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"Through the Night" by Verlidaine

Furry Reddit - Wed 11 Feb 2015 - 15:51
Categories: News

Nothing at All by Kenket

Furry Reddit - Wed 11 Feb 2015 - 15:19
Categories: News

Anyone from NY going to Anthro New England?

Furry Reddit - Wed 11 Feb 2015 - 14:54

Anyone from NY going to Anthro New England?

submitted by Shadowwolf67
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Categories: News

I finally got my 'sona drawn!

Furry Reddit - Wed 11 Feb 2015 - 14:19

Thanks to /u/mrmatsir a.k.a. ThesePantsDontFit and an art trade we did, I finally got the first drawing of my fursona! He's a samoyed-red panda mix and... well I'll let the drawing explain it!

Make sure to follow this guy on Deviantart, he's going places!

Myron the Samoyed/Red Panda

submitted by Jumbojet777
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Categories: News

Art Post: The Comics of Rory Frances

[adjective][species] - Wed 11 Feb 2015 - 14:00
Selection from Big Teeth

Real Apex Preds

Today’s art post is about the work of Rory Frances.  Rory is a comic artist in the Seattle area, working with a variety of themes and incorporating his own unique style.

This first image is taken from his comic Big Teeth.  On the surface, Big Teeth is the story of two friends who have gotten split up at a party, but beneath that, it’s an intricate examination of predator, prey, and scavenger dynamics.

Rory’s art is full of wavy, hasty lines, though it’s worth noting that this does not imply that his art is, in itself, hasty.  Everything is carefully placed within an image, and the action that goes along with the genre of comics is evident in the movement of each pane.

Selection from Hype Cube (with Sloan Leong)


This is evident in the flow of his work, Hype Cube, wherein the characters move sinuously from one panel to the next and the text breaks the boundaries of those very same panels.  The colorist of the comic, Sloan Leong, also utilizes the technique of changing the mood of the story through the use of color: as the story advances, so does the overall color scheme used in each panel.

Scene from Boys Are Slapstick

Performing is only fun in some situations, I think.

Finally, his recently published comic, Boys Are Slapstick (18+ link for sexual situations) in the ‘zine ZEAL, is a fantastic deconstruction of the ways in which we perform and act for others in very intentional, if occasionally fictional ways.  We have brought up the idea of front-stage personas here on [a][s] before, and I think that a lot of this particular work hearkens back to that idea through the clever use of cartoons and “fictional” characters.

You can find Rory’s work on Tumblr and follow him on Twitter for more updates!  If you’re interested in supporting his work, you can also find him on Patreon.

let me make a pic of your furry for you

Furry Reddit - Wed 11 Feb 2015 - 13:52

so im at work and pretty bored, love making furrys/character model sheets etc, have a trusty dry erase broad as thats my extent of writing tools allowed here. hit me up with some ideas/designs and ill pound out some work while im chilling here doing nothing. worth a shot. been drawing for close to 20 yrs see what i can do for you.

submitted by Cantara5
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Categories: News

He Feels Furry Fandom Art Is Superficial and Tacky

Ask Papabear - Wed 11 Feb 2015 - 13:09
Good afternoon (as of February 03, 2015). I am a young male of mixed Puerto-Rican/Azerbaijani heritage, with Sunni Moslem beliefs, studying at the university level. I discovered what is called the "furry fandom" on the Internet back in 2007, and my experiences have not always been positive. For now, I will not deal with the already-covered, more controversial aspects, but I have another question instead: Am I the only one who finds much of the costuming, artwork, and writing superficial and tacky? On any given day, I could visit DeviantArt or Tumblr, and be stunned at the appallingly low or gimmicky quality of most user submissions (granted, this is a general phenomenon of amateur content sites and social networks). Outdated sound bites, devoid of substance, by people with no clue as to what is good aesthetic taste. I have viewed online footage of AnthroCon, and I was not much impressed either. Like the fundamentalists of my faith (give or take however you want it), although bullying and intolerance of those who consider themselves "furry" is a sad reality, a few also seem to lack perspective on themselves and be incapable of taking any criticisms. These are the images of furry artwork I have seen so far:

  • Anthropomorphic animals playing video games.
  • Fads of the moment, or political and religious slogans only slightly more timeless than Vanilla Ice's songs.
  • "Sexy" poses (some of which I am admittedly aroused by, others which I find risible, gross or even disturbing).
  • "Imagine X celebrity or character as an anthro!"
  • Human bodies which clearly demonstrate a lack of drawing skill, something more carefully masked by fantastic animal characters.

