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The Beast, Yeah the Beast, Yeah the Beast is Back

In-Fur-Nation - Mon 27 Apr 2015 - 01:59

Stone cold sober, as a matter of fact… Another animation-influenced graphic designer we’ve discovered is Christopher Lee — no, not that one, though he probably gets that all the time. This Christopher is an artist from Northern California who later moved down south to find work in art and animation. He did, working for graphic magazines like Vapors and Buck. Lately though he’s struck off on his own, creating a line of posters, prints, t-shirts, and even toy designs based on his original art. His web site is called The Beast Is Back, and on that ominous note you should go visit if you want to find out more. Seriously, you’ll see plenty of his art on just the front page.

image c. 2015 by Christopher Lee

image c. 2015 by Christopher Lee

Categories: News

How you like my shirt?

Furry Reddit - Mon 27 Apr 2015 - 01:37
Categories: News

Anthrocon questions

Furry Reddit - Mon 27 Apr 2015 - 01:03

So A friend of mine has room space for Ac at the westin and I'm a new fur and have never been to a con before. Is it worth the price to go? Is it a good first con to go to or should i wait till I know more furries?

submitted by Shadowwolf67
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Categories: News

Selling furry art in 1992

Furry Reddit - Mon 27 Apr 2015 - 00:53
Categories: News

Um.. i drew isabelle

Furry Reddit - Mon 27 Apr 2015 - 00:51
Categories: News

My introduction.

Furry Reddit - Sun 26 Apr 2015 - 23:28

I've been an active furry for about 7 weeks now and I realized, I've never done a proper full introduction as to who I am. So, without further ado, I present my official induction into furriness. Hi! My name is Jalen, I am a 16 year old bisexual Red fox-grey wolf hybrid Folve. I enjoy video games, music, and talking to people about their problems or vice versa. I live in Denton Texas and I am the least southern southerner you will ever meet. If you want to text me, my kik is Jalen8r.

(And no, this isn't just the worlds longest /r/furrykikpals post.)

submitted by Oxy-cotton
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Categories: News

"Look at me! I'm a deer!"

Furry Reddit - Sun 26 Apr 2015 - 22:45
Categories: News

Doing icons again, who wants one? 4 Slots

Furry Reddit - Sun 26 Apr 2015 - 20:22

Hey fluff stuffs! It's me again and I'm doing some icons today. They're 500 x 500 and you can use them all around the place.





1. Yetanotherfurry

2. FurThrowaway14324

3. fieryragee

4. spacecoreV8

submitted by Sweet_Moon_Sugar
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Categories: News

BravoFox's response to IMVU ads

Furry Reddit - Sun 26 Apr 2015 - 19:53
Categories: News

What items would your fursona carry around with them on a regular basis?

Furry Reddit - Sun 26 Apr 2015 - 19:46

(Think like /r/EDC, but for your 'sona)

submitted by EvilJackCarver
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Categories: News

It happened! First furry meet this weekend and how it went (part 1 of 2)

Furry Reddit - Sun 26 Apr 2015 - 17:12

To offer some context, please see my previous post "Your first furry meetup" here:

I've gotta admit that I was on the fence a few days ago contemplating whether or not it would be a good idea to go meet furries out in public. I'm generally a sociable person but I wasn't sure what to expect, especially since most of the information I gathered about furmeets came from the internet. From my research, these meetups ran the gambit of being horrifying monstrosities to near self-actualizing experiences. So, after a little self-talk and a mixed drink or two (because I was anxious)...I did it and so happy that I did!

The event I attended was located within my city here in North Florida. It was a two day event that included a furbowl on Friday evening and beach picnic on Saturday around lunchtime. Both events were followed by after parties that went late into the evening. I attended two of the events - the furbowl and the after party on Saturday. So here’s what happened (story time folks):

I arrived early to the furbowl and furries were trickling in, gathering down at the end of the alley. It was cosmic bowling night, too but they hadn't turned down the lights at this point. There was an attached bar, so I headed that way to get squared away with my two mixed drinks first. Since I'm local, the whole time I was thinking to myself, "Oh god, it'd be my luck that my non-fur friends that live a few blocks away show up!" - it never happened but the possibility still existed. I sent out a message on my phone to the furry-group-chat I was a part of to let them know I was at the bar. I was smart and befriended a handful of them in the chat before showing up. Anyway, I hung out in the bar area for about an hour or so and chatted it up with the bartender while the furry attendees continued to gather and start bowling.

