 8 bit style here.



Categories: Videos

FURRY GOOD IDEAS: Fursuit of the Year award and fashion show, and more.

Dogpatch Press - Mon 12 Jan 2015 - 10:05
Read to the bottom for Fred Patten’s “best fursuit award” comment that inspired this.   In 2014, fun hobby blogging exposed me to many new ideas that could use more development.  This blog is for underexposed, underrated topics.  That’s subculture, and it’s about fan love.  I love sharing it! Looking back at some articles about new ideas and opportunities, […]
Categories: News

How has being a furry changed you?

Furry Reddit - Mon 12 Jan 2015 - 08:05

I'm new to the fandom, and I'm interested to know, how has being part of the fuzzy, fluffy, friendly, (and at some times erotic :/) community that is the furry fandom, changed your life (if it has)?

submitted by Peperib
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Categories: News

Cat Is Out of the Bag about His Being a Furry … Now What?

Furry News Network - Mon 12 Jan 2015 - 07:56
Author: Hello Papabear, I’m going to start off by saying that I appreciate what you do. When I go to Yahoo! answers I mainly get trolls. Anyways, I’ve been involved with the fandom since 2010, but I refuse to publically identify as a furry because my friends and family aren’t the most open-minded people. But […]
Categories: News

Amazing art of my OC by Paeshie!

Furry Reddit - Mon 12 Jan 2015 - 05:17
Categories: News

Finally saying hi!

Furry Reddit - Mon 12 Jan 2015 - 03:45

So I'm not a new fur, I've been one for about 4 years now, and I'm not new to reddit either, I've been using it for almost 5 years.

Anyway, the point is, I've been a long time lurker on this sub and I've never said hi to you fuzzbutts!

So how is everyone? What do you guys like to do for fun?

Here is my fursona by the way. What do you guys think of it?

submitted by VolkanWolf
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Categories: News