And I could endlessly go on and on, but I would never finish. Maybe I am being too demanding and unrealistic, but I would like to see anthropomorphic animals explored from a deeper, more elegant and sophisticated, fine art perspective (I would actually pay to see such an exhibition!). Oh well, maybe I was quacking at the wrong door the whole time. I hope you could orient me a little. Thank you very much, may Allah be with you, and have a most excellent week. 

Joaquin Claro 

* * *

Dear Joaquin Claro,

Thank you for your question and kind words. I would agree with your statement toward the end of your letter that you are “being too demanding and unrealistic.” Expecting all the art (or even the majority of it) posted by furries on the Internet to somehow be top quality stuff worthy of display in a museum or art gallery exhibits a misunderstanding of the purpose of the fandom. That would be like expecting everyone who writes Trek or Lord of the Rings fanfic to win Hugo and Nebula Awards. Remember, these people are, for the most part, amateurs. As the word “amateur” denotes, they draw furries for the love of it, not because they are pros and want to make money or earn awards (although many appreciate kind feedback for their efforts); to my way of thinking, that is a very admirable reason.

I, personally, always encourage people to express themselves artistically, whether that be in the visual arts, or in writing, music, dance, or whatever moves them. If you feel that much of their work is imitative or pedestrian, remember that many artists begin by emulating what inspires them and what they enjoy. Some will never move beyond that point, while others will eventually find their own artistic voice and become quite brilliant.

I would object, too, to the implication here that all furry art is bad. There are a lot of very talented artists. I am constantly amazed by a lot of the art I see.

You also mention costume arts (i.e., fursuits). This area is one I find particularly impressive. I’ve seen dazzling fursuits by a number of creators, including the talented woman who created mine, Beastcub. I’d list more great fursuit makers, but I’m afraid if I pick and choose I might hurt some feelings if I leave people out who are talented, as well.

As for artists, again, there are some very gifted people out there, such as Dark Natasha and Blotch. Too many, in my opinion, to list here.

If you are looking for the best furry art, one place you might start is the Ursa Major Awards page. Look through the pages of past winners and current nominations and you will find links to some great stuff. Most of the awards are for fiction and just a few for art, however; I keep hoping they’ll start an award for best fursuits, but I’m still waiting (anyfur also think this is a good idea?) I also think that there is no need for the UMAs to award movies, novels etc. from the mainstream world and that, instead, they should focus on arts created by the fandom (just my opinion).

If you feel that the furry art world can be improved, there are a couple things you might do: 1) you can contribute art yourself if you’re an artist (not an artist? then maybe you should be less critical of something you can’t do yourself), 2) if you find certain websites gross, disturbing, banal, or otherwise inferior, stop going to those websites, and 3) encourage people you think are talented by commissioning works from them and giving them positive feedback on their websites and discussion groups. Artists gotta eat, too, ya know :-3

You apparently wouldn’t agree, but one of the things I find most attractive about the furry fandom is that it is contributed to by furries, rather than large, moneyed corporations (this is why I find going to a furcon more rewarding that ComicCon). Amateurs are, therefore, to be appreciated and hugged, not berated because they don’t have art hanging in the Louvre.

Art, Claro, is in the eye of the beholder. 

To answer your question, there probably are other furries who feel as you do about the art in the fandom (many of them turn into trolls), but, when I think about it, I really don’t know what the purpose of your and others’ criticisms could be. Do you hope, by pointing out that you don’t like most furry art, that the artists will suddenly decide to do better because you have pointed out where they have gone wrong? Or do you hope that they will read your criticism, get discouraged, and stop drawing things you find inferior or offensive, and, thus, clear the way for more gifted artists? Neither is a very admirable goal. 

