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What's the quickest way to get hundreds of comments but nowhere near as many upvotes?

Furry Reddit - Fri 24 Apr 2015 - 07:52

Free art.

Okay but seriously I made this post to point out while I do myself check out every free art thread on this subreddit I make sure to not only praise the person for it, but to upvote their post. If you notice there are almost always like 15-40 comments on a free art post and if you check the upvotes it only has like 6 or 7. While to many upvotes are trivial to some it actually matters and makes them feel that much better because their good art and good nature is been appreciated and seen by many, where as there are the people who swoop in to get a picture and then swoop out without saying anything or upvoting. So basically what I am saying is...


submitted by Eddyoshi
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Categories: News

Help, I don't know what to do anymore.

Furry Reddit - Fri 24 Apr 2015 - 07:46

So I guess I'll start by giving some background here. In 16 years old, keep myself busy with sports and musicals and stuff, and bisexual. My long-distance boyfriend (or I guess girlfriend, since he's transgender. This post might be a mess of pronouns used, so I'm sorry) is 14 and doesn't do nearly as much stuff as I do. We met about two months ago when I was on another furry website and I saw that he was posting about being upset about a breakup. So I message him, we exchanged our Facebooks since he doesn't have a phone, and I end up preventing him from suicide in the first night I know him. A few weeks later, he reveals that he has a huge crush on me. At this point, I just decided "why not" and we started dating. Over the next few weeks, I am able to talk him out of suicide on several occasions. He's got all the usual depression symptoms for someone like himself: feeling like he's not pretty, thinking that no one loves him and he's not worth it, etc. And then just last week, he reveals that he cries whenever I'm gone to a sport or auditions for a musical or anything. He literally can't handle not having me around to talk to. He's isolated him from his friends and given up hobbies, even started skipping meals so that he can talk to me more. I have Lacrosse practice every night, and he thinks that I'm abandoning him over what he calls a "pointless hobby." He's taken to cutting himself by now too. Over the last week, I've talked him out of suicide 4 times, and then had to leave because of another commitment, or sleep. So last night, he absolutely loses it. He threatens to kill himself if I don't give up everything that I love to do, for him. Lacrosse, musicals, band, everything. He thinks that he is the only thing that I'm allowed to love. I can't give all of it up, even if I wanted to. My parents wouldn't let me. (side note: I'm out to my parents, but they don't know about him). He tried guilting me to make me feel like a horrible person, claiming that I never loved him. That's not true, I did love him. But I can't keep talking him out of suicide so frequently. He's either dead or in the hospital right now from cutting himself last night. He said he would get help before I couldn't stay up anymore. This was at 1:30 AM. I feel like there is no happy way out of this situation for me. I don't know what to do. Sorry about the wall of text, but I needed to get this off my chest, and you guys seem like the best people to tell.

submitted by A_Stealthy_Taco
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Categories: News

Hey Fluff Stuffs! Who wants a simple icon? 5 slots.

Furry Reddit - Fri 24 Apr 2015 - 07:02

Hello all you fuzz butts and scale stuffs! It's Friday night for me here in Aus and a public holiday tomorrow so I figured I'd stay up and do some art for you. They're just simple cut out style icons. You'll get a 500x500 and a 100x100 image so you can use them around the place.





1. MRjarjarbinks


3. Mysfit_





EDIT: Alright friends. It's 2 am so I'mma hit the hay. Don't worry though, everyones been sketched and are just waiting to be blocked out.

submitted by Sweet_Moon_Sugar
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Categories: News

What is the dankest furry meme?

Furry Reddit - Fri 24 Apr 2015 - 01:54
Categories: News

I Like You in Glasses

In-Fur-Nation - Fri 24 Apr 2015 - 01:09

Smart Girl Accessories is a new-ish art collective specializing in t-shirts and other, yes, accessories for the nerdy female… or the stylish male. Their official slogan is “Putting glasses on animals since 2013.” Their inventory is small so far but growing, so check them out over at their web site, – or, at a nerdy convention near you, which is where we found them.

image c. 2015 Smart Girl Accessories

image c. 2015 Smart Girl

Categories: News

That is one hell of a fursuit.

Furry Reddit - Fri 24 Apr 2015 - 01:03
Categories: News

Saw this on a Navy base in San Diego!

Furry Reddit - Fri 24 Apr 2015 - 00:45
Categories: News

Cyanide & Happiness

Furries In The Media - Thu 23 Apr 2015 - 23:41
Just remembered to post this here
Categories: News

What are some good furry mouse pad images? Can be NSFW

Furry Reddit - Thu 23 Apr 2015 - 22:30

With the recent custom mouse pad sale I have been scrambling to find a good image for a pad, you guys have any suggestions? NSFW is allowed.

submitted by SexyCanine
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Categories: News

Realizing this my be something I am into.

Furry Reddit - Thu 23 Apr 2015 - 22:19

Hello, so recently I have been realizing that I may be into the fandom. After getting into anime and realizing how awesome anthropomorphic characters are. I will admit I used to be hesitant of the fan base but after meeting countless great people at cons and realizing how wrong I was. What should I know about getting into this fandom?

submitted by ZWWolfZ
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Categories: News

Looking for that one piece of art with two realistic canines in street clothes.

Furry Reddit - Thu 23 Apr 2015 - 22:12

It's pretty iconic in this fandom and I've seen it everywhere. Two realistic anthro canines in cool clothes standing by each other. Sorry if I'm not specific enough XD

submitted by TakeMyKnot
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Categories: News

Summer Skirt by RakkuGuy

Furry Reddit - Thu 23 Apr 2015 - 21:05
Categories: News

Looking for GTA V (PC) furs

Furry Reddit - Thu 23 Apr 2015 - 20:57

I'm just looking for some online fur-friends to join me in GTA V. I'm sick of playing the game alone and waiting for randoms to do missions and heists. I figured, why not go to the friendliest group of people on the internet, the furries! Social Club: MochaPunkTrash Steam Name: MochaPunkTrash

submitted by blkgli
[link] [4 comments]
Categories: News

Episode 4: Myths and Tricksters

Culturally F'd - Thu 23 Apr 2015 - 20:42
Categories: Videos