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FurAffinity’s new ownership makes a turning point. Should fans fear commercialization?

Dogpatch Press - Fri 27 Mar 2015 - 10:00
(Via Greenreaper): A comment from 8Chan: The furry community is loaded with cash compared to other niche internet communities and it’s been exploding in popularity over the last decade. Nowadays it’s becoming more apparent with kickstarter and patreon making the figures public and internet companies are starting to move in on their turf to get a cut […]
Categories: News

What led you into the fandom?

Furry Reddit - Fri 27 Mar 2015 - 09:56

A movie? A game? A friend? An art website? The yiff? Or something else entirely?

Not looking for what solidified you as a furry, just the one thing that made you first realize you were fascinated by / attracted to anthropomorphic animals.

Please be explicit in detail, what movie was it? Was it a combination of factors?

e.g. "When I realized I was attracted to Mrs. Brisby in the Secret of Nimh" or "I really liked Lucario's design in pokemon."

submitted by MRjarjarbinks
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Categories: News

Vastness invaded

Furry Reddit - Fri 27 Mar 2015 - 09:01
Categories: News

Some of us could use that

Furry Reddit - Fri 27 Mar 2015 - 08:30
Categories: News

Are You Born Gay? And, If You’re Gay, Do You Have to Participate in the LGBT Community?

Furry News Network - Fri 27 Mar 2015 - 07:56
Author: Dear Papabear, I am writing to tell you that I’m going through some growing pains. I recently discovered that I’m a gay wolf. And … let’s just say, I’m not comfortable with it. I’ve always felt like I was straight, but I started to really like fantasizing about males, I wanna say when I … … Continue reading →
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Don't Mess With The Best - by Freelapse

Furry Reddit - Fri 27 Mar 2015 - 06:40
Categories: News

Drew a new pic of me and my BFF!

Furry Reddit - Fri 27 Mar 2015 - 04:21
Categories: News

Writers, how do you stave off writers block?

Furry Reddit - Fri 27 Mar 2015 - 04:21

I've kind of been plugged for years. I keep urging myself to write, but everything I start gets left unfinished. On that note, what kind of success have you writers had so far in the fandom? I know that we tend to get less attention than artists, but I always wonder otherwise...

In that note, is there any really good furry fiction from the fandom itself?

submitted by toxinmongoose
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Categories: News

The Wolf and Rabbit are Friends

In-Fur-Nation - Fri 27 Mar 2015 - 04:12

In the came-from-out-of-nowhere division: Animation Scoop has a review of a new DVD release, Wolfy, The Incredible Secret from France. Random Media (in partnership with Cinedigm) have now released it with an English soundtrack. “A story of political machinations, anamorphic animal hierarchy and gypsy fantasy – traditionally hand-drawn with a look that leans far away from photorealism. The convoluted English title (French title: Loulou, l’incroyable secret) actually refers to quite a few secrets, which unravel as Wolfy, an easygoing wolf, and Tom, his neurotic bunny pal, travel to Wolfenberg to find Wolfy’s mother. A gypsy has told them that she is the true princess as well as the leader of a rebellion against an evil usurper—a manipulative wolf named Lou Andréa.” Take a look at the trailer linked to the article. It won’t make much more sense, but it’ll give you an overall idea of the movie’s look and feel.

image c. 2015 Random Media

image c. 2015 Random Media

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Furry Reddit - Fri 27 Mar 2015 - 02:46
Categories: News

Stream Doodle by puinkey

Furry Reddit - Fri 27 Mar 2015 - 01:55
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Stream Doodle by puinkey

Furry Reddit - Fri 27 Mar 2015 - 01:54
Categories: News

any Denver furries? im new to the area

Furry Reddit - Thu 26 Mar 2015 - 23:45

basically just the title. moved here for college ;

submitted by Saoren
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Categories: News

"These were the better days."

Furry Reddit - Thu 26 Mar 2015 - 22:48
Categories: News

Help with face-mask idea.

Furry Reddit - Thu 26 Mar 2015 - 22:46

hey, I'm very new to this community but you guys will be the ones with the knowledge on how to do this. I'm a snowboarder and I've always wanted to have a wolf muzzle face mask.This would have to fit under a helmet, because i like my brain cells and I'm always on dangerous terrain (Woot double blacks ex). I just never known how to do this. Any tips or tricks on the construction of this would be great. Thanks for the help and hopefully some of you guy's get out and shred the powder.

submitted by Shade_Silverwing
[link] [7 comments]
Categories: News