You note that many artists don't take criticism well. You might wish to consider how it is often true that furries have found themselves, for one reason or another, rejected by society, criticized by peers and family for what they love. Therefore, to be criticized further by fellow furries, the people they have turned to for support and camaraderie, tends to put them on the defensive.

I could be missing the point, though, so if I am, please write again and let me know. I’m not trying to be harsh here; just trying to figure out your letter.

Yours in Furriness,


Kiwi Tiger lends a paw to help Patch and Fred Patten share furry news.

Dogpatch Press - Wed 11 Feb 2015 - 10:24
Time Crunch!  This month, my posting will be cramped by life commitments – (even internet dogs get those.) There’s a big backlog of Fred submissions to fill the gaps. Formatting them takes time.  So I sent out a call for help to do something nice and help make stories better.  Kiwi Tiger stepped up to help. Here’s his delicious bio: Kiwi might […]
Categories: News

Writing Prompt Wednesday Revamped!

Furry Reddit - Wed 11 Feb 2015 - 10:13

I realized a few days ago that the weekly writing prompts disappeared mid-December. I missed them and they were a a good way to help practice my writing. So let's restart them, shall we? Any ideas you have for future prompts, let me know through PM or a comment!

WP: You are hiking through the wilderness when you stumble across a feral group of animals the same species as you. Can you communicate? How do they react? How do you react? Have fun!

submitted by dragon567
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Categories: News

Looking for advice on building the bodysuit part of my fursuit

Furry Reddit - Wed 11 Feb 2015 - 09:39

Hello everyone, I have a quick question for those of you you have some experience with fursuit building. As I mentioned in the title, I'm struggling with making the bodysuit of my fullsuit. So far I've made a duct tape dummy as well as digitigrade foam padding. I'm not sure where to go from here and I was wondering if any of you guys have any recommendations. Thanks so much!

submitted by Cinderist
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Categories: News

If you could turn into your furry persona

Furry Reddit - Wed 11 Feb 2015 - 09:22

I'm not a furry. I came across this subreddit and saw in another post of people had lots of money they would fund research into making a transformation real.

My question is, if it where real would you leave the entirety of humanity behind and become the animal, or would you become an animal/human hybrid?

submitted by xchocolatexmustardx
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Categories: News

Her School Forbids Her to Wear a Tail

Furry News Network - Wed 11 Feb 2015 - 07:56
Author: Papabear,  I am in middle school and they don’t allow tails; they will be taken away. My question is: how can I find another way of showing my love of being a furry? Sincerely,Vixen Fox (age 12, Colorado)* * * Dear Vixen Fox, Your very short letter hits on a very touchy subject in … … Continue reading →
Categories: News

Fandomgeezer popping in to say hi!

Furry Reddit - Wed 11 Feb 2015 - 07:21


I'm always nervous de-lurking for the first time! Anywho, heyas, been in the furry fandom since 1997, seen many things come and go. Came into it as a 17 year old kid, now I'm 35 with three sprogs of my own. Surreal!

I used to be a bit more active, even had a weekly webcomic from 2003-2009. I've also done guest bits for friends' webcomics. Had to take a break from it because my health took a huge nosedive right after I had my oldest kid, and it never quite recovered. I'm on chemotherapy now and that seems to finally be helping, so I'm looking to jump back into the webcomic foray this year. Fingers crossed. :)

Anyhow, a couple folks have nudged me towards reddit, so I've been working up the nerve to post and say hi. I love meeting new folks, so I'm trying to get over my shyness. Also happy to dispense art/comic/otherfuzzythings advice if asked!

FA page:

Ye olde retired webcomic:

The closest thing I have to a fursona anymore:

submitted by cane_rocksugar
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Categories: News

Any bisexual/gay male furries?

Furry Reddit - Wed 11 Feb 2015 - 07:11

I'm a 16 year old bisexual male and wanna talk to other furries like me :) Edit: post your kik below if you'd like to talk :)

submitted by arexin
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Categories: News

Rusfurence 2015: Winter Shenanigans

Furry Reddit - Wed 11 Feb 2015 - 06:16
Categories: News