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Songs in the Key of Fur

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An interesting essay on furry music was recently posted to VCL. It is entitled Furry Music: Songs in the Key of Fur and was written by Emily White. More than half the essay gives a description of the fandom in general before it gets down to the business of discussing furry music. Though most of it is nothing new to furs (particularly regular attendees at cons), it is nevertheless an interesting and positive view of the fandom.



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It seemed good and dead-on to me, not to mention very based in fact, which is DEFINITELY a good thing! Take that Furry-haters!

Tlaren }:=8}

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A link would be much appreciated!

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The title of the essay as it appears in the article is set up as a hyperlink, but if for some reason that isn't working for you, here it is:

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Thanks! =:)

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I think it was well-meant, and maybe I'd be branded a "furry-hater" by one of the other commentators, but I simply don't see furry about being "a connection of human and animal", in the inner-spiritual way the essay is putting forward. Granted, it's mentioned that it's not an across-the-board belief in the fandom, and that "debate can get very heated between the two differing viewpoints" (there's way more than two); but it's also been my argument that if one is going to talk about furry fandom, all one can say for certainty is that it's an interested in anthropomorphized animals. Anything mentioned on top of that is a personal individual's spin on the subject and cannot and should not be used to describe the proclivities of the greater fandom; whatever you're interested in. No one ever seems to say, "This is what I think furry is about, yadda yadda, but this is a sub-group of the larger fandom, and here's what makes it interesting for other people, including those that aren't into what I'm into at all, yadda yadda."

And for the curious, the essay title is an alteration of "Songs in the key of Z"; .

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dronon writes:
>And for the curious, the essay title is an alteration of "Songs in the key of Z"

That particular turn of phrase didn't originate there. In 1976, Stevie Wonder released an album entitled, "Songs in the Key of Life". A google search on the phrase "Songs in the Key of" turned up numerous other hits.

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---No one ever seems to say, "This is what I think furry is about, yadda yadda, but this is a sub-group of the larger fandom, and here's what makes it interesting for other people, including those that aren't into what I'm into at all, yadda yadda."

Um......... I do.

Visited by many new to the fandom.

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You do? Arright! Keep it up! I'm not alone! :-)

And re: Steve Wonder, cool! I hadn't realized it was that popular a phrase, I'll have to look up that album now, got me curious. Thanks!

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