The bartender stepped away for a moment to have a cigarette outback with her coworker while I continued to sip on my drink. I overheard their conversation and sure enough they started talking about the furries out in the main alley. Intrigued, I eavesdropped on their conversation to hear what they had to say about us strange animal folk. Her coworker almost immediately exclaimed how bizarre he thought the whole thing was and of course cited that CSI episode. He droned on for a little as I sat there shaking my head continuing to stress – “what have gotten myself into?” But I was surprised at the bartender’s counterpoints in saying things along the lines of “they’ve been great every year they’ve come out” and “the costumes are cute” and “it’s just a hobby.” I smiled and mentally exclaimed to myself “Yes, exactly!”

The guy went back to the service counter as she walked back behind the bar. I hadn’t told her I was a furry up to this point but I had already built decent rampart with her so…I said screw it! “So tell me about all those nice things you were saying about us furries again?!” She looked surprised for a second then we both laughed. She explained she didn’t know much about the fandom but knew it was just a hobby, plus really loved the fursuit costumes. So we chatted for a little while longer as I polished of my drink. I grabbed one more cranberry-and-orange-juice with Smirnoff vodka (delicious by the way) before heading out to the main alley. I said “cheers” to her as I made my way for the door, drink in hand – “Good luck” she said!

Okay, I was feeling pretty good at this point, had my drink and proceeded to make a beeline for the sign in table. The alley was now dark and flooded in black light; neon colors; loud trap music (some future house music would have been nice but whatever). I got to the table and said bit awkwardly – “Is this for the furry thing?” The guy behind the table grinned, nodded and pointed to a sign in sheet on the clip board. I had to leave my real name (crap), my fursona’s name and species. He gave me a badge and a sharpie to write my name out on as he took a look at the clipboard. I scribbled down my name, threw the lanyard around my neck (I think one’s officially furry at this point) and went straight to the furry bowling lanes – “ah!” I stood around for about five minutes or so watching the fursuiters; about six in total from what I recall.

I pulled my phone out to let the group know I was by the bowling lanes now but it had died from all the chatting I was doing earlier that day. There was another guy standing at the table adjacent to me wearing a badge as well. He was fiddling around on his phone and looked approachable, so I went to introduce myself. He immediately starting talking to me as if we’d known each other for years, so he was quite friendly (in a good way)! We got to talking about some furry stuff but primarily things that we did outside of the fandom such as work and school. After about ten minutes or so, he invited me over to the bowling lane he was hanging out. I was warmly greeted by his group, we talked and they even offered pizza and a free round of bowling against two of the fursuiters! Fast forwarding about three hours, I’d probably met about 15 local and a few out of town furries. Three I had chatted to previously online. A few were even in school at the university I attended. Some of the furs were a bit flirty but it didn’t bother me; it was cute. Also, I got quite a few hugs from the fursuiters (I recommend everyone try this at some point)!

Here are a few pics some of the other furries took:

By the time it was all over, I had already befriended a few people I wouldn’t mind hanging out with on a regular basis. I originally didn’t plan on going to the after party Saturday but got invited out by some of the furries I met that night, so I left with something else to look forward to.

Now, there’s nothing particularly exciting about bowling to me. In fact, I’m actually quite horrible at it. This evening was about interacting with an internet culture I had been steadily watching for the past five years. Although, the furry fandom was the general overarching theme which brought us together, it wasn’t the only thing we talked about the entire night. Granted, I went into this with an open mind and was anticipating all sorts of “stereotypical” furry shenanigans – need I explain? – but instead experienced genuine humanity from all walks life, of different codes and creeds. Furries are just everyday people with an interesting hobby, although I suppose we’re a bit fuzzier. Did I experience anything self-actualizing and totally lose my mind? Ha, no but I did have fun. It was out the ordinary and made the mundaneness of everyday life a bit more bearable and interesting. Not to mention, it reminded me how it’s important to not always take oneself too seriously. Life’s too short for that nonsense. I had the stupidest smile on my face the whole way home because I was so close to not going. But I did.

So, c’mon already, you lurkers! You can’t stand by forever. The rest of us are waiting to meet awesome people like you!

Note: I'm over 21, so as an adult I do drink socially from time to time. I am by no means advocating you should do the same as me. This is ESPECIALLY true if you're underage! Be responsible!

Edit: I’ll post what happened at the Saturday after party in part 2.

Don't forget to follow me on twitter: @superbetamaxx

submitted by superstylin_betamaxx
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Categories: News