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Secret agent pup. By FuzzyComa

Furry Reddit - Wed 1 Apr 2015 - 16:31
Categories: News

May I just say...

Furry Reddit - Wed 1 Apr 2015 - 16:27

The IMVU theme made me crack up, not gonna lie. Some weird mix of sadness and laughter when I saw it!

I hope I have enough Yiffcreds to post this...

(If there's an April Fools thread that I'm not seeing and should post there instead, feel free to tell me)

submitted by badumtsshh
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Categories: News

NSFW-fav image?

Furry Reddit - Wed 1 Apr 2015 - 15:46

What's your favorite NSFW furry image? Whether it be porn or mature content or just nudity. Open to anything.

submitted by thefolf
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Categories: News

Doodles, anyone?

Furry Reddit - Wed 1 Apr 2015 - 14:26

Really slow work day and I'm doodling again. Does anyone want a doodle of something? I'll do whatever that isn't NSFW, obviously. Try to keep picture references fairly small because my internet connection is slow here.

EDIT: Shit, I was still writing this, haha. I'll post doodle results when I get home in like 6ish hours. You can check the last thing I posted to see the quality you can expect from me.

Edit: Hehe a lot of these images are too large. Also I recommend imgur mirrors!

submitted by IntroIntroduction
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Categories: News

So this Weasyl thing is AMAZING!

Furry Reddit - Wed 1 Apr 2015 - 14:12

You can ask for critique!

You can stream live using it!

You can see a preview of your post before you post it so you know your code was right!

You can search by user!

You can have a banner!

I'm sure there is so much more but this is only after an hour of -really- using it! It feels foreign to have a Furry site done so well!

Edit: Follow me on Weazyl please! <3

submitted by Hemms3
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Categories: News

Have a great Spring break everybody!

Furry Reddit - Wed 1 Apr 2015 - 14:09

I'm going to Florida! If your doing something cool, let me know! :3

submitted by Trevarian
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Categories: News

IMVU and FurAffinity (Pawsome! #13)

The Raccoon's Den - Wed 1 Apr 2015 - 14:00
IMVU and FurAffinity (Pawsome! #13)
Bandit and Daniel discuss their thoughts on the recent business deal between IMVU and FurAffinity, and the negative feedback from the majority of the fandom. ***NEW EPISODES BIWEEKLY ON ... From: The Raccoon's Den Views: 1271 19 ratings Time: 09:38 More in Entertainment
Categories: Podcasts

Oh, Blizzard, you sly dog.

Furry Reddit - Wed 1 Apr 2015 - 13:38
Categories: News

Best Self-Deprecating Humor Jokes

Furry Reddit - Wed 1 Apr 2015 - 13:28

With all the trolls and haters of the fandom/subculture we're pretty resistant to negative criticism. So I want to know, what jokes do you make at your own expense?

Here's mine: (When I say something weird or stupid and people stare at me) I gave up all my shame/dignity the second I became a furry.

submitted by MonoDragon
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Categories: News

Belgian Fur Afraid to Express His Femboy Side

Ask Papabear - Wed 1 Apr 2015 - 12:35
Hi there,

I’m recently struggling around with how can I be myself. I have this problem for a while already but its getting annoying. So as I maybe said before I’m a gay fur.

I adore femboy furs a lot, they can be so cute and all, and I want to be like that too, I also sometimes act really girly, now that brings me to the this: At about 50% of the day I feel really male and I’m like a cool motor biker, listening to hard music like hardcore or heavy metal and so on, and I feel really good then, but when I feel more comfortable, as like in class because they all now I’m a gay fur, I get to feel really girly and I'd just love to be one except for the genitals, as like a trans or crossdresser. But I cant satisfy that desire, to be able to try out clothing like a girl, its really embarrassing and I don’t have those clothes and its really awkward to go and buy some or ask some of my sister. 

Also its really different from feeling like a cool moto biker, I don’t know what feeling I have to follow, but one of my biggest dreams is trying out and being a trans for one day and see if I feel better.

But I just don’t know how to get to the point I can try it out without my parents or family or bf finding me weird.

