Streaming review: 'Sing: Thriller'
If there's one furry series I should be completely behind, but have always been a bit down on, it's Illumination's Sing franchise. The series is set in a completely furry world, with a complete lack of humans – something I can always get behind. And yet, I can't ever quite get behind them.
I think if I had to put my finger on what's wrong, it's that the Sing movies feel like the Illumination version of Oscar bait, being behind the scenes musicals that ostensibly celebrate the performing arts, something Academy Awards voters should, in theory, love; and yet, they can't even get the easy lay up of Best Original Song, which is straightforwardly embarrassing for movies called, well, Sing. It's not that they're failed Oscar Bait, it's that they're not going for Best Picture, or even Best Animated Feature, but simply seem to be aiming to be nominated in that category. They're not aiming for the top, and they're still missing!
Or maybe I'm just being too hard on them, and displacing my own Oscar obsessions on this otherwise innocuous series of jukebox musicals with no higher goal than to be entertaining bits of fluff. The newest entry in the franchise, if it can be called that, is just that. Sing: Thriller is a short available on Netflix, and it features a simple take on a nightmare zombie apocalypse, but furry and kid-friendly; an obvious homage to Michael Jackson's Thriller. It's definitely for kids, with a rating of TV-Y, for "fear", which I think would only apply to the absolute youngest viewers.
What bumps (and jives) in the night
The short opens with an audience entering the theater owned by Buster Moon (a koala voiced by Matthew McConaughey) for a Halloween-themed production, featuring Ash the porcupine (voiced by Scarlett Johansson) as a mad scientist who turns her victims into fruits and vegetables. I guess she's the furry world version of Dr. Moreau? Okay, that's almost clever, and I'm glad the gang has abandoned their world's version of Las Vegas and taken my favorite character from last movie's original advice and just gone back to their roots and create good, wholesome family entertainment (with maybe, like, a little "fear"). After the show, the cast and crew head out to a Halloween party, and encounter some sort of weird goop that has leaked from a nearby lab accident. You can probably figure out the rest from here. Don't spoil it for the actual kids in the audience, though.
Sing: Thriller does get a lot of the voice cast from the original Sing back, in addition to McConaughey and Johansson. You've got Tori Kelley as Meena the elephant, Taron Egerton as Johnny the gorilla and Nick Kroll as Gunter the pig returning. The entire new voice cast of Sing 2 is absent, though pretty much every important character from the both movies appear, either as audience members of the play in the first half, or as dancing and singing pseudo-zombies in the second. This does include the Seth MacFarlane-voiced Mike the mouse, which would seem to confirm he was not brutally murdered by a bear at the end of the first movie. However, since he never says anything, nobody interacts with him, and this is a Halloween special, I say this is obviously his ghost haunting the theater. Finally, Garth Jennings returns as director and writer, as well as voicing the lizard Miss Crawly.
This is much like Disney's Zootopia+; fun, but hardly necessary viewing. If you liked the Sing movies, have a Netflix subscription and about a quarter hour of free time, it's worth checking out. Note that I originally meant to make this a double feature review with another Netflix Halloween furry movie spinoff short, The Bad Guys: Haunted Heist, but it isn't available on my $6.99 a month, ad-based subscription – and it's probably on the same level, so I decided Sing: Thriller was all the TV-Y "fear" I could take for the time being.

About the author
2cross2affliction (Brendan Kachel) — read stories — contact (login required)a red fox
New teeth. That's weird.
that chick ash is kinda hot but she's also a hoe
That's a very striking comment.
Aren't you furries all gay?
Also, calling women hoes is terrible. I suppose you're racist too
So did you have a good Thanksgiving, Joe?
(I'm going to call you Joe, okay.)
Edit: I guess you might not be American. If that's the case, did you have a nice last Thursday?
Listen, I'm not gay. When it comes down to who I wanna have fun with, date, maybe marry and have a kid with one day, that's gonna be a woman, every time... BUT... Is it not possible to, a certain degree, be not homosexual, but ANTHROsexual?! How are you gonna think you, as an anthro, would be sexy, and not find other anthros sexy? We are sex gods. Ancient gods all fucked! And they were also fiction, pretty nuts, eh! My impossible fantasies are so gay.
sounds pretty gay
IKR, but I like women too, which also now makes me gay. So what the fuck am I going to do? I have to be some kind of gay, I might as well be just impossible fantasy gay. Also, I'd put money on some of the same ones making some of this shit up being closet gay, but just for Jesus, even when it's just in a mild bro-crush kind of way (it's the way some of them write about and depict him, it gives it away.) And that's another impossible fantasy, right? They're not that different, they just don't wanna admit it.
This short came across as quintessential Illumination, but in all the worst ways. It has all the gloss and pop that a Universal budget can afford, but none of the ambition or creativity. It's like a licensed game of old in many ways - not good on its own, but notable because it's Thriller. An okay at best effort from a studio with the means to do much better.
If they were going to have a dancing troupe of "zombies" torment Buster Moon in his dreams, they could at least have let Jimmy Crystal or his best friend from the first movie lead the charge. There are several characters that have been screwed over by this morally bankrupt koala and this could have been a manifestation of his guilty subconscious. It would have given the short some narrative weight in the absence of the Thriller plotline. Also, kind of weird that something based on the famous zombie dance video didn't have the cast as actual zombies. Then again, turning the characters would have required time and money.
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