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Wolf reference sheets

Furry Reddit - Tue 10 Mar 2015 - 18:10

So I'm wanting to make a 3D model of my fursona since I can't draw anything more than a stick figure. That being said I need some reference sheets. I've been looking everywhere online and I can't find anything good that fits my fursonas description (cartoony and muscular) or anything that's in the write views to work with the program I'm using. So does anyone know of any with a side and front view that fits this basic description?

submitted by knuxfan
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My favorite movie (not my drawing!)

Furry Reddit - Tue 10 Mar 2015 - 17:44
Categories: News

Fluffy tail!

Furry Reddit - Tue 10 Mar 2015 - 17:34
Categories: News

I want to thank all of you

Furry Reddit - Tue 10 Mar 2015 - 17:04

So today I received the application decisions from the ultra-fancy private boarding schools that I was applying to. Sadly I was not accepted to any of them for their next academic year. The entire process has been confusing, stressful, and quite frankly scary. I am unsure of what will be happening for the next few years but I look forward to spending them with you guys. All you fuzzbutts have given me a wonderful and welcoming place to ignore the worry and relax, thank you so much.

submitted by RGBrazberry
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Furry Reddit - Tue 10 Mar 2015 - 17:01
Categories: News

Random Question: Does "furry" translate to other (non-English) languages?

Furry Reddit - Tue 10 Mar 2015 - 16:12

This is one of my "shower questions" from earlier this morning. While it is obvious that many furries are not from the anglophone world, I've never been sure whether or not those languages developed their own translations/terms for "furry."

For example, would a furry in, say, Madrid refer to themselves as a "furry" or would they opt for the closest Spanish equivalent, "peludo?"

submitted by Cyndaquazy
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Grandpa's Got a Fursona

Furry Reddit - Tue 10 Mar 2015 - 15:41
Categories: News

Don't Come After Me - by Aseethe

Furry Reddit - Tue 10 Mar 2015 - 15:23
Categories: News

Final Fantasy XV's Video of the Chocobo Post Shows Off Some Fabulous Birds

Gaming Furever - Furry Game News - Tue 10 Mar 2015 - 15:01
Final Fantasy XV's Video of the Chocobo Post Shows Off Some Fabulous Birds

The chocobos they showed off in the Chocobo Post are the most fabulous looking chocobos to date.


The graphics for Final Fantasy XV are incredible and when they showed off the Chocobo Post I was extremely impressed with how the chocobos looked. They don't only look great in the new engine, they look fabulous as well! Hopefully we'll be able to ride them like you can in other final fantasy games, or even breed them to get different colors. We'll find out in time, I'll work on keeping up to date with these birds and their involvement in Final Fantasy XV's world.

Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Tue 10 Mar 2015 - 14:02
Categories: News

Told my mom I was a furry

Furry Reddit - Tue 10 Mar 2015 - 13:51

Okay, I was kicked off a game server last night for calling myself a furry. Server host called me nasty... Anyways it was still bothering me, so I decided to talk to my mom about it. To do that, I had to tell her I was a furry because I liked to draw animals (I hardly ever draw humans- if it's on two legs, it's a furry). She said maybe that wasn't the best name for me. I told her I believed it was and that honestly I would like to go fursuiting one day. She's pretty okay with it, except for the whole fursuit thing. She thinks it's weird. I admitted that yes, weird things happen, but not all of us do those things. Don't think she understands that part, but whatever. She basically said that she was okay as long as I didn't do any of the weird stuff. Said I should be myself, and that those people aren't worth my time.

submitted by wolfiesrule
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MTB Furry Sticker, Final Update

Furry Reddit - Tue 10 Mar 2015 - 13:42
Categories: News

My dad found out... The hard way [NSFW]

Furry Reddit - Tue 10 Mar 2015 - 12:24

I did a dumb thing. A duuuumb dumb thing. I synced all my phone photos to my dad's computer (computer my phone is synced to). Lots of those photos were explicit, very explicit, very gay and very furry. They were meant to be a backup in case anything went wrong while I was restoring. Well nothing went wrong so I forgot them. He somehow found out about them because this morning he said "I saw that a 10GB folder was added to your personal folder" and I remembered the photos. "Oh yeah, my folder is starting to take up some space". He just said "Yeah". Then I remembered the kind of photos I had imported. Shit. I ran downstairs, booted it up and saw the folder. It was expanded, that's what he always does, he expands the folders to see the contents without having to go into the folder. There is no doubt he saw them. I deleted the entire folder, erasing it as quickly as possible. Then I went to school. Now I feel awful. He is a kind person. He would never do anything extreme if he found out about the interest, I've always known this... But it's still so awful that he saw the stuff I like. I have no idea if he will bring it up again or if it's gone for good. So what I'm asking for is... I guess some kind of excuse. Have you ever been in this situation and got out of it with a simple lie? It's so embarrassing and I wish I could erase the memory with some smart lie but my brain is mush right now. Any help is appreciated. IDK, I've been in this game so long maybe I deserve what I get when I can't cover my tracks XD

submitted by A_Yiffy_Fuckup
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Categories: News

Drew my irl friends fursona.

Furry Reddit - Tue 10 Mar 2015 - 11:49
Categories: News

Opinions on ear/tail set

Furry Reddit - Tue 10 Mar 2015 - 11:41

Last month I purchased a hoodie and a hat from, and while I really like both of the items, it will soon be too warm to wear either where I live. I've thought about getting an ear and tail set from the same site, but I thought it best to gather a few opinions before proceeding.

I searched back posts on this subreddit and couldn't really find any info on these items, so I figured I would ask you guys directly what you think.

submitted by wts13096
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Categories: News

Is there a specific subreddit for taking furry drawing requests?

Furry Reddit - Tue 10 Mar 2015 - 11:25

If not would anyone like me to take a crack at drawing their fursonas? I'm in need of practice.

submitted by Grimhallow
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Categories: News