How can get to that point I’m able to be a femboy without feeling embarrassed or weird? 

I’m scared that if I do like it a lot when I get to that point and choose to stay like that I’m gonna lose my bf :( or my family liking me. I have no friends not even on the internet who are a furry femboy and kinda experienced the same thing as me 

Bluefluffy Fusky (age 17, Flanders)

* * *

Welcome back, Bluefluffy,

Papabear believes that many people are under the false preconception that they can only be one thing. In my experience, people are much more complicated than that. We have many many aspects of our personality. Some are more dominant than others, but we are definitely not one-dimensional.

Therefore, you can be, sometimes, a biker dude, masculine and tough, and, at other times, express your more girly, softer side. There is nothing wrong with that. You are lucky you live in a place like Belgium, which is much more open-minded about such things than the Bible Belt in the United States. It is therefore rather remarkable to me that you feel so uncomfortable about expressing yourself in such a wonderful country.

My guess about this is that your problem is you haven’t yet reached out to the LGBT community in your area. How can you know what opportunities are out there for friends and activities if, as you say, you have no friends in the community, not even online. You need to find some buddies, Bluefluffy, who understand you. Below are some helpful links that I copied from

LGBT Associations

Çavaria: An umbrella organisation with over 120 member associations supporting the LGBT community through consultation and trainings. The organisation also lobbies the government to ensure equal rights for gay people and transsexuals in welfare campaigns and general policy.

  • Çavaria (website in Dutch)
    At: Kammerstraat 22, 9000 Ghent 
    Tel: 09 223 69 29 
Sensoa: An organisation whose aim is to promote sexual health and sexual rights. Its primary aims include promoting sex education and the prevention of STDs and HIV.

  • Sensoa 
    At: Kipdorpvest 48a, 2000 Antwerp
    Tel: 03 238 68 68 
Active Company: A sport and leisure association and club for gay people and their friends.

Het Roze Huis: The Pink House is a café, a meeting point and an information centre for the LGBT community in Antwerp. It is part of Çavaria.

Useful Websites:

That’s your first step. Learn from these people and you will be a lot more comfortable. Now, about your boyfriend. Hon, if you can’t be who you are around your boyfriend, than around whom can you be yourself? If you want a true relationship with him, you’re going to have to express yourself. If, after you do that, he doesn’t want to be your boyfriend anymore, then he’s not the guy for you. I was really nervous about telling Yogi I was a furry, for example, but when I did he was totally accepting of me, even though he himself was not a furry (he’s furry-friendly). You need to have an open conversation with your boyfriend, too.

Many decisions in our lives are made based on fear. We are always afraid of being judged harshly by others: friends, family, coworkers. The human psyche has a powerful drive to be accepted because we are desperately afraid of being alone. This has the effect of making us hide behind masks, concealing our true selves, and, when we do this, we die a little inside. 

The thing about fear, however, is it is often unjustified. When I found out I was gay, for example, I was very afraid of losing some of my Christian friends. Fortunately, I chose my Christian friends well, and they accepted me for what I was (wow, many other “Christians” could take a lesson here). The same can be true for you. I don’t know your family, but you might not be giving them enough credit and they could be a lot more understanding than you think. Same with your boyfriend.

In summary, don’t think that you have to be just one thing or another; embrace the complexity of your personality and soul, but do not make decisions about who you are based on fear of rejection. And reach out to your local community. When it comes to things like shopping, I’d bet you that there are shopping areas a train ride away where you can try on some pretty clothes and see other guys in the store doing the same thing. Do some research on the wonderful thing called the Internet and you will begin to learn about them.



Unnamed sona

Furry Reddit - Wed 1 Apr 2015 - 11:45
Categories: News

Donny the Goat is now...

Furry Reddit - Wed 1 Apr 2015 - 11:06
Categories: News

That toothy grin

Furry Reddit - Wed 1 Apr 2015 - 10:42
Categories: News

Frolic’s Menagerie: “the most furry place in the universe” gears up for a new party.

