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This is really off topic but... what kind of person are you ALWAYS stuck sitting by at a cinema?

Furry Reddit - Thu 22 Jan 2015 - 02:42

For me it's a morbidly obese man in his 40s-50s, it's getting old.

submitted by Flawfinger
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Categories: News

Reach For The Dead by Kenket

Furry Reddit - Wed 21 Jan 2015 - 23:31
Categories: News

Watch out for Anubis’s laser staff: RetroBlazer

FurStarter - Wed 21 Jan 2015 - 22:43

A frantic first-person shooter in a colorful fusion of sci-fi and Egyptian myth…retroblazerbar2



Kickstarter ending 2/22/15

retroblazer3Just a quick and loose look at a video game now on Kickstarter and Steam Greenlight. Retroblazer is a frantic old-school first person shooter in the “run-and-gun” style, where you’re firmly planted behind your weapon looking down your muzzle–your gun’s muzzle, that is–at a very hostile world.

retroblazer1The world, in this case, is what caught my eye, as it’s an eye-searingly colorful world loaded with anthro characters, although since you’re sprinting through their territory and probably gunning them down you might miss that fact.

The scenery is a sci-fi re-envisioning of Egyptian motifs, with neon pyramids, brilliant hieroglyphs, day-glo sarcophagi, and the occasional viridian cartouch that leaves an interesting purple aftermirage in your eyes for a good 20 seconds.

I’m a sucker for a good 80s color palette, what can I say.

retroblazer5Story! Probably the least important aspect of this sort of game, but hey.

You play the young warrior Jonas, who, something something gunblazers, something something invaded by the evil Judgment Legion, something something hidden laboratory and mysterious armor, something something Automatrons, something  GunBlazers! It’s all covered in 20% greater detail on the RetroBlazer website, but let’s be honest, if you’re interested in this, it’s probably for the jackals and possibly the giant floating pyramids.

retroblazer4Game play seems kind of standard for this sort of game–weapons can be forged and customized with “crystals,” the internal currency of the RetroBlazer world. You sprint through a combat-intensive environment–very quickly, this is a dash-and-blast sort of experience–with just a bit of problem solving, and a healthy number of exploding barrels, bottomless chasms, and toxic pools. You can pick up the Alpha Demo, but note that it is the alpha, and has evolved somewhat (it sounds like they might have done away with some weapons using your energy crystals as a power source, for one.)

The kickstarter itself: cut and dried, the digital release, upgrade to soundtrack. In the Cadillac levels, get yourself hidden as an easter egg, or as an avatar in the game–personally, I think I’d look great in Future Egypt, grandma was a jackal. There are a few very special, expensive rewards that stand out–design your own secret weapon and hide it somewhere in a secret room, or for a cool grand, your own hidden shrine! Neat! Not free, but neat :)

retroblazer2You can learn more about the game’s features, music, and artists on Kickstarter, there’s a music sample there by soundtrack composer Solatrus (and if you thought RetroBlazer had some jarring colors, click that link…) Funding’s off to a slow start, but the team will be in San Antonio for PAX South this weekend, maybe they’ll be able to share their demo and get a mid-campaign bump!

Follow @Furstarter on Twitter for dailyish updates from the world of furfunding! Note: Images used above are included to promote the work of crowdfunding artists, and are owned by the original creator.


Categories: News

Looking for people to talk to!

Furry Reddit - Wed 21 Jan 2015 - 22:17

Just looking for some more furs to talk to on Steam! Because you can never have too many friends I guess. My name is Shadiran.

submitted by LegendaryCactus
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Categories: News

Con? Awesome. Con crud? Not so much.

Furry Reddit - Wed 21 Jan 2015 - 22:02
Categories: News

Aussie Furs?

Furry Reddit - Wed 21 Jan 2015 - 21:50

I'm wondering how many Aussie furs are here. I'm from Sydney, and while I love talking to people from everywheres, I'm wondering if there's peeps from The Land Down Under who would be interested in befriending and maybe hanging out with a newbie.

submitted by BigJazzz
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Categories: News

Best Furry Online Multiplayer Game?

Furry Reddit - Wed 21 Jan 2015 - 21:14

Calling all of my fellow furry gamers! What games featuring anthropomorphic beings do you play online to pass the time?

submitted by Discord2974
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Categories: News

Dream of a Thousand Cats: Tabby

FurStarter - Wed 21 Jan 2015 - 21:08

Graphic Novel: A little romance, a little adventure, a lot of cats



Kickstarter ending 2/8/15

tabby3One awesome thing about The “Tabby” Kickstarter: this is an artist that really knows how to work the system! With articles up on at least a dozen websites–probably more than, I just stopped searching after one or two screens of google hits, but “Sidney local news” is a particularly good one, and posts on comic review sites, crowdfunding sites…some amazing saturation bombing! Remember, launching a project on Kickstarter is its own full-time job, if you’re doing it right.

It helps that the author, Stephen Kok, is pretty interesting on his own. His blog, “Creating a Graphic Novel” goes back eight years, and is chock full of interviews, guest art, artist profiles…wow. Worth a read just for the passion in the subject.

Basically the Brady Bunch with fleas

Basically the Brady Bunch with fleas

Anyway, about Tabby! It’s a simple plot, and pretty human when you get down to it–a carefree bachelor, the rakish striped cat with a half-mask, happily lives one fish to the next, until his son, Tabby Jr, falls for the kitten next door. Interestingly, it’s a largely no-talking graphic novel, with the story told through expressions and action. It’s a 60+ page graphic novel so far, though the stretch goals may expand that somewhat–the $1500 stretch unlocked an extra three-page prologue, and there’s three more stretch goals ranging up to $5000 that could expand the content further (although project stretch is always a risk, Kok doesn’t seem very interested in expanding the core project, so he’s clearly got his head around the danger of the Cult of the Stretch Goal.)

tabby2A little scope stretch seems to be the only risk here. The art is already wrapped, with only lettering left to go, and Kok has been writing an “art and creation of the graphic novel” blog for most of a decade, so he knows the process.

This is a pretty solid Kickstarter, and one that I’m going to use for a model in the future. Pledge points: digital, print, print with poster, multipack, early bird specials, and a few different “Cadillac” options for the fans with sketches, and a fun “meet the artist” opportunity if you happen to live in Sidney. It’d be a great resource for anyone working on a graphic novel to look at and steal heavily from.

Check it out! Lots of process information on the Sigmate Studio blog, and you can meet the graphic artist, P.R. Dedelis, over on Deviant Art.

Follow @Furstarter on Twitter for dailyish updates from the world of furfunding! Note: Images used above are included to promote the work of crowdfunding artists, and are owned by the original creator.

Categories: News

Anyone want to talk?

Furry Reddit - Wed 21 Jan 2015 - 21:03

I'm kinda in a slump right now and just need a friendly ear...

Kik me at TheCloudHusky Or PM me

submitted by TheCloudHusky
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Categories: News

In the near future, Microsoft will give us a really nice Gift.

Furry Reddit - Wed 21 Jan 2015 - 19:00

Combine this with a program who let es show our fursona(s) to other furries/-friends over our RL bodies.

OH MY! Can't wait!

But from different viewpoint, let's hope it isn't to realistic, or fursuit makers will loose their jobs.

submitted by besna
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Categories: News