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I just need to say something…
Obviously I’m using a throwaway for this, because it’s extremely personal. First of all, I would like to thank you guys for being here - throughout the 3 or so reddit accounts I’ve had, this sub has always had the most caring and tolerant community.
Basically a year or so ago I started suffering from depression, and have been a completely different person ever since. Where I had previously been outgoing and motivated, I became introverted and suicidal, and also found it very difficult to give a shit about anything. My family, particularly my parents, being white and middle class and therefore having very little perspective of the world, refused to believe I was depressed, because I wasn’t sad. Being depressed doesn’t mean you walk around in black clothes wailing and crying all the time, and I’m sure other people who have suffered or are are suffering from depression will know this. A lot of the time I actually talk about things positively with people and even laugh about stuff, it’s just internally I never feel happy or care about anything any more.
So because my parents refused to accept I had a genuine mental health problem, they assumed the changes in my behaviour were because I had started taking drugs or was “trying to be hip and cool”. I felt this was ridiculous, because I don’t even drink alcohol even though I’m 18 years old, let alone smoke weed. This was around the time of my AS level exams (so that’s aged 16/17, and in the UK), so being the white, middle class, middle aged people they are, my parents started worrying about me in their own “special” way, which basically involves treating me like I’m 11 years old and not allowing me to have any independence. Not letting me talk to friends. Not allowing me to buy a new laptop even though my 4 year old computer had started to give up. Unplugging the modem after 8:00PM. Coming into my room to “make sure I was revising” every 15 minutes. You get the idea. For a good few months I basically wasn’t allowed to do anything at all interesting, and when I tried to I was told “you have more important things to be worrying about, go away and do more revision”. Of course, being the Immature 17 year old I was last year, instead of actually studying, I responded in my own way to my parent’s restrictions by not doing any work at all.
Needless to say, I ended up absolutely ruining my AS levels, but thankfully I was allowed to repeat the year by my sixth form college after I explained the situation to them, which I suppose has acted as a safety net.
Things changed, at least for a while, when I found out about this fandom around september. Like many people (and I’m slightly embarrassed about this) I discovered it through Yiff, but through that found that I had a “thing” (ayy) for anthro, whether it was in porn or not. I actually felt happy browsing this subreddit, looking at furry art and generally doing furry stuff, like wearing a collar (in secret of course). Being happy was something I had not felt in months, and it was all because I had discovered I was a furry and had starting doing these things.
I also discovered around this time was that I was gay. Discovering my sexuality, which I was previously unsure about, helped me feel at least like I fitted in somewhere in the world, in the same way as discovering I was a furry did.
Things improved even more, or so I thought, when I discovered that another guy at my college was also a furry, after he showed me his new steam profile picture which was an anthro arctic fox. At that point I started talking to him more and felt like I had become closer friends with him. Let me add at this point that even though I’m gay I was not physically attracted to him; we were just friends. I didn’t even tell him I was gay.
It was looking like my life was getting back on track, however my “friend”, who had started off being a decent person, had actually started to become increasingly unpleasant. Our friendship ended in what I can only describe as the ultimate dick move, where he discovered my reddit username, and started scrolling through my posts and comments, in front of me, down voting each one, saying stuff along the lines of “you are such a fucking autist why are you so cringeworthy seriously all these comments make me physically ill”. He has shunned me and has not spoken to me ever since. It has since emerged that he was only “ironically” a furry. This was around a week ago, and call me selfish if you will, but it was in my opinion the worst thing you can do to someone - “ironically” being a furry, then stopping a friendship on the basis that person is a real furry.
Anyway, in addition to all this, my parents are still acting like I’m a kid: still saying I can’t use my own money for what I want to use it for, and still saying I can’t think about anything other than exams. They are also pushing me to go to university even though I want to get an apprenticeship instead (i.e. getting paid to learn stuff instead of paying £9000 a year to learn less stuff and being in debt for the rest of my life)
At this point, my depression has come back, worse than it ever was, and I’m seriously considering ending it all. I don’t actually see the point in carrying on, and I’m finding it really difficult to motivate myself to do anything. Basically I want to kill myself.
TL;DR I am depressed, and it is made worse by my parents not realising such a condition exists and therefore acting like I’m 12 years old, but discovering I was a furry a few months ago made me feel happy. This all disappeared when I discovered my furry friend was “ironically” a furry and actually a bit of a dick, after he called me a “cringeworthy autist” when bulk-downvoting all my reddit posts in front of me. I should have known, from the fact he referred to himself as a "furfag" rather than a furry.
Basically I’m considering ending it all now because there is literally no point in carrying on with this shit life.
submitted by PM_ME_YOUR_MEMES_420[link] [29 comments]
The History of Furry Publishing, Part Two: Current Publishers – by Fred Patten.
Book recommendations?
Looking for furry books! Just finished reading the mage war trilogy and looking for any furry book~ Sexy ones are accepted as well
submitted by ZarrowWrites[link] [9 comments]
what is a sona?
in case the title didn't give it away I'm wondering what a sona actually is to most and if any of you believe there are actual restrictions on what you choose.
submitted by psionic_anthro[link] [7 comments]
My, as an outsider, view on furries.
Hello, I am Hoploo, I am here to express my opinion on this fandom, and also the disturbingly unfair amount of hate it receives. I, myself, am not much a fan of anthropomorphic animals (with very few exceptions), but I can always see the appeal. Your, "Yiff" side, from what I can tell without going there myself, is just a simple fetish, may be a little strange, but some people might like their porn cartoonishly covered in fur and with a muzzle (unless of course it is a reptile or a bird), but it would never make someone a pedophile, or even zoolophile (if that's how you spell it). Looking at pictures of anthropomorphic animals does not make you a zoolophile (making sexual contact in reality would though, but I do not believe you do that). Cosplaying as your characters, while I do not cosplay at all myself, is also justified. It's not like your hurting anyone, it's not pornographic, and it is not seizure inducing, if it isn't either of the two you can look at something else. Of course, I doubt you don't have a dramatic side, and people who will defend their fandom to the death, but I believe that would be a minority, all fandoms have those members. All reasons for attack in my perspective are unjustified and are definitely not an excuse to attempt chemical attacks on a peaceful convention. I appreciate your time to read this.
submitted by Hoploo[link] [33 comments]
I was wondering if anyone else was going to templecon. It's a gaming convention in Rhode Island with board games, rpg, card games, and everything else. Anyone else gonna be there?
submitted by cheetahfurry[link] [1 comment]
train sketch: wendi - seth sentry inspired pic
Where did the name for your 'sona/character come from?
I'm so curious. I've been 'satire' or 'satiredun' since..well, yerf days, but it's not really a character name. Now that I'm coming back into the scene, as it were, I see all these interesting character names and wondering where they all came from! TL;DR Tell us what your character name is and where it came from.
submitted by satiredun[link] [11 comments]
New to furry Fandom and i have some (probably stupid) questions about it
Hi, I'm emrakull! I am a noob producer, influenced by furry producer Renard Queenston, so i have a general idea of what the community is about. I was thinking about becoming a furry, but i have some (probably stupid) questions.
Do i need to be good at drawing? Because i suck at it xD
Is being a furry limited to animals? Or can it be fish, insects, plants, lizards, etc.
Do I need a costume? In addition to begin bad at drawing, i can't make a homemade costume lol
submitted by emrakull[link] [5 comments]