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Not in great spirits... need a little support.

Furry Reddit - Mon 9 Mar 2015 - 22:26

Just, getting pummeled everywear with schoolwork, and getting bullied at the same time, not to mention my stuff is getting stolen out of my gym locker because somebody knows my combination. Not to mention I'm alone, and borderline about to get kicked out of a high school where they boot you if your GPA drops below 3.0.

It's spiriling down quickly, to the point where I'm dressing black and listening to emo music :P

submitted by HonestJohnFoulfellow
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Categories: News

Help Personalizing My Fursona?

Furry Reddit - Mon 9 Mar 2015 - 21:59

Hey guys, so I need some help with fleshing out my fursona. All I have is the species. I'm a Snow Leopard that hates the cold. That's all I got so far. How did you choose your fursona's name/unique identifications? I've been a Furry for a few years now, and I really want to finish/name my fursona :O. Thank you all for your help!

submitted by Akpil
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Categories: News

SMBC- Potential Mates

Furry Reddit - Mon 9 Mar 2015 - 21:34
Categories: News

Where the Furries Are (CityLab)

Furries In The Media - Mon 9 Mar 2015 - 20:49
I saw this on Twitter... this shows some interesting stuff!

Where the Furries Are

You might live in a hotbed of people named AssassinWulf and Keenora Fluffball and not even know it.
Furries! Perhaps you've run into these animal enthusiasts, bumbling around in bulky costumes that are half-sports mascot, half-animatronic musician from Chuck E. Cheese's band. Or maybe you are a furry, in which case I say greetings, Zume Frostpaw, Jasper Nightlynx, AssassinWulf, or whatever your "fursona" name is!

Folks wanting to spend more time with furries—or less, due to an irrational fear of cartoon foxes entering the physical world—might be happy to know there's a tool for tracking them called the "Heat Map of Furries World-Wide." Made with geolocated data on nearly 7,500 furries, the bestial atlas uncovers dense clumps of rainbow hair and giant, anime-style eyes in the United States, Mexico, South America, England, and Germany ... oh so many furries in Germany. (Guten tag, Schattenwolf, PolarbaerInu, and Keenora Fluffball!).

But perhaps we should back up a minute and answer the question, "What's a furry"? Somebody who commented on the map explains it this way:

Furries, in a nutshell, are big fans of Anthropomorphic animal characters, usually to the point of having their own character (fursona) that they use as an avatar in the community. Furries are first and foremost a community, which is what draws most of them I suspect. It's a place where you can create an idealized or fantasy version of yourself to interact with others with. That snowballs into tons of art and interaction shared amongst the group. Conventions are huge (here in Pittsburgh we have a big one, maybe the largest in North America?) There is a big sexual element for many, but not all. Furry Porn (yiff) is common, and less-common is fursuit sex. (Fursuits, unsurprisingly, are costumes of furry characters).

How did the person who made the heat map, Reddit's direwoof—who has not responded to a request for comment—learn enough about this elusive tribe to map it? Does the government tag and track furries in the manner of whales and grizzlies? Anything is possible these days, but this map is actually based on user-submitted profiles on another "Furry Map" made by a Germany-based coder. That's caused some critics to complain it's presenting a skewed version of the world's true furry distribution.

And they do seem to have something of a case. "Yeah, one look at Japan told me how wrong this map is," notes one commenter, referencing the Land of the Rising Sun's rising furridom. Another skeptical commenter figured "there has to be at least 1" furry in a state as large as Texas. (If there is, it's gotta be Toughset the Armadillo, who "can roll up in a ball... but prefers not to, due to lack of coordination.")

But much of the map appears accurate if we can assume furries, like so many subcultures, clump up in urban areas. "I live in Orlando, FL. I can confirm there is a dense population of Furricus-Sapien," says one dude. Another person adds: "As someone who lives a ferry ride away from seattle I can unfortunately confirm."

Here are a couple closer views of earth's packed furry dens:
Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Mon 9 Mar 2015 - 20:09
Categories: News

Self-esteem by Karpetshark

Furry Reddit - Mon 9 Mar 2015 - 19:23
Categories: News

TigerTails Radio Season 8 Episode 51

TigerTails Radio - Mon 9 Mar 2015 - 17:32
Categories: Podcasts

Highly recommend some of you check out this new game that just launched on steam called "Shelter 2"

Furry Reddit - Mon 9 Mar 2015 - 15:56

As someone who played the first game, I was pretty exited for the second one. It really puts you in the position of the mother and can really scare you at times.

This game can be true eye opener to the unforgiving side of nature. I have just been playing it and on my first play-though and one of my cubs got taken away by wolves. Needless to say I was traumatized.

Hearing the howls for the first time really sends a chill down your body.

The artwork is gorgeous and the level design can be breathtaking.

Here is a link to the website and steam store:

submitted by Kiwinbacon
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Categories: News

Fursuiting at a mall!

Furry.Today - Mon 9 Mar 2015 - 15:50

I can feel the mall cops descending on them.

Also! Since when do they let animals in the mall?

Categories: Videos

UWO University of Western Furries! Skype group inside.

Furry Reddit - Mon 9 Mar 2015 - 14:52

PM me to be added to the Skype group for University of Western Furries.

London, Ontario, CANADA by the way.

I'd very much appreciate it if you could upvote this even if you don't go to western as I need as much visibility as I can get. The UWO subreddit immediately downvoted my post into oblivion, and I'd like to actually for once have a place to spring things from. Furries in London are very shy, and there seems to be absolutely no indication of any furries here, but I know there are!

submitted by Ketturen
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Categories: News

Semi-strange request, but it results in someone receiving a character+ ref sheet from me...

Furry Reddit - Mon 9 Mar 2015 - 14:07

So, after seeing myself post similar comments in recent days about fursona tips and such, I decided to make this a fun challenge for myself. I'm still a couple weeks away from much free time (commissions), but this gives me time to work on it at work.

I'm going to post a series of images, basically a concept process with tips and stuff in making sonas/characters. It may also focus on hybridizing, and keeping a character from looking like one species had wings slapped on.

But this is also just about me getting some fun practice in. After all, I love me some monsters.

So here's where the request comes in. I need people to comment with species. Two species is preferred, but one is okay, and three is maximum. If it is gonna be one species, just list a few things that you like: animals, colors, foods, plants, hobbies/sports.

The comment I chose will be the one I draw up and make a character out of. You'll be able to keep the character, do whatever you want with it, and get a free ref sheet of the character out of it.

submitted by Sareii
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Categories: News

What is a piece of art you found (film, painting, whatev) that plunges the hardest into the uncanny valley?

Furry Reddit - Mon 9 Mar 2015 - 13:40

Odd question, I know. But I am a sucker for cyberpunk where the theme of "uncanny valley" (coupled with transhumanism) is recurrent and it seemed like a good place to ask about "almost but not quite" humans.

A character plunges into the uncanny valley when it looks human-like but you unconsciously know it is not, resulting in an unsettling feeling of creepyness.

My personal pick is the entire "Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence" movie. Gynoids with partial human ghosts, humans transfered into mannekins and a 'protagonist' who has lost her humanity long time ago. It is hard to watch this movie and not feel uneasy most of the time.
Same applies to GITS as a whole but Innocence takes it to eleven.

submitted by fa_mirror
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Categories: News

I'm a pixel artist and I need you to give me some ideas!

Furry Reddit - Mon 9 Mar 2015 - 13:18

I could use some help from you guys, I'm trying improve myself at drawing pixel art, and if you could send me some commissions I would be glad. I can even try drawing your animal selfs for those little reddit pictures near your usernames!

submitted by PeterShakur
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