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Episode 3: The Old Gods and the New

Culturally F'd - Thu 16 Apr 2015 - 15:30
Categories: Videos

The lazy artist's guide to drawing animals

Furry Reddit - Thu 16 Apr 2015 - 14:59
Categories: News

Help! I just discovered my boyfriend's furry porn collection –– IDK what to do.

Furry Reddit - Thu 16 Apr 2015 - 14:53

Hi Reddit,

I've been dating my boyfriend for two years now (we're gay and both 20 years old) and today I was using his computer and discovered a link to a NSFW furry website. Upon discovering this I looked through his browsing history and discovered he looks at furry porn –– almost exclusively –– every night. (including an evening where we had sex an hour before he visited one of these sites) He's downloaded hundreds of explicit furry images onto his computer. I don't know what any of this means? Is he not attracted to humans? Why doesn't he look at human gay porn? I'm scared because he's hiding this from me and idk what to do or how to support him. I'd appreciate any insight. I know nothing about this stuff.

submitted by Itto_
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Categories: News

I can't decide if my 'sona should talk or not.

Furry Reddit - Thu 16 Apr 2015 - 14:28

So lately I've been thinking about getting a fursuit, and just overall how my 'sona would act while I'm in the suit. I just can't decide for myself. I love watching videos from cons of people who don't talk and are super animated and think that would fit his personality. However, there are some situations that one couldn't be able to act out. For example, if someone asks me about a specific suitor or artist, I can't act out most explanations. Can you guys give any advise based on experience or observations? I'd really appreciate it.

submitted by knuxfan
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Categories: News

So, this happened in Watch Dogs

Furry Reddit - Thu 16 Apr 2015 - 14:28
Categories: News

Pretending to be your character.

Furry Reddit - Thu 16 Apr 2015 - 13:47

So I've slowly been making my fursona Duncan a real person. At least as far as I can go. Today I even made an account for him to which I'll probably post as if he's on a adventure or something when I'm Rp'ing with somebody on kik. Has anybody been doing things like this?

Oh and cause I'm a complete attentionwhore: @DuncyTheHusky is the account ;)

submitted by TheLonelyGecko
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Categories: News

"A toast to you, Dad."

Furry Reddit - Thu 16 Apr 2015 - 13:43
Categories: News

Foxes = Sluts?

Furry Reddit - Thu 16 Apr 2015 - 13:21

I've been around for long enough to hear the whole: "Foxes are gay sub sluts. As a fresh furry (and a curious fox) I want someone to confirm this. Is it true?

submitted by FrostSkyreach
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Categories: News

Personalities of furs

Furry Reddit - Thu 16 Apr 2015 - 11:39

What are the personalities of each furry race?

Like how do foxes normally behave and things like that

submitted by felixfarn
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Categories: News

Big happy licks

Furry Reddit - Thu 16 Apr 2015 - 11:01
Categories: News

Hes like a real life Anthro

Furry Reddit - Thu 16 Apr 2015 - 10:16
Categories: News

International mascot Trip E. Collie – love and theft at FWA – Newsdump (4/16/15)

Dogpatch Press - Thu 16 Apr 2015 - 10:07
Headlines, links and little stories to make your tail wag.  Tips are always welcome.  ____________________________ Media and Fandom News _____________________________ Huge French festival features San Francisco Bay Area furry and Good Boy, Trip E. Collie, as national poster dog! FOURVIÈRE NIGHTS is a festival for theater, dance and music in Lyon, France – a center for French gastronomy and classic architecture. Look […]
Categories: News

Scritt here. Back where I started. Giving out free speedsketches on stream :3

Furry Reddit - Thu 16 Apr 2015 - 10:04

Just like old times, I figured I'd stream for a bit, taking $4 speedsketch requests, discounted to absolutely free.

Sketches will be fulfilled in the order they are submitted, and I will be doing at least 3. Sugggstive themes allowed, but no adult material.

I'm relatively good at drawing dragons, but open to all species.

Stream link:

Imgur links to finished requests:

Kyaro the dragon:





Aaaand I gotta' go

Status: No more requests for now. I have to go :o
Sorry folks <3

Will probably be uploaded to:

submitted by PowerRaptor
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Categories: News

I am Excite and so Should You

Furry Reddit - Thu 16 Apr 2015 - 09:54

TLDR; Furries: A Documentary About the Furry Fandom is on Kickstarter and less than $500 away from their funding goal on its third day.

-It's by furries for furries, no media spin. -Funding is for post production, project nearly complete and expected for delivery this fall. -Only asking for $2,500. -A documentary that focuses less on what we aren't and talks about who we are with interviews from various members of the community.

Learn more and donate here:

Furries: A Documentary About the Furry Fandom launched on Kickstarter just a few days ago but is already less than $500 away from its $2500 goal to cover the cost of post production.

In development for four years, this has been a labor of love for Eric Risher, a fellow furry. Promising to deliver a genuine documentary focused on the people within the fandom rather than debunking the rumor mills, something we have failed to do in the past with media interviews.

Since the Kickstarter was launched to cover post production costs, backers are essentially donating to a sure thing, a finished product. Backers can expect to see their rewards as early as this fall.

This project is exciting because I feel that ours is a topic worth covering, from our sense of community to our generous charity contributions the furry fandom has a positive presence in the world and it should not go unnoticed in my opinion.

There is however a stigma about covering our story, as media has time and time again put a spin on our story to boost ratings rather than represent us accurately. This documentary is written and filmed by a fellow furry, however, so I think that is no longer an issue. With interviews from a group of fellow furries, you are getting the words straight from the fuzzy mouth.

Hopefully the film takes care in its representation, making it well known that no one person or set of interests can define furry. Ours is an accepting community with people from all walks of life after all.

If you haven't already, please share the Kickstarter link and donate if you are able. You can find the link above in the TLDR version. Let's do this!

submitted by PedigreeTheHusky
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Categories: News

So I've been drawing furries for 11+ years, but...

Furry Reddit - Thu 16 Apr 2015 - 09:22

How in the blue hell do I draw humans? I don't know if this really belongs here, but I'm more familiar with furry anatomy, so... idk. :I Anyway.

I've figured out over the years how to draw furries and ferals that look natural, for lack of a better term. The problem lies within trying to draw a human/oid character, which I want to do, mainly to expand my grounds to have better options for commissioners. And I have a few human/furry comic ideas. But to put it bluntly, every time I draw a human, I start leaning towards furry anatomy... usually cats, since they have fairly similar faces. Any ideas, guys?

submitted by FrostbittenChipmunk
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Categories: News