Dogpatch Press - Wed 1 Apr 2015 - 10:05
That’s a grandiose title I gave for a mere dance party.  But give a little credit to the hard working Neonbunny. Or a lot… Frolic, the party he started in 2010, is fairly called “the original” (for North America, anyways.) It’s inspired an entire movement.  The post-2010 “Furclub” thing is rising with a full-fledged subculture.  Furries aren’t just […]
Categories: News

/r/Yiff is leaking...

Furry Reddit - Wed 1 Apr 2015 - 09:29

Refresh your browser and look at the top bar.

Top Shelf

submitted by will9900
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Categories: News

Guild News: April 2015

Furry Writers' Guild - Wed 1 Apr 2015 - 08:56
New Members

We’ll have new members to report next month, as I’m still waiting on information to be able to add some new members to our directory. In the meantime, if you’re interested in joining (or know someone who is), find out how here!

Member News

Donald Jacob Uitvlugt’s story “From Hell’s Heart” has appeared at, and  Mary E. Lowd’s story “Songs of Fish and Flowers” is online at Lakeside Circus. Jess E. Owen’s latest novel in the Summer King Chronicles, A Shard of Sun, is now available for Kindle. The stories of Vixyy Fox are being featured on the website of Dog Is My Co-Pilot, Inc, a nonprofit organization that helps find homes for shelter dogs at risk of euthanasia. And Eduardo Soliz has been busy — his Fuzzy Words: The Con Fluff Collection is now available on Amazon, his microfiction “Special Patient” appears on, and his story “Epiphany” appeared in the Furry Fiesta 2015 conbook.

Our associate members have been busy, too. Jay was a guest on the Furballd podcast, and Weasel has a short story in the latest edition of Earth is Huge and We’re All On It, as well as three poems in Crazy Concrete.

(Members: Want your news here? Start a thread in our Member News forum!)

Market News

Upcoming deadlines:  Claw the Way to Victory has an extended deadline now of May 1, and submissions to Weasel Press’ Typewriter Emergencies close on May 1. See our Paying Markets page for more info, and get your stories in!

In conbook news, Anthrocon’s conbook closes to submissions on May 1, and Megaplex’s closes on May 22. (See our conbook page for info and links.)

Openings: The furry anthology Fragments of Life’s Heart is now open for submissions (deadline August 15).

Remember to keep an eye on our Calls for Submissions thread and our Publishing and Marketing forum for the latest news and openings!

Guild News

FWG election season has begun, and any members wishing to run for the office of president must announce their intent by the end of April.  Emails will be sent to members as crucial election deadlines approach, but please also keep an eye on the Guild Election subforum for election announcements, debate, and news!

Cóyotl Award nominations will also be opening soon! Watch their website and Twitter feed for updates.

In other award news, thank you to all those who nominated the FWG site in the Best Website category of the Ursa Major Awards. Some of our members’ works also received nominations; you can see the full list of the 2014 nominees on the front page of their website.

Check out Weasel‘s review of our first anthology, Tales From the Guild: Music to Your Ears.

We’re always open for guest blog post submissions! Good exposure and a great way to help out your fellow writers. See our guidelines for full details.

Need a beta reader? Check out our critique board (you’ll need to be registered with the forum in order to view it).

Want to hang out and talk shop with other furry writers? Come join us for the Coffeehouse Chats, Tuesdays at 7 p.m. Eastern, Thursdays at 12 p.m. Eastern, and Saturdays at 5 p.m. Eastern (new time!) — all held right in the forum shoutbox. More info here.

Remember, our forums are open to everyone, not just FWG members. Come register and join the conversation!

That’s all for this month! As always, send an email to furwritersguild (at) with news, suggestions, and other feedback, or just comment here.

Categories: News

Thank goodness this sub is more of a hangout than a resource hub...April fools be foolin me D:

Furry Reddit - Wed 1 Apr 2015 - 08:49

On every other sub, I scrutinize everything cuz I'm so conflicted. Is it real, is it prank? WHY? I'm extremely gullible, on top of that, the way reddit is set up, you don't know it's a joke until you click.

Has anyone been fooled hard yet today?

submitted by Sareii
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Categories: News